What to Watch for in the Trump-Harris Debate Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump will have similar goals in Tuesday night’s presidential debate: to knock their opponent off balance and define themselves as the best candidate to bring change to the country. The debate, hosted by ABC News, is set to take place at 9 p.m. ET at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia. Here are five things to watch for during the first—and only—scheduled debate between the two candidates.
“we hit the body with a tremendous, whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light”。他要是不知道可以选择不说,或者交给医生来解释。要是他真的只是,说思路,还要研究。那他就应该只提到有研究显示光和消毒剂可以消灭新冠病毒。而不是后面再自作聪明的加“一个“we can do something like that by injection inside ”。他停在这句话之前的话,什么事情都没有了。偏偏就自以为是的加了这句话。 “讲话是也是商量询问的口气”。他那段话全美国有多少人是当时就听到的,且后来反复被人提到。要真是商量询问口气,当时就不会有那么多人替他去擦屁股了。这些替他插屁股的人,还有那些后面的确照着他说的去搞消毒剂的人是英文比你差,听不出川是商量口气? 就连Fox当时的报道也是 “After Trump's initial comments, in which he did suggest there might be a way to "do something like that by injection inside or, or almost a cleaning" after changing the topic from light to disinfectants -- though he made clear it was not a definitive recommendation -- and said "medical doctors" should be involved in any tests, ” 所以suggest的东西是商量询问,不是statement? chenahi7 发表于 2024-09-11 23:35
原视频里从头到尾,川普朝着右边的Dr Brix说话。他是在讨论不同的治疗办法,而且对象是医生研究人员。 根本不是对大众说“这个办法好,你们拿自己身体试一下” 视频的前半段就是在讨论光在体外可以杀毒,医生在尝试用于体内。这是正经研究课题,比如这个paper,一年后发表的,紫外光导入进气管治疗新冠的人体实验。 Endotracheal Application of Ultraviolet A Light in Critically Ill Patients with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2: A First-in-Human Study
连你的川本人自己在那几天之后也否认你说的“思路,还要研究。讲话是也是商量询问的口气”。因为他 was asking a question sarcastically to reporters like you to see what would happen。 好心提醒下以免你眼瞎或者英文不好,他是说了asking a question,但是他是asking a question sarcastically。有sarcastically这个词后,这个asking a question 就变得完全不是“商量”,“询问”的口气。
辩论规则和上次一样 This debate comes after a long back-and-forth over whether the debate should take place, what network should host it, and whether the Harris campaign should be bound to the debate rules agreed to by Biden when he was still the nominee. This debate will have the same rules as the first presidential debate—meaning a candidate’s microphone will be muted when it isn’t his or her turn to speak. The Harris campaign pushed hard to undo that rule, while the Trump campaign, which once harrumphed over the rule, advocated to keep it. According to those familiar with the Harris campaign’s thinking, they believed that keeping the mics on opened the door for Trump to potentially say something that could damage his prospects. They also thought she might have had an opportunity to shine more as a prosecutor if she had a combative adversary. Though Trump himself said at one point that he didn’t care whether the microphones were muted, his campaign thought the muted-mics rule worked well for him against Biden and would help keep his answers more structured.
感觉媒体对俩人的期待完全是双标。 HARRIS: - lay out comprehensive, detailed plans - but avoid coming off too “wonky” - avoid alienating swing voters - solve Israel/Palestine (onstage) - don’t smile much - don’t frown too much TRUMP: - Try not to fling literal human feces
花样失焦 发表于 2024-09-10 12:30 感觉媒体对俩人的期待完全是双标。 HARRIS: - lay out comprehensive, detailed plans - but avoid coming off too “wonky” - avoid alienating swing voters - solve Israel/Palestine (onstage) - don’t smile much - don’t frown too much TRUMP: - Try not to fling literal human feces
花样失焦 发表于 2024-09-10 12:30 感觉媒体对俩人的期待完全是双标。 HARRIS: - lay out comprehensive, detailed plans - but avoid coming off too “wonky” - avoid alienating swing voters - solve Israel/Palestine (onstage) - don’t smile much - don’t frown too much TRUMP: - Try not to fling literal human feces
没错,这就是左派有些人喜欢搞purity test 非要搞什么道德高标准才能有资格去竞争,我说根本没必要,就和川普比low 又能怎么样,再low 也low不到川普那个水平
文字版在这里: HARRIS: "The governor and I, we were all doing a tour of the library here and talking about the significance of the passage of time, right, the significance of the passage of time. So, when you think about it, there is great significance to the passage of time in terms of what we need to do to lay these wires. what we need to do to create these jobs. And there is such great significance to the passage of time when we think about a day in the life of our children." 中文你说意思是:“做事要从长远看,考虑后代也有这些资源” 是吗?果然是我英文太差了
wielkacytryna 发表于 2024-09-10 15:10 文字版在这里: HARRIS: "The governor and I, we were all doing a tour of the library here and talking about the significance of the passage of time, right, the significance of the passage of time. So, when you think about it, there is great significance to the passage of time in terms of what we need to do to lay these wires. what we need to do to create these jobs. And there is such great significance to the passage of time when we think about a day in the life of our children." 中文你说意思是:“做事要从长远看,考虑后代也有这些资源” 是吗?果然是我英文太差了
wielkacytryna 发表于 2024-09-10 15:10 文字版在这里: HARRIS: "The governor and I, we were all doing a tour of the library here and talking about the significance of the passage of time, right, the significance of the passage of time. So, when you think about it, there is great significance to the passage of time in terms of what we need to do to lay these wires. what we need to do to create these jobs. And there is such great significance to the passage of time when we think about a day in the life of our children." 中文你说意思是:“做事要从长远看,考虑后代也有这些资源” 是吗?果然是我英文太差了
感觉媒体对俩人的期待完全是双标。 HARRIS: - lay out comprehensive, detailed plans - but avoid coming off too “wonky” - avoid alienating swing voters - solve Israel/Palestine (onstage) - don’t smile much - don’t frown too much TRUMP: - Try not to fling literal human feces 花样失焦 发表于 2024-09-10 12:30
Trump又出金句了:Every day she is flooding our country with billions and billions of illegal aliens. She wants to make them citizens, she wants to have them vote
Mediterranean 发表于 2024-09-10 19:46 Trump又出金句了:Every day she is flooding our country with billions and billions of illegal aliens. She wants to make them citizens, she wants to have them vote
Mediterranean 发表于 2024-09-10 19:46 Trump又出金句了:Every day she is flooding our country with billions and billions of illegal aliens. She wants to make them citizens, she wants to have them vote
every day billions , 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈,川粉反正也不知道billion是个什么数量级,期待金句集锦
What to Watch for in the Trump-Harris Debate
Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump will have similar goals in Tuesday night’s presidential debate: to knock their opponent off balance and define themselves as the best candidate to bring change to the country.
The debate, hosted by ABC News, is set to take place at 9 p.m. ET at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia. Here are five things to watch for during the first—and only—scheduled debate between the two candidates.
🔥 最新回帖
原视频里从头到尾,川普朝着右边的Dr Brix说话。他是在讨论不同的治疗办法,而且对象是医生研究人员。 根本不是对大众说“这个办法好,你们拿自己身体试一下”
Endotracheal Application of Ultraviolet A Light in Critically Ill Patients with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2: A First-in-Human Study
连你的川本人自己在那几天之后也否认你说的“思路,还要研究。讲话是也是商量询问的口气”。因为他 was asking a question sarcastically to reporters like you to see what would happen。
好心提醒下以免你眼瞎或者英文不好,他是说了asking a question,但是他是asking a question sarcastically。有sarcastically这个词后,这个asking a question 就变得完全不是“商量”,“询问”的口气。
🛋️ 沙发板凳
有没有互相诘问环节? 如果都是和主持人之间的问答,没有交锋的话 基本就是看谁稿子背的熟,谁能更好的控制情绪和气氛 毕竟主要辩论议题就那几个,也出不了什么新花样
不会有三分之一,他俩无论哪个当众发疯崩盘都有40%的支持率。 不过真的,上次拜登老头带给我的PTSD依然挥之不去,总担心哈大姐出状况。
川普也是老了吧,到现在为止还没有成功的给卡马拉起一个外号。 上次弄了一个别人听不懂,他解释半天也没解释明白。
你这个要求对他是mission impossible
HARRIS: - lay out comprehensive, detailed plans - but avoid coming off too “wonky” - avoid alienating swing voters - solve Israel/Palestine (onstage) - don’t smile much - don’t frown too much
TRUMP: - Try not to fling literal human feces
都把bar降到这么低了 满嘴谎言都不算啥了
就这样黄右黄川们还十分不满意 说媒体被民主党操控
没错,这就是左派有些人喜欢搞purity test 非要搞什么道德高标准才能有资格去竞争,我说根本没必要,就和川普比low 又能怎么样,再low 也low不到川普那个水平
政客都说谎,但论级别基本上很难达到川普那个数量级的(可能万斯可以拼一下),媒体现在fact check 哈大姐基本上属于鸡蛋里挑骨头。
你看了我前面贴的视频了吗? 川普说谎 但是哈里斯说了和没说一样,她根本不会说话 也就能在加州能当ag这么多年,靠diversity,一个名校毕业的律师连几句完整的话都说不好
这个比川普那个child care好太多了。
我说的是比川普那段child care两分钟乱喷好多了。这个算大模型无病呻吟的输出,川普那个算模型出错了。
HARRIS: "The governor and I, we were all doing a tour of the library here and talking about the significance of the passage of time, right, the significance of the passage of time. So, when you think about it, there is great significance to the passage of time in terms of what we need to do to lay these wires. what we need to do to create these jobs. And there is such great significance to the passage of time when we think about a day in the life of our children." 中文你说意思是:“做事要从长远看,考虑后代也有这些资源”
你是不是再去听一下懂王关于Child Care那段word salad?
说说哈大姐的槽点在哪? 结了三次婚、离了三次婚? 第三次婚姻中让老公在家带奶娃、出轨艳星? 大叫grab his dick被录音了? 逼迫宾州州长找选票了? 煽动粉丝造反要吊死walz了?
https://www.youtube.com/embed/mGwcx3xcErY 看看别的国家怎么看卡马拉。
看時光飛逝,我祈禱明天,每個小小的夢想能夠慢慢的實現 我是如此平凡,卻又如此幸運,我要說聲謝謝你,在我生命中的每一天~ 看時光飛逝,我回首從前,曾經是莽撞少年,曾經度日如年 我是如此平凡,卻又如此幸運,我要說聲謝謝妳,在我生命中的每一天~
有一说一,结婚离婚出轨艳星在我这儿都不算事 最后两点确实有问题,但是这个贴讨论的是debate
我不够积极努力 像你这样攻击性强的斗鸡可以
哈哈哈哈真的是 所以只要low到一定地步,有任何进步都是惊喜 这叫manage expectations
他老婆就是illegal alien啊
绑架的艺术 (huaren.us) https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=3046307
其实川总这套还挺有用的,特别是竞选时候。相当于群众问,我想从纽约到洛杉矶,你说怎么走? 传统政客会说,我会增加航班,减少收费站,维护高速,修高铁,降低机票税等等。不同政党会采取不同办法。 川总会说,我要收100%关税,我要减少非法移民,我要弄死民主党,我要结束俄乌战争。内在逻辑就是,收关税你有钱,减少非法移民没人和你抢工作你有钱,弄死民主党你有钱,结束俄乌战争你有钱。归根结底你选我你就有钱,你有钱了从纽约到洛杉矶还不好走么,你想怎么走怎么走。
every day billions ,
billions… trump 会数数吗?刚听他说他是沃顿商学院毕业的🤣
准备了好几天,明显比败等效果好,背的不错。 都背了两周了,题早就都透了
毕竟是检察官,felon 天敌。
感谢主持人揭穿他的谎言。Harris 的反击非常直接有力,就是 Trump hand pick 3 个 保守派大法官造成的。
民主党一直就是做十年树木百年树人的政策 16年希拉里说过类似的话 可惜短视黄右太多