A dozen and a half monkeys are still on the loose in South Carolina after a dramatic escape last week from a research facility. The 43 female rhesus macaques broke free from the Alpha Genesis Primate Research Center in Yemassee, S.C., last Wednesday. Police describe the animals as very young and weighing between 6 and 7 pounds. "As of 5 PM today, Alpha Genesis CEO Greg Westergaard has confirmed the successful recovery of an additional 24 primates, bringing the number recovered to 25," the Yemassee Police Department wrote in a weekend statement. Despite the time the monkeys spent in the wild, Yemassee police say the animals are in good health.
我也有这样的感觉。另外再说一例,2016年他上台的时候,砍了很多EPA和National park的项目和政府资助,还layoff了很多人,当时facebook上出现了Alt National Park和其他Alt ... 的组织,都是这些部门的员工组织的,在social media上educate民众,抵制他的政策。我还买了他们的汽车贴,贴到2020年他下台。之后四年里,这些组织都没再发贴。两周前大选夜,Alt National Park突然发贴:we are here with you. 第二天尘埃落定,Alt National Park全面复工,我又买了新的汽车贴。历史重演。
我开始有点相信了, 这次猴子跟上次猴子不知道是不是同一家的猴子
川普被刺的Biggs预言应该是trump团队计划中的被刺被泄露到教会(教会是川普的支持者),泄露到教会的不仅仅是川普预测,还有川普elon musk团队知道的他们的政策引起的经济危机(这在elon musk的twitter也提到了)。
上周三,43只雌性恒河猴从南卡的Alpha Genesis灵长类动物研究中心挣脱出来。警方称众母猴非常年轻,体重在6到7磅之间。25只已找到,18只仍在南卡逍遥快活。
警方顾左右而言他。人们的关注点不在猴子们是否健康,而是这些猴子们从实验室里带出了啥新病毒 🤣
A dozen and a half monkeys are still on the loose in South Carolina after a dramatic escape last week from a research facility.
The 43 female rhesus macaques broke free from the Alpha Genesis Primate Research Center in Yemassee, S.C., last Wednesday. Police describe the animals as very young and weighing between 6 and 7 pounds.
"As of 5 PM today, Alpha Genesis CEO Greg Westergaard has confirmed the successful recovery of an additional 24 primates, bringing the number recovered to 25," the Yemassee Police Department wrote in a weekend statement. Despite the time the monkeys spent in the wild, Yemassee police say the animals are in good health.
太对了! 旅游坚决不要等退休以后... 因为那时身体可能变成一部老爷车了... 不晓得哪天哪个部下就出毛病... 所以旅游要趁早👍✌️
太吓人了, 都还没过几年正常日子! 看来想做的事情都赶紧去做, 要不然疫情一来就都完了