贿选违法,但付钱给某人征募请愿书签名是合法的,尽管确切的法律因州而异。一些州,如亚利桑那州、佛州和犹他州,规定竞选活动或其他雇主根据收集的签名数量付款是非法的——称为按签名支付补偿——但按小时支付征求签署人花费的时间是合法的。The America PAC总部位于德州,那里没有关于按签名支付补偿的具体法律。 福布斯官网对此的解释: IS IT LEGAL TO PAY SOMEONE TO RECRUIT PETITION SIGNATURES? Yes. It is legal to compensate signature gatherers, or circulators, who collect petition signatures, though the exact laws vary by state. Some states, like Arizona, Florida and Utah, have made it illegal for campaigns or other employers to pay based on the number of signatures gathered—known as pay-per-signature compensation—but it is almost always legal to pay by the hour for time spent soliciting signatories. The America PAC is based in Texas, where there are no specific laws about pay-per-signature compensation. IS IT LEGAL TO PAY SOMEONE TO REGISTER TO VOTE? No. Federal law prohibits anyone from paying or offering to pay someone to vote or register to vote, but, like paying petition circulators, it is legal to pay people to encourage others to do so. The America PAC, for instance, pays $30 per hour to people working to increase voter turnout. Earlier this year, the Biden Administration said it would pay college students to help register voters through the Federal Work-Study Program.
IS IT LEGAL TO PAY SOMEONE TO RECRUIT PETITION SIGNATURES? Yes. It is legal to compensate signature gatherers, or circulators, who collect petition signatures, though the exact laws vary by state. Some states, like Arizona, Florida and Utah, have made it illegal for campaigns or other employers to pay based on the number of signatures gathered—known as pay-per-signature compensation—but it is almost always legal to pay by the hour for time spent soliciting signatories. The America PAC is based in Texas, where there are no specific laws about pay-per-signature compensation.
IS IT LEGAL TO PAY SOMEONE TO REGISTER TO VOTE? No. Federal law prohibits anyone from paying or offering to pay someone to vote or register to vote, but, like paying petition circulators, it is legal to pay people to encourage others to do so. The America PAC, for instance, pays $30 per hour to people working to increase voter turnout. Earlier this year, the Biden Administration said it would pay college students to help register voters through the Federal Work-Study Program.