We did it! We tested 300 Bay Area foods for plastic chemicals. We found some interesting surprises.
Top 5 findings in our test results:
1. Our tests found plastic chemicals in 86% of all foods, with phthalates in 73% of the tested products and bisphenols in 22%. It's… https://t.co/RwPJ6367uA — Nat Friedman (@natfriedman) December 27, 2024
我看这结果就是用来黑波霸的。里面波霸查了很多次,塑料含量那么高的就一个。其余的都比自来水低,很显然这个数据点是有问题的。 自来水排名第二。波霸是用自来水做的,餐厅的水, 家里做饭的谁都是自来水,这个才是最重要的。 如果水源都污染了,还扯什么波霸,罐头食品,瓶装水? 大家看清楚了,贴图的最后一行是瓶装水, mountain valley spring water, 含塑料量是排名第二的自来水的1/80.
我看这结果就是用来黑波霸的。里面波霸查了很多次,塑料含量那么高的就一个。其余的都比自来水低,很显然这个数据点是有问题的。 自来水排名第二。波霸是用自来水做的,餐厅的水, 家里做饭的谁都是自来水,这个才是最重要的。 如果水源都污染了,还扯什么波霸,罐头食品,瓶装水? 大家看清楚了,贴图的最后一行是瓶装水, mountain valley spring water, 含塑料量是排名第二的自来水的1/80. arizaq 发表于 2024-12-28 03:27
超标的自来水不是水管直接出来的,而是加了 净水剂药片(aquatabs purification tablets)处理 30 分钟后的水,所以说的是净水剂药片的成分有问题。 未处理过的自来水(在表里查 water)可以看以下几个采样 : -- 灰色表示在正常范围内 -- 黄色代表一些百分比marker,比如brita 过滤器出来的水在塑化剂一项,在所有 300 种食品中排21% (从低往高数),比较不错,比 79% 的采样都低 -- 橙色,红色表示超标,颜色越深超得越多 Stanford 食堂饮水机的水:https://www.plasticlist.org/product/238 纯净水:https://www.plasticlist.org/product/326 旧金山湾里的水:https://www.plasticlist.org/product/126 旧金山太平洋一侧的海水:https://www.plasticlist.org/product/125 Fort Mason 的自来水,刚拧开水龙头的水:https://www.plasticlist.org/product/403 YCombinator 三藩市分部的自来水,拧开水龙头 30 秒后的水:https://www.plasticlist.org/product/103 绝大部份自来水的采样都在正常范围内,出问题的一些是由于塑化剂超标,报告猜测是由于一些建筑物的管道有部份是用塑料的,比如 PVC 另外,报告中说了,BPA free 的 塑料瓶是信得过的。塑料污染来自两大类,一类是聚脂类像BPA,另一类来自各种塑化剂。这次检验发现 玻璃瓶 和 塑料瓶 的瓶装水 含塑化剂都差不多。 “”“ Our test results showed phthalates (一种塑化剂) in most baby foods and prenatal vitamins. We also saw that less-processed foods contain fewer chemicals (食物经人工处理越少,接触塑料也就越少,比如食品生产过程中必不可少要经过的塑胶软管 tubing,传送带 conveyer belt,工人戴的塑胶手套 plastic gloves) than highly processed ones ; water in glass and plastic water bottles have surprisingly similar levels of chemical content (专门只喝玻璃瓶装水没必要); and hot foods which spend 45 minutes in takeout containers have 34% higher levels of plastic chemicals than the same dishes tested directly from the restaurant (外卖盒子装烫的食物不太好). https://www.plasticlist.org/report ”“”
的确是百分之三万。因为 boba tea pearl 是 highly processed food。
关于 boba black tea pearl 的成份,ChatGPT 是这样说的 Boba Guy Black Tea Pearl is typically made of the following ingredients: 1. Black Tea: This forms the base of the drink. The tea is steeped for a specific amount of time, depending on the desired strength. 2. Milk or Milk Alternative: This is added to give the tea a creamy and rich texture. It can be regular dairy milk or alternatives such as almond, soy, or oat milk. 3. Tapioca Pearls: These are also known as 'boba' and they provide a fun, chewy component to the drink. Tapioca pearls are made from tapioca starch, derived from the cassava root. 4. Sweetener: This can be sugar, honey, or a sugar substitute, used to adjust the sweetness of the drink to the individual's liking. 5. Other possible ingredients could include flavor enhancers such as vanilla, fruits, or other types of syrup depending on the specific variation of the boba tea. Note that the proportions of these ingredients may vary based on individual preference for tea strength, sweetness, and creaminess.
食品里的塑料污染来自两大类,第一类是塑化剂,第二季类是酚類化合物,后者是一种内分泌干扰物。 Today, plasticizers—the most common of which are called phthalates—show up inside almost all of us, right along with other chemicals found in plastic, including bisphenols such as BPA. https://www.consumerreports.org/health/food-contaminants/the-plastic-chemicals-hiding-in-your-food-a7358224781/ 再摘一段长的: The Problem With Plastic Chemicals Bisphenols and phthalates in our food are concerning for several reasons. To start, growing research shows that they are endocrine disruptors, which means that they can interfere with the production and regulation of estrogen and other hormones. Even minor disruptions in hormone levels can contribute to an increased risk of several health problems, including diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease, certain cancers, birth defects, premature birth, neurodevelopmental disorders, and infertility. Those problems typically develop slowly, sometimes over decades, says Philip Landrigan, MD, a pediatrician and the director of the Program for Global Public Health and the Common Good at Boston College. "Unlike a plane crash, where everyone dies at once, the people who die from these die over many years." Another concern is that with plastic so ubiquitous in food and elsewhere, the chemicals can’t be completely avoided. And though the human body is pretty good at eliminating bisphenols and phthalates from our systems, our constant exposure to them means that they enter our blood and tissue almost as quickly as they’re eliminated. And plasticizers in particular can easily leach out of plastic and other materials. In addition, the chemicals’ harmful effects may be cumulative, so steady exposure to even very small amounts over time could increase health risks. All that makes it difficult to trace any particular bad health outcome—say, a heart attack or breast cancer—to the chemicals. And it makes it hard for regulators to set a limit for what is considered safe for any food. "As a first step, the key is to determine how widespread the chemicals are in our food supply," Rogers says. "Then we can develop strategies, as a society and individually, to limit our exposure."
波霸奶茶珍珠款的三次结果是, 7172301 Boba Guys Black Tea Pearls 32,571.4%BPA 7212302 Boba Guys Black Tea Pearls 6,514.3%BPA 7122302 Boba Guys Black Tea Pearls 1737.1%BPA 自来水的三次结果是 8050203 Tap Water with Aquatabs Purification Tablets (after 30min) 16,989.3% 8050201 Tap Water with Aquatabs Purification Tablets (after 30min) 10,903.6% 8050202 Tap Water with Aquatabs Purification Tablets (after 30min) 6,339.3% 这波霸测量三次两次都比自来水平均数低,有一次还低不少。 这数据能说明波霸珍珠的塑化剂有问题?
300 种日常食物,包括湾区不同地点的自来水,星巴克的咖啡,Stanford 学生食堂的伙食,Wholefood 的肉类,罐头tuna,等等,耗时 6 个月,检验花费 50万刀。
再追本溯源,更早期的工作来自 consumer report,测了近 100 种食物
这引起了 Nat Friedman 的注意
之后,一个 4 人团队完成了采样,送检,和发布最新的报告
对啊,而且查的就是一个牌子Boba Guys,很多各种茶超标,应该是他们用的杯子包装有问题吧?
https://www.youtube.com/embed/O1B44VmZFiI Joe Rogan 有一个节目谈论这个事情
you wish🤭这就跟一口咬定染发无害一样。
别对WF赋予太多健康环保光环了。忘了哪本书上看的,就是说whole foods最初每条野生捕捞的鱼都有独立条码可以追踪来源链信息的,可是现在这年头就别幻想了。绝大多数餐馆提供的三文鱼即使号称野生也是farm养殖的,就是吃不该吃的鱼饲料长大的。说到鱼,我跟我很信任的医生聊过,同吃罐装sardines ,我们相视一笑然后他说最好in water, 因为如果是橄榄油浸泡一定是质量不够好的油。
哦跑个题,我昨天WF匆忙之间拎的两盒prepared meal,因为是蔬菜就没来得及仔细看ingredients. 回家看了下,全都是种子油(sunflower oil和canola oil). 我扔了一盒,另一盒好吃还是糟心地吃了,但是以后再也不买了😂
一、不会有人去养殖,然后以次充好非说是野生的;二,重金属比大鱼积累少; 三、我猜的因为没见书上写,就是塑料沉积和重金属一个道理,我觉得小朋友们身体里的PFAS相较于成年人应该会少。前面有说塑料微粒能排出人体外的,顺便说下,我在大规模清理塑料相关日用品前后相隔小半年测了两次,意外发现各种PFAS水平几乎没有变化啊啊啊(还slightly up, 我觉得是测量误差)。
不知道这些测的是食物本身还是在包装盒里的食物。 Wholefoods 热食盛在纸盒子里,纸盒里是有涂层的吧
我没看明白,mountain spring water的含塑量为什么会超标,这个是用玻璃瓶装的啊
晕 比如饮用水污染了3% 然后其它食品含50%饮用水 另外50%未被污染食材 那么最后这个食品污染含量不就是1.5%吗?
超标的自来水不是水管直接出来的,而是加了 净水剂药片(aquatabs purification tablets)处理 30 分钟后的水,所以说的是净水剂药片的成分有问题。
未处理过的自来水(在表里查 water)可以看以下几个采样 : -- 灰色表示在正常范围内 -- 黄色代表一些百分比marker,比如brita 过滤器出来的水在塑化剂一项,在所有 300 种食品中排21% (从低往高数),比较不错,比 79% 的采样都低 -- 橙色,红色表示超标,颜色越深超得越多
Stanford 食堂饮水机的水:https://www.plasticlist.org/product/238
Fort Mason 的自来水,刚拧开水龙头的水:https://www.plasticlist.org/product/403
YCombinator 三藩市分部的自来水,拧开水龙头 30 秒后的水:https://www.plasticlist.org/product/103
绝大部份自来水的采样都在正常范围内,出问题的一些是由于塑化剂超标,报告猜测是由于一些建筑物的管道有部份是用塑料的,比如 PVC
另外,报告中说了,BPA free 的 塑料瓶是信得过的。塑料污染来自两大类,一类是聚脂类像BPA,另一类来自各种塑化剂。这次检验发现 玻璃瓶 和 塑料瓶 的瓶装水 含塑化剂都差不多。
“”“ Our test results showed phthalates (一种塑化剂) in most baby foods and prenatal vitamins. We also saw that less-processed foods contain fewer chemicals (食物经人工处理越少,接触塑料也就越少,比如食品生产过程中必不可少要经过的塑胶软管 tubing,传送带 conveyer belt,工人戴的塑胶手套 plastic gloves) than highly processed ones ; water in glass and plastic water bottles have surprisingly similar levels of chemical content (专门只喝玻璃瓶装水没必要); and hot foods which spend 45 minutes in takeout containers have 34% higher levels of plastic chemicals than the same dishes tested directly from the restaurant (外卖盒子装烫的食物不太好).
https://www.plasticlist.org/report ”“”
的确是百分之三万。因为 boba tea pearl 是 highly processed food。
关于 boba black tea pearl 的成份,ChatGPT 是这样说的
Boba Guy Black Tea Pearl is typically made of the following ingredients:
1. Black Tea: This forms the base of the drink. The tea is steeped for a specific amount of time, depending on the desired strength.
2. Milk or Milk Alternative: This is added to give the tea a creamy and rich texture. It can be regular dairy milk or alternatives such as almond, soy, or oat milk.
3. Tapioca Pearls: These are also known as 'boba' and they provide a fun, chewy component to the drink. Tapioca pearls are made from tapioca starch, derived from the cassava root.
4. Sweetener: This can be sugar, honey, or a sugar substitute, used to adjust the sweetness of the drink to the individual's liking.
5. Other possible ingredients could include flavor enhancers such as vanilla, fruits, or other types of syrup depending on the specific variation of the boba tea. Note that the proportions of these ingredients may vary based on individual preference for tea strength, sweetness, and creaminess.
即使同样食品,不同采样结果也会不同,比如 Whole Foods Organic Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast
比如上面采样 3 还可以,比照下面 non-organic Whole Foods Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast
为什么他们不测测 Costco 和 Safeway 的呢 。。。
Today, plasticizers—the most common of which are called phthalates—show up inside almost all of us, right along with other chemicals found in plastic, including bisphenols such as BPA.
The Problem With Plastic Chemicals
Bisphenols and phthalates in our food are concerning for several reasons.
To start, growing research shows that they are endocrine disruptors, which means that they can interfere with the production and regulation of estrogen and other hormones. Even minor disruptions in hormone levels can contribute to an increased risk of several health problems, including diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease, certain cancers, birth defects, premature birth, neurodevelopmental disorders, and infertility.
Those problems typically develop slowly, sometimes over decades, says Philip Landrigan, MD, a pediatrician and the director of the Program for Global Public Health and the Common Good at Boston College. "Unlike a plane crash, where everyone dies at once, the people who die from these die over many years."
Another concern is that with plastic so ubiquitous in food and elsewhere, the chemicals can’t be completely avoided. And though the human body is pretty good at eliminating bisphenols and phthalates from our systems, our constant exposure to them means that they enter our blood and tissue almost as quickly as they’re eliminated. And plasticizers in particular can easily leach out of plastic and other materials. In addition, the chemicals’ harmful effects may be cumulative, so steady exposure to even very small amounts over time could increase health risks.
All that makes it difficult to trace any particular bad health outcome—say, a heart attack or breast cancer—to the chemicals. And it makes it hard for regulators to set a limit for what is considered safe for any food. "As a first step, the key is to determine how widespread the chemicals are in our food supply," Rogers says. "Then we can develop strategies, as a society and individually, to limit our exposure."
波霸奶茶珍珠款的三次结果是, 7172301 Boba Guys Black Tea Pearls 32,571.4%BPA 7212302 Boba Guys Black Tea Pearls 6,514.3%BPA 7122302 Boba Guys Black Tea Pearls 1737.1%BPA
自来水的三次结果是 8050203 Tap Water with Aquatabs Purification Tablets (after 30min) 16,989.3% 8050201 Tap Water with Aquatabs Purification Tablets (after 30min) 10,903.6% 8050202 Tap Water with Aquatabs Purification Tablets (after 30min) 6,339.3%
这波霸测量三次两次都比自来水平均数低,有一次还低不少。 这数据能说明波霸珍珠的塑化剂有问题?
我此刻就喝这种奶茶🫢 加两粒红枣增加甜度