Former Breitbart News executive chairman and former White House Chief Strategist for Donald Trump, Steve Bannon admits Project 2025 was the agenda all along. — Momala (@likeapresident) November 7, 2024
美国人民比你有见地的多了去了。我的一个朋友,四十几岁的白人退役的Army Ranger, 公校教师,中间偏右,谈起Project 2025的时候这么说: in Washington DC, if you have access to power and want things done, you talk in hush voices at dinner tables. The fact that Project 2025 has to ‘yell out’ their demands, means that they don’t have access to power. Anybody can yell anything, it’s a free country, but yelling something doesn’t mean people are going to listen to you. 这个朋友这次投川普。 把这套世人皆醉我独醒的傲慢收起来吧。It’s better to be silent and be thought of a fool, than to open your mouth and provide proof.
一开始是引用这个网站作为证据, 现在这个网站自己也在Debunking 很多 Lies, 不会现在又不相信这个网站了吧 Debunking the Lies Project 2025 is a plan from Trump: FALSE Government Terminate the Constitution: FALSE Give the Government more power over your daily life: FALSE Gut democratic checks and balances on presidential power: FALSE Civil Rights Ban books and curriculum about slavery: FALSE Continue to pack the Supreme Court and lower courts with right-wing judges: FALSE End civil rights: FALSE End DEI protections in government: TRUE Promote and expedite capital punishment: TRUE Military & Veterans Cut military benefits for veterans and service members including housing, TRICARE, retirement, and secondary education: FALSE Marriage & Family End no-fault divorce: FALSE End “marriage equality”: FALSE Complete ban on abortions without exceptions: FALSE Ban contraceptives: FALSE Ban IVF: FALSE Condemn single mothers while promoting only “traditional families”: FALSE Outlaw pornography: TRUE Health Care End the Affordable Care Act: FALSE Raise prescription drug prices: FALSE Education End free and discounted school lunch programs: FALSE Use public, taxpayer money for private religious schools: TRUE Shut down the Department of Education: TRUE Economy & Workers Cut Social Security: FALSE Eliminate unions and worker protections: FALSE Raise the retirement age: FALSE Cut Medicare: FALSE Immigration Mass deportation of illegal immigrants: TRUE Energy & Environment Deregulate big business and the oil industry: MOSTLY TRUE Increase Arctic Drilling: TRUE
没有研究过但是我们行业协会今天发了邮件分析大选的影响。 说到project 2025的部分说川普今年选举的过程中是tried to distance himself from project 2025的但是他的first term 拥抱了2/3 project 2025的内容。 我自己没研究过但我相信行会的分析文章。
SAT 发表于 2024-11-08 14:14 美国人民比你有见地的多了去了。我的一个朋友,四十几岁的白人退役的Army Ranger, 公校教师,中间偏右,谈起Project 2025的时候这么说: in Washington DC, if you have access to power and want things done, you talk in hush voices at dinner tables. The fact that Project 2025 has to ‘yell out’ their demands, means that they don’t have access to power. Anybody can yell anything, it’s a free country, but yelling something doesn’t mean people are going to listen to you. 这个朋友这次投川普。 把这套世人皆醉我独醒的傲慢收起来吧。It’s better to be silent and be thought of a fool, than to open your mouth and provide proof.
夜风惊扰我 发表于 2024-11-08 14:17 没有研究过但是我们行业协会今天发了邮件分析大选的影响。 说到project 2025的部分说川普今年选举的过程中是tried to distance himself from project 2025的但是他的first term 拥抱了2/3 project 2025的内容。 我自己没研究过但我相信行会的分析文章。
SAT 发表于 2024-11-08 14:14 美国人民比你有见地的多了去了。我的一个朋友,四十几岁的白人退役的Army Ranger, 公校教师,中间偏右,谈起Project 2025的时候这么说: in Washington DC, if you have access to power and want things done, you talk in hush voices at dinner tables. The fact that Project 2025 has to ‘yell out’ their demands, means that they don’t have access to power. Anybody can yell anything, it’s a free country, but yelling something doesn’t mean people are going to listen to you. 这个朋友这次投川普。 把这套世人皆醉我独醒的傲慢收起来吧。It’s better to be silent and be thought of a fool, than to open your mouth and provide proof.
华人真天真。口头中偏右的去测测立场大多是committed conservative.不信你嫁给他之后就知道了。不知他有没有告诉你他们全家医疗免费、孩子上大学也可能免费、买房子还有可能不用交地税(case by case)?很可能每月还有钱发,哪怕失业啥都不干也不用愁。物价涨上天其实对他也没什么太大影响。 知道为啥外嫁很多支持trump吗?这是真的有利。剩下几个不支持的是还愿意和你分享实话的。不过从今往后我也不会说了。从我全家的角度,他当选是有利的。只是不愿意看到同胞有可能受害。但既然同胞自己都不在乎,我又何必担心呢。
华人真天真。口头中偏右的去测测立场大多是committed conservative.不信你嫁给他之后就知道了。不知他有没有告诉你他们全家医疗免费、孩子上大学也可能免费、买房子还有可能不用交地税(case by case)?很可能每月还有钱发,哪怕失业啥都不干也不用愁。物价涨上天其实对他也没什么太大影响。 知道为啥外嫁很多支持trump吗?这是真的有利。剩下几个不支持的是还愿意和你分享实话的。不过从今往后我也不会说了。从我全家的角度,他当选是有利的。只是不愿意看到同胞有可能受害。但既然同胞自己都不在乎,我又何必担心呢。 gemeaux1 发表于 2024-11-08 19:20
Hey, I’m a committed conservative (ok, ok, I admit it!). My friend, the retired Ranger Captain, is a bit too liberal for me at times. 中间偏右是我给他带的帽子。我婚姻幸福, 干嘛要嫁给他?这都啥脑回路啊!
SAT 发表于 2024-11-08 14:14 美国人民比你有见地的多了去了。我的一个朋友,四十几岁的白人退役的Army Ranger, 公校教师,中间偏右,谈起Project 2025的时候这么说: in Washington DC, if you have access to power and want things done, you talk in hush voices at dinner tables. The fact that Project 2025 has to ‘yell out’ their demands, means that they don’t have access to power. Anybody can yell anything, it’s a free country, but yelling something doesn’t mean people are going to listen to you. 这个朋友这次投川普。 把这套世人皆醉我独醒的傲慢收起来吧。It’s better to be silent and be thought of a fool, than to open your mouth and provide proof.
SAT 发表于 2024-11-08 14:14 美国人民比你有见地的多了去了。我的一个朋友,四十几岁的白人退役的Army Ranger, 公校教师,中间偏右,谈起Project 2025的时候这么说: in Washington DC, if you have access to power and want things done, you talk in hush voices at dinner tables. The fact that Project 2025 has to ‘yell out’ their demands, means that they don’t have access to power. Anybody can yell anything, it’s a free country, but yelling something doesn’t mean people are going to listen to you. 这个朋友这次投川普。 把这套世人皆醉我独醒的傲慢收起来吧。It’s better to be silent and be thought of a fool, than to open your mouth and provide proof.
哈哈,感谢你现身说法。 原来真有你这样的
不过是不是先定义一下啥叫“p事没有”? project 2025 上的一条条,如果执行了多少算p事没有,多少算有? 你可别说执行不到100%就算“p事没有”哈
WSJ 的报道很清楚。Project 2025 的幕后推手,Heritage Foundation, 是trump MAGA运动的极大助力,他们早就是深入的一体 trump 自己的演讲:视频10‘30''''
确实是川普是川普,Project 2025是project 2025,两者有区别
但你无法预判鼓捣Project 2025那些人对川普有多少影响力,能推动多少 因为川普明显对很多细节并不在意,只要给他个人好处,剩下的他会放手让下面人自己操作。。
这个说法更准确,是HF选择了川普。四年以后,川普下台以后,HF 还会物色下一个执行人。
把这套世人皆醉我独醒的傲慢收起来吧。It’s better to be silent and be thought of a fool, than to open your mouth and provide proof.
你一定不知道谁是Matt Walsh , 他制作了电影Am I Racist , 这不是政治题材的,但是分析了极左怎么陷入自己的思维困境。建议大家都看看。他在X 的发言是反讽啊,Steven Bannon 也是嘲笑的意思。
Debunking the Lies Project 2025 is a plan from Trump: FALSE Government Terminate the Constitution: FALSE Give the Government more power over your daily life: FALSE Gut democratic checks and balances on presidential power: FALSE Civil Rights Ban books and curriculum about slavery: FALSE Continue to pack the Supreme Court and lower courts with right-wing judges: FALSE End civil rights: FALSE End DEI protections in government: TRUE Promote and expedite capital punishment: TRUE Military & Veterans Cut military benefits for veterans and service members including housing, TRICARE, retirement, and secondary education: FALSE Marriage & Family End no-fault divorce: FALSE End “marriage equality”: FALSE Complete ban on abortions without exceptions: FALSE Ban contraceptives: FALSE Ban IVF: FALSE Condemn single mothers while promoting only “traditional families”: FALSE Outlaw pornography: TRUE Health Care End the Affordable Care Act: FALSE Raise prescription drug prices: FALSE Education End free and discounted school lunch programs: FALSE Use public, taxpayer money for private religious schools: TRUE Shut down the Department of Education: TRUE Economy & Workers Cut Social Security: FALSE Eliminate unions and worker protections: FALSE Raise the retirement age: FALSE Cut Medicare: FALSE Immigration Mass deportation of illegal immigrants: TRUE Energy & Environment Deregulate big business and the oil industry: MOSTLY TRUE Increase Arctic Drilling: TRUE
没有研究过但是我们行业协会今天发了邮件分析大选的影响。 说到project 2025的部分说川普今年选举的过程中是tried to distance himself from project 2025的但是他的first term 拥抱了2/3 project 2025的内容。 我自己没研究过但我相信行会的分析文章。
美国各种基金会和think tank多如牛毛,每个都有自己的政治立场,价值观 那几个右翼的Cato, Hoover, Heritage等等, 都是历史悠久 无非就是各显神通,看谁能有更大的影响力,说服总统多推行自己的议题。。。
所以确实没必要把某个think tank的policy doc把总统直接捆绑 就像左翼的The Center for American Progress,虽然现在手眼通天,但毕竟还是和Biden政府并不是一回事
用不了4年,Vance就是下一个执行人,或者他才是真正的执行人。HF先利用Trump的影响力拿到总统位子,2026中期选举之前就会根据25th Amendment用Vance取代Trump
华人真天真。口头中偏右的去测测立场大多是committed conservative.不信你嫁给他之后就知道了。不知他有没有告诉你他们全家医疗免费、孩子上大学也可能免费、买房子还有可能不用交地税(case by case)?很可能每月还有钱发,哪怕失业啥都不干也不用愁。物价涨上天其实对他也没什么太大影响。 知道为啥外嫁很多支持trump吗?这是真的有利。剩下几个不支持的是还愿意和你分享实话的。不过从今往后我也不会说了。从我全家的角度,他当选是有利的。只是不愿意看到同胞有可能受害。但既然同胞自己都不在乎,我又何必担心呢。
Hey, I’m a committed conservative (ok, ok, I admit it!). My friend, the retired Ranger Captain, is a bit too liberal for me at times. 中间偏右是我给他带的帽子。我婚姻幸福, 干嘛要嫁给他?这都啥脑回路啊!
project 2025是真实的,但是trump明确表示过他不会实施
所以trump是一个有信用的人,那Chinese virus也是个有信用的人说出来的。有趣
惨败不是我的惨败。未来四年美国再乱我也能坚持过去。你还是自求多福吧。你们川粉求仁得仁,deserve 川疯子对你们的带来的报应
大学更是一言堂,整天都是极左的那一套,学生哪里有critical thinking的能力?