Biden on Elon: “That wealthiest man in the world turns out to have been an illegal worker here.” — The Tennessee Holler (@TheTNHoller) October 26, 2024
F1校内打工是允许的,有时限。F1校外打工需要CPT。CPT 和 Intern 两回事情。 AI总结: Yes, F-1 students can work in the United States, but there are certain restrictions and conditions: On-campus work F-1 students can work on-campus up to 20 hours per week while school is in session, and up to 40 hours per week when classes are not. Students can apply for on-campus jobs up to 30 days before the start of classes. They will need to get a letter of approval from their DSO and their employer to apply for a Social Security Number. Off-campus work F-1 students can't work off-campus during their first academic year. After that, they can work off-campus if they meet certain requirements, including: Completing at least one academic year Having an economic hardship that qualifies for the Department of Homeland Security's emergent circumstances Getting approval from their DSO Curricular Practical Training (CPT) F-1 students can participate in CPT during their program of study if the job is directly related to their major and is an integral part of the curriculum. Optional Practical Training (OPT) F-1 students can participate in OPT during or after their program of study. OPT is a temporary employment option that is directly related to their program of study. Working for an international organization F-1 students can work for a recognized international organization if they have a job offer and sponsorship from the organization. The organization must be on the State Department's list.
Harris 在cnn town hall上说的: COOPER: To fix the problem, you''re doing this compromise bill. It does call for $650 million that was earmarked under Trump to actually still go to build the wall. HARRIS: I''m not afraid of good ideas where they occur, Anderson. COOPER: You heard me say, you don''t think it''s stupid anymore? HARRIS: I think what he did and how he did it did -- was did not make much sense because he actually didn''t do much of anything. I just talked about that wall, right? We just talked about it. He didn''t actually do much of anything. COOPER: But you do want to build some wall? HARRIS: I want to strengthen our border.
海阔 发表于 2024-10-27 10:28 Harris 在cnn town hall上说的: COOPER: To fix the problem, you're doing this compromise bill. It does call for $650 million that was earmarked under Trump to actually still go to build the wall. HARRIS: I'm not afraid of good ideas where they occur, Anderson. COOPER: You heard me say, you don't think it's stupid anymore? HARRIS: I think what he did and how he did it did -- was did not make much sense because he actually didn't do much of anything. I just talked about that wall, right? We just talked about it. He didn't actually do much of anything. COOPER: But you do want to build some wall? HARRIS: I want to strengthen our border.
按理说,川普的移民污染血液说是另一个话题,我本不想回你的贴。但难得你这么理性,所以我特意搜了一下川普到底说了什么。我所理解的他讲话的上下文,他是在指非法移民说的。他的原话大致是: They let ... 15, 16 million people into our country; ... they are poisoning the blood of our country, that''''s what they''''ve done... 后面又说,nobody even looked at them, the crime is going to be tremendous... We built a tremendous piece of wall... 所以他明显是指着非法移民而言,而且他说 they are poisoning... 这个主语 they 也可能是指拜哈当局 当然单把他这一句话拿出来,要想断章取义也很容易,这也正是左媒所做的 杠精骂人的弱智粉,请勿回此贴
F1创业可以投钱,但不能参与日常运营。也就是说,F1不能在校外通过劳动创造价值,但可以通过资本产生价值。 然而做startup的,尤其创始人,基本没有不参与日常运营的。这又不是F1注册个llc买了个出租房交给管理公司出租。
都是废话。trump 如果是总统, musket 就是部长。Harris是总统, 它们都有麻烦
这个不同意啊,root是Obama这点没得洗 当年希拉里对川普谁也没想到希拉里会输 但是哈里斯何德何能,提鞋都不配
更说明他不是婚姻绿卡了,他2000年才结婚 1. 老婆不是美国公民 2. 2002拿到绿卡才2年,婚姻移民监都不一定够
F1曾经可以工作这话是我说的,自己见识少就觉得别人见识少 难道你们不知道现在的F1系统是1993年911发生后重新改进的吗,就是因为911后查到几个恐怖分子是F visa 而且911以前B类签证还可以边旅行边读书呢,惊喜不惊喜,意外不意外?
intern是你工作时职位的名字,CPT是你申请去做这个intern时需要拿到的许可 任何时候intern就是intern,CPT就是CPT,没有改过 你别圆自己道听途说的事情了
嘿有点意思啊 身份逾期过的总算被叫成非移了?那么坛子里的政P全是呀,快去投哈里斯,赶紧投,回头清算Musk的时候可以一起赶回去
今年得黄川 不好当了。 出来一堆含着泪说 两边都是屎, 但是……
必须点赞 扭捏作态假装不是川粉
AI总结: Yes, F-1 students can work in the United States, but there are certain restrictions and conditions: On-campus work F-1 students can work on-campus up to 20 hours per week while school is in session, and up to 40 hours per week when classes are not. Students can apply for on-campus jobs up to 30 days before the start of classes. They will need to get a letter of approval from their DSO and their employer to apply for a Social Security Number. Off-campus work F-1 students can't work off-campus during their first academic year. After that, they can work off-campus if they meet certain requirements, including: Completing at least one academic year Having an economic hardship that qualifies for the Department of Homeland Security's emergent circumstances Getting approval from their DSO Curricular Practical Training (CPT) F-1 students can participate in CPT during their program of study if the job is directly related to their major and is an integral part of the curriculum. Optional Practical Training (OPT) F-1 students can participate in OPT during or after their program of study. OPT is a temporary employment option that is directly related to their program of study. Working for an international organization F-1 students can work for a recognized international organization if they have a job offer and sponsorship from the organization. The organization must be on the State Department's list.
我是90年代F-1,那时不可以打工,学期中可以校内工作20小时,寒暑假可以校内工作40小时,我们都是做校内的RA。911 不在1993年。
93年911? 你确定?😂 我就是911那年过来的,93年国内本科都没上呢。
这版上一堆叫嚣的非法移民,凡反对非法移民都成了创粉。这些人叫得越猛,就越让人反对非法移民。总统我 write in bill clinton, 但今年主党参议员和众议员我一个都不会选。今年我肯定去投票。那些不懂为什么3年没去投票的 说明根本没有投票权.
要保持学生签证的合法性必须要上学 他不上学了当然就不合法了
这曲里拐弯的 川粉智商高 都能自创阴谋论
赞辟谣 川粉的话术还是不错的 把一些谣言直接说成好像已经被证实的论据 一般人就信了 智商还是蛮好的
COOPER: To fix the problem, you''re doing this compromise bill. It does call for $650 million that was earmarked under Trump to actually still go to build the wall.
HARRIS: I''m not afraid of good ideas where they occur, Anderson.
COOPER: You heard me say, you don''t think it''s stupid anymore?
HARRIS: I think what he did and how he did it did -- was did not make much sense because he actually didn''t do much of anything. I just talked about that wall, right? We just talked about it. He didn''t actually do much of anything.
COOPER: But you do want to build some wall?
HARRIS: I want to strengthen our border.
你随便在网上查一下,自己看看 overstay是不是illegal?有很多南美非法移民和中国非法移民,开始都是有合法签证的。但是overstay。举个例子,这边很多中国保姆,都是拿着探亲签证,黑下来不走的。这些人,都是非法。
犯法的方式不同而已,谁比谁高贵? 而且美国也不是一个有高贵鄙视链的地方。
大胆 小黄人怎么配和马斯克比 他可是白大人啊 你不知道川粉的法律只适用于有色人种吗
看起来spin得挺好呀 可是你所谓的真正人才不是在美国蹦跶得很欢吗,到底谁拿不到身份了?
我感觉,Biden的主要目的是第二个意思。这个伏笔是为了以后严控非法移民的民主党,可以对Musk执行 law and order😎
Biden能不能长点ball 开始对纳粹党分子严格执法 这个要求不高吧?
合法入境非法滞留就说明你在申请签证的时候lied to a federal agent, 你觉得你高贵到哪儿去了?你的所谓合法入境合法居留就是拿了旅游签证落地就开启庇护打工白卡一条龙吧
你哪里冒出来的?这贴在讨论马应龙非法滞留,所以算非法移民,应该取消公民。你哪里读出来讨论的人都是非法移民哪???别是川粉洗脑 “我是美国人,不选川皇就不爱国。。”看多了得癔症了吧。
你想多了。人家那么多钱,掌握着媒体x,不会动他的。 没人想动他。 不过一旦民主党派上台,他的很多contract 和subsidy 估计拿不到。
TN 工作签证是有限制条件的。不是每个行业的工作都能办TN签证的,必须是NAFTA规定的一些职业,如会计,工程师,律师,药剂师,科学家,教师等等才行。而且,TN签证申请人必须要先找到雇主,不管是全职也好,半职也好,必须先要有工作单位,申请人也必须要有从事这些职业的资质和经验才能办理TN工作签证。
按理说,川普的移民污染血液说是另一个话题,我本不想回你的贴。但难得你这么理性,所以我特意搜了一下川普到底说了什么。我所理解的他讲话的上下文,他是在指非法移民说的。他的原话大致是: They let ... 15, 16 million people into our country; ... they are poisoning the blood of our country, that''''s what they''''ve done... 后面又说,nobody even looked at them, the crime is going to be tremendous... We built a tremendous piece of wall... 所以他明显是指着非法移民而言,而且他说 they are poisoning... 这个主语 they 也可能是指拜哈当局
我最爱看名人八卦的,只在华人上这个帖子里第一次听说,华人上耸人听闻的传言结果是结果证明是假的也不是第一次.他老婆写过自传,wiki上也只说她是加拿大作家,如果是双国籍的会说明是加美两国国籍. 从来没有英文媒体八卦过, 难不成他找了个华人律师申请的绿卡国籍?
当前可以确定的: 1 他做zip2的时候是没有合法工作身份的,至少说有一段时间是没有合法工作身份的;他当时只有学生签证,没有在美国工作的资格。 2 无论他通过什么方法,他拿到了绿卡,后来也入籍了美国 3 他再申请绿卡和公民的时候,在非法工作这个事情上肯定是说了谎的 4 如果真的严格依法追究起来,他是可以被剥夺公民身份驱逐出境的。
我对他是不是非法打工不敢兴趣,只觉得奇怪这个明显假的谣言还有人'信'. 时间线也对不上,1999年第一个公司已经卖了几个亿compaq了, 2000年才结婚,2002年就已经是公民了, 怎么可能是婚姻绿卡?