为什么近年加州山火频发? Answer from one Al tool.

楼主 (北美华人网)
最近加州房屋保险公司各种操作, 为了 涨价 查了一下
由于近年山火频发,保险公司损失大, 但是州保险局不让涨价。。。
为什么近年山火频发,以前没有这个问题? Here is the answer from one Al tool.  Viewer's discretion advised.
“The difference in forest management approaches between Governor Jerry Brown and Governor Gavin Newsom is notable. Brown's administration took proactive steps, issuing an executive order in 2018 to increase forest thinning, controlled burns, and reforestation efforts.¹ This approach acknowledged the importance of managing forests to reduce wildfire risks.
In contrast, Newsom's administration has been criticized for not doing enough to address the root causes of wildfires. While Newsom has emphasized the role of climate change in exacerbating wildfires, some argue that his administration's policies have not adequately addressed the need for proactive forest management.
Specifically, Newsom's administration has been accused of neglecting the state's timber industry, biomass industry, and cattle industry, which are all critical components of effective forest management. Instead, the focus has been on measures like electric car mandates, which, while well-intentioned, do not directly address the forest management issues contributing to wildfires.”