For Sleeping 1. Crib (Emily 3 in 1) or 我家的是买了只装3面,一面紧靠床 2. Mattress (seally posturepedic) 3. Fitted sheet (all around, 100% cotton bought 1) 4. Quick zip (bought one set and one extra top, no need for sheet anymore) 5. Mobile 6. Receiving blanket (100% cotton, 4-5) and swaddleme, don’t know which one will work better.
For Clothing 1. Little bag to put on hands (for new born, carter) 2. New born cloth 3. Hat (2) 4. Sock 5. Sleepwear (0-3 month, 3) 6. 和尚衫(baby's rus 有) 7. 衣服一定要买连脚裤. 买0-3months别买newborn. 多买几件. 8. 100% cotton blanket 9. Cotton square sheets (for wrapping baby) – 4 or more
For Food 1. Medela electric pump 2. Feeding bottles (glass, 6, 4oz) - Avent的,还有奶瓶消毒的(Avent有microwave款的) - Playtex VentAire (has less air) 3. Nipple clipper 4. Milk warmer (depends) 5. Burp cloth and sleepsack
For Nursing 1. 泵奶器(Medela Advanced) 2. Nursing pad 3. Breastfriend的喂奶枕头. 刚生完孩子最好别抱(以后手臂会疼),有这个枕头可以让宝宝直接躺在上头吃 4. Nursing bra or tank 5. Receiving blanket:喂奶用的小布布, 象手绢大小 6. Breast milk storage bags 7. Lansinoh: cream for painful nipples 8. Nursing clothes:
Gear & Toy 1. Swing (fisher-price) 2. Stroller: Graco 家的Travel System不错 3. Car seat: Graco的 + snap n' go (很轻,比travel system要轻多了) 4. Bouncer 5. 推荐babybjorn的baby carrier... 两个月开始就知道了... 一直要抱, 手酸死了... 有了它非常轻松, 还可以干自己的事情 6. Baby safe mirror 7. Colorful baby toys
Others 1. Thermometer for baby 2. Baby manicure set 3. Pacifier 4. Baby comb and brush 5. Baby medicine set
For Bath
1. Eurobath (0-24month)—baby R us
2. Bath towels
3. Cotton balls
4. Cotton applicators
5. Burt's Bee's baby hair wash
6. Nail clipper
7. Wash cloth (4)
8. 小孩洗澡用品 - Aveeno
9. q-tip+rubbing alcohol
10. 酒精用来给BABY 擦脐带, 要用棉签沾. 棉签还可以用来沾BABY OIL 去BABY 头上的硬痂.
11. 洗澡盆: 我们就在越南店买的7块钱的那种, 也挺好的...就原来小时候洗的就够
For Pee & Poo
1. Diaper (pamper): 尿布 (Pamper N号)diaper买pamper... huggies兜得不是特别好. 别买太多...
2. Baby wipe
3. A+D
4. Diaper genie (很有用)
5. Aveeno Diaper Rash Cream
6. 几盒wipes
7. Changing Table 及垫子(Ikea的气垫子)
9. Diaper bag (ask hospital for free sample)
10. Baby changing pad
For Sleeping
1. Crib (Emily 3 in 1) or 我家的是买了只装3面,一面紧靠床
2. Mattress (seally posturepedic)
3. Fitted sheet (all around, 100% cotton bought 1)
4. Quick zip (bought one set and one extra top, no need for sheet anymore)
5. Mobile
6. Receiving blanket (100% cotton, 4-5) and swaddleme, don’t know which one will work better.
For Clothing
1. Little bag to put on hands (for new born, carter)
2. New born cloth
3. Hat (2)
4. Sock
5. Sleepwear (0-3 month, 3)
6. 和尚衫(baby's rus 有)
7. 衣服一定要买连脚裤. 买0-3months别买newborn. 多买几件.
8. 100% cotton blanket
9. Cotton square sheets (for wrapping baby) – 4 or more
For Baby Laundry
1. Dreft cloth detergent
2. Hangers
3. Basket
For Food
1. Medela electric pump
2. Feeding bottles (glass, 6, 4oz)
- Avent的,还有奶瓶消毒的(Avent有microwave款的)
- Playtex VentAire (has less air)
3. Nipple clipper
4. Milk warmer (depends)
5. Burp cloth and sleepsack
For Nursing
1. 泵奶器(Medela Advanced)
2. Nursing pad
3. Breastfriend的喂奶枕头. 刚生完孩子最好别抱(以后手臂会疼),有这个枕头可以让宝宝直接躺在上头吃
4. Nursing bra or tank
5. Receiving blanket:喂奶用的小布布, 象手绢大小
6. Breast milk storage bags
7. Lansinoh: cream for painful nipples
8. Nursing clothes:
Gear & Toy
1. Swing (fisher-price)
2. Stroller: Graco 家的Travel System不错
3. Car seat: Graco的 + snap n' go (很轻,比travel system要轻多了)
4. Bouncer
5. 推荐babybjorn的baby carrier... 两个月开始就知道了... 一直要抱, 手酸死了... 有了它非常轻松, 还可以干自己的事情
6. Baby safe mirror
7. Colorful baby toys
1. Thermometer for baby
2. Baby manicure set
3. Pacifier
4. Baby comb and brush
5. Baby medicine set
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-18 21:49:34编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-19 19:53:11编辑过]