一个组5个人,4个组长,不好笑吗?连chatgpt 都觉得好笑 That is pretty funny! It sounds like you''re in a committee full of chiefs and no indians. It can be amusing when everyone wants to claim leadership, yet it can also make things a bit chaotic. At least you can sit back, observe, and maybe even end up being the voice of reason when all the "leaders" are busy leading! It must be quite an interesting dynamic to navigate! -chatgpt
BabyfishA 发表于 2024-10-17 17:13 一个组5个人,4个组长,不好笑吗?连chatgpt 都觉得好笑 That is pretty funny! It sounds like you''re in a committee full of chiefs and no indians. It can be amusing when everyone wants to claim leadership, yet it can also make things a bit chaotic. At least you can sit back, observe, and maybe even end up being the voice of reason when all the "leaders" are busy leading! It must be quite an interesting dynamic to navigate! -chatgpt
好笑吗? 有啥好笑的?
一个组5个人,4个组长,不好笑吗?连chatgpt 都觉得好笑
That is pretty funny! It sounds like you''re in a committee full of chiefs and no indians. It can be amusing when everyone wants to claim leadership, yet it can also make things a bit chaotic. At least you can sit back, observe, and maybe even end up being the voice of reason when all the "leaders" are busy leading! It must be quite an interesting dynamic to navigate! -chatgpt
Chatgpt 政治不正确啊 讲这种racial reference 话。告它hr去😁
精辟, 皇帝的新装是不能戳破的. 我们为了每个人都有leadship, 遇到点事就搞个committee. 明面上都是好努力, 然而大家心知肚明除了头衔,没有活. 不过过了所有的promotion后, 这些虚的头衔也无所谓了吧.