确实,美国血浆产业也是这次才学习到的。。 一查数据吓死个人。。 US supplies about 70% of the world's plasma needs. In 2023 alone, the US pulled in a staggering $37 billion from blood product exports. 堂堂超级大国,每年靠卖血卖了370亿美元。。。 那么大的产业规模,背后得有多少人卖血才能支撑?
确实,美国血浆产业也是这次才学习到的。。 一查数据吓死个人。。 US supplies about 70% of the world's plasma needs. In 2023 alone, the US pulled in a staggering $37 billion from blood product exports. 堂堂超级大国,每年靠卖血卖了370亿美元。。。 那么大的产业规模,背后得有多少人卖血才能支撑?
US supplies about 70% of the world's plasma needs. 😱
确实,美国血浆产业也是这次才学习到的。。 一查数据吓死个人。。 US supplies about 70% of the world's plasma needs. In 2023 alone, the US pulled in a staggering $37 billion from blood product exports. 堂堂超级大国,每年靠卖血卖了370亿美元。。。 那么大的产业规模,背后得有多少人卖血才能支撑?
Qualifications for Plasma Donation and What to Expect When Donating Medically Reviewed by Zilpah Sheikh, MD on October 08, 2023Written by Christine Loconti Is Donating Plasma Safe?Does donating plasma hurt?Am I Qualified to Donate Plasma?How Do I Prepare to Donate Plasma? 3 min read Donating plasma is an important, voluntary act that can help save lives. Like donated blood, your plasma is used in trauma situations in hospitals to help those in need. Plasma helps to stop bleeding during emergency situations. If you’re thinking about donating plasma, here’s what you need to know. Is Donating Plasma Safe? Donating plasma is similar to donating blood. As long as you donate in a certified center, donating plasma is completely safe. If you’re considering donating plasma, the first thing you should do is look for a center that is certified by the International Quality Plasma Program (IQPP). These centers are sterile and staffed by highly-trained professionals. All of the equipment that’s used in the plasma collection process is sterilized and cleaned after use. Any equipment that comes into contact with you as a donor is only used one time to ensure cleanliness and prevent the possibility of transmitting any kind of bloodborne pathogens. Does donating plasma hurt? Donating plasma shouldn’t hurt. Donating plasma should feel the same as a regular blood donation. You might feel a stinging sensation when the needle is inserted, but after that, the staff will do its best to make sure that you’re comfortable throughout the donation process. Am I Qualified to Donate Plasma? There are different requirements for the various types of blood donations. These requirements are put in place to guarantee your safety and health. In order to donate plasma, you must: Be at least 18 years old Be in good overall health Weigh 110 pounds or more (50 kilograms) Pass a medical screening Test negative for viruses that can be passed through blood, like HIV and hepatitis Complete a medical history screening Some states allow teens ages 16 or older to donate with the permission of a parent. The ideal blood types for plasma donation are AB positive and AB negative. You can donate plasma every 28 days, no more than 13 times in a year. There are those in high-risk groups who should not donate blood or plasma. They include people who have: Injected drugs or steroids not prescribed by a doctor within the last three months Tested positive for HIV Had close contact in the last 12 months with someone who had viral hepatitis A congenital blood clotting condition Babesiosis, a disease from ticks, or Chagas disease (a parasitic infection) RELATED: Kerendia: A CKD Breakthrough How Do I Prepare to Donate Plasma? On the day of your plasma donation appointment, make sure that you get some rest and have a healthy breakfast. You should drink lots of fluids, but avoid coffee, tea, and alcohol, as these drinks actually dehydrate you. Opt for water or juice instead. You should not eat anything oily or greasy before donating plasma since this can affect the quality of your plasma. How Do I Donate Plasma? It’s normal to feel a little nervous about donating plasma if you’ve never done it before. Here’s what to expect: Getting started. Before you donate plasma, you need to fill out a medical history form. This form may ask you about some behaviors that carry a higher risk of bloodborne viruses. Next, a staff member will give you a medical screening. This will check your pulse, blood pressure, and body temperature. A staff member will give you a finger-prick test that checks the levels of protein and hemoglobin in your blood. This is done each time that you donate plasma. How long does it take to donate plasma? In total, you can plan to spend about 90 minutes at your plasma donation appointment. This includes registration, screening, and donation. The donation itself takes about 25 minutes. After you’ve finished the screening process, you’ll sit back in a reclining chair, and a pressure cuff or tourniquet will be put around your arm to help find your veins. The pressure also helps to fill up the donation bag faster. A trained staff member will then place the needle into your arm using clean, sterile equipment. During this time you can relax, listen to music, or watch videos to pass the time. Once you’ve finished the donation process, you should have a snack and drink some fluids. This is often provided to you at the donation center. You should avoid any heavy lifting or strenuous exercise for the rest of the day to let yourself recover.
mmbluesky 发表于 2025-01-18 17:21 我搜了一下,中西部很多州都有。所有学生都有免费午餐的只有California, Colorado, Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Mexico, and Vermont. 这几天看小红书真是开了眼了,美国人真的太能忍了,这搁中国肯定是要骂翻天的😂。
去搜了一下The national public school meal debt in the United States is estimated to be around $262 million per year. This debt is carried by millions of students who can't afford their school meals.真是每天都刷新认知,给天龙人少送几个武器就能解决
回复 1楼 Riverss 的帖子 我也是前几个月才知道那个是献血中心。我单位同事劳模也是去献血二次了。我问为什么,他说to get extra money to pay the bills. 他一次献血才50美元,如果第二次献血,就给60美元。美国的资本家太残忍了,为了赚钱对老百姓愚弄,吝啬。我当时就给他说了,不要去献血了,需要钱我借给你。
确实,美国血浆产业也是这次才学习到的。。 一查数据吓死个人。。 US supplies about 70% of the world's plasma needs. In 2023 alone, the US pulled in a staggering $37 billion from blood product exports. 堂堂超级大国,每年靠卖血卖了370亿美元。。。 那么大的产业规模,背后得有多少人卖血才能支撑?
gingersweets 发表于 2025-01-18 19:42 回复 1楼 Riverss 的帖子 我也是前几个月才知道那个是献血中心。我单位同事劳模也是去献血二次了。我问为什么,他说to get extra money to pay the bills. 他一次献血才50美元,如果第二次献血,就给60美元。美国的资本家太残忍了,为了赚钱对老百姓愚弄,吝啬。我当时就给他说了,不要去献血了,需要钱我借给你。
Q From the 1970s to the early 1990s, tens of thousands of people were infected with hepatitis C and HIV as a result of receiving infected blood or infected clotting factor products in the United Kingdom. Many of the products were imported from the United States, and distributed to patients by the National Health Service. Infected blood scandal in the United Kingdom - Wikipedia Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Infected_blood_scand...
How Did US Prisoner Blood Infect Thousands in the UK? Northeastern Global News https://news.northeastern.edu › 2024/05/24 › uk-conta... 24 May 2024 — Over 30000 victims of the contaminated blood scandal were given infected blood, mostly imported from the US, in the 1970s and 80s. UQ
确实,美国血浆产业也是这次才学习到的。。 一查数据吓死个人。。 US supplies about 70% of the world's plasma needs. In 2023 alone, the US pulled in a staggering $37 billion from blood product exports. 堂堂超级大国,每年靠卖血卖了370亿美元。。。 那么大的产业规模,背后得有多少人卖血才能支撑?
🔥 最新回帖
话说回来,无偿捐血的话其实更惨啊,捐血的时候不是宣传捐血不会伤害身体吗? 那穷人去卖血补贴一下家用,其实也不错啊。
🛋️ 沙发板凳
卧槽哪个州 我在美国十几年 东部西部南部都呆过 真的第一次听说
确实,美国血浆产业也是这次才学习到的。。 一查数据吓死个人。。
US supplies about 70% of the world's plasma needs. In 2023 alone, the US pulled in a staggering $37 billion from blood product exports. 堂堂超级大国,每年靠卖血卖了370亿美元。。。 那么大的产业规模,背后得有多少人卖血才能支撑?
US supplies about 70% of the world's plasma needs. 😱
不久前我的Nextdoor 上面一个善良的老人问大家捐自己不用了的手提电脑,他免费安装上Linux ,送到穷人孩子手中。他还让大家捐点小钱,为了陪那些电脑的充电线。他说他年轻的时候靠卖plasma的钱买充电线,现在老了,弄不了了。我肯定他不是骗子,老注册用户,有地址,而且后来和我们当地图书馆联系好了,大家可以把电脑放到图书馆,他去取。
当时就挺诧异的,没想到这个business 这么普遍,这么大规模。
这真没想到。 370亿美元 怎么分配的?有多少能落到献血者手里?
我开车经过CSL plasma,也不知道这是卖血中心啊!
昨天我也看到一个很吃惊的事实,说美国有午餐贷,就是家长付不起午餐的欠费,我一开始不信,美国公校午餐给低收入家庭都是免费的,怎么会有午餐贷,后来看到美国人贴的原始信息,发现是真的,就是比贫困线稍高的一些家庭付不起午餐钱,大家可以去搜一下lunch debt
人人有住房, 人人有UBI ,必须的。这样人人保证有基本生活。
我搜了一下,中西部很多州都有。所有学生都有免费午餐的只有California, Colorado, Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Mexico, and Vermont. 这几天看小红书真是开了眼了,美国人真的太能忍了,这搁中国肯定是要骂翻天的😂。
坐牢? 是要枪毙的
但是在美国,反正我是完全不知道。 这个才是真正的阶级隔离吧。
美国用房价,学校,公司工作 ,城市分区,完美实现了阶级隔离。你永远不知道另一个社区的真实生活。
李克强给前任背的黑锅,话说华人上不是很多高知吗,那应该医疗系统药物公司的人也不少,怎么这种卖血的事从来没提过,还有以前华人上一直说领food stamp的人去买龙虾,叫人家龙虾党,结果小红书上美国大妈还羡慕中国人能轻易吃上龙虾,什么时候华人说谎的毛病能改改,小到吹牛大到诈骗,润到美国,天天恨中,现在美国人自己现身说法,看那些人还怎么吹
3 min read Donating plasma is an important, voluntary act that can help save lives. Like donated blood, your plasma is used in trauma situations in hospitals to help those in need. Plasma helps to stop bleeding during emergency situations. If you’re thinking about donating plasma, here’s what you need to know.
Is Donating Plasma Safe? Donating plasma is similar to donating blood. As long as you donate in a certified center, donating plasma is completely safe. If you’re considering donating plasma, the first thing you should do is look for a center that is certified by the International Quality Plasma Program (IQPP). These centers are sterile and staffed by highly-trained professionals. All of the equipment that’s used in the plasma collection process is sterilized and cleaned after use. Any equipment that comes into contact with you as a donor is only used one time to ensure cleanliness and prevent the possibility of transmitting any kind of bloodborne pathogens.
Does donating plasma hurt? Donating plasma shouldn’t hurt. Donating plasma should feel the same as a regular blood donation. You might feel a stinging sensation when the needle is inserted, but after that, the staff will do its best to make sure that you’re comfortable throughout the donation process.
Am I Qualified to Donate Plasma? There are different requirements for the various types of blood donations. These requirements are put in place to guarantee your safety and health. In order to donate plasma, you must: Be at least 18 years old Be in good overall health Weigh 110 pounds or more (50 kilograms) Pass a medical screening Test negative for viruses that can be passed through blood, like HIV and hepatitis Complete a medical history screening
Some states allow teens ages 16 or older to donate with the permission of a parent. The ideal blood types for plasma donation are AB positive and AB negative. You can donate plasma every 28 days, no more than 13 times in a year. There are those in high-risk groups who should not donate blood or plasma. They include people who have: Injected drugs or steroids not prescribed by a doctor within the last three months Tested positive for HIV Had close contact in the last 12 months with someone who had viral hepatitis A congenital blood clotting condition Babesiosis, a disease from ticks, or Chagas disease (a parasitic infection) RELATED: Kerendia: A CKD Breakthrough
How Do I Prepare to Donate Plasma? On the day of your plasma donation appointment, make sure that you get some rest and have a healthy breakfast. You should drink lots of fluids, but avoid coffee, tea, and alcohol, as these drinks actually dehydrate you. Opt for water or juice instead. You should not eat anything oily or greasy before donating plasma since this can affect the quality of your plasma.
How Do I Donate Plasma? It’s normal to feel a little nervous about donating plasma if you’ve never done it before. Here’s what to expect: Getting started. Before you donate plasma, you need to fill out a medical history form. This form may ask you about some behaviors that carry a higher risk of bloodborne viruses. Next, a staff member will give you a medical screening. This will check your pulse, blood pressure, and body temperature. A staff member will give you a finger-prick test that checks the levels of protein and hemoglobin in your blood. This is done each time that you donate plasma. How long does it take to donate plasma? In total, you can plan to spend about 90 minutes at your plasma donation appointment. This includes registration, screening, and donation. The donation itself takes about 25 minutes. After you’ve finished the screening process, you’ll sit back in a reclining chair, and a pressure cuff or tourniquet will be put around your arm to help find your veins. The pressure also helps to fill up the donation bag faster. A trained staff member will then place the needle into your arm using clean, sterile equipment. During this time you can relax, listen to music, or watch videos to pass the time. Once you’ve finished the donation process, you should have a snack and drink some fluids. This is often provided to you at the donation center. You should avoid any heavy lifting or strenuous exercise for the rest of the day to let yourself recover.
去搜了一下The national public school meal debt in the United States is estimated to be around $262 million per year. This debt is carried by millions of students who can't afford their school meals.真是每天都刷新认知,给天龙人少送几个武器就能解决
我以为是中国那种性质献爱心 真没想到这是这么多天我最震惊消息
我也是前几个月才知道那个是献血中心。我单位同事劳模也是去献血二次了。我问为什么,他说to get extra money to pay the bills. 他一次献血才50美元,如果第二次献血,就给60美元。美国的资本家太残忍了,为了赚钱对老百姓愚弄,吝啬。我当时就给他说了,不要去献血了,需要钱我借给你。
我也是... 可能我们华人接触的的人不够广... 而且相比之下 也是衣食无忧的
真的无语 吃完奶骂娘
看过的电视剧里感觉最惨的是Chris Rock,看之前前都不知道黑人街区的小孩能平安长大混到高中毕业都无比艰难。那里面也没印象有人卖血
How Did US Prisoner Blood Infect Thousands in the UK? Northeastern Global News https://news.northeastern.edu › 2024/05/24 › uk-conta... 24 May 2024 — Over 30000 victims of the contaminated blood scandal were given infected blood, mostly imported from the US, in the 1970s and 80s. UQ
很多学生不选。 我非常担心这个,一大批人没有基本的物理常识,不知道触电。
Plasma center是盈利组织的,取donor的plasma 用来做血浆制品的,因为后续步骤里可以灭活病毒,所以相对来说对donor的screen没有那么严格。
你不知道是因为你很少看美国新闻媒体吧? 我听广播有听到过介绍这情况的
我每天上班路上听新闻 确实没听到过
美国竟然从在押囚犯和吸毒者身上抽血,制成血浆销往国外。。 结果英国购买了这批有污染的血浆,最终有3万英国人感染艾滋病和丙型肝炎,其中3000多人死亡。。
律师确实是高收入,一小时最便宜的也要3,4 百。