Julia Roberts once said, “When people leave you, let them go. Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you, and it doesn’t mean they’re bad people. It just means their role in your story is over.” These words remind us of a truth we often forget—that not everyone who comes into our lives is meant to stay forever. People come into our lives for different reasons, to teach us lessons, share experiences, or walk with us through certain seasons. But when they leave, it’s important to recognize that their role in our journey has been fulfilled, and our paths must now diverge. Holding on to those who are meant to leave only delays your growth and prevents you from moving into the fullness of your own destiny. It’s not about rejecting or blaming the person who’s leaving, but rather understanding that your story continues beyond their chapter. Sometimes, their departure makes way for new opportunities, deeper connections, and discovering new aspects of yourself. Letting go is not always easy, but it is essential to stepping into the next stage of your life. This does not diminish the importance of the relationship you once shared. Every encounter has value, shaping who you are and helping you grow. But when someone leaves, it is a sign that your journey is no longer aligned. Their departure does not make them a negative character in your life story, but simply someone whose role has come to a natural end. When you free yourself from the weight of those who have left, you create space for the people who are meant to stay and enrich your life in meaningful ways. Letting go is not an act of giving up; it is an act of acceptance - embracing the flow of life, understanding that not everyone is meant to accompany you to every destination. Remember, your destiny belongs to you. No one can take it from you, and no one else can walk the path that was laid out for you. So when someone leaves, trust that it is for your highest good. They were part of your story, but now the rest is for you to write, and it holds an even greater promise.
What does it mean that hurt people hurt people? The statement ``Hurt people hurt people'' implies that individuals who have experienced pain or trauma in their lives often end up inflicting harm onto others.
5460 发表于 2024-12-14 06:22 Julia Roberts once said, “When people leave you, let them go. Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you, and it doesn’t mean they’re bad people. It just means their role in your story is over.” These words remind us of a truth we often forget—that not everyone who comes into our lives is meant to stay forever. People come into our lives for different reasons, to teach us lessons, share experiences, or walk with us through certain seasons. But when they leave, it’s important to recognize that their role in our journey has been fulfilled, and our paths must now diverge. Holding on to those who are meant to leave only delays your growth and prevents you from moving into the fullness of your own destiny. It’s not about rejecting or blaming the person who’s leaving, but rather understanding that your story continues beyond their chapter. Sometimes, their departure makes way for new opportunities, deeper connections, and discovering new aspects of yourself. Letting go is not always easy, but it is essential to stepping into the next stage of your life. This does not diminish the importance of the relationship you once shared. Every encounter has value, shaping who you are and helping you grow. But when someone leaves, it is a sign that your journey is no longer aligned. Their departure does not make them a negative character in your life story, but simply someone whose role has come to a natural end. When you free yourself from the weight of those who have left, you create space for the people who are meant to stay and enrich your life in meaningful ways. Letting go is not an act of giving up; it is an act of acceptance - embracing the flow of life, understanding that not everyone is meant to accompany you to every destination. Remember, your destiny belongs to you. No one can take it from you, and no one else can walk the path that was laid out for you. So when someone leaves, trust that it is for your highest good. They were part of your story, but now the rest is for you to write, and it holds an even greater promise.
你说的这种也有可能,但是你怎么笃定就是这种呢,你咋知道男的喜欢下跪呢?你咋知道不是逼着下跪的呢? 另外女方心软原谅的确也是一种可能,但是你咋排除,女方不enjoy这种被下跪的女王的感觉呢,不enjoy这种情绪价值呢?
我看到那句也有此疑问,还以为看错了,又回去看了一遍。 一个爱下跪,一个动不动崩溃大哭几个小时。。。这日子过的。。。忒drama。
是的。 冷暴力,就是一点都不想和你纠缠。 知趣点,走远点吧。别抱怨了。 不要说我说话不好听, 其实,道是无情胜有情。
后来,分手,她说,男的不照顾她情绪,就是看着她哭。 男的后来说,我觉得我无所适从,我认为好奇怪。
结局,后来男的找了个比较大气的姑娘,很一般吧,但是好像那么多年,日子过得还行。 我那个美女朋友,情路蛮坎坷的,其他她人美工作也很好,结婚了,但是一直一个人自己一帮姐妹玩的那种。
我说那么多,意思就是,不要太作了,就是作,也要作对人。 楼主没有碰对人。 既然你老公不喜欢你,就不要纠结了,开始自己新的人生,挺好的。 感情这事情,就怕明明知道对方不在乎你了,还在纠结,还在算账,这个很麻烦很麻烦。
德普和他前妻就是明显的这样一对, Amber就是的不停的翻着跟头跟他闹, 德普就是躲。 就是冷暴力,女的气得开始污蔑男的动手打她。。。
楼主你这是完全把幸福寄托在别人身上啊 很多人其实享受当一个受害者的角色,因为作为一个受害者,能收获很多同情,也不用面对自己的责任。
确实 男人需要的时候下跪 跪完该干嘛干嘛
离婚吧 mm
不爱你的人 你就当他已经死了。
不幸丧偶的人 现在收拾收拾, 规划一下 下一步做什么,好好找个工作, 现在他能帮你买医疗保险 就先用着。 找到工作 离婚交新朋友。
Re. Too scary!
lz有点情绪太多,yy太多了的样子。 文章一开始说从来不照顾你情绪,后面又说失业前会跪着哄,很confusing。看到后面更觉着lz脑子也是稀里糊涂拎不清的
你的话对了一点点。从小被母亲pua长大,很多男性心理也是很不健康。也完全不会对待亲密关系。lz形容的这种一遇到矛盾就躲起来更是常见的行为模式。你不能随随便便就淡化了他们这种行为模式给别人带来的巨大情感伤害。他可能曾经是受害者,但现在绝对是亲密关系上的加害者。 我劝lz如果还没娃,赶紧跑吧。别想着改变别人,改变成年人太难了,而且需要他自己认识到自己的问题和他自己愿意改变。
我觉得遇到矛盾就躲避不是最好的解决方案,但是也是相对还行的解决方案。 我看大部分男人的解决方案就是躲避,大部分女人的解决方案是碎碎念。还有很多人的解决方案是压倒性强势压制。只有非常非常少数的人是沟通正向解决。 躲避就是我不改,你想怎么样都行的意思。我觉得这比我不改你也要按我的意思做,或是我是对的,我还要念叨到你也认识到你的错误,来的强多了
The statement ``Hurt people hurt people'' implies that individuals who have experienced pain or trauma in their lives often end up inflicting harm onto others.
庆幸没孩子 赶紧回头是岸 以后会遇到更合适更优秀的人 爱自己才能爱别人 祝福楼主以后好运连绵
比如 - "曾经我有工作的时候,收入比他高很多,所有开销都AA。他还会做出一些弥补的举动,比如吵架后会下跪求我原谅。" 因为比对方收入多,所以开销要AA,还觉得这是施舍对方了,对方要“弥补”???吵架了,对方跪下求原谅,当然就满意喽。。。 这是谁对谁的情绪压榨?
现在对方不来哄她了(一吵架,他干脆直接消失),楼主就觉得是自个儿被压榨了?所以就是公主病呗 - 反正有冲突,对方要让着自个儿,否则就是情绪压榨。。。
well said
找一个不成熟的人的这种救赎性质的婚姻是有风险的 对方成熟以后或者被救赎以后还适不适合在一起是未知的