外事不决问AI: No, while lawful permanent residents (green card holders) will generally go through the same customs process as US citizens at an airport, they may sometimes have separate lines depending on the airport and may be subject to slightly more scrutiny due to their non-citizen status; meaning they might not always be in the exact same line as US citizens. LZ可否告知到底是哪个机场啊?这里那么多热情网友下次可以注意一下。
这个事情去Reddit 看看别人的经历 可能更有意义,如果非要整出个 对与错来; 关键是看完下面一堆 老美网友的讨论,有 清楚结论了吗? 我看没有,it all depends Hello, If I (US citizen) living overseas travel to the US with my GF (EU citizen traveling with ESTA) which line should we take at immigration? The last 2 times we received conflicting information from the airport personell: First time we were told to go through immigration together since we are traveling together and she can go with me through the citizens line. But last time we were told to either split up or go through the non citizen line together. Both times I didn’t ask the CBP officers because they didn’t seem to care and i didn’t want to annoy them. Is there like an official rule or law? replies; Different by airport and the person on duty. Depends on what airport, though generally US customs has one line for ESTA, Citizens and green card people, and another line for speciality visas. Technically you’re supposed to go into the USC/LPR line, and she’s supposed to go into the non-USC line unless there’s a special line for ESTA. But it’s also one of those things that’s really up to person who you meet at the counter. All of the officers have the same training, and non citizens end up in the USC line all the time. The main reason for the different lines is so USC’s don’t have to wait as long to clear immigration. If I were in your shoes, I’d suggest you both just get into the USC line until told otherwise. I know for JFK you split up. Idk about other airports You can either go through the non-citizen line with her or go through the lines separately. Just be prepared that either way, you may get yelled at for doing it wrong. I wouldn't bring her through the citizen line. The citizen lines are mostly automated at many airports with the scan passport/get receipt with photo system, and she probably can't do that. Also, separate issue, be prepared that she may face much more scrutiny than she has in the past coming to the USA to visit an American boyfriend during the pandemic. It has been reported here that since traveler numbers are down, CBP officers now have more time to scrutinize travelers with "Why the heck are you coming here now?" questions. CBP officers are also aware the US embassies abroad have suspended processing fiancee visa and spouse visas and that there will be backlogs and timelines will be longer once those visa services resume, which may create an extra incentive for someone to try to enter the USA on ESTA and then get married and adjust status. She would be well advised to arrive with a return ticket showing a brief visit of a few weeks and a job/life to return to in Europe. If she has no job in Europe and is planning to stay with you for 3 months, they may suspect she wants to live in the USA. Every time I've ever done it there's been conflicting information. I've been told by airport staff to go through the USC line with my USC wife, only to be questioned my I was doing that by the CBP officer. Some airports have USC/PR/Visitor lines, some just have one line, some will have joint USC/PR lines.... really, it's a dartboard of options.
pwwq 发表于 2024-11-16 20:05 这个事情去Reddit 看看别人的经历 可能更有意义,如果非要整出个 对与错来; 关键是看完下面一堆 老美网友的讨论,有 清楚结论了吗? 我看没有,it all depends Hello, If I (US citizen) living overseas travel to the US with my GF (EU citizen traveling with ESTA) which line should we take at immigration? The last 2 times we received conflicting information from the airport personell: First time we were told to go through immigration together since we are traveling together and she can go with me through the citizens line. But last time we were told to either split up or go through the non citizen line together. Both times I didn’t ask the CBP officers because they didn’t seem to care and i didn’t want to annoy them. Is there like an official rule or law? replies; Different by airport and the person on duty. Depends on what airport, though generally US customs has one line for ESTA, Citizens and green card people, and another line for speciality visas. Technically you’re supposed to go into the USC/LPR line, and she’s supposed to go into the non-USC line unless there’s a special line for ESTA. But it’s also one of those things that’s really up to person who you meet at the counter. All of the officers have the same training, and non citizens end up in the USC line all the time. The main reason for the different lines is so USC’s don’t have to wait as long to clear immigration. If I were in your shoes, I’d suggest you both just get into the USC line until told otherwise. I know for JFK you split up. Idk about other airports You can either go through the non-citizen line with her or go through the lines separately. Just be prepared that either way, you may get yelled at for doing it wrong. I wouldn't bring her through the citizen line. The citizen lines are mostly automated at many airports with the scan passport/get receipt with photo system, and she probably can't do that. Also, separate issue, be prepared that she may face much more scrutiny than she has in the past coming to the USA to visit an American boyfriend during the pandemic. It has been reported here that since traveler numbers are down, CBP officers now have more time to scrutinize travelers with "Why the heck are you coming here now?" questions. CBP officers are also aware the US embassies abroad have suspended processing fiancee visa and spouse visas and that there will be backlogs and timelines will be longer once those visa services resume, which may create an extra incentive for someone to try to enter the USA on ESTA and then get married and adjust status. She would be well advised to arrive with a return ticket showing a brief visit of a few weeks and a job/life to return to in Europe. If she has no job in Europe and is planning to stay with you for 3 months, they may suspect she wants to live in the USA. Every time I've ever done it there's been conflicting information. I've been told by airport staff to go through the USC line with my USC wife, only to be questioned my I was doing that by the CBP officer. Some airports have USC/PR/Visitor lines, some just have one line, some will have joint USC/PR lines.... really, it's a dartboard of options.
你和你老婆是一家, 和公婆是两家。分开走是都有可能的。 楼主和老公孩子是一家啊, 应该一起走公民的。 歧视肯定是有的。 但是这个在边境有官员在场 还是要平静下来, 哪个国家都一样,我曾经有美国同事去续签中国签证, 当场没过让补材料, 同事马上和中国签证官大叫, 结果护照被标记 就再也没去过中国了
所以工作人员问楼主是不是一家的,但楼主觉得这个也不能问 😂
以前可以不等于现在也可以。green card不是citizen,这很难理解吗?既然有immigrant通道,说明现在就是和citizen是分开的啊,为什么不走呢?
我10月底刚在LA入关, 绿卡和公民是不同的柜台不同的道,都有显示牌。我看在我前面几个入关全是美国护照
perm resident 和citizwn一条道,你是不是英语不认识啊
别较真, 这个楼主自打这次大选以来身上发生了不少奇妙的故事。。。。。。。能活下来挺不容易的
以前可以,那就必须现在也可以,以后也可以,不然就是歧视! 我这儿一段路限速35,我好几次开到45都没事,结果昨天我开到45就被一个警察给pull over了,这就是川普当选白人至上抬头的铁证。
洛杉矶好像是不同的terminal不一样,好像UA那些国际口和terminal B的入关通道不一样。
不敢贴出网站 / 不敢说机场名字 的话那就是编故事挖坑。
对,按照指示牌是最靠谱的。 要是没有绿卡的指示牌,那按照字面意思,应该是non-citizen.
jfk的cbp是按照visitor vs citizen/pr分的,绿卡和citizen一条道,我上次回来前面的中国人还专门问我绿卡是不是走这边我看着他们过去没问题的
大机场的入关都有很清楚的分道指示牌。一般来说工作人员懒得“歧视” 你
说实话,入境那里的工作人员,人家一周工作下来,见到的红白蓝黑黄绿粉,比你半辈子见过的都多, 绝大多数工作人员其实都麻木而熟视无睹, 你能引起他/她 注意的有效方式就是给他找麻烦。。。。。。。
“妈的!!! 老娘不干了! 我查了网站, 发现绿卡的确可以走公民通道! 我走上前,问她工牌和名字。 她竟然遮住ID 并说我不需要告诉你名字!”
第一,你也知道在入关等候区是不能用手机的,甚至很多等候区有意无意地弄得信号都没有 第二,CBP的功做人员最不怕你记下来他/她的ID, 因为你投诉最没用 ( 边境线上对宪法权利的保护和境内不一样, 基本上他们最不怕投诉)
挖坑的啦,怎么可能打电话给机场确认啊。 你去翻翻楼主发的旧帖,这辈子的活久见,第一次被歧视都集中发生在这俩礼拜了
楼主明显就是编故事挖坑的。 正常人在机场被歧视难道不说机场名字的吗,遮遮掩掩的都是编故事的。 哪有什么网站会说LPR可以走citizen通道,根本没这种网站。除非自媒体/中文的网站。 机场CBP维持秩序的工作人员一天下来得看到多少各种肤色的人,歧视亚裔几率太低了。
基本上发展成抬头看ID系列了, 哈哈 看来哈哈姐阵营现在还在给社工发工资呢。。。。
我要是跟lz说我虽然是公民但还被一个边检人员问了好多问题,从走了多久到做什么工作到带没带烟,也不说welcome back,lz是不是觉得好受点了。
遇到一白大妈川粉 也是这套说辞 觉得没去投票的是SHAMEFUL 看来川粉都是这个套路
看了半天,这楼回复靠谱。 拿绿卡以来从来没有走过visa通道, 绿卡就是US-person了,每次过海关都会问工作人员,都让走Citizen通道。
关键是看完下面一堆 老美网友的讨论,有 清楚结论了吗? 我看没有,it all depends
Hello, If I (US citizen) living overseas travel to the US with my GF (EU citizen traveling with ESTA) which line should we take at immigration? The last 2 times we received conflicting information from the airport personell: First time we were told to go through immigration together since we are traveling together and she can go with me through the citizens line. But last time we were told to either split up or go through the non citizen line together. Both times I didn’t ask the CBP officers because they didn’t seem to care and i didn’t want to annoy them. Is there like an official rule or law?
Different by airport and the person on duty.
Depends on what airport, though generally US customs has one line for ESTA, Citizens and green card people, and another line for speciality visas.
Technically you’re supposed to go into the USC/LPR line, and she’s supposed to go into the non-USC line unless there’s a special line for ESTA. But it’s also one of those things that’s really up to person who you meet at the counter. All of the officers have the same training, and non citizens end up in the USC line all the time. The main reason for the different lines is so USC’s don’t have to wait as long to clear immigration. If I were in your shoes, I’d suggest you both just get into the USC line until told otherwise.
I know for JFK you split up. Idk about other airports
You can either go through the non-citizen line with her or go through the lines separately. Just be prepared that either way, you may get yelled at for doing it wrong. I wouldn't bring her through the citizen line. The citizen lines are mostly automated at many airports with the scan passport/get receipt with photo system, and she probably can't do that. Also, separate issue, be prepared that she may face much more scrutiny than she has in the past coming to the USA to visit an American boyfriend during the pandemic. It has been reported here that since traveler numbers are down, CBP officers now have more time to scrutinize travelers with "Why the heck are you coming here now?" questions. CBP officers are also aware the US embassies abroad have suspended processing fiancee visa and spouse visas and that there will be backlogs and timelines will be longer once those visa services resume, which may create an extra incentive for someone to try to enter the USA on ESTA and then get married and adjust status. She would be well advised to arrive with a return ticket showing a brief visit of a few weeks and a job/life to return to in Europe. If she has no job in Europe and is planning to stay with you for 3 months, they may suspect she wants to live in the USA.
Every time I've ever done it there's been conflicting information. I've been told by airport staff to go through the USC line with my USC wife, only to be questioned my I was doing that by the CBP officer. Some airports have USC/PR/Visitor lines, some just have one line, some will have joint USC/PR lines.... really, it's a dartboard of options.
家人里有公民的, 可以带着 绿卡走 公民的 line
Dulles 机场,有一年,绿卡老人,排队的时候,我们是公民,专门说了一下,就和我们走公民的line 了
这个谁当政 有啥关系?
吐你一脸:帮你洗脸 吐你一口:帮你喂饭
看你这样子 就是 读不懂英文的 学会以下几点:
1. 学好英文
2. 公共场合 控制好自己的脾气
在网络上这里装狠 呈能耐 一点用也没有,
下次再去 海关 知道自己该如何 做吗? 在那里硬钢,有警察收拾你,和我没有任何关系,
在这里给出一些 基本常识 和经验,是在帮你们,neng搞明白这一点吗! 呵呵
后知后觉,她是要你的入境卡吗?黑女都是没啥文化的 她可能也不知道入境卡叫啥 论歧视她们最会
绿卡一直是走公民通道啊,纽约一直如此 但是,我突然意识到楼主对大选特别热情啊, 左一个贴又一个贴的, 闹了半天是绿卡? 楼主究竟投票没有啊?我知道加州不查ID,所以未免好奇
昨天刚在一个新牙医那里感受到歧视。牙医的前台是一个白女,说要6个月以内Xray,我说我六月拍的,然后她说哦,那马上六个月了。我说现在十一月,不是十二月,不到六个月。她非要当时拍X-ray。我不想拍,因为约的12月洗牙可以拍,而且昨天没有那么多时间,说要不然我重约,然后被教育了半天,说牙医没有Xray给我看是违法,还有好多大帽子,还说给我预留一个半小时,我重新预约浪费牙医时间。把我怼的都晕了。后来想想我去他们那里是给他们送钱的,我找任何一个牙医都行啊,为啥把我当孙子训。而且我预约的时候她啥要求都没提,去了就开始为难人。我直接说我不看了。气跑了。后来想起来他们有我驾照复印件,回去要,牙医出来。态度挺好。不过晚了。有这样的前台,以后不知道得穿多少次小鞋。打算找说普通话的华人牙医了。 可以预见这样的小事越来越多。过去几年去其他牙医那里都很客气。
抱抱楼主,你已经做的很好。不用跟种族歧视者,和楼里川粉生气。他们不值得。 正是楼主很有勇气去理论,让他们知道亚裔遇到歧视和不公, 不是”哑裔” 下次他即使做同样的事也会犹豫和考虑。大家都墨不做声,下次种族歧视者只会变本加厉。
我见过的服务态度差的, 一多半是黑人,拉个臭脸懒洋洋的满脸不耐烦