Russian President Putin to hold an emergency meeting in Moscow in the next 10 minutes. His motorcade, alongside a column of escorting police, was filmed rushing through the streets of Moscow. Russian PM, Mikhail Mishustin, was in Tehran today meeting with the Iranian President.
fdsss 发表于 2024-09-30 19:29 Russian President Putin to hold an emergency meeting in Moscow in the next 10 minutes. His motorcade, alongside a column of escorting police, was filmed rushing through the streets of Moscow. Russian PM, Mikhail Mishustin, was in Tehran today meeting with the Iranian President.
His motorcade, alongside a column of escorting police, was filmed rushing through the streets of Moscow.
Russian PM, Mikhail Mishustin, was in Tehran today meeting with the Iranian President.
普京吓得躲起来了 乌克兰又又又又赢麻了
基本上可以判断 你的判断十分不准
要求他/她在 上发布有关此事的新帖子。?