Dark Web site 上能找到我的SSN,需要更换SSN吗?

楼主 (北美华人网)
信用卡公司Discover发来的通知,8/20/2024 在Dark Web site 发现了我的SSN。名字和SSN的确都是我的,地址和座机电话却是10几年前我在学校里的用过,现在已经废弃不用的了。 至于我的生日,不知是否也能被找到?以前确实曾收到几次购物网站和医疗机构发来的、关于客户或病人的数据被盗的邮件,当时也没时间去折腾。
另外,我共有三张信用卡,前两周另外2张信用卡US Bank和Chase也在网上被盗用,虽然都是小数目,信用卡公司也都帮忙拦下并换了新卡。其实目前常用的只有US Bank。Chase和Discover都是老卡,平时不常用,只是为了信用卡分数,舍不得关掉。
不知能不能申请更换SSN呢?如果换了SSN之后,是否也会引起其他的麻烦呢?  不知是否有遭遇类似事件的网友,能否分享一下你的解决办法?谢谢!!
附: 1)信用卡公司的邮件: Compromised Social Security Number We have located your Social Security number on a Dark Web site. Review the date your Social Security number was found as it may have been in the past. Potential Site nationalpublicdata.com Records Found On 08/20/2024 Found With Social Security Number Steps you can take to help further protect your Identity: Place a fraud alert on your credit file at Experian.com/fraud, or via phone at 1-888-397-3742 by following the fraud alert prompts. Request and review a copy of your latest credit report at AnnualCreditReport.com to confirm no fraudulent activity has occurred. Access additional resources or report the issue at the Social Security Administration online at Ssa.Gov/Fraud, or via phone at 1-800-772-1213 If you need further assistance please contact us at 1-800-347-4907. 2)GPT4o:Having your Social Security number located on the dark web is a significant security concern, as it suggests your SSN could be at risk of misuse for identity theft. Here’s what you should consider and do: 1.    Verify the Notification Source: First, confirm the legitimacy of the notification. Some scammers use fake alerts to trick people. Ensure the notification comes from a credible source, such as a credit monitoring service or financial institution you trust. 2.    Monitor Your Credit: If the alert is real, immediately check your credit reports for any suspicious activity. You can obtain a free report from each of the three major credit bureaus—Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax—at AnnualCreditReport.com. 3.    Place a Fraud Alert or Credit Freeze: A fraud alert informs creditors to verify your identity before opening accounts in your name. A credit freeze, which is stronger, prevents new accounts from being opened under your SSN. You can set these up through each of the major credit bureaus. 4.    Consider Identity Theft Protection: Services like LifeLock, IdentityForce, or Aura offer more robust protection and monitoring and can help detect and address suspicious activity. 5.    Report Any Identity Theft Immediately: If you find any signs of misuse, report it to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) at IdentityTheft.gov, and they will help you create a recovery plan. Changing Your SSN is rarely done, even in cases of identity theft, and generally is only approved under specific circumstances. However, by taking these proactive steps, you can help prevent or address misuse effectively.
放宽心 几乎所有人的都在dark web被compromised 我800多的信用 可不愿意再花几十年重头再来 更别说我交的那些税 我可不想以后claim ss扯皮 要么freeze 要么monitor,只要从我这里拿不到半分钱 也做不了什么事 who cares
几乎全美国人的信息都在暗网上,who cares 随时多监控下自己的信用卡消费和信用分不就行了
最近我的医疗保险公司来信,说数据被HACK. 然后很快收到类似的信,说SSN在暗网上了。没办法,监控信用卡消费,把信用报告FREEZE。别的就没啥可做的了。比如有人冒用信息开个银行账户,其实很难发现。
fluting 发表于 2024-11-01 18:43
信用卡公司Discover发来的通知,8/20/2024 在Dark Web site 发现了我的SSN。名字和SSN的确都是我的,地址和座机电话却是10几年前我在学校里的用过,现在已经废弃不用的了。 至于我的生日,不知是否也能被找到?以前确实曾收到几次购物网站和医疗机构发来的、关于客户或病人的数据被盗的邮件,当时也没时间去折腾。
另外,我共有三张信用卡,前两周另外2张信用卡US Bank和Chase也在网上被盗用,虽然都是小数目,信用卡公司也都帮忙拦下并换了新卡。其实目前常用的只有US Bank。Chase和Discover都是老卡,平时不常用,只是为了信用卡分数,舍不得关掉。
不知能不能申请更换SSN呢?如果换了SSN之后,是否也会引起其他的麻烦呢?  不知是否有遭遇类似事件的网友,能否分享一下你的解决办法?谢谢!!
附: 1)信用卡公司的邮件: Compromised Social Security Number We have located your Social Security number on a Dark Web site. Review the date your Social Security number was found as it may have been in the past. Potential Site nationalpublicdata.com Records Found On 08/20/2024 Found With Social Security Number Steps you can take to help further protect your Identity: Place a fraud alert on your credit file at Experian.com/fraud, or via phone at 1-888-397-3742 by following the fraud alert prompts. Request and review a copy of your latest credit report at AnnualCreditReport.com to confirm no fraudulent activity has occurred. Access additional resources or report the issue at the Social Security Administration online at Ssa.Gov/Fraud, or via phone at 1-800-772-1213 If you need further assistance please contact us at 1-800-347-4907. 2)GPT4o:Having your Social Security number located on the dark web is a significant security concern, as it suggests your SSN could be at risk of misuse for identity theft. Here’s what you should consider and do: 1.    Verify the Notification Source: First, confirm the legitimacy of the notification. Some scammers use fake alerts to trick people. Ensure the notification comes from a credible source, such as a credit monitoring service or financial institution you trust. 2.    Monitor Your Credit: If the alert is real, immediately check your credit reports for any suspicious activity. You can obtain a free report from each of the three major credit bureaus—Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax—at AnnualCreditReport.com. 3.    Place a Fraud Alert or Credit Freeze: A fraud alert informs creditors to verify your identity before opening accounts in your name. A credit freeze, which is stronger, prevents new accounts from being opened under your SSN. You can set these up through each of the major credit bureaus. 4.    Consider Identity Theft Protection: Services like LifeLock, IdentityForce, or Aura offer more robust protection and monitoring and can help detect and address suspicious activity. 5.    Report Any Identity Theft Immediately: If you find any signs of misuse, report it to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) at IdentityTheft.gov, and they will help you create a recovery plan. Changing Your SSN is rarely done, even in cases of identity theft, and generally is only approved under specific circumstances. However, by taking these proactive steps, you can help prevent or address misuse effectively.

你如果再witness protection program肯定把你SSN马上换了😄
今年最大的data breach泄露了3B人的数据,还有谁没在暗网的?lol
luoyuwei 发表于 2024-11-01 18:55
最近我的医疗保险公司来信,说数据被HACK. 然后很快收到类似的信,说SSN在暗网上了。没办法,监控信用卡消费,把信用报告FREEZE。别的就没啥可做的了。比如有人冒用信息开个银行账户,其实很难发现。

请问 freeze 信用对我们自己有什么不利的地方吗?
稍安勿躁,信用卡就留一两张 经常看看账户有没有可疑交易 年年查查报告