JD Vance has had the same message for years, long before he became a US Senator.
This TED Talk was filmed 8 years ago where Vance discussed the social issues plaguing America.
"We need to ask questions about how we're going to give low-income kids who come from a broken home… pic.twitter.com/67yBYYbChc — Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) November 11, 2024
JD Vance has had the same message for years, long before he became a US Senator.
This TED Talk was filmed 8 years ago where Vance discussed the social issues plaguing America.
"We need to ask questions about how we're going to give low-income kids who come from a broken home… pic.twitter.com/67yBYYbChc — Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) November 11, 2024
是。如果他不是gay肯定就走向前台了,记得他在RNC演讲了,是16年最早支持Trump的。Musk也是他介绍给Trump的。他是PayPal Mafia的头,musk肯定听他的,而且都是南非过来的。他的agenda我觉得应该不包括LGBT,因为他自己就是公开的gay,就是白人至上那一套和保守主义。 Julie Lythcott-haims, another Black Stanford student, recalls Thiel telling her that "South Africa''s systematic denial of civil rights to Black people was economically sound. Any moral issues were irrelevant."
claireliu 发表于 2024-11-11 21:50 是。如果他不是gay肯定就走向前台了,记得他在RNC演讲了,是16年最早支持Trump的。Musk也是他介绍给Trump的。他是PayPal Mafia的头,musk肯定听他的,而且都是南非过来的。他的agenda我觉得应该不包括LGBT,因为他自己就是公开的gay,就是白人至上那一套和保守主义。 Julie Lythcott-haims, another Black Stanford student, recalls Thiel telling her that "South Africa''s systematic denial of civil rights to Black people was economically sound. Any moral issues were irrelevant."
JD Vance has had the same message for years, long before he became a US Senator.
This TED Talk was filmed 8 years ago where Vance discussed the social issues plaguing America.
"We need to ask questions about how we're going to give low-income kids who come from a broken home… pic.twitter.com/67yBYYbChc — Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) November 11, 2024
--"We need to ask questions about how we're going to give low-income kids who come from a broken home access to a loving home." --"We need to ask questions about how we're going to teach low-income parents how to better interact with their children, with their partners." --"We need to ask questions about how we give social capital, mentorship to low-income kids who don't have it." --"We need to think about how we teach working-class children about not just hard skills, like reading, mathematics, but also soft skills, like conflict resolution and financial management."
if you look back 35 years you will find youtube videos of trump and he is also remarkably consistent.
而且民主党高层吃相太难看。比如台上刚讲完如何保护弱势群体,下来晚饭社交时候就开始交流如何克扣给自己服务的人了。这个精分程度,只要有COMMON SENSE的,都不好无脑加入吧。
被 peter thiel 看上了呗。 他可能本来就没什么自己的想法,文采好而已。
是。如果他不是gay肯定就走向前台了,记得他在RNC演讲了,是16年最早支持Trump的。Musk也是他介绍给Trump的。他是PayPal Mafia的头,musk肯定听他的,而且都是南非过来的。他的agenda我觉得应该不包括LGBT,因为他自己就是公开的gay,就是白人至上那一套和保守主义。
Julie Lythcott-haims, another Black Stanford student, recalls Thiel telling her that "South Africa''s systematic denial of civil rights to Black people was economically sound. Any moral issues were irrelevant."
自己gay不代表盲目追捧极端的情况啊。我朋友好几个都是gay, 有的还结婚了,但他们也很反感过去几年这套模式。他们只想正常生活,不想被标签
这些人都有childhood trauma。
没有工作,失去了hope,就家暴吸毒,这样的社区怎么才能turnaround 他自己也说,上大学前在当地打工,遇到的人没一个靠谱的,迟到早退上厕所旷工。什么business才会去投资?
这才是重点,Vance 自己在书中也写了,就算是受了耶鲁的教育,他骨子里还是hillbilly. 他这个背景的确是去Appalachian 那一带混更能共情更有说服力
--"We need to ask questions about how we're going to give low-income kids who come from a broken home access to a loving home."
--"We need to ask questions about how we're going to teach low-income parents how to better interact with their children, with their partners."
--"We need to ask questions about how we give social capital, mentorship to low-income kids who don't have it."
--"We need to think about how we teach working-class children about not just hard skills, like reading, mathematics, but also soft skills, like conflict resolution and financial management."
川普四年,我想人们不会失望。他们会得到他们所vote for 的。也可能只有社会制度的进一步崩坏,真的痛了,才会反转吧。