在阿富汗和伊拉克都打过仗,官职Major. 军队资历够了: high enough to lead a good size unit and knows the brutalities of war at a personal level, but not so high that he’s turned into a political figure, which generals tend to be. We want a SecDef who knows the personal sacrifices of wars, not a representative of the Military Industrial Complex and warmonger such as Rumsfeld. 我认为他和肯尼迪越战期间的国防部长Rober McNamara从学历(Harvard)到军衔(Lt. Colonel)都很像.
至少还有点从军经历 What did Pete Hegseth do in the military? He was deployed to Afghanistan with the Minnesota Army National Guard and acted as a senior counterinsurgency instructor at the Counterinsurgency Training Center in Kabul. Hegseth, a major, currently serves in the Individual Ready Reserve. He has been awarded two Bronze Stars for his service overseas.
一看题目还以为真的就只是一个news anchor, 还好是一个军人,还拿了很多medals https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pete_Hegseth Major Bronze Star (x2) Army Commendation Medal (x2) National Defense Service Medal Global War on Terrorism Service Medal
至少还有点从军经历 What did Pete Hegseth do in the military? He was deployed to Afghanistan with the Minnesota Army National Guard and acted as a senior counterinsurgency instructor at the Counterinsurgency Training Center in Kabul. Hegseth, a major, currently serves in the Individual Ready Reserve. He has been awarded two Bronze Stars for his service overseas. TEMUPDD 发表于 2024-11-12 19:41
Major是少校而已,仅仅比尉官高一级。。。 都还不算他这种退役的,美军仅仅是现役的Major or above的军官起码5万人以上吧? 算上退役的,好几十万是没问题的。。 这种中下层军官,根本不参与重大战略决策和讨论,纯粹就是底层填战壕的。。 这种人能当国防部长?
Of the 21 men who have been appointed Secretary of Defense over the last 64 years, seven have come from the Navy, with seven from the Army, and one from the Air Force. (With Donald Rumsfeld, who served 13th and 21st defense secretary, counted just once for the Navy). More than one in four defense secretaries, however, never served in the Armed Forces, or six of 21 (29 percent). Four of these six men without military service were appointed by Republican presidents: Charles Wilson (Eisenhower), Neil McElroy (Eisenhower), James Schlesinger (Nixon), and Dick Cheney (George H.W. Bush). Harold Brown (appointed by Carter) and William Cohen (Clinton) also never served. (Brown had been a consultant to the Air Force Scientific Advisory Board from 1956-1957, a member of the Board from 1958 to 1961, and Secretary of the Air Force from 1965 to 1969).
了解一下美国历史上的 国防部长 Of the 21 men who have been appointed Secretary of Defense over the last 64 years, seven have come from the Navy, with seven from the Army, and one from the Air Force. (With Donald Rumsfeld, who served 13th and 21st defense secretary, counted just once for the Navy). More than one in four defense secretaries, however, never served in the Armed Forces, or six of 21 (29 percent). Four of these six men without military service were appointed by Republican presidents: Charles Wilson (Eisenhower), Neil McElroy (Eisenhower), James Schlesinger (Nixon), and Dick Cheney (George H.W. Bush). Harold Brown (appointed by Carter) and William Cohen (Clinton) also never served. (Brown had been a consultant to the Air Force Scientific Advisory Board from 1956-1957, a member of the Board from 1958 to 1961, and Secretary of the Air Force from 1965 to 1969).
了解一下美国历史上的 国防部长 Of the 21 men who have been appointed Secretary of Defense over the last 64 years, seven have come from the Navy, with seven from the Army, and one from the Air Force. (With Donald Rumsfeld, who served 13th and 21st defense secretary, counted just once for the Navy). More than one in four defense secretaries, however, never served in the Armed Forces, or six of 21 (29 percent). Four of these six men without military service were appointed by Republican presidents: Charles Wilson (Eisenhower), Neil McElroy (Eisenhower), James Schlesinger (Nixon), and Dick Cheney (George H.W. Bush). Harold Brown (appointed by Carter) and William Cohen (Clinton) also never served. (Brown had been a consultant to the Air Force Scientific Advisory Board from 1956-1957, a member of the Board from 1958 to 1961, and Secretary of the Air Force from 1965 to 1969). pwwq 发表于 2024-11-12 20:21
Wiki 来的: He received his Bachelor of Arts at Princeton University in 2003. In 2013, he received a Master of Public Policy from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. Shortly after returning from Cuba, Hegseth volunteered to serve in Baghdad and Samarra, where he held the position of infantry platoon leader and, later in Samarra, as civil–military operations officer. He returned to active duty in 2012 as a captain. He was deployed to Afghanistan with the Minnesota Army National Guard and acted as a senior counterinsurgency instructor at the Counterinsurgency Training Center in Kabul. 精英教育, 伊拉克和阿富汗镀过金,这履历还可以吧?
pwwq 发表于 2024-11-12 20:21 了解一下美国历史上的 国防部长 Of the 21 men who have been appointed Secretary of Defense over the last 64 years, seven have come from the Navy, with seven from the Army, and one from the Air Force. (With Donald Rumsfeld, who served 13th and 21st defense secretary, counted just once for the Navy). More than one in four defense secretaries, however, never served in the Armed Forces, or six of 21 (29 percent). Four of these six men without military service were appointed by Republican presidents: Charles Wilson (Eisenhower), Neil McElroy (Eisenhower), James Schlesinger (Nixon), and Dick Cheney (George H.W. Bush). Harold Brown (appointed by Carter) and William Cohen (Clinton) also never served. (Brown had been a consultant to the Air Force Scientific Advisory Board from 1956-1957, a member of the Board from 1958 to 1961, and Secretary of the Air Force from 1965 to 1969).
Wiki 来的: He received his Bachelor of Arts at Princeton University in 2003. In 2013, he received a Master of Public Policy from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. Shortly after returning from Cuba, Hegseth volunteered to serve in Baghdad and Samarra, where he held the position of infantry platoon leader and, later in Samarra, as civil–military operations officer. He returned to active duty in 2012 as a captain. He was deployed to Afghanistan with the Minnesota Army National Guard and acted as a senior counterinsurgency instructor at the Counterinsurgency Training Center in Kabul. 精英教育, 伊拉克和阿富汗镀过金,这履历还可以吧?
Pete Hegseth calls for people to go out and get infected by coronavirus: "Now that we are learning more, herd immunity is our friend. Healthy people getting out there -- they are going to have to have some courage." pic.twitter.com/eP6obazw4n — ًً (@politicalplayer) November 13, 2024
我是个投了民主党的温和派 很反感民主党的很多做法 也反感他们的elite政治,但我不喜欢Trump的为人(你自己的孩子会培养成这种品行的人嚒?如果你无所谓 那我真无语了)。
Trump赢了后我反思了 觉得就是国民对Dem太失望了。还挺期待他这四年能做点事儿吧 总比民主党没啥作为强。他选的人 Susie Wiles我很欣赏 但接下来几个人选就是很明显年轻派的极端GOP 为以后控制几代人就算ok 但这个国防部长重任不是你可以儿戏的,这不是reality TV. 这人的资历 谈吐能被senate批准 我觉得就真说明美国要完了!!说实话不如大厂老油条经理呢…..
给大家科普一下 这位是少校。美国少校(后勤经历!第一份工作是finance)和国防部长的gap相当于你苹果零售店店长和Tim Cook差别 能一样么!!
🔥 最新回帖
卖的就是让川普上台显得名正言顺有群众基础的药呗。 民主党主管通过搞乱搞穷搞意识形态来掏干奴隶,共和党主管铁腕钳制强力管控来掏干奴隶,轮流来奴隶就老觉得有希望老老实实原地呆着等被掏,不知道两边其实服务于相同的老板。
被shock晕了,sorry! 但现在看来这位都不是个事了,有隔壁的AG打底了。
🛋️ 沙发板凳
狗改不了吃屎 以为老川会成熟一点
We want a SecDef who knows the personal sacrifices of wars, not a representative of the Military Industrial Complex and warmonger such as Rumsfeld.
我认为他和肯尼迪越战期间的国防部长Rober McNamara从学历(Harvard)到军衔(Lt. Colonel)都很像.
What did Pete Hegseth do in the military?
He was deployed to Afghanistan with the Minnesota Army National Guard and acted as a senior counterinsurgency instructor at the Counterinsurgency Training Center in Kabul. Hegseth, a major, currently serves in the Individual Ready Reserve. He has been awarded two Bronze Stars for his service overseas.
Major Bronze Star (x2) Army Commendation Medal (x2) National Defense Service Medal Global War on Terrorism Service Medal
都还不算他这种退役的,美军仅仅是现役的Major or above的军官起码5万人以上吧? 算上退役的,好几十万是没问题的。。
这种中下层军官,根本不参与重大战略决策和讨论,纯粹就是底层填战壕的。。 这种人能当国防部长?
华人精英群说了现在是拨乱反正,merit based的精英治国,只选有才的,所以这位一定是棒棒哒靠才华征服世界。
美国的国防部长是领导军队的文职官员。我前面提到的Don Rumsfeld是个Navy Captain. 不妨碍他领导伊拉克和阿富汗战争。
三哈能够做美国总统、还有什么不可以!全美国人民看笑话一样看她用提词器、看到超出想象的回答问题、到目前为止、川普选入内阁人、各个是人才、有人品、有素质、不会去罗莉岛、爹地的下流party. 真是物以类聚、人以群分!
Of the 21 men who have been appointed Secretary of Defense over the last 64 years, seven have come from the Navy, with seven from the Army, and one from the Air Force. (With Donald Rumsfeld, who served 13th and 21st defense secretary, counted just once for the Navy).
More than one in four defense secretaries, however, never served in the Armed Forces, or six of 21 (29 percent). Four of these six men without military service were appointed by Republican presidents: Charles Wilson (Eisenhower), Neil McElroy (Eisenhower), James Schlesinger (Nixon), and Dick Cheney (George H.W. Bush).
Harold Brown (appointed by Carter) and William Cohen (Clinton) also never served. (Brown had been a consultant to the Air Force Scientific Advisory Board from 1956-1957, a member of the Board from 1958 to 1961, and Secretary of the Air Force from 1965 to 1969).
越南战争72万人获得 伊拉克战争11万人获得
了解一下美国历史上的 国防部长
Of the 21 men who have been appointed Secretary of Defense over the last 64 years, seven have come from the Navy, with seven from the Army, and one from the Air Force. (With Donald Rumsfeld, who served 13th and 21st defense secretary, counted just once for the Navy).
More than one in four defense secretaries, however, never served in the Armed Forces, or six of 21 (29 percent). Four of these six men without military service were appointed by Republican presidents: Charles Wilson (Eisenhower), Neil McElroy (Eisenhower), James Schlesinger (Nixon), and Dick Cheney (George H.W. Bush).
Harold Brown (appointed by Carter) and William Cohen (Clinton) also never served. (Brown had been a consultant to the Air Force Scientific Advisory Board from 1956-1957, a member of the Board from 1958 to 1961, and Secretary of the Air Force from 1965 to 1969).
这些medal基本是服役的军人都有的吧? 只表示参与不表示杰出。
川普选人有门槛? 全凭听话!
不用了解了,你也不用spin了, 大部分军官,不是军官也当过参议员众议员。不是民兵排长当国防部长
大惊小怪的, 又不是没听过文革
川王不拘一格唯一metric 就是忠
宋祖英 李双江啥时候当过国防部长?
你 加拿大的 最好别 操心我们美国的事情
He received his Bachelor of Arts at Princeton University in 2003. In 2013, he received a Master of Public Policy from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.
Shortly after returning from Cuba, Hegseth volunteered to serve in Baghdad and Samarra, where he held the position of infantry platoon leader and, later in Samarra, as civil–military operations officer.
He returned to active duty in 2012 as a captain. He was deployed to Afghanistan with the Minnesota Army National Guard and acted as a senior counterinsurgency instructor at the Counterinsurgency Training Center in Kabul.
精英教育, 伊拉克和阿富汗镀过金,这履历还可以吧?
估计正在 商量呢
挺激动的,感觉这次真的要一个great 接着一个great了!
我是个投了民主党的温和派 很反感民主党的很多做法 也反感他们的elite政治,但我不喜欢Trump的为人(你自己的孩子会培养成这种品行的人嚒?如果你无所谓 那我真无语了)。
Trump赢了后我反思了 觉得就是国民对Dem太失望了。还挺期待他这四年能做点事儿吧 总比民主党没啥作为强。他选的人 Susie Wiles我很欣赏 但接下来几个人选就是很明显年轻派的极端GOP 为以后控制几代人就算ok 但这个国防部长重任不是你可以儿戏的,这不是reality TV. 这人的资历 谈吐能被senate批准 我觉得就真说明美国要完了!!说实话不如大厂老油条经理呢, 我靠!
Michael Anti:川普通过自己国防部长的任命明确告诉大家自己任内不想打仗,否则找个主持人做干嘛?等于是让张召忠去做国防部长啊。
major连个少将都不是,甚至都不是个准将,你要么是彻头彻尾那种文职的, 比如俄罗斯现在的国防部长, 要么就老老实实一直在军队里呆着的中将上将。 这一个major 突然来当国防部长,不多见啊!
里根做总统之前就是个演员不妨碍他政绩卓著; 主党大统领Obama就是个community organizer出身,也没见这些粉们上蹿下跳反对
真的瞎BB了? major是少校!是比上尉大一级,陆军一大堆 尤其是和平年代 每月提升一大堆。他又是做后勤的 这完全是胡闹啊!
从演员到州长不也是很大跨越吗? 英雄不论出处
听听他Youtube谈吐再回来告诉我…这是国防部长的样子?能make America great????
现在说啥最后都要maga一下吗,哈哈哈哈。和Heil Hitler有一拼
進入內閣[编辑] 1969年他辞去联邦众议员的职务,加入理查·尼克松总统的内阁,成为白宫经济机会办公室的主任和总统助理。其间,发现并重用迪克·切尼,开始了二人长达近40年的密切关系,这种关系在小布什总统任期内对美国的国防和对外政策产生重大影响。 1973年2月,拉姆斯菲尔德受尼克松委派,出任美国驻北约大使。1974年8月,尼克松因水门事件被迫辞职,副总统杰拉尔德·福特接任总统。拉姆斯菲尔德被福特任命为幕僚长。1975年10月底,福特对内阁实行大洗牌(史称“万圣节大屠杀”),原任国防部长詹姆斯·R·施莱辛格因与福特不和而被迫辞职,拉姆斯菲尔德被任命为新的国防部长,成为美国历史上最年轻的国防部长。他原来担任的白宫办公厅主任职务被迪克·切尼接任。在国防部长任内,他持鹰派立场,强调苏联的威胁,不支持对苏缓和,积极主张增加国防经费。后来福特戏称,“限制战略武器条约”的搁浅,应由勃列日涅夫和拉姆斯菲尔德二人负责。拉姆斯菲尔德则诙谐地回应,他对福特的这一评价“欣然接受”(见拉姆斯菲尔德回忆录“已知与未知”)。