最近出门,主要是domestic,飞过好几次波音737 MAX 8-9。飞机都挺新的,座位比波音737-800/900宽一些,感觉不错。这款飞机以前的记录就不要提了,飞的时候也不愿多想。我一般是坐走道,最近一次坐到窗口位置。刚开始的时候在地面,感觉窗口比较热,摸起来烫手,以为只是因为太阳直接照射,应该比较烫,没太在意。后来升到cruise altitude,我用手摸了一下窗口,把我吓一跳,差不多有摄氏80-90度,非常烫手。在这个高度,外面的温度应该是零下四五十度,当然太阳应该是直照,但感觉不正常。我唤来空乘,解释我的concern,老太太看了我一眼,说not a problem ,搞得我好像是有点多事。
这个回复有意思, 笑死我了https://www.airliners.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=764161 This is normal, but sometimes funny. On a NWA flight from MSP to ANC last year, the guy in front of me freaked out. He turned around and yelled at me, asking whether my window was on fire. I looked at him (he having woken me up, I was a bit upset) and said, "The sun..... is hot." He was (understandably) ticket off by my response, so he went and got a flight attendant, who came and asked me a similar (less alarming) question. I said, "Yes ma'am, my window is quite hot." I then explained to her that I am a technician on similar airplanes (same ATI interior systems), and that there is nothing physically in the window area to catch fire. She was satisfied.
Anotherfacet 发表于 2024-09-28 01:16 这个回复有意思, 笑死我了https://www.airliners.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=764161 This is normal, but sometimes funny. On a NWA flight from MSP to ANC last year, the guy in front of me freaked out. He turned around and yelled at me, asking whether my window was on fire. I looked at him (he having woken me up, I was a bit upset) and said, "The sun..... is hot." He was (understandably) ticket off by my response, so he went and got a flight attendant, who came and asked me a similar (less alarming) question. I said, "Yes ma'am, my window is quite hot." I then explained to her that I am a technician on similar airplanes (same ATI interior systems), and that there is nothing physically in the window area to catch fire. She was satisfied.
眼泪都笑出来了 My window is on fire!还是yell的,还叫了空姐过来。。。浮现出王宝强让空姐开窗那个名场面
恩 我高考物理149 你跟我闹?
This is normal, but sometimes funny. On a NWA flight from MSP to ANC last year, the guy in front of me freaked out. He turned around and yelled at me, asking whether my window was on fire. I looked at him (he having woken me up, I was a bit upset) and said, "The sun..... is hot." He was (understandably) ticket off by my response, so he went and got a flight attendant, who came and asked me a similar (less alarming) question. I said, "Yes ma'am, my window is quite hot." I then explained to her that I am a technician on similar airplanes (same ATI interior systems), and that there is nothing physically in the window area to catch fire. She was satisfied.
眼泪都笑出来了 My window is on fire!还是yell的,还叫了空姐过来。。。浮现出王宝强让空姐开窗那个名场面
关键是这个空姐居然还去问了op他的窗户是不是也热 😂
他们搞不清楚 传导热和辐射热的区别。窗玻璃隔热性能再好,夏天不拉上窗帘,一样被晒死,因为玻璃挡不住阳光的辐射热。