No no no,Costco可不是好逛,是东西值,购物体验为零分,环境简直hostile。Sheng Wang的standup里面就有传神的桥段:Costco is bigger than all of us 😂 Trader Joe’s也是人挤人,虽然东西不错。 后父子人最有礼貌,环境相对好,不会人挤人,有质量的东西多,不便宜。
不好意思歪了楼,但是楼里喜欢Trader Joe''''s的JM那么多,我替大家google了一下"Does trader joe''''s use preservatives in frozen meals?", AI给的答案是: No, Trader Joe''s does not use artificial preservatives in its frozen meals or other products. Instead, Trader Joe''s uses natural alternatives like sugar, salt, vinegar, celery juice, and rosemary extract. Trader Joe''s also avoids other artificial ingredients, including: Artificial flavors Artificial colors Monosodium glutamate (MSG) Partially hydrogenated oils, which contain artificial trans fats Trader Joe''''s also does not use genetically modified or engineered ingredients in its products.
Yahoo上的一篇说它家只用两种chemical防腐剂,是二氧化硫和山梨酸钾( The company uses natural preservatives (think sugar, salt, and vinegar, to name a few) where they are needed, and only allows two chemical preservatives in some of their dried fruit products. According to Trader Joe''s, "We use nominal amounts of sulfur dioxide, a naturally occurring gas that forms when the mineral sulfur is heated, to preserve the color, flavor and moisture of some of our dried fruit. Similarly, we use potassium sorbate, the potassium salt of sorbic acid, to enhance the moisture retention in prunes." 觉得还好。
wtorchid 发表于 2024-12-17 12:09 不好意思歪了楼,但是楼里喜欢Trader Joe''''s的JM那么多,我替大家google了一下"Does trader joe''''s use preservatives in frozen meals?", AI给的答案是: No, Trader Joe''s does not use artificial preservatives in its frozen meals or other products. Instead, Trader Joe''s uses natural alternatives like sugar, salt, vinegar, celery juice, and rosemary extract. Trader Joe''s also avoids other artificial ingredients, including: Artificial flavors Artificial colors Monosodium glutamate (MSG) Partially hydrogenated oils, which contain artificial trans fats Trader Joe''''s also does not use genetically modified or engineered ingredients in its products.
Yahoo上的一篇说它家只用两种chemical防腐剂,是二氧化硫和山梨酸钾( The company uses natural preservatives (think sugar, salt, and vinegar, to name a few) where they are needed, and only allows two chemical preservatives in some of their dried fruit products. According to Trader Joe''s, "We use nominal amounts of sulfur dioxide, a naturally occurring gas that forms when the mineral sulfur is heated, to preserve the color, flavor and moisture of some of our dried fruit. Similarly, we use potassium sorbate, the potassium salt of sorbic acid, to enhance the moisture retention in prunes." 觉得还好。
realsimplejill 发表于 2024-12-16 20:57 No no no,Costco可不是好逛,是东西值,购物体验为零分,环境简直hostile。Sheng Wang的standup里面就有传神的桥段:Costco is bigger than all of us 😂 Trader Joe’s也是人挤人,虽然东西不错。 后父子人最有礼貌,环境相对好,不会人挤人,有质量的东西多,不便宜。
🔥 最新回帖
central market 和HEB 一个公司的。是HEB 高级版
vital farm的鸡蛋,这个最近也涨价了。是禽流感的锅吗?还会降价吗?
Whole Foods 散装黑巧克力很好吃
德州不是 HEB 吗?
🛋️ 沙发板凳
No no no,Costco可不是好逛,是东西值,购物体验为零分,环境简直hostile。Sheng Wang的standup里面就有传神的桥段:Costco is bigger than all of us 😂
Trader Joe’s也是人挤人,虽然东西不错。
我们娃宁愿去Wegmans 也不去mall
whole foods全部的话太贵 market basket没法找到全部的东西,trader joes也是
Heinen's Jewel osco whole foods marinos costco trader joes chinese/japanese/korean grocery
大统华特别好!H- mart也不错,韩国的小吃和米糕核桃糕都很好吃!
seasonal 的用品类,喜欢target, 每个节日后的clearance太好玩了,淘宝一样,常常有惊喜。
Seasonal 的食品类,喜欢Costco, 还可以试吃,可以多多体验。而且世界各地的口味,常换常新,适合我们这种口味上喜新厌旧的人。
平时的食品类,喜欢Sprouts, 水果什么的经常有稀有的品种,甚至一些叫不上名的,不像Walmart , Kroger,都是大陆货。酸奶什么的,基本版上推荐过的这里都能找到。店面小一点,逛起来比whole foods 快
short rib很容易做,没必要买冷冻的吧。 本身就是烤箱十分钟,加teriyaki sauce就可以了
Whole foods 也是德州的
别说,这几年沃尔玛的好东西不少,pasture raised eggs, 100% grass fed grass finished beef, Magic Spoon的高蛋白、零谷物cereal等等,我们常去👍
冷冻的精加工食品要注意 - 问题不在冷冻,而在精加工的过程中用到的添加剂 但冷冻的鲜切蔬果就还好,没有添加剂,我们常买Costco大包的有极冷冻蔬果 冷冻的minimally processed meats, poultry, fish也不错,做起来方便。我们常买Costco的grass fed beef patties,salmon patties
Costco人多,冬天可不是传染病温床?我去都戴口罩😷 想人少去后父子,但是贵呀
你说的这是generally speaking吧?有什么证据或者信息可以确知Trader Joe家的frozen meal有添加不利于健康的东西吗?
搜了一下,frozen meal比较有问题的添加剂是两种防腐剂preservatives like butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) and butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT)。
No, Trader Joe''s does not use artificial preservatives in its frozen meals or other products. Instead, Trader Joe''s uses natural alternatives like sugar, salt, vinegar, celery juice, and rosemary extract.
Trader Joe''s also avoids other artificial ingredients, including: Artificial flavors Artificial colors Monosodium glutamate (MSG) Partially hydrogenated oils, which contain artificial trans fats Trader Joe''''s also does not use genetically modified or engineered ingredients in its products.
Yahoo上的一篇说它家只用两种chemical防腐剂,是二氧化硫和山梨酸钾( The company uses natural preservatives (think sugar, salt, and vinegar, to name a few) where they are needed, and only allows two chemical preservatives in some of their dried fruit products. According to Trader Joe''s, "We use nominal amounts of sulfur dioxide, a naturally occurring gas that forms when the mineral sulfur is heated, to preserve the color, flavor and moisture of some of our dried fruit. Similarly, we use potassium sorbate, the potassium salt of sorbic acid, to enhance the moisture retention in prunes."
店太少,heb plus就够了
顶这个。 central market 真是非常好。有人形容说是,德州老钱风。价格跟wholefood差不多,或者便宜一些。但是选择多很多,世界各地美食都有。bakey比whole foods 好吃。我们这附近,无论周中周末,central market 停车场永远都是满的
超爱central market
都不要周末去就好了。 costco周中8:00关门呢
TJ那个tikka masala sauce 才值得买呢,又便宜又好味,自己做个咖喱鸡啥的不要太好吃。比很多瓶装的好
同不逛超市,LED光照和各种香氛什么的不舒服,要么线上下单直接门口pickup, 要么列个清单自己迅速直奔进去拎走。
喜欢逛farmers market, 室外有太阳的时候看到那些新鲜的花和蔬菜就很开心,人气烟火气也很足。因为有订CSA delivery, 所以这里每次也买不了太多,可就是喜欢每周瞎逛,因为能感受到满满能量☺️
区域性的就不讨论了 有比这俩都好很多的
它家那个微辣的pineapple salsa也挺好的,我用来炖cod stew让cod有滋味儿...
target grocery最大的短板是选择少,但是他家卖的东西性价比高。vital farm的鸡蛋、philadelphia的cream cheese、greek god的酸奶都是他家最便宜。最近发现他家卖shredded beef了,6刀14盎司,真乃火锅季节的必备啊。
单身的话还不错吧,肉都是小包,水果蔬菜好多都按个卖,方便。还有些速冻的热一下就能吃的东西。 人口多就没必要挤那里。