The victim is an asian woman. About the suspect: Records in Alameda and Solano counties show Jovany had a long criminal history, including felony convictions for burglary, drug trafficking, selling ammunition to a minor and robbery, among other crimes. His most recent arrest occurred in January, following a physical altercation with a store employee who stopped him for shoplifting in Alameda. The case was dismissed as part of a plea bargain with the district attorney’s office that allowed Portades to admit to a probation violation, for which he was sentenced to a year in jail — with credit for time served — in April, and released in July. His defense attorney declined to comment, as did both victims in the Alameda County cases.
图:湾区捷运警方公布摄像图片 根据公开记录和旧新闻报道,Jovany是瓦列霍(Vallejo)的居民,曾因犯罪入狱多年。 湾区捷运发言人Chris Filippi表示,警方于周日下午2点左右,在开往安提阿(Antioch)的列车上抓获了Jovany,该列车途经弗鲁特维尔(Fruitvale)站。
Chris补充说,逮捕过程顺利,未波及周围群众和设施。 据湾区捷运警方称,袭击发生在一天半前,即周六早上8点刚过,当时一列开往安提阿的火车正驶近旧金山第24街-米申站(24th Street-Mission stop)。 受害者是一名54岁的女性,伤势严重,被送往附近的一家医院。
About the suspect: Records in Alameda and Solano counties show Jovany had a long criminal history, including felony convictions for burglary, drug trafficking, selling ammunition to a minor and robbery, among other crimes. His most recent arrest occurred in January, following a physical altercation with a store employee who stopped him for shoplifting in Alameda. The case was dismissed as part of a plea bargain with the district attorney’s office that allowed Portades to admit to a probation violation, for which he was sentenced to a year in jail — with credit for time served — in April, and released in July. His defense attorney declined to comment, as did both victims in the Alameda County cases.