Churchill’s cigar was ever present. I held out an ashtray, but he would not dispose of it. I went back to my camera and made sure that everything was all right technically. I waited; he continued to chomp vigorously at his cigar. I waited. Then I stepped toward him and, without premeditation, but ever so respectfully, I said, “Forgive me, sir,” and plucked the cigar out of his mouth. By the time I got back to my camera, he looked so belligerent he could have devoured me. It was at that instant that I took the photograph.
By plucking the cigar from Churchill’s mouth without permission, Karsh was able to “make” the photo by eliciting a fantastic pose and facial expression from the great leader.
MAGA的奇葩G点决定的 由此可见MAGA都是群什么垃圾
这张P都鞋拔子嘴 我的第一反应是: 卧槽 朱元璋穿越了?
🤣🤣🤣 哈哈哈,你太有才了!把你顶到高赞👍👍
摄影师给丘吉尔摆姿势的时候,首相点燃了一支雪茄猛抽几口。摄影师急眼了一手把雪茄夺下。丘吉尔正要发怒的时候按下了快门。于是这张照片成为二战英伦牛犬(English bulldog)的写照。
By plucking the cigar from Churchill’s mouth without permission, Karsh was able to “make” the photo by eliciting a fantastic pose and facial expression from the great leader.