伊然 发表于 2024-12-25 18:22 有个东西叫Air fryer paper liner……垫在空气炸锅里的烘焙纸,一次性的。 要不然parchment paper垫进去也行,我从来不直接把食物放空气炸锅里。
Google了下: Yes, some parchment papers contain PFAS, also known as "forever chemicals": PFAS in parchment paper Some parchment papers are treated with PFAS, which are man-made chemicals that make products resistant to grease, water, and stains
izz.ling 发表于 2024-12-25 18:51 Google了下: Yes, some parchment papers contain PFAS, also known as "forever chemicals": PFAS in parchment paper Some parchment papers are treated with PFAS, which are man-made chemicals that make products resistant to grease, water, and stains
Google了下: Yes, some parchment papers contain PFAS, also known as "forever chemicals": PFAS in parchment paper Some parchment papers are treated with PFAS, which are man-made chemicals that make products resistant to grease, water, and stains
你干嘛用啊,包食物的话换wax paper吧 Aluminum foil is not hazardous to human health in itself, but it's recommended to avoid using it to store or barbecue strongly acidic products or foods that are high in salt. Glass containers are a better alternative to aluminum foil because they usually don't contain toxins.
izz.ling 发表于 2024-12-25 19:22 你干嘛用啊,包食物的话换wax paper吧 Aluminum foil is not hazardous to human health in itself, but it's recommended to avoid using it to store or barbecue strongly acidic products or foods that are high in salt. Glass containers are a better alternative to aluminum foil because they usually don't contain toxins.
两个都没啥牌子,就是Temu上买的,分别是十几刀、几十刀。买了几个月了,原链接失效了,直接搜heating eye mask,挑销量大、评分高的就可以
好奇这么多人用instapot干什么?在我家一直落灰,找不到use case
有个东西叫Air fryer paper liner……垫在空气炸锅里的烘焙纸,一次性的。 要不然parchment paper垫进去也行,我从来不直接把食物放空气炸锅里。
Yes, some parchment papers contain PFAS, also known as "forever chemicals": PFAS in parchment paper Some parchment papers are treated with PFAS, which are man-made chemicals that make products resistant to grease, water, and stains
很多parchment paper牌子标着chemical free或者non-toxic的啊,买之前注意下就行了。你如果非要说标了也不可信,不安全,那我没啥说的了。
你干嘛用啊,包食物的话换wax paper吧
Aluminum foil is not hazardous to human health in itself, but it's recommended to avoid using it to store or barbecue strongly acidic products or foods that are high in salt. Glass containers are a better alternative to aluminum foil because they usually don't contain toxins.
倒是不是用来包食物,烤个什么菜的时候垫在下面的。的确玻璃安全一点,家里也有,回头改用玻璃吧,抹上油。之前用parchment paper或者foil就是图省事,用了直接扔掉烤盘还是干净的很容易洗。