Straight from the horse''s mouth: 康州,55岁单身退休,收入自己控制在60K/年 保险(含牙科和眼科)并不贵: PPO Monthly Premium:$565, Deductible 2K,Max out of pocket: 8K,Primary Care visit copay: $15 相比之下Cobra是$900+
gocaigo8421 发表于 2024-12-08 22:20 Straight from the horse''s mouth: 康州,55岁单身退休,收入自己控制在60K/年 保险(含牙科和眼科)并不贵: PPO Monthly Premium:$565, Deductible 2K,Max out of pocket: 8K,Primary Care visit copay: $15 相比之下Cobra是$900+
gocaigo8421 发表于 2024-12-08 22:20 Straight from the horse''s mouth: 康州,55岁单身退休,收入自己控制在60K/年 保险(含牙科和眼科)并不贵: PPO Monthly Premium:$565, Deductible 2K,Max out of pocket: 8K,Primary Care visit copay: $15 相比之下Cobra是$900+
gocaigo8421 发表于 2024-12-08 22:20 Straight from the horse''s mouth: 康州,55岁单身退休,收入自己控制在60K/年 保险(含牙科和眼科)并不贵: PPO Monthly Premium:$565, Deductible 2K,Max out of pocket: 8K,Primary Care visit copay: $15 相比之下Cobra是$900+
不上班,没什么收入,是不是就应该qualify credit ? When you fill out a health insurance application and use some tools on this website, you’ll need to estimate your expected income. Two important things to know: Marketplace savings are based on your expected household income for the year you want coverage, not last year’s income. Income is counted for you, your spouse, and everyone you''ll claim as a tax dependent on your federal tax return (if the dependents are required to file). Include their income even if they don’t need health coverage. See details on who to include in your household.
gokgs 发表于 2024-12-09 14:02 不上班,没什么收入,是不是就应该qualify credit ? When you fill out a health insurance application and use some tools on this website, you’ll need to estimate your expected income. Two important things to know: Marketplace savings are based on your expected household income for the year you want coverage, not last year’s income. Income is counted for you, your spouse, and everyone you''ll claim as a tax dependent on your federal tax return (if the dependents are required to file). Include their income even if they don’t need health coverage. See details on who to include in your household.
haha, you are just like me, completely wrong on this...well, at least I was compelely wrong regarding ACA CT. I can control my income so I figured I should keep it low at 20K and pay my expenses selling assets. But no I was wrong. In CT, 20K income makes you eligible for medicaid (Husky D, no premium since CT doesn't look at assets but after you pass, CT will get medicaid cost reimbursed from your estate) thus no subsidy when you buy plans from ACA market place. With 20K income and refuses medicaid, one will need to cough up 1.4K for ACA gold plans, so it cost way more than COBRA. I have no intention to be on medicaid due to the clawback clause. I think anyone with asset needs to think twice before getting on medicaid even though it is completely free. I would rather spend 10K+ a year on insurance than having my estate to deal with the clawback thingy after I pass. On they allow you to browse ACA plans anonymously so you can try different income levels and see how much each insurance will cost and I ended up going with 55K and that's what I went with. Overall the cost is $600 vs COBRA $950. I had been on cobra for over a year and decided to save some money to go with ACA. Btw, the following is income to premimum (for the same gold plan in my example) mapping for a 55 year old ACA in CT: 20K = $1435 55K = $563 80K = $700 100K= $848 150K= $1200 200K= $1435 300K= $1435 ... I spent 5 months this year in China and plan to spend 6 months a year in China going forward so unfortunately I can't go without insurance here in the U.S.
haha, you are just like me, completely wrong on this...well, at least I was compelely wrong regarding ACA CT. I can control my income so I figured I should keep it low at 20K and pay my expenses selling assets. But no I was wrong. In CT, 20K income makes you eligible for medicaid (Husky D, no premium since CT doesn't look at assets but after you pass, CT will get medicaid cost reimbursed from your estate) thus no subsidy when you buy plans from ACA market place. With 20K income and refuses medicaid, one will need to cough up 1.4K for ACA gold plans, so it cost way more than COBRA. I have no intention to be on medicaid due to the clawback clause. I think anyone with asset needs to think twice before getting on medicaid even though it is completely free. I would rather spend 10K+ a year on insurance than having my estate to deal with the clawback thingy after I pass. On they allow you to browse ACA plans anonymously so you can try different income levels and see how much each insurance will cost and I ended up going with 55K and that's what I went with. Overall the cost is $600 vs COBRA $950. I had been on cobra for over a year and decided to save some money to go with ACA. Btw, the following is income to premimum (for the same gold plan in my example) mapping for a 55 year old ACA in CT: 20K = $1435 55K = $563 80K = $700 100K= $848 150K= $1200 200K= $1435 300K= $1435 ... I spent 5 months this year in China and plan to spend 6 months a year in China going forward so unfortunately I can't go without insurance here in the U.S. gocaigo8421 发表于 2024-12-09 16:34
纽约的话 等退休了如果收入控制在一定范围可以加入下面的计划,所以如果收入不是很高的人, The income limits for the New York State Essential Plan in 2024 are: 1 person: $37,650 2 people: $51,100 3 people: $64,550 4 people: $78,000
你不是单身吧?我$950 COBRA 是每月的HDHP(其实deductible 也就是3千). 我交了一年多了,总算换成ACA了,deductible一年低一千premium一个月低二百多。我如果年纪轻的话(生病少)无脑选silver or even bronze ACA plans, 一个月premium更低,估计还可以投资HSA. 看一下silver/bronze(55K income): Silver: deductible: $5K, max out of pocket per year: $9K, primary doctor copay: $40, premium: $316/month Bronze: deductible: $7K, max out of pocket per year: $9K, primary doctor copay: $70, premium: $170/month 不过得提醒一句,如果收入控制不好超过的话后年报税时会给IRS罚款。
不行。 就像我们的保险不可以加父母一样。
我们没买这么贵的。因为有premium credit的。 如何有premium credit, 就是要把自己的AGI 降低到一个特定的范围内。
配偶不上班, 只能自己掏钱买 obamacare, 估计又贵又不好用。
上班, 岁数大了, 又被各种歧视。
不是保费的问题,没有Obama care,50岁有pre existing 的可能不让保
康州,55岁单身退休,收入自己控制在60K/年 保险(含牙科和眼科)并不贵:
PPO Monthly Premium:$565, Deductible 2K,Max out of pocket: 8K,Primary Care visit copay: $15
嗯, 不少单位都有retired insurance. 我们是55就和在职员工一样了. 我现在就在等这个线.
川大嘴要是repeal Obamacare, 估计好多人要起义。
所谓好一点的就是deductible少点,out of pocket少点, copay少点, 又不是医生医院不同。
一万一年你都不愿意给自己花那就别退休了,you are completely not ready😄
可以办个NGO, 就可以为全家买group insurance 了。
这个看起来不错。康州是蓝州, 肯定对老百姓好些。其他州怎么样?有没有人说说?
看来要考虑去康州退休,买房哪里好,我上班买的PPO monthly都要这两倍,康州就是冬天不好熬,如果冬天去佛罗里达三个月的话医保只能用ER吧
可以买有National coverage 的Obamacare plan
在佛州有很多冬天来呆个半年的外州人,外国人. 外国人一般用urgent care,自费。
最好的一个人两万一年也打住了。 如果两万都心疼,就别退休
政府工工作20年,享受免费医疗保险待遇到寿终正寝,配偶也只需要付50%,medicare 进入后,等于拥有双重医疗保险。
免费还是不免费是和年收入有关的,不是说年薪20万,失业3个月可以qualify的。 当然可以撒谎说年薪很少,按道理查到,要返还的。
这是哪家的保险?好便宜,不是会是Obama care 吧?
Obamacare不是保险,只是一个法案,根据法案每个州都有买保险的平台,平台里的保险公司自愿参与卖医疗保险。卖的保险必须符合法案制定的一些规定。如果你的收入在某个范围内,联邦政府提供Tax Credit给卖保险的人。有些州没有多少保险公司愿意在这个平台卖保险,那这个州买到的保险就又贵又不好。
不上班,没什么收入,是不是就应该qualify credit ?
When you fill out a health insurance application and use some tools on this website, you’ll need to estimate your expected income. Two important things to know: Marketplace savings are based on your expected household income for the year you want coverage, not last year’s income. Income is counted for you, your spouse, and everyone you''ll claim as a tax dependent on your federal tax return (if the dependents are required to file). Include their income even if they don’t need health coverage. See details on who to include in your household.
何不食肉糜。 愚蠢。
出言不逊 恶心
看看你那张嘴 充满了💩
you are a pure idiot!
gokgs -- 恶心的就是你,愚蠢! 烂人 满嘴粪
haha, you are just like me, completely wrong on this...well, at least I was compelely wrong regarding ACA CT.
I can control my income so I figured I should keep it low at 20K and pay my expenses selling assets. But no I was wrong.
In CT, 20K income makes you eligible for medicaid (Husky D, no premium since CT doesn't look at assets but after you pass, CT will get medicaid cost reimbursed from your estate) thus no subsidy when you buy plans from ACA market place. With 20K income and refuses medicaid, one will need to cough up 1.4K for ACA gold plans, so it cost way more than COBRA. I have no intention to be on medicaid due to the clawback clause. I think anyone with asset needs to think twice before getting on medicaid even though it is completely free. I would rather spend 10K+ a year on insurance than having my estate to deal with the clawback thingy after I pass.
On they allow you to browse ACA plans anonymously so you can try different income levels and see how much each insurance will cost and I ended up going with 55K and that's what I went with. Overall the cost is $600 vs COBRA $950. I had been on cobra for over a year and decided to save some money to go with ACA. Btw, the following is income to premimum (for the same gold plan in my example) mapping for a 55 year old ACA in CT: 20K = $1435 55K = $563 80K = $700 100K= $848 150K= $1200 200K= $1435 300K= $1435 ...
I spent 5 months this year in China and plan to spend 6 months a year in China going forward so unfortunately I can't go without insurance here in the U.S.
我另外的选择是佛罗里达,去年一年在Miami, 佛罗里达的ACA更便宜,premimum大概是康州的70%, 但是佛罗里达医生不是很多。后年我会看看GA和NC.
是ACA,aka obama care.
Non for profit
Cobra,$950,是每月,还是bi weekly cost啊?
康州这个挺公平的,省的那些有房产的把钱都给了儿女拿medicaid, 死后孩子继承房子,白嫖
赶脚把收入整在100k 是个sweet spot, 100k 加点存款啥的过的不错,aca 也还说的过去
一个人,没有W2, 绝大多数财产在Roth里面。利息,capital gains每年不到6万不难吧。
The income limits for the New York State Essential Plan in 2024 are: 1 person: $37,650 2 people: $51,100 3 people: $64,550 4 people: $78,000
你不是单身吧?我$950 COBRA 是每月的HDHP(其实deductible 也就是3千). 我交了一年多了,总算换成ACA了,deductible一年低一千premium一个月低二百多。我如果年纪轻的话(生病少)无脑选silver or even bronze ACA plans, 一个月premium更低,估计还可以投资HSA. 看一下silver/bronze(55K income): Silver: deductible: $5K, max out of pocket per year: $9K, primary doctor copay: $40, premium: $316/month Bronze: deductible: $7K, max out of pocket per year: $9K, primary doctor copay: $70, premium: $170/month
同这么打算 顺便还照顾老人