American man reveals Indian CEO took over a firm, booted out founders, hired Indians. Post goes viral amid H1B visa debate Agencies According to the allegations, the CEO ousted the company’s original founders and replaced key leadership positions with a C-suite dominated by Indian professionals. Synopsis Debates about Indian immigrants in the U.S. tech sector surged after a viral post by a U.S. attorney. The post accused an Indian CEO of mismanagement, ousting founders, and replacing top executives with Indians, sparking heated social media discussions about workplace practices, equity, and cultural dynamics in corporate America. The ongoing discourse surrounding Indian immigrants, particularly those in the technology sector within the United States, has intensified following a viral post by a U.S. attorney. This post, which has sparked heated debates across social media platforms, accused an Indian CEO of mismanaging a company, displacing its founders, and reshaping its leadership team predominantly with Indian executives. The attorney’s post detailed claims against the CEO, who allegedly took over a company acquired by a private equity firm. According to the allegations, the CEO ousted the company’s original founders and replaced key leadership positions with a C-suite dominated by Indian professionals. Additionally, the attorney asserted that the CEO leveraged the COVID-19 pandemic as a pretext to implement a 10% temporary pay reduction for employees and halted all promotions. Further accusations included the CEO’s decision to lay off 15% of the workforce, targeting experienced employees, and shutting down a satellite office. The attorney claimed the associated work was outsourced to India, which reportedly disrupted the company’s culture, decreased client satisfaction, and increased the workload for remaining employees.
The post, since its publication, has amassed over 8 million views and sparked widespread discussions. Many users on X (formerly Twitter) shared their personal experiences, alleging similar practices by Indian executives in high-ranking positions. These anecdotes highlighted concerns about biased hiring practices and job losses among American employees, further fueling the ongoing debate about immigration and workplace equity in the tech industry. This incident underscores the complexities of immigration dynamics, corporate governance, and diversity in the workplace, offering a lens through which broader issues of inclusion and fairness are being scrutinized in professional environments. “My ex worked for IBM and they would send employees to India to train their replacements,” revealed one X user. “Same thing happened at my company. The Indian CEO came in and overnight basically all of the US and European middle management was nuked. The office in India got 5 times bigger. All the talent left was pulling their hair out trying to explain how everything works to the new teams. Who then proceeded to implement 'improvements' that pushed their work back to Europe and made everything easier for them? The European teams are still delivering everything but it's harder now,” lamented another.
The ongoing discourse surrounding Indian immigrants, particularly those in the technology sector within the United States, has intensified following a viral post by a U.S. attorney. This post, which has sparked heated debates across social media platforms, accused an Indian CEO of mismanaging a company, displacing its founders, and reshaping its leadership team predominantly with Indian executives.
The attorney’s post detailed claims against the CEO, who allegedly took over a company acquired by a private equity firm. According to the allegations, the CEO ousted the company’s original founders and replaced key leadership positions with a C-suite dominated by Indian professionals. Additionally, the attorney asserted that the CEO leveraged the COVID-19 pandemic as a pretext to implement a 10% temporary pay reduction for employees and halted all promotions.
Further accusations included the CEO’s decision to lay off 15% of the workforce, targeting experienced employees, and shutting down a satellite office. The attorney claimed the associated work was outsourced to India, which reportedly disrupted the company’s culture, decreased client satisfaction, and increased the workload for remaining employees.
The post, since its publication, has amassed over 8 million views and sparked widespread discussions. Many users on X (formerly Twitter) shared their personal experiences, alleging similar practices by Indian executives in high-ranking positions. These anecdotes highlighted concerns about biased hiring practices and job losses among American employees, further fueling the ongoing debate about immigration and workplace equity in the tech industry.
This incident underscores the complexities of immigration dynamics, corporate governance, and diversity in the workplace, offering a lens through which broader issues of inclusion and fairness are being scrutinized in professional environments.
“My ex worked for IBM and they would send employees to India to train their replacements,” revealed one X user.
“Same thing happened at my company. The Indian CEO came in and overnight basically all of the US and European middle management was nuked. The office in India got 5 times bigger. All the talent left was pulling their hair out trying to explain how everything works to the new teams. Who then proceeded to implement 'improvements' that pushed their work back to Europe and made everything easier for them? The European teams are still delivering everything but it's harder now,” lamented another.
昨天给网络公司客服打电话, 印度男客服, 那态度, 让我好生气哦
梅西客服 也都是印度人
当然多曝光还是好事,现在 IT 其他族裔的生存环境也被印度人挤占得越来越艰难了,多曝光以后能引起部分中高层的警惕,雇佣时给其他族裔一些生存空间就是功德无量了
看看人家,难怪烙印发展的好;再看看华人,不说别的,出了个谷爱龄,版上大妈嫉妒的眼睛都绿了; 出了华人教授,版上大妈纷纷检举,恨不得其它华人都被踩到脚底,才能凸显大妈们的“成功”。。。
只会骗中国人钱算什么本事 关键还只跟白朋友混 中国人是她的提款机吗 印度裔CEO是拿老美当提款机 坑了一家又一家 还拉着印度兄弟鸡犬升天 完全相反的逻辑 你是拿了谷家钱吧
烙印一小撮高层就是那样当社会掠食者。 现在他们要掠食全球,全球即将被他们搞成一团屎样。
哈哈哈哈,就怕以后nathan 也回国捞钱,啪啪打你脸。。。
我上一份工作, 组里原本都是美国人和中国人, 后来进来一个印度人, 不干活但是特别会在背后跟上层套近乎, 显得特别有远见卓识, 后来我们组长调走了, 印度人当了组长, 一口气招了3个印度人, 然后说要 build the team, 让我们带着印度人做项目, 只要出了任何错误, 都是我们的错误(没有带好新人), 项目做完了, 都是新人努力学习聪明伶俐上手快需要升职的理由。几个美国人比较聪明, 赶紧先跳走了, 我和另外一个中国人后来也醒悟过来赶紧走了。剩下4个中国人还心存幻想以为安分工作就行, 结果年底一锅端, 全部裁掉了。前后不到两年时间。现在全组都是印度人。大清洗之坚决果断, 不经历是不能想象的。咱就是韭菜, 不该跟白人和资本家共情, 但是烙印是野草, 有野草的地方连韭菜都不长。
Nathan和谷不一样,至少现在不可能去中国发展。一是本人不亲中成长背景和中国也没什么紧密联系(虽然父母都是中国大陆移民),我记得采访时说过一些抨击ccp 的话,二是他外形条件一般就算去中国发展商业价值也不大,三是他是代表美国拿奥冠的啊有几个美国队冠军跑去中国代言了?谷要是冬奥代表美国在国内也无人在意。
Walmart 和药店印度脸孔的工作人员非常多,几乎看不见亚洲面孔。
会说, 会高屋建瓴的画大饼, 他们会有 strategic initiatives, 先忽悠高层投资, 然后一直做不出来, 原因只能是投入不够, 于是忽悠着继续投资。钱越投越多, 于是他的leverage越来越大, 不继续投资前面的钱就打水漂了嘛! 而他这个总设计师更是劳苦功高。美国高层如果不hands-on, 很容易被越套越深。
而且善于诡辩, 抢功劳和摔锅都是一流的。我前公司的IT早就是烙印的天下, 做什么都要很多钱很多时间, 我们质疑他们, 他们就说是因为我们business没有给他们足够的 support, 所以才会效率低下, 这不明明是因果关系颠倒了吗?
烙印渗透和清洗是早在美印联盟之前就开始了, 他们是真的手段厉害, 完全不在意 decency, 中国的书呆子和美国的傻白甜在他们面前都是弱智
印度人占H1B的78%,华人拿了美国的硕士博士也抽不到签,印度阿猫阿狗重复抽签随便拿H1B, 印度经理PIP都是针对华人先开刀。华人面试都祈祷不要遇到印度人,华人和印度人没法共情. 印度人拉帮结派,任人唯亲把美国职场文化搞的一团糟,乐见他们被maga搞
资本故意的,打工的美国人知道,打工的移民知道,资本也知道。但是恶人需要人做,记得英国人就喜欢用,或培养印度管家。中国人聪明,勤劳,好用,但是。。。。。不听话,白人也一样。。。所以用印度人来管理各种肤色的牛马 (包括白牛马)。
说曹操曹操就到 你这种只会窝里横的人渣不除, 华人群体永无出头之日
现在还有客服不是Indian么? 最近联系过的ups,macys,sams credit 清一色 Indian
Blick Art Supply 我打过一次客服, 是美国口音
华人移民是韭菜 印度移民是野草 野草越长越旺, 韭菜长不了
我们公司一个烙印报对了未来ceo的大腿,未来ceo升职到公司二把手以后提拔了他接替,他一上任就从二十多个director 里面提拔了唯一的一个印度老头接替他当了president.其它的directors一水的白南白女。有几个立刻宣布退休了,就是不愿意report給这个烙印。问题是这个印度老头已经65岁了。。。
你确定自己不是高级黑 都到丧心病狂了