IT'S HAPPENING! Canadian Kevin O'Leary will be meeting with President Trump to convince him to annex Canada "I like this idea, and at least half of Canadians are interested... I'm gonna go to Mar-a-Lago, I'll start the narrative."
uosff 发表于 2024-12-27 12:19 IT'S HAPPENING! Canadian Kevin O'Leary will be meeting with President Trump to convince him to annex Canada "I like this idea, and at least half of Canadians are interested... I'm gonna go to Mar-a-Lago, I'll start the narrative."
etryht 发表于 2024-12-26 17:37 要是川普真能把加拿大和墨西哥纳入美国版图,多少自然资源,多少劳动力啊,美国还可以继续100年全球第一! BREAKING: Trump tells Canada if they were to become the 51st state, “their taxes would be cut by more than 60%, their businesses would immediately double in size, and they would be militarily protected like no other country anywhere in the world.”
I know this guy from the Shark Tank. Boy isn't he obnoxious, calling lots of small business owners cockroaches. He is obviously one of those Canadians doing really well riding the US capitalism wagon. I wish no Canadians should trust someone like this, who is having billions of conflict of intetest to represent them. For the top 1% like him, ordinary Canadians are truly just cockroaches.
uosff 发表于 2024-12-27 12:19 IT'S HAPPENING! Canadian Kevin O'Leary will be meeting with President Trump to convince him to annex Canada "I like this idea, and at least half of Canadians are interested... I'm gonna go to Mar-a-Lago, I'll start the narrative."
etryht 发表于 2024-12-26 17:37 要是川普真能把加拿大和墨西哥纳入美国版图,多少自然资源,多少劳动力啊,美国还可以继续100年全球第一! BREAKING: Trump tells Canada if they were to become the 51st state, “their taxes would be cut by more than 60%, their businesses would immediately double in size, and they would be militarily protected like no other country anywhere in the world.”
你到底想说什么啊,你原来说的是担心Trump说的要把加变成美国的51st state的 话"但真可以分裂加拿大民众, 对领袖产生不信任感。" 土豆这次当选的时候就是少数党,他的支持率一直都很低,9月的时候33%,现在是20.9%,现在的支持率更低了,所以: 1. 如果Trump的话真的有影响的话(我个人觉得没影响),那就是他的话影响了民众对土豆的信心,不过没分裂大众,而是相反. 2 对首相的信心再低也不会影响国家的正常运转,对首相的不信任是很正常的事,没有什么值得忧心忡忡的. 3 加拿大是多党制.注定按照popular vote,绝大多数时候对某一党的支持率不会超过50%,从政治来说,加拿大人从来就没有怎么团结过,也没必要. 今年以来土豆跟Freeland一直有不同意见互相不信任,她自己也有政治野心,很多人早就猜测土豆会被迫退位,她继位,现在看来土豆还想一搏,她不奉陪了
Kevin O'Leary这算加奸了吧?
I know this guy from the Shark Tank. Boy isn't he obnoxious, calling lots of small business owners cockroaches. He is obviously one of those Canadians doing really well riding the US capitalism wagon. I wish no Canadians should trust someone like this, who is having billions of conflict of intetest to represent them. For the top 1% like him, ordinary Canadians are truly just cockroaches.
大家一起混吃等死? 大家拿斯坦,加入美国是它最好的出路。 不然就让印度人给毁了
0 肯定不够
这位是出现幻觉了么,还是川粉都是负智商? 川粉一发言,世界就发笑
television personality 都可以决定国家兼并问题了。。 这个世界真的网红当家了吗