In Sacramento County, Point Pleasant is known for its likelihood to flood. There are still markers along the road indicating just how high the water reached during its last flood. While residents nearby have come to expect these events, Matt Robinson – a county spokesperson – said all county residents need to be educated about the risks. Sacramento County is in a flood plain recognized by FEMA and according to the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, Sacramento is considered one of the most at-risk cities in the country for "catastrophic" flooding.
可可豆 发表于 2024-11-15 18:35 In Sacramento County, Point Pleasant is known for its likelihood to flood. There are still markers along the road indicating just how high the water reached during its last flood. While residents nearby have come to expect these events, Matt Robinson – a county spokesperson – said all county residents need to be educated about the risks. Sacramento County is in a flood plain recognized by FEMA and according to the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, Sacramento is considered one of the most at-risk cities in the country for "catastrophic" flooding.
Davis is at low risk for storm-related flooding, however remember that anywhere it rains, it can flood. There''s a Low Flood Risk score for Historic Folsom, where the FEMA floodzone is X. This area is not flooded by the 100-year flood event but it is at risk from the 500-year flood event.
三个馒头不用怕地震或火灾。 怕的是水。
很多地方河床跟平地一样高,靠的是一层楼高的堤坝,要不然加州省长扭伸上班都会淹死。 还有超过100度的的夏天也不好过。
只剩下SD,3D阿狗。 要买房子赶快买。 很快会To Da Moon。 嘿嘿。
Sacramento flood zone在三角洲地带,folsom和davis不在此列
Davis is at low risk for storm-related flooding, however remember that anywhere it rains, it can flood.
There''s a Low Flood Risk score for Historic Folsom, where the FEMA floodzone is X. This area is not flooded by the 100-year flood event but it is at risk from the 500-year flood event.
sacramento周边夏天太热气候不好,但房价低 你要是不差钱的话可以考虑San Diego周边好区,Irvine附近也可以,地震风险不太大
Irvine是不是在LA南边? 离SD还远吧。
Irvine属于oragne county,在LA南边,离海边不远,属于大LA地区。再往南开半个小时,就进入大SD地区。这一路应该不在大地震带上,还好,各个地区都有火灾危险的zone,避开这些zone就好。这些沿海地区气候太好了。