
楼主 (北美华人网)
昨天,我发了帖子,中国昨天获得了适航证,其实我也是很楞,信息来源是哪里。 后来我求救了Chat GPT,他告诉我, 去年5月签的适航证双边协议,今年开始实施,所以就是为什么今年第一周第一星期一获得了适航证。

我找到了加拿大的原文。 https://tc.canada.ca/en/aviation/aircraft-airworthiness/international-agreements-arrangements/technical-arrangement-china
Bilateral aviation technical arrangement between the Department of Transport of Canada and the Civil Aviation Administration of China on civil aeronautical products design approval, production approval, export airworthiness approval and post design approval activities 主要内容有 适航证认可(Airworthiness Certification Recognition): 加拿大与中国之间的适航证(如型号合格证、出口适航证等)互认条款。 确保双方认可彼此颁发的适航证书。 航空产品的设计、制造和维护要求: 对于飞机、发动机或航空零部件的设计、生产和维修规定的协调。 合规评估程序(Compliance Assessment Procedures): 确保航空产品符合双方商定的技术要求。 文件签发和流程管理: 如何签发出口适航证(Export Airworthiness Certificates)。 产品交付时所需的技术文件。

Purpose and Scope 2. Export Airworthiness Approval 7. Continued Airworthiness Support Activities

只要CAAC,就是中国民航认证机构,给了C919适航证,那么自己获得加拿大适航证。 把相关文档问了chat gpt也得到了肯定的答复

所以,只要加拿大官方不特意提出反对,比如国家安全,经济安全或者贸易制裁, 那么中国民航给与CAAC的普通飞行(飞特许实验)适航证,自动获取加拿大和澳大利亚的适航证。
其中CAAC的 CCAR-135的认证是2024年12月30日颁发的,我估计和这个证关系最大。
The Airworthiness Certification Recognition clause in the Bilateral Aviation Technical Arrangement (BATA) between Canada and China does simplify the process of approving aircraft, but it does not guarantee automatic approval for commercial operations in Canada. Here’s why: What the Airworthiness Certification Recognition Means: Streamlining Certification: The BATA allows for mutual recognition of certain airworthiness certifications, reducing the redundancy of evaluations by Transport Canada Civil Aviation (TCCA) and the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC). For example, Transport Canada may accept some technical data and testing already approved by CAAC for the C919, provided they align with Canadian standards. Compliance Review: While the BATA can simplify the process, Transport Canada must still conduct its own evaluation to ensure that the aircraft fully meets Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs) and any specific operational or safety standards. Why the C919 Isn’t Automatically Approved: Differences in Regulatory Standards: While the CAAC’s certification process is rigorous, Canadian aviation standards may differ in areas like safety equipment, avionics, pilot training, or maintenance protocols. TCCA would need to confirm that the C919 complies with Canadian-specific airworthiness requirements. Bilateral Agreement Limitations: The BATA does not cover automatic acceptance for large, new transport aircraft like the C919. These require a detailed technical review. The recognition of airworthiness certificates is typically easier for smaller aircraft or components, not complex, newly-developed airliners. New Aircraft Certification: The C919 is a new aircraft type that has not been widely certified outside of China. Transport Canada would likely conduct additional evaluations or require a Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) before permitting commercial operations in Canadian airspace.