EGFR基因,我之前读到过, 东亚无吸烟史女性肺癌的一大因素. 身边也有好几例, 有症状后查出肺癌晚期走的。靶向治疗只能抑制不超过一年,复发后很快就走了。 但是美国治疗指南不筛查这个基因,只有针对老烟枪的筛查。 自费的话肯定有地方查这个基因。 Comprehensive biomarker testing for NSCLC treatment | 下面摘自WEBMED。 Research: EGFR-Mutated Lung Cancer Among Asian Women Studies show that more than half of Asian American women diagnosed with lung cancer did not previously smoke. Among them, women of Chinese descent have a much higher risk. Up to 8 out of 10 women diagnosed with lung cancer have never smoked before. And compared to other ethnic groups, Asian American women who have never smoked are nearly twice as likely to get lung cancer. “It's the leading cause of cancer death for this population,” says Rotow. So what’s the link? In one lung cancer screening study presented by Elaine Shum, MD, from New York University at the 2023 ASCO annual meeting, over 200 Asian women under 40 who have little to no history of smoking were given three annual CT chest scans. That’s an imaging test that allows doctors to take a closer look at your lungs. Shum found that nearly 2% of the young, nonsmoking population of Asian women had lung cancer. “All of the lung cancers they identified were EGFR mutated and were able to go on to receive adjuvant EGFR-targeted therapy,” says Rotow. Adjuvant targeted therapy is a type of additional or follow-up treatment given after you’ve had your main treatment plan such as surgery or chemotherapy. These therapies target and wipe out the cancer cells that might have been left behind after your main treatment. This will lower the odds of your cancer coming back.
once_before 发表于 2024-12-06 14:30 EGFR基因,我之前读到过, 东亚无吸烟史女性肺癌的一大因素. 身边也有好几例, 有症状后查出肺癌晚期走的。靶向治疗只能抑制不超过一年,复发后很快就走了。 但是美国治疗指南不筛查这个基因,只有针对老烟枪的筛查。 自费的话肯定有地方查这个基因。 Comprehensive biomarker testing for NSCLC treatment | 下面摘自WEBMED。 Research: EGFR-Mutated Lung Cancer Among Asian Women Studies show that more than half of Asian American women diagnosed with lung cancer did not previously smoke. Among them, women of Chinese descent have a much higher risk. Up to 8 out of 10 women diagnosed with lung cancer have never smoked before. And compared to other ethnic groups, Asian American women who have never smoked are nearly twice as likely to get lung cancer. “It's the leading cause of cancer death for this population,” says Rotow. So what’s the link? In one lung cancer screening study presented by Elaine Shum, MD, from New York University at the 2023 ASCO annual meeting, over 200 Asian women under 40 who have little to no history of smoking were given three annual CT chest scans. That’s an imaging test that allows doctors to take a closer look at your lungs. Shum found that nearly 2% of the young, nonsmoking population of Asian women had lung cancer. “All of the lung cancers they identified were EGFR mutated and were able to go on to receive adjuvant EGFR-targeted therapy,” says Rotow. Adjuvant targeted therapy is a type of additional or follow-up treatment given after you’ve had your main treatment plan such as surgery or chemotherapy. These therapies target and wipe out the cancer cells that might have been left behind after your main treatment. This will lower the odds of your cancer coming back.
once_before 发表于 2024-12-06 14:30 EGFR基因,我之前读到过, 东亚无吸烟史女性肺癌的一大因素. 身边也有好几例, 有症状后查出肺癌晚期走的。靶向治疗只能抑制不超过一年,复发后很快就走了。 但是美国治疗指南不筛查这个基因,只有针对老烟枪的筛查。 自费的话肯定有地方查这个基因。 Comprehensive biomarker testing for NSCLC treatment | 下面摘自WEBMED。 Research: EGFR-Mutated Lung Cancer Among Asian Women Studies show that more than half of Asian American women diagnosed with lung cancer did not previously smoke. Among them, women of Chinese descent have a much higher risk. Up to 8 out of 10 women diagnosed with lung cancer have never smoked before. And compared to other ethnic groups, Asian American women who have never smoked are nearly twice as likely to get lung cancer. “It's the leading cause of cancer death for this population,” says Rotow. So what’s the link? In one lung cancer screening study presented by Elaine Shum, MD, from New York University at the 2023 ASCO annual meeting, over 200 Asian women under 40 who have little to no history of smoking were given three annual CT chest scans. That’s an imaging test that allows doctors to take a closer look at your lungs. Shum found that nearly 2% of the young, nonsmoking population of Asian women had lung cancer. “All of the lung cancers they identified were EGFR mutated and were able to go on to receive adjuvant EGFR-targeted therapy,” says Rotow. Adjuvant targeted therapy is a type of additional or follow-up treatment given after you’ve had your main treatment plan such as surgery or chemotherapy. These therapies target and wipe out the cancer cells that might have been left behind after your main treatment. This will lower the odds of your cancer coming back.
天然氣燃燒產生NO2 Nitrogen dioxide (二氧化氮)- 致癌物質,會增加肺癌和乳腺癌患病機率
是选low dose G0297 or 71271? 不知道啥区别
错, 新冠不会, 新冠疫苗会
和情绪大大相关,很多研究说了,Dr Gabor Mate的书说了。
是的! 我后悔死了,没有早点研究油烟机,去年感恩节才买的。吸了10年的二手烟。可是有什么办法? 错过了就是错过了
low dosage ct中文怎么说?
Mark CT 检测
呃,我猜厨房countertop granite集中吧,anyway I do not have any proof, just thinking out loud.
Radon的测量和措施都很多了。 Granite 的好像没怎么听说?
MRI是论部位收钱,500rmb一个部位, ,然后有些部位ct比mri更合适检查。你用得着所有部位做吗🤣有些b超就够了。mri我这次做了头部,下次腹部也可以做个,肺部还是ct好
Mark ‼️
Mark mark
我周围的和楼主的情况一样,五十左右,肺癌, 和吸烟无关的那种。这个确实很奇怪。我在国内听到的是胃癌多.
系统提示:若遇到视频无法播放请点击下方链接 Dr. Gabor Maté: Unresolved Emotions Can Cause Cancer -Trauma - Anger
Research: EGFR-Mutated Lung Cancer Among Asian Women Studies show that more than half of Asian American women diagnosed with lung cancer did not previously smoke. Among them, women of Chinese descent have a much higher risk. Up to 8 out of 10 women diagnosed with lung cancer have never smoked before. And compared to other ethnic groups, Asian American women who have never smoked are nearly twice as likely to get lung cancer. “It's the leading cause of cancer death for this population,” says Rotow.
So what’s the link? In one lung cancer screening study presented by Elaine Shum, MD, from New York University at the 2023 ASCO annual meeting, over 200 Asian women under 40 who have little to no history of smoking were given three annual CT chest scans. That’s an imaging test that allows doctors to take a closer look at your lungs. Shum found that nearly 2% of the young, nonsmoking population of Asian women had lung cancer. “All of the lung cancers they identified were EGFR mutated and were able to go on to receive adjuvant EGFR-targeted therapy,” says Rotow. Adjuvant targeted therapy is a type of additional or follow-up treatment given after you’ve had your main treatment plan such as surgery or chemotherapy. These therapies target and wipe out the cancer cells that might have been left behind after your main treatment. This will lower the odds of your cancer coming back.
那为什么是女的容易得呢?如果家里有氡气, 家里的男的也有风险啊。 国内没有氡气问题,为什么也是女的容易肺癌?这事真的很怪
这个就算能筛查,有这个基因那能咋办呢? 长结节的话可以切除,有这个致病基因有啥办法呢?
多谢科普!请问EGFR 基因在哪里检查?美国中国哪里有筛查的?
基因也不是最主要的,也不是每个有这个基因的就一定得,但如果压抑情绪长期不做真实的自我身体会出问题,有这个基因更容易发展起来。而且家族遗传不仅仅是基因,一代代trauma 人际互动的习惯亲密关系都很容易传下来,塑造人如何处理面对自己的情绪,人的情绪和生理息息相关,人是一个整体不能分开看的。任何人经历的事情人的互动自然社会环境都会对个人生理产生影响的,和基因互相作用,分不开的
我猜 和各种清洁剂空气清新剂 有关
帶口罩通風啊 看過有人浴室馬桶都放那一種 藍藍馬桶水滿滿的低廉香精味 清潔劑 浴室如又不通風都是那個刺鼻味道 如果要洗個熱水澡加速吸收 是不是實屬變相慢性自殺