要么你判断错误,对方不是npd,只是自恋偏高(narcissistic, but not to the level of personality disorder) 要么那些多是表面朋友(也就是对npd有用的人),npd 会用假自我来面对的(比如高价值人群或潜在血包)。为了利益交换被npd当作人脉经营而不是真心朋友。
DC2013 发表于 2024-11-28 04:36 要么你判断错误,对方不是npd,只是自恋偏高(narcissistic, but not to the level of personality disorder) 要么那些多是表面朋友(也就是对npd有用的人),npd 会用假自我来面对的(比如高价值人群或潜在血包)。为了利益交换被npd当作人脉经营而不是真心朋友。
回复 37楼 doublemint 的帖子 查了一下,确实无药可救。 Narcissistic personality disorder is a personality disorder characterized by a life-long pattern of exaggerated feelings of self-importance, an excessive need for admiration, and a diminished ability to empathize with other people's feelings. Generally speaking, however, most experts agree that it is usually not worth trying to reason with a narcissist. This is because narcissists are notoriously difficult to engage in any kind of meaningful dialogue as they are often incapable of seeing things from anyone else's perspective other than their own. As with many personality disorders, the exact cause of NPD is not known. Researchers believe it may be caused a mixture of genes, early childhood experiences and psychological factors. Early childhood risk factors include: excessive praise or judgement by parents. Negative childhood experiences. There may be a link between negative childhood experiences. Trauma, rejection, neglect and lack of support during childhood can all contribute to developing narcissistic traits. Because of this lack of empathy, a narcissist cannot really love you. Narcissists do not experience and show love in the sense that most people do. NPD cannot be cured but can be managed with therapy and medication. The goal of treatment is to help the person with NPD learn how to recognize their own self-defeating behaviors and replace them with healthier coping skills that allow for more meaningful relationships The best way to deal with a person with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is to get out of their way by extracting yourself from this person's life and influence. It is not your job and outside of your capabilities to make another person understand that they have a condition called NPD. Yes, it is possible for individuals with narcissistic traits to change over time, though the process can be complex and challenging. Here are some key points to consider: Self-Awareness: As people age, they may gain insight into their behaviors and the impact of those behaviors on their relationships
要么你判断错误,对方不是npd,只是自恋偏高(narcissistic, but not to the level of personality disorder)
要么那些多是表面朋友(也就是对npd有用的人),npd 会用假自我来面对的(比如高价值人群或潜在血包)。为了利益交换被npd当作人脉经营而不是真心朋友。
+1 “不听她的都是魔鬼”,就是要对方按自己心意或者指示来,不然就乱喷。
她向来是这种个性, 她要大家都怕她,肯定她。跟她在一起真的很抑郁, 因为没法正常沟通。我尽量不去争辩,因为不到你认输,她是不会善罢甘休的,即便是“最亲的人”, 她也不会放过。现在看来是病态,说是神经病也不为过。 会使尽力气证明她是对的,就算是拿自己的命来证明。但其实没人在乎,她还要不停劝服别人她是对的。她吃的苦肯定是最苦的。但这种个性伤的最深的其实是她自己。她朋友不少,但也总是讲朋友坏话,对朋友没有对家人这么肆无忌惮, 可能多少有利益牵扯。
感觉这种人无药可救, 个性是改不了了。大到生命危险,小到买的果子好不好。我说果子一分钱一分货,大的果肉多,然后她买小的,在你面前吃起来说,比大的好。每天要经历无数波挑战,我也累了,慢慢的就说你都是对的。反正我是彻彻底底放弃了
感觉一是个性,好强, 我也好强,但我理智。二是她们可能多少自卑,没有正确的方法调解,只能来强的掩饰过去。但让爱她们的人也无法接近,帮助她们,真是难过,叹气
哈哈哈哈哈, 我妈是显性隐性都占了
听起来是很有道理,但是我包子, 而且心脏不好,永远弱势。其实我已经躲了我妈十几年了,我了解她,也了解我自己,在一起我早就疯了。最近她高血压,死活不吃药,说让她吃药的都是魔鬼,我就回来看看她,可能也是永别了。其实她非常渴望关爱,但又狠狠拒绝。
NPD如果有朋友,基本符合两个原则 1. 此人能力比NPD差,至少在NPD的眼里是这样子的;2.NPD和此人在一起,可以让NPD的自我感觉非常膨胀。一旦这两条不符合了,NPD立刻翻脸。
这个太难了,尤其是对至亲, 不过我也别无他法,释然了,否则真的跟自杀差不多。
“NPD就到处套磁”, 嗯所以不要盲目以为主动闯进自己生活的都是能于万千人海中看见自己的人🤭其实他们可能同时在敲好几家的门😑
感觉NPD 是病,但这些人不可能承认自己病了寻求医治,尤其老一辈文化低的, 无解的一生
不能直接离吗?为啥要奉陪到底? 你还年轻,还有机会。等他老了必须有人照顾的时候,你可能就会因为良心不忍不离了。趁现在离婚没有道德枷锁,离了吧!
就算承认有病 人格障碍也没办法治疗吧
查了一下,确实无药可救。 Narcissistic personality disorder is a personality disorder characterized by a life-long pattern of exaggerated feelings of self-importance, an excessive need for admiration, and a diminished ability to empathize with other people's feelings.
Generally speaking, however, most experts agree that it is usually not worth trying to reason with a narcissist. This is because narcissists are notoriously difficult to engage in any kind of meaningful dialogue as they are often incapable of seeing things from anyone else's perspective other than their own.
As with many personality disorders, the exact cause of NPD is not known. Researchers believe it may be caused a mixture of genes, early childhood experiences and psychological factors. Early childhood risk factors include: excessive praise or judgement by parents.
Negative childhood experiences. There may be a link between negative childhood experiences. Trauma, rejection, neglect and lack of support during childhood can all contribute to developing narcissistic traits.
Because of this lack of empathy, a narcissist cannot really love you. Narcissists do not experience and show love in the sense that most people do.
NPD cannot be cured but can be managed with therapy and medication. The goal of treatment is to help the person with NPD learn how to recognize their own self-defeating behaviors and replace them with healthier coping skills that allow for more meaningful relationships
The best way to deal with a person with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is to get out of their way by extracting yourself from this person's life and influence. It is not your job and outside of your capabilities to make another person understand that they have a condition called NPD.
Yes, it is possible for individuals with narcissistic traits to change over time, though the process can be complex and challenging. Here are some key points to consider: Self-Awareness: As people age, they may gain insight into their behaviors and the impact of those behaviors on their relationships