California lawmakers approved Senate Bill 1174, prohibiting voter ID requirements in local elections. This move overrides Huntington Beach’s voter ID policy, slated for 2026. State Senator Dave Min argues that voter ID laws suppress turnout, while Republican efforts to exclude illegal immigrants from voting fail. Here is a map showing if ID is required for voting, per state. (source: nbc news)
回复 6楼 crazyHat 的帖子 咦,最关键的部分你怎么漏掉了? SB 1174, as amended, Min. Elections: voter identification. Existing law permits the governing body of a city or district to request that the county render specified services to the city or district regarding the conduct of an election. This bill would prohibit a local government from enacting or enforcing any charter provision, ordinance, or regulation requiring a person to present identification for the purpose of voting or submitting a ballot at any polling place, vote center, or other location where ballots are cast or submitted, as specified. The bill would include findings that changes proposed by this bill address a matter of statewide concern rather than a municipal affair and, therefore, apply to all cities, including charter cities.
SECTION 1.SEC. 2. Section 10005 is added to the Elections Code, to read: 10005. A local government shall not enact or enforce any charter provision, ordinance, or regulation requiring a person to present identification for the purpose of voting or submitting a ballot at any polling place, vote center, or other location where ballots are cast or submitted, unless required by state or federal law. For the purpose of this section, “local government” means any charter or general law city, charter or general law county, or any city and county. source:
这个bill就是要over ride Huntington beach 的bill, 强调voter identification 的合法性是州议会的权力,而不是每个城市决定的。有什么问题吗? The Senate’s passage of SB 1174 sends a clear message: local jurisdictions do not have the authority to enact their own voter ID requirements in contravention of California state law,” said Senator Dave Min. “It is up to the Legislature, not each of the hundreds of local cities in this state, to decide what the appropriate election verification requirements should be. And as I’ve said before, if evidence is presented indicating that voter fraud is a major problem in this state, then we should act. But we have not seen any evidence of a problem with voting fraud, and it seems that voter ID requirements—such as those contemplated in Huntington Beach—are meant to undermine trust in our elections while obstructing participation from lower propensity voters.
刚又走了一遍vote register流程给楼上川粉扫扫盲,几个我理解的关键点: 1.All active registered voters will be mailed a vote-by-mail ballot for every election. If you want to vote in person, you must turn in your vote-by-mail ballot, or you may be required to vote a provisional ballot. 2 To register to vote online, the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) must send the California Secretary of State an electronic copy of the signature from your driver''s license or state identification card. 3 I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that: * I am a U.S. citizen and a resident of California and at least 18 years old. I am not currently serving a state or federal prison term for the conviction of a felony. I am not currently found mentally incompetent to vote by a court. I understand that it is a crime to intentionally provide incorrect information on this form. The information on this form is true and correct. 第一件事情,选票是一个萝卜一个坑的,你没拿完整信息去注册是拿不到选票的,选票by defalt是邮寄到你注册的地址的,如果你想现场拿选票,也得之前说好,然后去专门地方的;第二信息显然是要验证的,需要拿你dmv的签名来做签名;第三很清楚地告知你不是公民干这个事情是犯法的。 而且如果真投过票就明白这个选票全部得是定制化的,都是厚厚的一本书,涵盖着从总统、参议员一直到你们家所在学区的委员的所有选项,你隔壁学区的人拿到的选票显然和你的就得不一样。 所以请川粉告诉我,这种机制下,查ID能解决什么样的问题?实际上只会造成了一点麻烦,比如一家两个人投票,一个人拿过去,如果要查ID那就得两个人分别过去了;而且很多投票地方本身就只有一个大箱子,你那天什么时候过去把票扔进去就行,要查ID,那就得另外安排人手去现场验证,客观上也确实不容易。
flyingforce 发表于 2024-08-29 13:18 刚又走了一遍vote register流程给楼上川粉扫扫盲,几个我理解的关键点: 1.All active registered voters will be mailed a vote-by-mail ballot for every election. If you want to vote in person, you must turn in your vote-by-mail ballot, or you may be required to vote a provisional ballot. 2 To register to vote online, the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) must send the California Secretary of State an electronic copy of the signature from your driver''s license or state identification card. 3 I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that: * I am a U.S. citizen and a resident of California and at least 18 years old. I am not currently serving a state or federal prison term for the conviction of a felony. I am not currently found mentally incompetent to vote by a court. I understand that it is a crime to intentionally provide incorrect information on this form. The information on this form is true and correct. 第一件事情,选票是一个萝卜一个坑的,你没拿完整信息去注册是拿不到选票的,选票by defalt是邮寄到你注册的地址的,如果你想现场拿选票,也得之前说好,然后去专门地方的;第二信息显然是要验证的,需要拿你dmv的签名来做签名;第三很清楚地告知你不是公民干这个事情是犯法的。 而且如果真投过票就明白这个选票全部得是定制化的,都是厚厚的一本书,涵盖着从总统、参议员一直到你们家所在学区的委员的所有选项,你隔壁学区的人拿到的选票显然和你的就得不一样。 所以请川粉告诉我,这种机制下,查ID能解决什么样的问题?实际上只会造成了一点麻烦,比如一家两个人投票,一个人拿过去,如果要查ID那就得两个人分别过去了;而且很多投票地方本身就只有一个大箱子,你那天什么时候过去把票扔进去就行,要查ID,那就得另外安排人手去现场验证,客观上也确实不容易。
回复 30楼 科罗伊 的帖子 目前这个法律是针对地方选举的,但是很多地方选举和11月份大选都是同时进行。 关于地方选举:according to cbsnews: Undocumented immigrants are able to secure California identification numbers, and noncitizens are allowed to vote in local school board elections in San Francisco. Huntington Beach’s neighboring City of Santa Ana is considering following San Francisco’s lead; a November ballot measure would allow noncitizens to vote in all, not just school board, municipal elections in the city. 这个趋势看着确实挺让人操心的。。。
回复 51楼 BlueBonnetTX 的帖子 DNC并不是人人都可以进的: Plenty of people will not be allowed in, however -- including the general public. "Only credentialed delegates, media, and guests can attend the convention in-person," the convention's website said.
宇宙洪荒 发表于 2024-08-29 14:15 回复 51楼 BlueBonnetTX 的帖子 DNC并不是人人都可以进的: Plenty of people will not be allowed in, however -- including the general public. "Only credentialed delegates, media, and guests can attend the convention in-person," the convention's website said.
This move overrides Huntington Beach’s voter ID policy, slated for 2026.
State Senator Dave Min argues that voter ID laws suppress turnout, while Republican efforts to exclude illegal immigrants from voting fail.
Here is a map showing if ID is required for voting, per state. (source: nbc news)
第 1.A 节 (a) 立法机构认定并宣布以下所有内容:
(2) 加利福尼亚州通过要求个人提供驾驶执照号码、加利福尼亚州身份证号码或其社会保障号码的最后四位数字来登记投票,确保其选举的公正性。
(b)立法機關認為並聲明,本法案第2條新增的《選舉法》第10005條處理的是全州關注的問題,而非加州憲法第XI條第5節中使用的市政事務。因此,本法案第 2 节适用于所有城市,包括特许市。
SB 1174, as amended, Min. Elections: voter identification. Existing law permits the governing body of a city or district to request that the county render specified services to the city or district regarding the conduct of an election. This bill would prohibit a local government from enacting or enforcing any charter provision, ordinance, or regulation requiring a person to present identification for the purpose of voting or submitting a ballot at any polling place, vote center, or other location where ballots are cast or submitted, as specified. The bill would include findings that changes proposed by this bill address a matter of statewide concern rather than a municipal affair and, therefore, apply to all cities, including charter cities.
SECTION 1.SEC. 2. Section 10005 is added to the Elections Code, to read: 10005. A local government shall not enact or enforce any charter provision, ordinance, or regulation requiring a person to present identification for the purpose of voting or submitting a ballot at any polling place, vote center, or other location where ballots are cast or submitted, unless required by state or federal law. For the purpose of this section, “local government” means any charter or general law city, charter or general law county, or any city and county.
The Senate’s passage of SB 1174 sends a clear message: local jurisdictions do not have the authority to enact their own voter ID requirements in contravention of California state law,” said Senator Dave Min. “It is up to the Legislature, not each of the hundreds of local cities in this state, to decide what the appropriate election verification requirements should be. And as I’ve said before, if evidence is presented indicating that voter fraud is a major problem in this state, then we should act. But we have not seen any evidence of a problem with voting fraud, and it seems that voter ID requirements—such as those contemplated in Huntington Beach—are meant to undermine trust in our elections while obstructing participation from lower propensity voters.
就是这么回事,州里认为local 没有权力根据自己的情况做任何voter ID检查。
从这个中文翻译的1,2,3,4 其实也能看出一些端倪:1 说的是谁可以投,没说谁不能投。满足2条件的有很多人不是美国公民。4说的是ID检查有历史问题,然后推出为什么今天不应该查ID。6说的就是地方官员只负责投票站,而不是负责认定5中的选民资格。
这个帖子讨论的难道不是加州议会法律么? 新法律是不是禁止查ID?
如果不查, 怎么知道谁违法投票呢? 违法的脑门儿上也不写一个“我没有ID”。既然关系到联邦重罪, 那不是更应该检查ID么?
黄猪连深蓝州都这么害怕? 今年大选哈里斯要想赢,基本是绝望了
首先这个法案是规定“地方选举”,跟联邦大选没有关系。其次 ,下面这三项已经基本保证加州不存在大规模选举fraud 的现象,事实也证明了这一点。
(2) 加利福尼亚州通过要求个人提供驾驶执照号码、加利福尼亚州身份证号码或其社会保障号码的最后四位数字来登记投票,确保其选举的公正性。
不懂就问,就这个翻译版来说, 第二条,2)列举出来的ID不能充分证明ID持有人是公民啊。 第四条,4)“选举身份识别法”,或者说鉴定公民身份,为什么是剥夺了这些特定人群的投票权?之间的必然联系是什么?
Voter registration 是提前做的,不是投票当天做的。鉴定选举资格的话在voter registration 那一步就可以鉴定,不需要在投票的时候再看ID.
黄猪的接口是,这些人根本没有ID,你投票时候查这些人ID就是压制投票 于是黄猪咋知道这些老弱病残不能动弹的人来的是本人?
1.All active registered voters will be mailed a vote-by-mail ballot for every election. If you want to vote in person, you must turn in your vote-by-mail ballot, or you may be required to vote a provisional ballot.
2 To register to vote online, the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) must send the California Secretary of State an electronic copy of the signature from your driver''s license or state identification card.
3 I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that: * I am a U.S. citizen and a resident of California and at least 18 years old. I am not currently serving a state or federal prison term for the conviction of a felony. I am not currently found mentally incompetent to vote by a court. I understand that it is a crime to intentionally provide incorrect information on this form. The information on this form is true and correct.
第一件事情,选票是一个萝卜一个坑的,你没拿完整信息去注册是拿不到选票的,选票by defalt是邮寄到你注册的地址的,如果你想现场拿选票,也得之前说好,然后去专门地方的;第二信息显然是要验证的,需要拿你dmv的签名来做签名;第三很清楚地告知你不是公民干这个事情是犯法的。
我恰好那年开始做投票站,知道什么情况要ID, 要么是头一次投票,需要确认本人信息,要么是几次选举都没有参加,被mark成inactive,要么就是投票记录上有可疑记录,要求查验ID。我没好意思去问她是哪种情况。。。
选名册? 你说民主党开大会进门是用的选民测还是ID?
是的,而且很多人着急上班,查ID 的话rush hours 肯定排长队,哪里有时间等。
我还是老问题 民主党开大会进门到底查验ID了没有?
我完全同意在以前,大部分人不会怀疑voter fraud. 所以事先登记选民,在投票当天不查问题也不是太大。
关于地方选举:according to cbsnews:
Undocumented immigrants are able to secure California identification numbers, and noncitizens are allowed to vote in local school board elections in San Francisco. Huntington Beach’s neighboring City of Santa Ana is considering following San Francisco’s lead; a November ballot measure would allow noncitizens to vote in all, not just school board, municipal elections in the city.
进女厕所居然可以不用脱裤子检查阴道就可以直接进 简直天理难容 川粉要不要在女厕所前站一排检查每个人?
我还是老问题,请黄猪帮忙回答一下,民主党开大会为啥要查验ID? 这是不是压制选举?是不是让没有ID的人没法参加大会?
这题我会,开会人人都可以进。这就是为什么好几个共和党大佬在民主党大会上发言,支持哈里斯。 选民都需要提前注册的,在注册的时候已经检查确认过ID了。 大部分州都是要看ID的
Plenty of people will not be allowed in, however -- including the general public. "Only credentialed delegates, media, and guests can attend the convention in-person," the convention's website said.
而看这个流程,检查ID最多就能解决几个问题:1.已注册去世老人的选票被亲属乱投;2. 帮忙带合法公民spouse选票到投票站过程中被篡改;这两个事情不太容易查,但是真要查也是查的出来的。客观上这两个问题应该在误差范围内的,毕竟如果民主党有这种事情发生,共和党也可以有。
你还真给这人科普? 但凡智商正常人都应该知道民主党开会肯定查ID
关于州和local的权力:Huntington beach认为当初立法机构引SB1174就是认可了地方在这方面的权力,所以还会继续诉诸法律渠道。
我就问你,民主党开大会检查ID,是不是会导致没有ID的人无法参加会议? 按照黄猪的理论,DNC算不算压制选举?
事实上Huntington Beach自己通过了检查ID的amendment, 而州层面强行禁止了。这在我看来更像是加州在州层面妨碍了某一个地方居民的意愿。我相信这个地方的居民肯定有他们合理的理由。
你投票是基本公民权利, 只要是公民, 自动获得, 宽且实现已经在选举办公室注册过选民, 留下过足够证据自己是公民, 那么投票的时候只要签名对上, 不就可以了, 再查一遍ID属于脱裤子放屁? 你是在故意拖慢投票流程, discourage 投票热情
进入民主党代会是私人集会, 座位属于特权, 不是与生俱来的, 所以必须查票
多少人参加民主党代表大会, 并不直接影响美国大选公正性?
我就问你,民主开大会检查ID会不会导致没有iD的人无法参加?这是不是压制选举? 你就回答是不是,很难吗?
关于针对voter ID的利弊,这里有一些信息还是不错的。可以参考:
要点: 支持一方:Voter ID laws 可以防止多种fraud, Voter ID laws并不会减少turnout, 有超过80%的选民支持立法,18%反对。(共和党91%支持,民主党62%支持,independent 87%支持)
反对一方:这个法律对很多选民不方便,对有些少数族裔尤其不友好,in-person voter人数很少。
人家做类比的意思其实很明显:DNC开大会想要make sure只有被邀请的人才能去,所以要查ID.
大选这个事情更严肃,是不是应该有比DNC更严格的手段make sure 能投票的才能投?