回复 1楼 daggg 的帖子 刚更新,说已经fixed了 “We had a design flaw in Blackwell,” admits Nvidia CEO.“It was functional, but the design flaw caused the yield to be low. It was 100% Nvidia’s fault,” Nvidia’s Jensen Huang tells Reuters, effectively confirming The Information’s report from August about why its new flagship AI chips won’t ship in large amounts right away. He says it’s now fixed, but the timeline stays the same: Q4 for first shipments.
其实改甩锅时还是要甩一下啊! 哈哈
“We had a design flaw in Blackwell,” admits Nvidia CEO.“It was functional, but the design flaw caused the yield to be low. It was 100% Nvidia’s fault,” Nvidia’s Jensen Huang tells Reuters, effectively confirming The Information’s report from August about why its new flagship AI chips won’t ship in large amounts right away. He says it’s now fixed, but the timeline stays the same: Q4 for first shipments.
美东时间10月16日周三,据科技媒体The Information报道援引知情者的消息,英伟达发布Blackwell后不久就开始和台积电互相指责。发布刚过几周,英伟达的工程师就在测试时发现,Blackwell架构的芯片在数据中心常见的高压环境下会无法运行。一些英伟达的工程师认为,这可能部分源于英伟达对Blackwell的设计存在缺陷。 还有一些英伟达的工程师认为,Blackwell芯片的生产放缓源于台积电采用了一项新技术,该技术将不同类型的芯片封装在一起。这种解释很快就开始在关注台积电和英伟达的金融分析师中流传。
台积电本来就不是一般的牛,甚至可以说比Nvidia还无法取代,老黄这么说应该就是为了和台积电的关系。 现在的silicon valley就是大家都求nvidia,nvidia求台积电。