确实都在骂他:https://www.reddit.com/r/themayormccheese/comments/1i07z87/elon_musk_attempted_to_bring_up_false_claims/ It’s both funny and tragic how he has to insert himself into everything topical with his surface level understanding of a problem he’s decided exists. He’s like that archetypal know-it-all that gets schooled on a subject online by someone with actual experience, and then disappears without ever acknowledging they were flat out wrong, only to reappear again when another big thing happens. Except obviously the difference is that he has so much money that the whole world is forced to hear about it.
回复 1楼 daggg 的帖子 palisades has no cell coverage. he is deploying starlink for firefighters with his cybertrucks, all for free. anything wrong with that?
frogette 发表于 2025-01-13 13:29 回复 1楼 daggg 的帖子 palisades has no cell coverage. he is deploying starlink for firefighters with his cybertrucks, all for free. anything wrong with that?
Fact Check过没有? 哪里有这个骂 "full of shit" video, 怎么没有搜到?看到就是很正常平和的访谈? "If we have one building burning, we could flow 1000 gallons a minute... you can imagine 1,000 gallons per house, we couldn't do [it]," he said. "There really is no water system that's going to keep that pace." "We were flowing an amount of water that the system couldn't hold," he added, "just because of the amount of water these firefighters were utilizing."
xiaohetiao 发表于 2025-01-13 15:38 一个邻居恰好那时候在getty center, 亲眼目睹火势一开始不大,风也不大,直升机在空中转圈,没人救火,拖到下午,风大火大,局势不可控了。 fire department 的DEI hire 们和市长头一个要为这次大火负责。纽森之流也难辞其咎
“每日邮报”12日报导,在川普第一任白宫任职的班农接受义大利报纸“晚邮报”(Corriere della Sera)访问,该篇文章由保守派网站布莱巴特新闻网(Breitbart News)翻译。班农表示,马斯克是一个真正邪恶、非常坏的人,“打倒这个家伙是我自己的主意。以前因为他投入了钱,所以我容忍,现在我不想再忍受了…(马斯克)不会获得白宫的蓝色通行证(blue pass,可自由进出西厢),他将无法完全进入白宫,他将和其他一般人没什么两样。”
xiaohetiao 发表于 2025-01-13 15:38 一个邻居恰好那时候在getty center, 亲眼目睹火势一开始不大,风也不大,直升机在空中转圈,没人救火,拖到下午,风大火大,局势不可控了。 fire department 的DEI hire 们和市长头一个要为这次大火负责。纽森之流也难辞其咎
xiaohetiao 发表于 2025-01-13 15:38 一个邻居恰好那时候在getty center, 亲眼目睹火势一开始不大,风也不大,直升机在空中转圈,没人救火,拖到下午,风大火大,局势不可控了。 fire department 的DEI hire 们和市长头一个要为这次大火负责。纽森之流也难辞其咎
??? 你邻居是不是记错了?! Palisade 那边怎么可能是gettt center 看得到的? 你看下地图getty center 在哪和palisade 在哪先? 而且起火的那天风非常非常的大。 什么叫风不大。正因为风大。天上倒水,每两秒就吹跑了。所以才没一开始用上air attack. 但Street support 是有的。 建议你别啥都信,用下critical thinking 再传播好不好?
你有啥critical thinking? 刚开始的时候火势有多大这里的新闻有描述,还有当地人拍的起火开始的视频。你自己看呗。你邻居说啥就是啥。我看你邻居是大统领吧。 https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/pacific-palisades-highlands-fire-first-hours-rcna187156 NBC News spoke to nearly a dozen people who witnessed the Palisades Fire’s early stages on the morning of Jan. 7 and watched it grow and move faster than any they had ever seen, leaving a path of ruin they did not think possible — even in a place where wildfires are a part of life. Firefighters soon raced in, sirens blaring. On radios, they described it as a 10-acre brush fire on a ridgeline, and they planned to deploy aircraft to soak the rising flames. It was just after 10:30 a.m. The danger was already clear. “It is 100% in alignment with the wind. It has the potential for 200-plus acres in the next 20 minutes,” one person reported over the Los Angeles County Fire Department’s radio, according to a recording. “We have a potential for structures being threatened in the next 20 minutes.” Someone responded: “It is pushing directly towards Palisades.” A few seconds later, he added: “This thing is going to make a good run.”
melrose 发表于 2025-01-13 15:58 Fact Check过没有? 哪里有这个骂 "full of shit" video, 怎么没有搜到?看到就是很正常平和的访谈? "If we have one building burning, we could flow 1000 gallons a minute... you can imagine 1,000 gallons per house, we couldn't do [it]," he said. "There really is no water system that's going to keep that pace." "We were flowing an amount of water that the system couldn't hold," he added, "just because of the amount of water these firefighters were utilizing."
消防员摆事实讲道理的意思就是,you know nothing. You are full of shit. You are wasting my time. 全城的消防员都忙着救火,还要专门抽出时间面对傻逼的质疑,马斯克何德何能,就因为买了个X?
你有啥critical thinking? 刚开始的时候火势有多大这里的新闻有描述,还有当地人拍的起火开始的视频。你自己看呗。你邻居说啥就是啥。我看你邻居是大统领吧。 https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/pacific-palisades-highlands-fire-first-hours-rcna187156 NBC News spoke to nearly a dozen people who witnessed the Palisades Fire’s early stages on the morning of Jan. 7 and watched it grow and move faster than any they had ever seen, leaving a path of ruin they did not think possible — even in a place where wildfires are a part of life. Firefighters soon raced in, sirens blaring. On radios, they described it as a 10-acre brush fire on a ridgeline, and they planned to deploy aircraft to soak the rising flames. It was just after 10:30 a.m. The danger was already clear. “It is 100% in alignment with the wind. It has the potential for 200-plus acres in the next 20 minutes,” one person reported over the Los Angeles County Fire Department’s radio, according to a recording. “We have a potential for structures being threatened in the next 20 minutes.” Someone responded: “It is pushing directly towards Palisades.” A few seconds later, he added: “This thing is going to make a good run.” Lemm 发表于 2025-01-13 18:54
你这个video 明显风不大,火也不算大,fire department 为啥不立刻上阻燃剂? 正好看到这篇 https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=3078396
xiaohetiao 发表于 2025-01-13 15:38 一个邻居恰好那时候在getty center, 亲眼目睹火势一开始不大,风也不大,直升机在空中转圈,没人救火,拖到下午,风大火大,局势不可控了。 fire department 的DEI hire 们和市长头一个要为这次大火负责。纽森之流也难辞其咎
🔥 最新回帖
他就是希望天下大乱他好捞钱啊。 前阵子还干预英国法国政治呢
🛋️ 沙发板凳
加州的山火本来就有 天灾加人祸(民主党政府的防治不当)
palisades救援一天后水压不够,当地消防栓取不出水,但是附近水源充足,Encino和bel air reservoir都提供充足的水源,火往东烧的时候,街区的消防栓有水,每家每户都有泳池,消防队直接就近从泳池取水。Eaton fire更没有任何水源的问题。
加州当地人都知道那风速下,什么救火都是徒劳的, 用消防栓救山火野火是多么苍白无力的。马斯克以为这次可以掀起当地加州人恨纽森的热潮, 却backfire了,事实是人人更恨他马斯克了,天天造谣撒谎,马斯克下场不会好。
不是情商不行,实心眼坏。 情商不行,就没法儿把trump和习主席舔的这么柔顺。
It’s both funny and tragic how he has to insert himself into everything topical with his surface level understanding of a problem he’s decided exists. He’s like that archetypal know-it-all that gets schooled on a subject online by someone with actual experience, and then disappears without ever acknowledging they were flat out wrong, only to reappear again when another big thing happens. Except obviously the difference is that he has so much money that the whole world is forced to hear about it.
没错!清空了tsla! 自以为是的渣男!
他就是靠政府扶持起家的 现在翅膀硬了开始砍政府 生怕将来有人跟他一样从政府那里获益
马孙子一贯如此, 2018年泰国救被困溶洞的孩子那次, 也是乘机宣传自己的所谓救人潜水艇, 后边被专家说马的潜水艇没啥用, 然后就辱骂这个专家. 后边还有官司.
Musk 这厮搞公司还不错 但是现在用X控制言论,散播谣言,真是恶心。
Musk 是美国国家工程院院士。 你觉得他懂个屁的技术,不妨向工程院反映一下,剥夺他院士头衔。 一个人优秀的一面要承认,恶心的一面也要承认。
palisades has no cell coverage. he is deploying starlink for firefighters with his cybertrucks, all for free. anything wrong with that?
然后没脑子的说看马斯克都去德州了,可见你们加州多烂。 真心希望川粉们离开加州,让我们加州继续烂下去吧。以及多听你们大统领的话生病就喝消毒水,这个世界就清净了!
美国工程学院是荣誉而非学术水平称号,2700人里不少不是搞技术工作的 乔布斯上过半年大学,学习英语美术字。一样是美国工程学院院士
一个邻居恰好那时候在getty center, 亲眼目睹火势一开始不大,风也不大,直升机在空中转圈,没人救火,拖到下午,风大火大,局势不可控了。 fire department 的DEI hire 们和市长头一个要为这次大火负责。纽森之流也难辞其咎
You’re attributing ulterior motives to Musk, which is fine, but I think what’s more important is watching the results of a public figure’s actions.
"If we have one building burning, we could flow 1000 gallons a minute... you can imagine 1,000 gallons per house, we couldn't do [it]," he said. "There really is no water system that's going to keep that pace."
"We were flowing an amount of water that the system couldn't hold," he added, "just because of the amount of water these firefighters were utilizing."
造谣就全凭川粉一张嘴!你邻居在Getty center看到起火点了,赶紧联系媒体去!
“每日邮报”12日报导,在川普第一任白宫任职的班农接受义大利报纸“晚邮报”(Corriere della Sera)访问,该篇文章由保守派网站布莱巴特新闻网(Breitbart News)翻译。班农表示,马斯克是一个真正邪恶、非常坏的人,“打倒这个家伙是我自己的主意。以前因为他投入了钱,所以我容忍,现在我不想再忍受了…(马斯克)不会获得白宫的蓝色通行证(blue pass,可自由进出西厢),他将无法完全进入白宫,他将和其他一般人没什么两样。”
班农的不满来自H-1B工作签证争议,马斯克呼吁多为外国高科技人才发放此签证。班农说H-1B签证这件事,透露出整个移民系统都被科技业霸主操纵了,这些富豪利用它来谋取利益,而人们对此非常愤怒。“在硅谷工作的工程师中有76%不是美国人,非裔或西班牙裔也没有这些工作,他们无法获得这些工作。提尔(Peter Thiel)、萨克斯(David Sachs),还有马斯克都是南非白人。”
哈哈哈, 喜闻乐见, 两个种族主义者互喷。
你邻居添油加醋吧,Getty center在山的另一头,405边上,不是一开始的着火点
在谣言满天飞的时代建议大家都看local news, 特别离谱的事要多方求证, 不然就成了散布谣言了。 虽然Musk 现在到处都惹人烦, 但骂他full of shit 的video 到底在哪?
关于Getty Center, 周六火扩大到了mandeville canyon, 距离405 以西的Getty Center 非常近, 405 以东的UCLA都收到了Evacuation Warning, 附近是大批密集的居民区非常危险, 还好那天风不大, 多架飞机强力灭火控制住了。
她能看见天上有直升机,未必能看见地下的救火队,就一口咬定没人救火。拜托看一下地图找找Getty center在哪里。天上的直升机那是电视台报新闻的。除非她有一个会拐弯的望远镜才能翻过mountain看山那边。😂
他说的是加州民主党的坏话。 加州民主党确实坏,腐败无能
她在getty center 山上看到 Palisades 着火。
火蔓延到Getty center附近那是周五晚上,她明明说的是周二火刚起的时候没人救火。那时候你能站在Getty center看到没人救火?
那为什么还大片大片的房屋被烧毁呢? 为什么没有事先就预防好呢?
??? 你邻居是不是记错了?! Palisade 那边怎么可能是gettt center 看得到的?
你看下地图getty center 在哪和palisade 在哪先? 而且起火的那天风非常非常的大。 什么叫风不大。正因为风大。天上倒水,每两秒就吹跑了。所以才没一开始用上air attack. 但Street support 是有的。 建议你别啥都信,用下critical thinking 再传播好不好?
她的意思应该是天上没有直升机救火,而且一开始火势不大,看上去完全可控。 我们听到说消防栓水压不够,etc, 不就是可能的原因吗? 现在政府被骂,不就是预防工作做得差吗?
可是为什么就没有人为的隔离带保护更多的房子不被烧呢? 政府和救火部门真的一点责任没有?
啥意思,一个是山头,一个是海边,海边在冒烟,山头为啥看不见? 人家亲身经历,没有编造的理由 你的critical thinking 我们都亲眼目睹了好吧
你有啥critical thinking? 刚开始的时候火势有多大这里的新闻有描述,还有当地人拍的起火开始的视频。你自己看呗。你邻居说啥就是啥。我看你邻居是大统领吧。 https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/pacific-palisades-highlands-fire-first-hours-rcna187156
NBC News spoke to nearly a dozen people who witnessed the Palisades Fire’s early stages on the morning of Jan. 7 and watched it grow and move faster than any they had ever seen, leaving a path of ruin they did not think possible — even in a place where wildfires are a part of life.
Firefighters soon raced in, sirens blaring. On radios, they described it as a 10-acre brush fire on a ridgeline, and they planned to deploy aircraft to soak the rising flames. It was just after 10:30 a.m. The danger was already clear. “It is 100% in alignment with the wind. It has the potential for 200-plus acres in the next 20 minutes,” one person reported over the Los Angeles County Fire Department’s radio, according to a recording. “We have a potential for structures being threatened in the next 20 minutes.” Someone responded: “It is pushing directly towards Palisades.” A few seconds later, he added: “This thing is going to make a good run.”
消防员摆事实讲道理的意思就是,you know nothing. You are full of shit. You are wasting my time. 全城的消防员都忙着救火,还要专门抽出时间面对傻逼的质疑,马斯克何德何能,就因为买了个X?
你这个video 明显风不大,火也不算大,fire department 为啥不立刻上阻燃剂? 正好看到这篇 https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=3078396
明明是洛杉矶county 各种管理不当造成的
美国国家工程院院士这一头衔,更多的是荣誉而非实际学术称号。 美国国家工程院本身是一个非营利性NGO,所谓的院士,其实更像是一个“会员”,本身就没啥含金量好吧
- PG&E捐款阻止Gavin Newsom的召回
- Gavin Newsom聘請了前PG&E員工擔任加州公用事業委員會
- PG&E也花錢讓Gavin Newsom在2018年當選
- PG&E向Gavin Newsom和他的妻子支付了超過70萬美元的額外款項
- PG&E向加州民主黨人提供鉅額捐款的歷史悠久
除此之外,Joe Biden在3個半星期前向PG&E提供了前所未有的150億美元鉅額貸款
真受不了,多少个人告诉你Getty center在山的另外一边,看不到着火处。你是以为就一座山吗?那是连绵的山脉,Getty center无论是直线距离还是高度都远着呢,中间隔了十几道山峦。
你怎么知道没有做隔离带?加州prescribed burn 21年就接近120k acre,23年比21年几乎翻倍。这是不包括私人土地。
只要到不了黄右手里 都是浪费了纳税人的钱
Getty center着火了?!