卡多司基 发表于 2024-09-09 07:46 去看一下Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig的新闻吧,如果去旅游,一不小心被关押几年,不敢去很正常。
这两个加拿大Michael不是已经狗咬狗地撕出来做过间谍吗?心里没鬼的普通游客有什么不敢去的? According to a report by The Globe and Mail in November 2023, Spavor sought a multimillion-dollar settlement against the federal government for involving him in espionage activities without his knowledge. Spavor alleges that he provided Michael Kovrig with intelligence on North Korea, which Kovrig then secretly gave to the Canadian government and its Five Eyes allies without Spavor's permission, leading to their arrest and detention.[20] According to the report, a "highly placed source" told The Globe that Kovrig was "considered an intelligence asset, as a diplomatic officer at the Global Security Reporting Program (GSRP) within the Canadian embassy in Beijing, and later when based in Hong Kong at International Crisis Group."[20] A watchdog report criticized the GSRP operating in a "distinctly grey zone", putting its officers and their contacts at risk and breaches global diplomatic conventions.[64][65][21] In December 2023, The Globe and Mail reported that the Canadian government has offered CA$3 million each to Kovrig and Spavor, while Spavor's lawyer is seeking $10.5 million.[66] Spavor reached a $7 million settlement deal with the Canadian government in March 2024.[9]
楼上说得没错。Politically Exposed Person (PEP) 是国际反洗钱法律范畴里的标准用词,是指someone who has been entrusted with a prominent public function. 这是银行啊基金啊等等金融机构开户/投资的时候常规问题,非常普遍。 而且回答Yes PEP的也很常见,因为各个国家担任高级公共职务的人很多,这些人也开户/投资。再或者,各种投资entity经常有PEP在董事会上之类的,比方说某个公立大学/养老基金/国家基金之类的很可能就有PEP任职。这种的碰到PEP问题都答Yes。答了Yes也只不过risk大一些,一般会多做一点heightened due diligence而已。
意料之外看到中文我乐了 。和柜台胖妹聊多了两句 我说这是xx啊。我言下之意这是个自由国度为什么会问这个问题? 你指望有人答Yes吗? 我当然是No .但我好奇如果有人Yes ...会发生什么》? 她笑而不语 。。。 后来问本地华人 也倒是说不清为什么问这个。但猜测外逃的很多绕比较冷门的地区跑人和钱吧。多了就有这个问题.
最后回来还听到 一个朋友世界各地逗有同学的说她瑞典同学说瑞典和中国关系现在太差到冰点,连带他们本地华人都受到影响和处处感受到寒意。
不知道这些点滴算不算一叶知秋 ,未来至少全球华人这个群体都会受到影响。这个世界对华人的态度至少不会是越来越好。暑假出去玩的点滴和大家分享下!
意思是问是否在当大官或者曾经当过大官 一般部级以上就算
1. 欧洲还是比美国排外,北欧犹是 2. 的确是看不得别人好,中国赤贫时可以施舍一点残羹冷炙;中国强大了就是敌人
总算有人说到重点了 一看就是anti money laundry 要求他们问的 其他人莫名其妙的回答 都不知道起哄些啥
金融服务机构按照法律规定采集信息 不如实回答就是犯罪呗 有的人喜欢犯罪没关系的
According to a report by The Globe and Mail in November 2023, Spavor sought a multimillion-dollar settlement against the federal government for involving him in espionage activities without his knowledge. Spavor alleges that he provided Michael Kovrig with intelligence on North Korea, which Kovrig then secretly gave to the Canadian government and its Five Eyes allies without Spavor's permission, leading to their arrest and detention.[20] According to the report, a "highly placed source" told The Globe that Kovrig was "considered an intelligence asset, as a diplomatic officer at the Global Security Reporting Program (GSRP) within the Canadian embassy in Beijing, and later when based in Hong Kong at International Crisis Group."[20] A watchdog report criticized the GSRP operating in a "distinctly grey zone", putting its officers and their contacts at risk and breaches global diplomatic conventions.[64][65][21] In December 2023, The Globe and Mail reported that the Canadian government has offered CA$3 million each to Kovrig and Spavor, while Spavor's lawyer is seeking $10.5 million.[66] Spavor reached a $7 million settlement deal with the Canadian government in March 2024.[9]
以后是两个世界,Golden billion versus the rest.
《央视网》: 习主席为全球发展指明方向 https://news.cctv.com/2022/06/25/ARTIAryZZDSgtEPeDbfy3mQM220625.shtml
《人民网》:习主席为世界经济发展指明了方向 http://world.people.com.cn/n1/2023/0602/c1002-40004426.html
我的天啊,这不就是PEP, Politically exposed person吗?我在北欧,这个问题是任何一个人在任何金融机构开户都会被问到的,就是问你有没有担任过政治上重要的职务,比如大使啥的,你要是能够打勾的话那恭喜你了。
而且回答Yes PEP的也很常见,因为各个国家担任高级公共职务的人很多,这些人也开户/投资。再或者,各种投资entity经常有PEP在董事会上之类的,比方说某个公立大学/养老基金/国家基金之类的很可能就有PEP任职。这种的碰到PEP问题都答Yes。答了Yes也只不过risk大一些,一般会多做一点heightened due diligence而已。