Donald Trump says, “China and the United States together can solve all the world’s problems,” praising Chinese President Xi Jinping as “an amazing guy” 刚刚在海湖庄园的记者会上说的。
Is President Xi coming to inauguration? Trump: He hasn't said either way. He was a friend of mine, but COVID changed that. He's an amazing person. If he wants to come, he's welcome...
The United Healthcare CEO murder? Trump: I think it's a terrible thing that ppl seem to like him (the murder suspect). How ppl can like this guy, that's a sickness. Esp. the way it was done, right in the back.
Netanyahu conversation? Trump: We had a good conversation. The real conversations will start on Jan. 20. I think we will be in a good place in the Middle East. The Ukraine situation will be more difficult. I don't think they should have allowed missiles to be shot into Russia
Immandfuel 发表于 2024-12-16 12:36 The United Healthcare CEO murder? Trump: I think it's a terrible thing that ppl seem to like him (the murder suspect). How ppl can like this guy, that's a sickness. Esp. the way it was done, right in the back.
Immandfuel 发表于 2024-12-16 12:36 The United Healthcare CEO murder? Trump: I think it's a terrible thing that ppl seem to like him (the murder suspect). How ppl can like this guy, that's a sickness. Esp. the way it was done, right in the back.
Do you believe Ukraine should cede territory to Russia? Trump: I will let you know that after my first meeting. But a lot of it, is just rubble. There are not buildings standing. Many ppl were in those bldgs. The # of deaths in Ukraine will be much higher than you hear.
Drones? Trump: The govt knows what is happening. Our military knows where they took off from. If it's a garage, they know the garage. For some reason they don't want to comment. Our president knows. They want to keep ppl in suspense. Something strange is going on.
Syria? Trump: No one knows what the final outcome will be in the region. In Turkey, that's a very smart guy. I will say Assad was a butcher. I attacked him - that was the red line in the sand. Obama drew it and then he refused to honor it.
Immandfuel 发表于 2024-12-16 12:36 The United Healthcare CEO murder? Trump: I think it's a terrible thing that ppl seem to like him (the murder suspect). How ppl can like this guy, that's a sickness. Esp. the way it was done, right in the back.
Do you want/are you working for Laura Trump to be appointed to the Senate? Trump: She's incredible. Ppl talk about nepotism - she could have run for Senate in NC and she said she wanted to focus on her kids. But I asked her if she would (go to the GOP). Did an unbelievable job. Trump: Ron (DeSantis) will have to make the decision (re: Senate). Marco is a star already. He leaves a vacancy and Ron will have to make that decision. I know Laura has so many other things. Her predominant thought is her country and her family.
What say to ppl who believe RFK will lead to policies that make kids less safe? Trump: I think he will be less radical than ppl believe. But there are problems. The dinner (w/ RFK and Pfizer head) was fascinating. What came out of that meeting is we are paying far too much. Trump on drug prices: We have a thing called the middle man, we are going to knock them out. "I don''t know who these middle men are but we are going to knock them out." (The middle men are Pharmacy Benefit Managers - PBMs.) What about the polio vaccine? Trump indicates he supports it. Should schools mandate vaccines? Trump: I don''t like mandates.
Tik Tok? Trump says "I have a warm spot in my heart for Tik Tok" b/c of younger American support for him in the election. "We are taking a look at it."
Iran - will you strike at Iran's nuclear facility? Trump: I'm not going to answer that. Why would I answer a question like that? Folo: Would you support Israeli strikes? Trump: That's not something I would ever answer (ahead of time).
Immandfuel 发表于 2024-12-16 12:36 Is President Xi coming to inauguration? Trump: He hasn't said either way. He was a friend of mine, but COVID changed that. He's an amazing person. If he wants to come, he's welcome...
Q: "Are you disappointed that China's XI won't be at the inauguration?" Trump: "...I would love to have him. But there's been nothing much discussed. I had discussions with him letters, et cetera, et cetera at a very high level...A lot of people say he won't come. He will come."
Donald Trump says, “China and the United States together can solve all the world’s problems,” praising Chinese President Xi Jinping as “an amazing guy”
Immandfuel 发表于 2024-12-16 12:36 Is President Xi coming to inauguration? Trump: He hasn't said either way. He was a friend of mine, but COVID changed that. He's an amazing person. If he wants to come, he's welcome...
Immandfuel 发表于 2024-12-16 12:36 The United Healthcare CEO murder? Trump: I think it's a terrible thing that ppl seem to like him (the murder suspect). How ppl can like this guy, that's a sickness. Esp. the way it was done, right in the back.
Immandfuel 发表于 2024-12-16 13:07 Donald Trump says, “China and the United States together can solve all the world’s problems,” praising Chinese President Xi Jinping as “an amazing guy”
Immandfuel 发表于 2024-12-16 13:07 Donald Trump says, “China and the United States together can solve all the world’s problems,” praising Chinese President Xi Jinping as “an amazing guy”
Immandfuel 发表于 2024-12-16 12:36 Is President Xi coming to inauguration? Trump: He hasn't said either way. He was a friend of mine, but COVID changed that. He's an amazing person. If he wants to come, he's welcome...
Immandfuel 发表于 2024-12-16 13:07 Q: "Are you disappointed that China's XI won't be at the inauguration?" Trump: "...I would love to have him. But there's been nothing much discussed. I had discussions with him letters, et cetera, et cetera at a very high level...A lot of people say he won't come. He will come."
Immandfuel 发表于 2024-12-16 12:35 Donald Trump says, “China and the United States together can solve all the world’s problems,” praising Chinese President Xi Jinping as “an amazing guy” 刚刚在海湖庄园的记者会上说的。
Immandfuel 发表于 2024-12-16 12:36 The United Healthcare CEO murder? Trump: I think it's a terrible thing that ppl seem to like him (the murder suspect). How ppl can like this guy, that's a sickness. Esp. the way it was done, right in the back.
他要说干得好,又有一堆人要说他不在乎law and order, trump支持杀人犯。 总之横竖都是错。
🔥 最新回帖
Q " 英媒:美国正在走钢丝,问题只是接下来将轮到元素周期表上的哪一个而已 "
路透社称,中方此举是对于美国新一轮对华芯片出口禁令的迅速回击。 “这是一次经过精心策划的升级行动,”报道认为,“中国利用其在关键金属领域的主导地位,针对美国对其高科技能力的攻击进行相应的报复。”
🛋️ 沙发板凳
Trump: He hasn't said either way. He was a friend of mine, but COVID changed that. He's an amazing person. If he wants to come, he's welcome...
Trump: I think it's a terrible thing that ppl seem to like him (the murder suspect). How ppl can like this guy, that's a sickness. Esp. the way it was done, right in the back.
Trump: We had a good conversation. The real conversations will start on Jan. 20. I think we will be in a good place in the Middle East.
The Ukraine situation will be more difficult. I don't think they should have allowed missiles to be shot into Russia
Trump: I will let you know that after my first meeting. But a lot of it, is just rubble. There are not buildings standing. Many ppl were in those bldgs. The # of deaths in Ukraine will be much higher than you hear.
Trump: The govt knows what is happening. Our military knows where they took off from. If it's a garage, they know the garage. For some reason they don't want to comment. Our president knows. They want to keep ppl in suspense.
Something strange is going on.
White house也一样啊, 谴责暴力行为 放弃幻想, 两党都是为了割韭菜
Trump: No one knows what the final outcome will be in the region. In Turkey, that's a very smart guy. I will say Assad was a butcher. I attacked him - that was the red line in the sand. Obama drew it and then he refused to honor it.
Trump: She's incredible. Ppl talk about nepotism - she could have run for Senate in NC and she said she wanted to focus on her kids. But I asked her if she would (go to the GOP). Did an unbelievable job.
Trump: Ron (DeSantis) will have to make the decision (re: Senate). Marco is a star already.
He leaves a vacancy and Ron will have to make that decision. I know Laura has so many other things. Her predominant thought is her country and her family.
Trump: I think he will be less radical than ppl believe. But there are problems. The dinner (w/ RFK and Pfizer head) was fascinating. What came out of that meeting is we are paying far too much.
Trump on drug prices: We have a thing called the middle man, we are going to knock them out. "I don''t know who these middle men are but we are going to knock them out."
(The middle men are Pharmacy Benefit Managers - PBMs.)
What about the polio vaccine?
Trump indicates he supports it.
Should schools mandate vaccines? Trump: I don''t like mandates.
ABC因为说 Trump是强奸犯, 付给Trump $15 million settlement for defamation
Trump says "I have a warm spot in my heart for Tik Tok" b/c of younger American support for him in the election. "We are taking a look at it."
Trump: I'm not going to answer that. Why would I answer a question like that?
Folo: Would you support Israeli strikes?
Trump: That's not something I would ever answer (ahead of time).
玩弄屁民之情感如耻骨之间。 服了!
什么意思?我不care他喜欢不喜欢习近平,care的是会不会联俄抗中。虐美华+联俄抗中对老中来说不是double kill吗?
想想一只耳川普, 习大大来美国, 风险太大,太危险。长途飞机路上也不安全。
这是美国当选总统的话!能听听就算了? 他随便一句话,能让你的命运起伏跌宕!
搞经济,搞科技,宁受胯下之辱,也不搞战争。 对美就要任其风吹浪打,老子只搞科技经济。
哈哈哈哈😂 理解你的心情,不过我觉得trump说话没有credit
Trump on inviting China’s Xi to his inauguration:
“I would love to have him…a lot of people say he won't come. He will come”
他要真能看到 中美需要联手解决问题,是个很大的进步
Trump: "...I would love to have him. But there's been nothing much discussed. I had discussions with him letters, et cetera, et cetera at a very high level...A lot of people say he won't come. He will come."
那不还怪他自己 看来他自己也知道 covid时期张嘴闭嘴china virus的
你还担心川粉不会spin不会自洗吗? 分分钟的事!
也就你这二极管思维,认为喜欢一个的前提,必须厌恶另外一个。 人不能两个都喜欢?
你这个才是旧闻。他刚刚说的,而且这次没有probably. 当然他说什么做什么也没啥credit就是了
他要说干得好,又有一堆人要说他不在乎law and order, trump支持杀人犯。 总之横竖都是错。
this is true sickness