据说啊,据说啊,不要找我要证据呵:国内很多通信器材设备厂商接到很多神秘订单,有些j据猜测是来自中南美州帮派、毒贩组织,欧洲黑手党和全世界各种地下抵抗组织和反美组织,还有洗钱党,加密货币、虚拟货币交易公司,都纷纷扔掉了苹果手机和三星的设备。高机密的他们一律采用用鸿蒙系统的华为,一般的用中国产的Oppo,小米等。日、韩、台这些美国殖民地的电子通信厂商哭晕在厕所。 泼天的富贵呵。 Thank you, America and Israel!
这真是太不要脸了 硬是要扯上中国 果然美国那些经费不是白花的 "If the supply chain was compromised to put explosives inside ... it's incredible engineering to do that. But the actual supply chain compromise is not that hard. Probably the easiest part was the supply chain compromise," said David Fincher, a China-based technologist and consultant. He said counterfeit products are prevalent, especially in big manufacturing centres like China where fake components can be easily produced, adding that it isn't a big leap to go from fake components to supply chain compromise. "As the technologist I am, I can tell you getting a little explosive in a radio is not that hard."
Joe Simone, partner with Chinese intellectual property firm East IP, said part of the problem is that smaller brands tend to invest less in policing counterfeits, due in large part to costs that could impact their profitability. "Authorities are happy to deal with low-tech counterfeits but the IP owners need to monitor, investigate and file complaints and that doesn't always happen as much as it might for high-tech and bigger technology brands," he said. For Icom, one problem is that it stopped making the IC-V82 model in question a decade ago, around the time it started introducing holographic stickers as a protection against counterfeit products, the company said. The company has long warned about imitation products, especially of its older models. In fact, more than 7% of firms in Japan reported business losses from counterfeit products in 2020, according to the latest available report by the Japan Patent Office, with around a third of cases linked to China. Icom has urged that customers only use its official distributor network to ensure they are buying genuine products. But in China, there are dozens of shops selling Icom-branded walkie-talkies on e-commerce platforms such as Alibaba.com, Taobao, JD.com and Pinduoduo, including in some cases the IC-V82 model, according to Reuters checks. Among three China-based vendors of Icom products on Alibaba.com, none of which were listed as official suppliers on Icom's website, Guangzhou Minxing Communications Equipment Co and Chengdu Bingxin Technology Co Ltd both said they sell authentic products, while Quanzhou Yitian Trading Co acknowledged selling "Chinese made imitations" in addition to original products.
这真是太不要脸了 硬是要扯上中国 果然美国那些经费不是白花的 "If the supply chain was compromised to put explosives inside ... it's incredible engineering to do that. But the actual supply chain compromise is not that hard. Probably the easiest part was the supply chain compromise," said David Fincher, a China-based technologist and consultant. He said counterfeit products are prevalent, especially in big manufacturing centres like China where fake components can be easily produced, adding that it isn't a big leap to go from fake components to supply chain compromise. "As the technologist I am, I can tell you getting a little explosive in a radio is not that hard."
Joe Simone, partner with Chinese intellectual property firm East IP, said part of the problem is that smaller brands tend to invest less in policing counterfeits, due in large part to costs that could impact their profitability. "Authorities are happy to deal with low-tech counterfeits but the IP owners need to monitor, investigate and file complaints and that doesn't always happen as much as it might for high-tech and bigger technology brands," he said. For Icom, one problem is that it stopped making the IC-V82 model in question a decade ago, around the time it started introducing holographic stickers as a protection against counterfeit products, the company said. The company has long warned about imitation products, especially of its older models. In fact, more than 7% of firms in Japan reported business losses from counterfeit products in 2020, according to the latest available report by the Japan Patent Office, with around a third of cases linked to China. Icom has urged that customers only use its official distributor network to ensure they are buying genuine products. But in China, there are dozens of shops selling Icom-branded walkie-talkies on e-commerce platforms such as Alibaba.com, Taobao, JD.com and Pinduoduo, including in some cases the IC-V82 model, according to Reuters checks. Among three China-based vendors of Icom products on Alibaba.com, none of which were listed as official suppliers on Icom's website, Guangzhou Minxing Communications Equipment Co and Chengdu Bingxin Technology Co Ltd both said they sell authentic products, while Quanzhou Yitian Trading Co acknowledged selling "Chinese made imitations" in addition to original products.
这次呼叫器爆炸的事 不只是被远程操控,还是被装了一两个盎司的炸药。
非美阵营供应链生产90%都是made in China(或 P.R.C.), 不管你喜不喜欢习近平或中共,总之中国的国运当头。而美国则是触霉头,自己没战略眼光(发动俄乌战争),自己的亲爹以色列更是鼠目寸光只关注短期利益(战术的成功以牺牲大战路为代价)。美国阵营在加速下坠。时也、命也、运也!
据法新社莫斯科9月19日报道,俄罗斯车臣共和国领导人拉姆赞·卡德罗夫19日指责美国富豪埃隆·马斯克锁住了一辆特斯拉赛博越野旅行车。卡德罗夫声称这辆车是他上个月从马斯克那里收到的。 卡德罗夫担任车臣领导人超过17年,他在今年8月分享了一段视频,视频中他开着上文说的电动汽车到处转,车顶上似乎安装了一挺机关枪。 报道称,卡德罗夫说,他从马斯克那里收到了这辆车,马斯克在自己的社交平台X上称这是谎言。 卡德罗夫在“电报”社交平台上发帖说:“最近,马斯克远程锁住了这辆赛博越野旅行车。” 他说:“马斯克这么做可不好。他真挚地送出昂贵的礼物,然后远程关掉。” 报道提到,赛博越野旅行车是一款电动皮卡,美国汽车制造商特斯拉于2019年首次发布,2023年开始量产。
"海能达今年初被美国制裁,全球禁售双向对讲机" 以色列的犬子美利坚的司马昭之心啊!
泼天的富贵呵。 Thank you, America and Israel!
看看昨天美国国务院发言人那狼狈样, 面对记者提问、质疑那种哑口无言的可怜样!
以色列的行为和美国自己制定的恐怖主义行为,有什么不同? 和九一一基地组织用民用设备无差别攻击美国本土的恐怖主义行为,有什么不同?
影响不大。 主要原因有两个:1,国内个人电脑盗版横行,盗版通常会关掉更新。 2,国内电脑很多都安装了电脑管家,然后电脑管家会接管系统漏洞更新,周鸿祎说,电脑管家会首先检测一下微软的更新,确认没问题后,才会推送给用户。 所以,个人电脑上,除了某些极客用户应该都问题不大。
其实不光是时运,还有土工自己的努力和实力;被美国经济制裁了以后,硬是搞出了半导体。。 我倒是觉得,这会台湾经济有点完蛋,台湾要是经济慢慢衰退,会不会不得不和土工合作,最后被土工兼容并包。。这次的爆炸,会不会最后促成了和平统一台湾? 天予不取,反受其咎,希望土工抓住这次的机会。。。
湾湾是最擅长背刺中国人的,很可能不久后就会有sabatage的陷害中国制造的case. 新冠期间youtube流传有一个中国人在做口罩的车间用口罩布擦鞋的录像,事后证明是湾湾摆拍陷害中国制造。
一边全盘采信湾湾甩锅的屁话,所谓"made in taiwan"寻呼机不是台湾制造。
这真是太不要脸了 硬是要扯上中国 果然美国那些经费不是白花的
"If the supply chain was compromised to put explosives inside ... it's incredible engineering to do that. But the actual supply chain compromise is not that hard. Probably the easiest part was the supply chain compromise," said David Fincher, a China-based technologist and consultant. He said counterfeit products are prevalent, especially in big manufacturing centres like China where fake components can be easily produced, adding that it isn't a big leap to go from fake components to supply chain compromise. "As the technologist I am, I can tell you getting a little explosive in a radio is not that hard."
Joe Simone, partner with Chinese intellectual property firm East IP, said part of the problem is that smaller brands tend to invest less in policing counterfeits, due in large part to costs that could impact their profitability. "Authorities are happy to deal with low-tech counterfeits but the IP owners need to monitor, investigate and file complaints and that doesn't always happen as much as it might for high-tech and bigger technology brands," he said. For Icom, one problem is that it stopped making the IC-V82 model in question a decade ago, around the time it started introducing holographic stickers as a protection against counterfeit products, the company said. The company has long warned about imitation products, especially of its older models. In fact, more than 7% of firms in Japan reported business losses from counterfeit products in 2020, according to the latest available report by the Japan Patent Office, with around a third of cases linked to China. Icom has urged that customers only use its official distributor network to ensure they are buying genuine products. But in China, there are dozens of shops selling Icom-branded walkie-talkies on e-commerce platforms such as Alibaba.com, Taobao, JD.com and Pinduoduo, including in some cases the IC-V82 model, according to Reuters checks. Among three China-based vendors of Icom products on Alibaba.com, none of which were listed as official suppliers on Icom's website, Guangzhou Minxing Communications Equipment Co and Chengdu Bingxin Technology Co Ltd both said they sell authentic products, while Quanzhou Yitian Trading Co acknowledged selling "Chinese made imitations" in addition to original products.
有炸药, 我说呢, 以色列太 evil 了。
what?! 记得这个视频,当时在这边传遍了影响很大啊,搞了半天是湾湾搞得鬼?
湾湾是自己的掘墓人呵,这种不要脸的 事干的多了,武统的号声更响亮。