今天刚刚批准的,8-7微弱优势批准,从K的课程就要开始加入圣经理论指导 全美第一个让公校把圣经编入课程的州,以后学数学都得先念一段经书? 目前还是学区自选optional,但选择圣经课程的学区,州政府将额外拨款奖励,有倾向扶持 开始有那味了… Texas’ education board voted Friday to allow Bible-infused teachings in elementary schools, joining other Republican-led states that pushed this year to give religion a larger presence in public classrooms. The curriculum adopted by the Texas State Board of Education, which is controlled by elected Republicans, is optional for schools to adopt, but they will receive additional funding if they do so. The materials could appear in classrooms as early as next school year. Republican Gov. Greg Abbott has voiced support for the lesson plans, which were provided by the state’s education agency that oversees the more than 5 million students in Texas public schools. Parents and teachers who opposed the curriculum said the lessons would alienate students of other faith backgrounds. Supporters argued the Bible is a core feature of American history and that teaching it will enrich students’ learning. The new Texas curriculum follows Republican-led efforts in neighboring states to give religion more of a presence in public schools. In Oklahoma, the state’s education chief has ordered a copy of the Bible in every classroom, while Louisiana wants to make all of the state’s public school classrooms post the Ten Commandments beginning next year. With the new curriculum, Texas would be the first state to introduce Bible lessons in schools in this manner, according to Matthew Patrick Shaw, an assistant professor of public policy and education at Vanderbilt University. The 15-member board consists of 11 Republicans and four Democrats. It signaled support for the materials in an 8-7 preliminary vote on Wednesday
dukenyc125 发表于 2024-11-22 14:25 今天刚刚批准的,8-7微弱优势批准,从K的课程就要开始加入圣经理论指导 全美第一个让公校把圣经编入课程的州,以后学数学都得先念一段经书? 目前还是学区自选optional,但选择圣经课程的学区,州政府将额外拨款奖励,有倾向扶持 开始有那味了… Texas’ education board voted Friday to allow Bible-infused teachings in elementary schools, joining other Republican-led states that pushed this year to give religion a larger presence in public classrooms. The curriculum adopted by the Texas State Board of Education, which is controlled by elected Republicans, is optional for schools to adopt, but they will receive additional funding if they do so. The materials could appear in classrooms as early as next school year. Republican Gov. Greg Abbott has voiced support for the lesson plans, which were provided by the state’s education agency that oversees the more than 5 million students in Texas public schools. Parents and teachers who opposed the curriculum said the lessons would alienate students of other faith backgrounds. Supporters argued the Bible is a core feature of American history and that teaching it will enrich students’ learning. The new Texas curriculum follows Republican-led efforts in neighboring states to give religion more of a presence in public schools. In Oklahoma, the state’s education chief has ordered a copy of the Bible in every classroom, while Louisiana wants to make all of the state’s public school classrooms post the Ten Commandments beginning next year. With the new curriculum, Texas would be the first state to introduce Bible lessons in schools in this manner, according to Matthew Patrick Shaw, an assistant professor of public policy and education at Vanderbilt University. The 15-member board consists of 11 Republicans and four Democrats. It signaled support for the materials in an 8-7 preliminary vote on Wednesday
“Oklahoma wants to ban LGBTQIA books and teach the BIBLE in school history classes. You know, that same book which talks about 2 daughters who get their dad drunk to have sex with him or how about this one about the genitals of donkeys and the emission of a horse. ”
今天刚刚批准的,8-7微弱优势批准,从K的课程就要开始加入圣经理论指导 全美第一个让公校把圣经编入课程的州,以后学数学都得先念一段经书? 目前还是学区自选optional,但选择圣经课程的学区,州政府将额外拨款奖励,有倾向扶持 开始有那味了… Texas’ education board voted Friday to allow Bible-infused teachings in elementary schools, joining other Republican-led states that pushed this year to give religion a larger presence in public classrooms. The curriculum adopted by the Texas State Board of Education, which is controlled by elected Republicans, is optional for schools to adopt, but they will receive additional funding if they do so. The materials could appear in classrooms as early as next school year. Republican Gov. Greg Abbott has voiced support for the lesson plans, which were provided by the state’s education agency that oversees the more than 5 million students in Texas public schools. Parents and teachers who opposed the curriculum said the lessons would alienate students of other faith backgrounds. Supporters argued the Bible is a core feature of American history and that teaching it will enrich students’ learning. The new Texas curriculum follows Republican-led efforts in neighboring states to give religion more of a presence in public schools. In Oklahoma, the state’s education chief has ordered a copy of the Bible in every classroom, while Louisiana wants to make all of the state’s public school classrooms post the Ten Commandments beginning next year. With the new curriculum, Texas would be the first state to introduce Bible lessons in schools in this manner, according to Matthew Patrick Shaw, an assistant professor of public policy and education at Vanderbilt University. The 15-member board consists of 11 Republicans and four Democrats. It signaled support for the materials in an 8-7 preliminary vote on Wednesday
dukenyc125 发表于 2024-11-22 14:25
找到了一个链接,看到了这句话: “The material draws on lessons from Christianity more than any other religion in the proposed reading and language arts modules for kindergarten through fifth grade, which critics say would alienate students from different faith backgrounds and potentially violate the First Amendment.” https://www.wvtm13.com/article/texas-education-board-approves-bible-curriculum/62990167#:~:text=Texas''''''''''''''''%20education%20board%20voted%20Friday,controlled%20by%20elected%20Republicans%2C%20is 不知是指定统一版本还是各个学校老师自己挑选版本。 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_KQ37PM3RI Vivek Ramaswamy defends his Hindu beliefs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kD5UEpcBFS0 Pastor Asks JD Vance: ''''How Do You Define Your Faith And What Do You Believe?'''' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YcvJRgG39pQ JD Vance Discusses Christian Faith, Meaning Of ''''Grace'''' At ''''God And Country'''' Breakfast
落地无声 发表于 2024-11-22 15:35 “Oklahoma wants to ban LGBTQIA books and teach the BIBLE in school history classes. You know, that same book which talks about 2 daughters who get their dad drunk to have sex with him or how about this one about the genitals of donkeys and the emission of a horse. ”
dukenyc125 发表于 2024-11-22 14:25 今天刚刚批准的,8-7微弱优势批准,从K的课程就要开始加入圣经理论指导 全美第一个让公校把圣经编入课程的州,以后学数学都得先念一段经书? 目前还是学区自选optional,但选择圣经课程的学区,州政府将额外拨款奖励,有倾向扶持 开始有那味了… Texas’ education board voted Friday to allow Bible-infused teachings in elementary schools, joining other Republican-led states that pushed this year to give religion a larger presence in public classrooms. The curriculum adopted by the Texas State Board of Education, which is controlled by elected Republicans, is optional for schools to adopt, but they will receive additional funding if they do so. The materials could appear in classrooms as early as next school year. Republican Gov. Greg Abbott has voiced support for the lesson plans, which were provided by the state’s education agency that oversees the more than 5 million students in Texas public schools. Parents and teachers who opposed the curriculum said the lessons would alienate students of other faith backgrounds. Supporters argued the Bible is a core feature of American history and that teaching it will enrich students’ learning. The new Texas curriculum follows Republican-led efforts in neighboring states to give religion more of a presence in public schools. In Oklahoma, the state’s education chief has ordered a copy of the Bible in every classroom, while Louisiana wants to make all of the state’s public school classrooms post the Ten Commandments beginning next year. With the new curriculum, Texas would be the first state to introduce Bible lessons in schools in this manner, according to Matthew Patrick Shaw, an assistant professor of public policy and education at Vanderbilt University. The 15-member board consists of 11 Republicans and four Democrats. It signaled support for the materials in an 8-7 preliminary vote on Wednesday
West Virginia church youth pastor, John Radcliff, and his wife Kathy, have both been arrested on charges of raping children. pic.twitter.com/XN8wsIow5d — 𝐁𝐞𝐤𝐬 (@antifaoperative) November 20, 2024
Florida christian school teacher, Steven Houser, who used Al & yearbook pics of his 3rd grade students to create child sexual abuse images, has taken a plea deal that will see him only serve 7 years in prison.
Oklahoma church board member, Charles Sulivant, has been arrested for the sexual battery of 6 little girls who attended his church.
Several pastors at the time knew Sulivant had been molesting young girls, but they did not alert the authorities. pic.twitter.com/je8KKWkqPb — 𝐁𝐞𝐤𝐬 (@antifaoperative) November 22, 2024
Texas’ education board voted Friday to allow Bible-infused teachings in elementary schools, joining other Republican-led states that pushed this year to give religion a larger presence in public classrooms.
The curriculum adopted by the Texas State Board of Education, which is controlled by elected Republicans, is optional for schools to adopt, but they will receive additional funding if they do so. The materials could appear in classrooms as early as next school year.
Republican Gov. Greg Abbott has voiced support for the lesson plans, which were provided by the state’s education agency that oversees the more than 5 million students in Texas public schools.
Parents and teachers who opposed the curriculum said the lessons would alienate students of other faith backgrounds. Supporters argued the Bible is a core feature of American history and that teaching it will enrich students’ learning. The new Texas curriculum follows Republican-led efforts in neighboring states to give religion more of a presence in public schools. In Oklahoma, the state’s education chief has ordered a copy of the Bible in every classroom, while Louisiana wants to make all of the state’s public school classrooms post the Ten Commandments beginning next year.
With the new curriculum, Texas would be the first state to introduce Bible lessons in schools in this manner, according to Matthew Patrick Shaw, an assistant professor of public policy and education at Vanderbilt University.
The 15-member board consists of 11 Republicans and four Democrats. It signaled support for the materials in an 8-7 preliminary vote on Wednesday
🔥 最新回帖
这个要大力支持 信仰基督徒 天主教 是人遵循道德 良心醒悟 才会有和平繁荣
🛋️ 沙发板凳
这个其实也不难理解。想想中国,日本,咱这些东亚国家,如果是个外国人去定居生活入籍 - 有可能大家是能对你客客气气的,但从骨子里绝不会觉得你是自己人。美国呢,在这方面总体来说肯定是好不少 。。。
但是 - 这个是关键:我们不是在综合评价哪个国家对外来移民更好 - 我们是以明显的外来移民的身份来考虑这个国家的什么人什么政策对我们这样的从中国来的移民如何。那么有不少美国人骨子里是不把我们这样的亚洲人当自己人的;特别是现在中美关系,更容易让很多美国人不把我们这样的从中国来的移民当自己人。这个,就明显属于偏本土偏守旧偏保守的范畴,所以他们才是MAGA党的主力。
至于MAGA支持者们 - 当然有些可能是因为其他的具体原因(比如某些与这些无关的具体政策)支持他们,这就好像养条狗,虽然狗有的时候咬人,但主人如果觉得狗有用,咬人不太过分(特别是如果没咬到自个儿)的话,可能就忍了。 但也有些MAGA支持者,是真觉得自个儿就该在精神上和这种(偏本土偏守旧偏保守)的美国人看齐,才是做“真美国人“。以这样的“真美国人”的立场看,当然要MAGA啦。。。咱这些移民是不是被影响,大部分一般美国人不是太在意吧。。。
现在就是非黑即白。 在学校不学圣经的, 必定是在学LGBQT+。 加州学生必修how to be a drag queen.
How to be a drag queen? 课程名字叫做啥?
不如,两个老师分别讲,来个二言堂加辩论,让娃娃从小就把两个都见识一下,让娃娃们从小被逼着skeptical, 炼成critical thinking
加州给你提供LGBT知识,教育你是男娃女娃自己可以选,必修课。我娃的初中同学已经改名男成女了。 你ABC不知道润物细无声?
别混为一谈了。 同性恋自古以来就有,除非人类消失了。 但是被礼教、宗教长期被迫害、歧视。一直到现在。 加州的课程不过就是教你了解这个概念,教你尊重这个群体。不是教你成为gay。 在宗教的洗脑下,一个地区甚至可能百分之八十九十都会成为基督徒。 但是你无论如何教LGBTQ 你也不可能把大多数人变成gay。 这本就不是教出来的。 而且加州也没有教你做gay的课
你娃,咋样? 改名了吗?
哈哈,我又想到了那个讲脱口秀笑话的,there are many Gods in this world. What is the name of your God?
然后你娃要是跟老师说我要当女的,学校老师不可以告诉父母这种信息。法律规定。然后一帮LGBT pro 很快就盯上了,割。
你要是18了,爱LGBT+割,爱圣经+教会,都太自然不过了。为啥 伪君子真小人 都诸侯割据,两只大手伸向了孩子,而且是立法+金钱驱动的方式?
晕, 反讽啊!!
唉, 反讽啊!!
这不就是maga 传疯了的故事吗,连川普也这么说。 早上起来去上学,晚上回来jj 就被割了。 你们怎么着怎么爱信这玩意
照你这个逻辑,加州的公立学校也已经教基督教了。我娃6年级,正在学世界上的宗教。他同学里也有信教的。润物细无声了。 德州还要专门加基督教的内容,怎么就和加州的正常教育能等同了?
“Oklahoma wants to ban LGBTQIA books and teach the BIBLE in school history classes. You know, that same book which talks about 2 daughters who get their dad drunk to have sex with him or how about this one about the genitals of donkeys and the emission of a horse. ”
“The material draws on lessons from Christianity more than any other religion in the proposed reading and language arts modules for kindergarten through fifth grade, which critics say would alienate students from different faith backgrounds and potentially violate the First Amendment.”
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_KQ37PM3RI Vivek Ramaswamy defends his Hindu beliefs
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kD5UEpcBFS0 Pastor Asks JD Vance: ''''How Do You Define Your Faith And What Do You Believe?'''' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YcvJRgG39pQ JD Vance Discusses Christian Faith, Meaning Of ''''Grace'''' At ''''God And Country'''' Breakfast
德州数学题: 初级版:一对夫妇加起来有多少根肋骨? 高级版:我们全班总共有多少根肋骨? 奥数版:一个家庭有n根肋骨,请问家里有多少男多少女?
前段时间还有一贴, 几个黄川大妈 讨论了好久 怎么教育小孩 critical thinking
只是大大高于信它的人的智慧。比它有智慧的人都不信。 那东西本质和希腊神话没什么区别,就是来自强势文化而已。
Holy shit
嗯 我记得那个发言
求证 对任何 n > 250, 都能找到一个家庭组合, 其成员的肋骨数之和 是 n.
简单啊,critize it until you cannot and keep doing this when new evidence coming out
纯粹教知识,天下有各种宗教,和天下有LGBT+,要open mind, 如果仅仅停留在这一步,挺好的。
岳不群又来了 😂
哈哈哈😆 服了你岳不群:你和你穿的衣服一样…
所以, 你家娃被割了? 同情
政教合体第一步,oh yea! 😂
这技术和速度,美国小学每天才6个小时吧,护士都可以做手术了, 还免费,这是社会主义啊
你娃在小学的一手经验,这么快? 破纪录啊,祝贺你娃冠军 🏆
既然你都不愿意做个DP,那我也就没发信了 😂
哈哈哈,你这才是第一手经验。 难怪这么着急
我没有那种经历当然不信了。 只有你这种的才会信。
疮粉就是信啊,早上还是儿子下午三点到家是女儿。 那个疮粉垃圾楼应该置顶的,大家都去围观疮粉智商
state guidelines 帮你造谣 。
你英文不行啊。 你知道learn about 是啥意思吗?
举个例子, learn about the Bible vs learn the Bible
你眼神不好。 studying the stories of …. learn about … struggles …
另外:我是用 state guidelines 回复帮那个层主造谣的。☝️的有点off topic 讨论了。