右派和共和党的反应就不提了,Harris表现之差,连民主党人士和左媒都看不下去。 "... why can’t she answer them plainly and clearly and then pivot to the platitudes that put everyone to sleep?” one Democratic political consultant said. “Instead, it’s just all platitudes and BS … this constant evasiveness is exactly what voters hate about politicians and her inability to communicate like a human being instead of like a politician is her greatest challenge.” “Christ already, answer a damn question” the source added. Democrats give Harris rocky reviews on CNN town hall https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4951973-harris-cnn-town-hall-rocky-reviews/ ‘It was frustrating to watch’: 3 columnists on Harris’s CNN town hall https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2024/10/24/harris-cnn-town-hall/
EightDishes 发表于 2024-10-25 08:08 右派和共和党的反应就不提了,Harris表现之差,连民主党人士和左媒都看不下去。 "... why can’t she answer them plainly and clearly and then pivot to the platitudes that put everyone to sleep?” one Democratic political consultant said. “Instead, it’s just all platitudes and BS … this constant evasiveness is exactly what voters hate about politicians and her inability to communicate like a human being instead of like a politician is her greatest challenge.” “Christ already, answer a damn question” the source added. Democrats give Harris rocky reviews on CNN town hall https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4951973-harris-cnn-town-hall-rocky-reviews/ ‘It was frustrating to watch’: 3 columnists on Harris’s CNN town hall https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2024/10/24/harris-cnn-town-hall/
Low Tax for the super richPrice will go up with all the tariff he want imposeHe has a concept of plan to end the warHis "secure border" means US will not take any non-white immigrantNot sure which city that need him restore, we are doing fine in Springfield, OHWe need to keep his hand off women's pantsNo religion in pubic school!2A is not for school shootingHis speech is Nazi speech
民主党宣传员拿钱发帖不是秘密,我只是好奇能拿多少钱 there is a big difference in the ground game. Democrats are largely payingtheir field workers, while Republicans are mostly relying on volunteers. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/story/kamala-harris-to-lose-heres-why
https://www.wsj.com/opinion/kamalas-basket-of-deplorables-campaign-strategy-voters-2024-presidential-election-6752d2df?st=sgkwEo&reflink=article_copyURL_share Ms. Harris is giving them nada. Undecided participants in this week’s CNN town hall pleaded with her for details. She responded with the barest of platitudes. What “specific” actions would you take to bridge the partisan divide? Ms. Harris: I’ll be “a president for all Americans” with “common-sense” and “practical” solutions. What one policy goal would be your priority in Congress? Ms. Harris: There’s “not just one,” and we need to “get past this era of politics and partisan politics,” and I will “invest” in “the industries of the future.” After four years of Mr. Biden, please (please! please!) “differentiate” your policies from his. Ms. Harris: I represent a “new generation” with “new approaches,” and I bring “my experience, actually taking care of my mother.” All the space in between these nothingburgers was, of course, filled with casting Mr. Trump as the root of all evil. Ms. Harris hasn’t been so stupid as to revile openly the great Trump unwashed, but the Harris/Cheney tour amounts to the same. How else to think of anyone voting for—or more to the point, thinking of voting for—a “toxic,” “unstable” “fascist” “threat” to the Constitution? Americans like to be treated as if they have a brain—in this case, to assume they are well aware of Mr. Trump’s risks and shortcomings but also understandably worried about electing a vapid Biden retread. Ms. Harris’s closing argument amounts to: Good people vote for Democrats. Ms. Harris’s stall (decline?) in polls neatly coincides with her decision around debate time to ditch her focus on “joy” and the “future” in favor of making the race all about her opponent. It also coincided with a growing public and press demand that she offer more policy specifics. She doesn’t want to go there, since that agenda remains a supersized version of Mr. Biden’s, which is unpopular. Her campaign seemed to hope that a pivot to Trump would further spare it the conversation. It isn’t working.
EightDishes 发表于 2024-10-25 09:20 民主党宣传员拿钱发帖不是秘密,我只是好奇能拿多少钱 there is a big difference in the ground game. Democrats are largely payingtheir field workers, while Republicans are mostly relying on volunteers. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/story/kamala-harris-to-lose-heres-why
呵呵。Townhall不是辩论。YouTube上铺天盖地Trump的Townhall和访谈。 说Trump不敢的,用脚趾头想想,一个被暗杀两次的人还到处蹦跶 他有啥不敢的? 今天Trump要去Joe Rogan的podcast。也邀请了贺锦丽,被拒绝了。 JD Vance昨天说了,不要因为政治和家人朋友闹翻,politics is not worth it. 极其成熟理智。 反观贺锦丽的支持者们,这班上也有不少,气势汹汹不依不饶,还好意思自称民主党,管别人叫法西斯, 太好笑了。
太差倒不至于吧,只是给人的感觉不够真诚。我觉得她需要强调 the race is about democracy and autocracy. trump只会把美国带向独裁专制,民主党虽然有些问题上左,但是只要这个民主制度还在,在民意的影响下也会偏回来,加州要推翻这个950美元的法案就是很好的例子,还是要承认走偏,但是会纠正过来,也许这样会得到中间派的支持
🔥 最新回帖
ucsf比起哈耶当然野鸡了,而且我们说的是本科学校,不是ucsf 你怎么这么没见过世面的样子 不过职场可能混得好,因为人脉嘛,地头蛇
哈哈姐要真是学霸怎么没去斯坦福 你这一看就是不懂 ucsf的强项是医学院,不是法学院
毕竟第一份政府工靠当小三来的 这点论坛上大妈们确实比不过
🛋️ 沙发板凳
管移民叫bad blood,叫中国移民Chinese Spy
贼喊捉贼 不是贼还想不到喊呢
哈哈,笑死我了 疮总自己说了, weave from 8 directions, then magically get back... back to nonsense?
"... why can’t she answer them plainly and clearly and then pivot to the platitudes that put everyone to sleep?” one Democratic political consultant said. “Instead, it’s just all platitudes and BS … this constant evasiveness is exactly what voters hate about politicians and her inability to communicate like a human being instead of like a politician is her greatest challenge.” “Christ already, answer a damn question” the source added.
Democrats give Harris rocky reviews on CNN town hall https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4951973-harris-cnn-town-hall-rocky-reviews/
‘It was frustrating to watch’: 3 columnists on Harris’s CNN town hall https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2024/10/24/harris-cnn-town-hall/
Finshed 可以反复说,倒也不必有什么新意。不像左媒,一天几个hit pieces,除了看出他们心慌慌,并没有什么卵用。
Low Tax for the super rich Price will go up with all the tariff he want impose He has a concept of plan to end the war His "secure border" means US will not take any non-white immigrant Not sure which city that need him restore, we are doing fine in Springfield, OH We need to keep his hand off women's pants No religion in pubic school! 2A is not for school shooting His speech is Nazi speech
No one can 吹牛逼 better than 疮总 if there is anyone better, that's trump
trump is right about everything! oh yeah! what a cult leader lol
碰到一个正常人kamala,开始铺天盖地喊无聊 仿佛‘无聊’比下三滥对国家更致命了
想象一下,有个男人连续12分钟谈论别的男人的生殖器,这场面简直像一出尴尬的脱口秀,但完全没有 punchline!观众可能满脸写着“我是谁?我在哪儿?这人究竟在说啥?”而他却丝毫不觉,依然滔滔不绝,仿佛在讲一段惊天的悬疑剧。
你以为大家对邪教粉丝有任何期望吗? 跟你说话那都是给正常人看的,黄疮不在考虑范围之内。
不会是昨天那个 T3 群里被赶出来的, 过来了?
黄疮那是有剧本的,他们都照着指示发帖。 不过跟拜登2020的经历比,这种攻击的火力就差远了。
好奇你为啥一直无论怎样都挺民主党?你看不见民主党治理下种族分裂,反向歧视,搞一堆identity ideology, 搞平均主义,不尊重律法,只会随便发钱印钱,不发展经济吗? 很多人选民哈里斯是因为极度讨厌川普,但你估计无论谁是两党候选人,你都不会选共和党吧? 共和党除了对堕胎这点不合理,其他不合理的很少吧? 我特别好奇你为啥如此支持民主党?真心求教
谁告诉你FOX代表川粉网的?Trump还在台上的时候,Tucker Carlson在他的节目里也批评过Trump,只不过他批评极左民主党的内容更多,就被打成极右川粉了。
民主党宣传员拿钱发帖不是秘密,我只是好奇能拿多少钱 there is a big difference in the ground game. Democrats are largely paying their field workers, while Republicans are mostly relying on volunteers. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/story/kamala-harris-to-lose-heres-why
川普叫呼China Virus,要加税,要管住女人对自身的权利
难道真是任君虐我千万遍 我仍待君如初恋?
all 5 of them?or 6 including the host
Ms. Harris is giving them nada. Undecided participants in this week’s CNN town hall pleaded with her for details. She responded with the barest of platitudes. What “specific” actions would you take to bridge the partisan divide? Ms. Harris: I’ll be “a president for all Americans” with “common-sense” and “practical” solutions. What one policy goal would be your priority in Congress? Ms. Harris: There’s “not just one,” and we need to “get past this era of politics and partisan politics,” and I will “invest” in “the industries of the future.” After four years of Mr. Biden, please (please! please!) “differentiate” your policies from his. Ms. Harris: I represent a “new generation” with “new approaches,” and I bring “my experience, actually taking care of my mother.” All the space in between these nothingburgers was, of course, filled with casting Mr. Trump as the root of all evil.
Ms. Harris hasn’t been so stupid as to revile openly the great Trump unwashed, but the Harris/Cheney tour amounts to the same. How else to think of anyone voting for—or more to the point, thinking of voting for—a “toxic,” “unstable” “fascist” “threat” to the Constitution? Americans like to be treated as if they have a brain—in this case, to assume they are well aware of Mr. Trump’s risks and shortcomings but also understandably worried about electing a vapid Biden retread. Ms. Harris’s closing argument amounts to: Good people vote for Democrats. Ms. Harris’s stall (decline?) in polls neatly coincides with her decision around debate time to ditch her focus on “joy” and the “future” in favor of making the race all about her opponent. It also coincided with a growing public and press demand that she offer more policy specifics. She doesn’t want to go there, since that agenda remains a supersized version of Mr. Biden’s, which is unpopular. Her campaign seemed to hope that a pivot to Trump would further spare it the conversation. It isn’t working.
我不是来吵架的,我是真心求教。 首先我想问你从哪里看出我特别挺川普?我讨厌他,但是不讨厌共和党。我也讨厌民主党,民主党的主张和我的价值观不同,所以我才求教为啥挺民主党。 我好朋友因为讨厌川普而不得不选哈里斯,但是他们一点不挺民主党,而是没办法选哈里斯,我非常认同,我选择不投票因为实在投不下去
消消气,自己去google kamala harris vs. willie brown. Montel Williams
The truth hurts. https://hollywoodlife.com/feature/kamala-harris-dating-history-5341192/
如果你在家不出门照顾一家饮食起居,唯一与外界联系就是电视媒体。目前MSM绝大多数左倾,天天被brainwash BLM,LGBTQ+, Roe V. Wade, defund police, 对非移要大爱,sex transformation, etc.. 你会变得如何?
Re这个。 这个版上成天指手画脚说别人无知的 自己都是最无知的!
主持人Anderson cooper已经被Harris supporters 骂死了。在左派的世界里,他们的候选人可以满嘴谎言,但不能接受任何fact check,不然就是不公平。所有的billionaire 都必须支持民主党,就一个elon musk支持川普,就被左派各种人身攻击。
BTW, 哈姐团队刚宣布哈姐不上 Rogan 节目了。 Trump 今天上Rogan 节目,如果失分就怪团队决策问题。
CNN 给她两天时间准备答案了吧。她是完全没准备还是啥的?
呵呵。Townhall不是辩论。YouTube上铺天盖地Trump的Townhall和访谈。 说Trump不敢的,用脚趾头想想,一个被暗杀两次的人还到处蹦跶 他有啥不敢的?
今天Trump要去Joe Rogan的podcast。也邀请了贺锦丽,被拒绝了。
JD Vance昨天说了,不要因为政治和家人朋友闹翻,politics is not worth it. 极其成熟理智。
反观贺锦丽的支持者们,这班上也有不少,气势汹汹不依不饶,还好意思自称民主党,管别人叫法西斯, 太好笑了。
她团队既然知道她这样,还让她上fox, cnn,说的越多选票就越少了。
民主党为了利用 拜登的选举经费,让哈哈顶上去,结果搞成这样。 实际上如果主党另外找个较中性的,有头脑的,也会拿到大量很多富人的资助。 但主党的现在幕后大佬是奥巴马,有他在,也很难有较 中性的的主党代表被选上。
哈喽,请举例说明民主党里哪一个是有头脑的?Nancy 算一个,可惜她更配称作一个股神。
民主党大佬们作茧自缚的结果。一面向左狂奔,moderate只好跑路。一面独裁,牢牢把住权力不放手,有抱负有能力的年轻人出不了头。 一个由Obama Clinton Biden Pelosi 独裁,靠老人deep state掌权疯狂捞金的政党,是没有创新能力的。
WSJ报道今年voter registration,共和党超过民主党。美国现在有半数是independent。
那是因为有两个medical emergency,YouTube都有完整视频。
这小伙的逻辑很有意思,就是不管老板能力如何,只要组织人解决问题就是好老板,那他见过哪个傻子老板把公司办好了? 自己的公司即使老板是傻子也会尽力组织人想办法吧
真的,她连自己的policy都说不清楚,没有提词器,就不知道说什么!她的staff也说Harris自己不做准备工作,表现不好就甩锅staff, 92% staff quit in 3 years!Harris这种人,不要说做总统,就是个大公司的PM都不合格
现在GOP, Democrats建制派都被大财团控制。特别是军工石油 所以你能看到neo-cons (RINOs,Bush/Cheney/McCain family)疯狂支持老败的neo-liberals去打仗拱火。穷国人民死伤遍野不在它们考虑之内,但是军工生意红火,油价攀升是事实。
老川不打仗,油价低迷。挡人财路,如杀人父母。各种抹黑陷害迫害暗杀witch hunt都来了。以前总统问他捐钱,一起说bathroom 脏话从没事吧。 另外2个不打仗的老牌democrat总统也是被害的不轻,南克与卡特。
没细看,最近没说"raised in a middle class"已经是进步太多了。👍一下。