上两个月家里有个不用的马桶漏水,等发现的时候已经漏了一阵子。结果7月和8月的水费贵得离谱。当时打电话给自来水公司的建议是说等9月份的账单出来后,会把漏水修好后的正常用水量和前两个月的高水费比较做个调整。 本来我以为“调整”就是把多出来的用水量给抹掉,只需要付正常的水费就好了。可是今天收到调整后的7月和8月账单,水费还是比平时高很多。American Water 给的调整政策是这样的: Leak adjustments are calculated in the following manner. Your average water use after the leak was repaired. The average use for your property is then subtracted from the water use during the eligible time period when the leak was present. The water use in excess of your average is multiplied by 50% on 2 high bills. These gallons are multiplied by the rate in effect during the time when the leak occurred and applied to your account as a credit adjustment. 这里我不明白的是为什么多出来的用水要乘以50%,也就是说多出来的用水给你打个对折而不是全免? 难道是因为要调整的账单跨了两个月所以每个月就只能免一半? 大家有碰到过这样的调整么?
zouzoukankan 发表于 2024-10-29 21:46 上两个月家里有个不用的马桶漏水,等发现的时候已经漏了一阵子。结果7月和8月的水费贵得离谱。当时打电话给自来水公司的建议是说等9月份的账单出来后,会把漏水修好后的正常用水量和前两个月的高水费比较做个调整。 本来我以为“调整”就是把多出来的用水量给抹掉,只需要付正常的水费就好了。可是今天收到调整后的7月和8月账单,水费还是比平时高很多。American Water 给的调整政策是这样的: Leak adjustments are calculated in the following manner. Your average water use after the leak was repaired. The average use for your property is then subtracted from the water use during the eligible time period when the leak was present. The water use in excess of your average is multiplied by 50% on 2 high bills. These gallons are multiplied by the rate in effect during the time when the leak occurred and applied to your account as a credit adjustment. 这里我不明白的是为什么多出来的用水要乘以50%,也就是说多出来的用水给你打个对折而不是全免? 难道是因为要调整的账单跨了两个月所以每个月就只能免一半? 大家有碰到过这样的调整么?
本来我以为“调整”就是把多出来的用水量给抹掉,只需要付正常的水费就好了。可是今天收到调整后的7月和8月账单,水费还是比平时高很多。American Water 给的调整政策是这样的:
Leak adjustments are calculated in the following manner. Your average water use after the leak was repaired. The average use for your property is then subtracted from the water use during the eligible time period when the leak was present. The water use in excess of your average is multiplied by 50% on 2 high bills. These gallons are multiplied by the rate in effect during the time when the leak occurred and applied to your account as a credit adjustment.
这里我不明白的是为什么多出来的用水要乘以50%,也就是说多出来的用水给你打个对折而不是全免? 难道是因为要调整的账单跨了两个月所以每个月就只能免一半? 大家有碰到过这样的调整么?
你这个漏水是自己厕所的问题,打个对折应该很好啊,要不你问问周围的人,or给CITY 的Board of Water Supply打个电话问问政策