看看这楼会不会被打入冷宫挪到时政版。 大家都知道美国大选不是统一的联邦选举,而是五十个州独立的选举。而管理每个州选举的最高民选官员就是Secretary of State. 阿拉巴马州SecState刚刚宣布,经过一年多的认真审核,消除了3251名非美国公民的注册选民资格。3,251的影响有多大? 2020年大选Arizona最终结果Biden比Trump多10,457票。非公民有可能注册投票吗?答案是如果不细查,确实有可能。而且数目能达到影响结果的程度。 官宣如下: https://www.sos.alabama.gov/index.php/newsroom/secretary-state-wes-allen-implements-process-remove-noncitizens-registered-vote-alabama “After being sworn into office on January 16, 2023, Alabama Secretary of State Wes Allen immediately initiated strategic efforts to ensure that Alabama has the cleanest and most accurate voter file in the country. As part of this effort, Secretary Allen has identified 3,251 individuals who are registered to vote in Alabama who have been issued noncitizen identification numbers by the Department of Homeland Security. The Secretary announced today that he is instructing the Boards of Registrars in all 67 counties to immediately inactivate and initiate steps necessary to remove all individuals who are not United States Citizens.”
楼主,原文说了这3251人有可能已经入籍了。只是把他们找出来要他们自证是公民。并没有证实他们是非公民的假票。 估计是查到这些人有a number之类的。凡是有过绿卡的都有这个。Alabama不是移民大州。加州德州佛州如果用a number筛人的话估计得有三分之一的人需要自证是公民。 另外,如果真是一路黑过来的非法移民,他没有a number,阿拉巴马的这个initiative实际上抓不到。 楼主贴的link请往下读: Allen says it is possible that some of the individuals who were issued noncitizen identification numbers have, since receiving them, become naturalized citizens and are, therefore, eligible to vote. The process initiated by the Secretary of State’s Office will allow those naturalized citizens to update their information on a State of Alabama Voter Registration Form and, once verified, vote in the state’s elections.
根据这篇文章, Ohio and Texas也在排查选民注册中发现同样问题。而且确有非公民已经投票的证据。 https://thepostmillennial.com/ohio-secretary-of-state-finds-597-noncitizens-registered-to-vote-138-have-already-voted
夹克325 发表于 2024-08-28 08:10 Florida Man Who Voted for Decades Is Not a Citizen https://www.newsweek.com/social-security-florida-man-not-citizen-voted-decades-1900847
德州更是清了1百多万了。去世的不少。别的州估计也不少。 AUSTIN (Nexstar) — Texas has removed 1.1 million people from voter rolls since 2021, Gov. Greg Abbott’s office announced Monday, highlighting efforts to clean up election data and ensure legal registration. That includes 6,500 potential noncitizens and 457,000 deceased people, according to data the governor’s office provided.
brookeyang 发表于 2024-08-28 08:45 德州更是清了1百多万了。去世的不少。别的州估计也不少。 AUSTIN (Nexstar) — Texas has removed 1.1 million people from voter rolls since 2021, Gov. Greg Abbott’s office announced Monday, highlighting efforts to clean up election data and ensure legal registration. That includes 6,500 potential noncitizens and 457,000 deceased people, according to data the governor’s office provided.
回复 38楼 的帖子 阿拉巴马就是把有过alien number的都拎出来了。并没有查明这些人注册选民的时候不是公民。楼主po的link里原文写着呢。 我们拿到公民纸后是要去ssa去update ssn的。要投票的话并不要求归化公民必须update这个。但如果没有做,你在ssn那里的记录就可能还是alien。 Allen says it is possible that some of the individuals who were issued noncitizen identification numbers have, since receiving them, become naturalized citizens and are, therefore, eligible to vote. The process initiated by the Secretary of State’s Office will allow those naturalized citizens to update their information on a State of Alabama Voter Registration Form and, once verified, vote in the state’s elections.
brookeyang 发表于 2024-08-28 08:45 德州更是清了1百多万了。去世的不少。别的州估计也不少。 AUSTIN (Nexstar) — Texas has removed 1.1 million people from voter rolls since 2021, Gov. Greg Abbott’s office announced Monday, highlighting efforts to clean up election data and ensure legal registration. That includes 6,500 potential noncitizens and 457,000 deceased people, according to data the governor’s office provided.
SAT 发表于 2024-08-27 23:29 看看这楼会不会被打入冷宫挪到时政版。 大家都知道美国大选不是统一的联邦选举,而是五十个州独立的选举。而管理每个州选举的最高民选官员就是Secretary of State. 阿拉巴马州SecState刚刚宣布,经过一年多的认真审核,消除了3251名非美国公民的注册选民资格。3,251的影响有多大? 2020年大选Arizona最终结果Biden比Trump多10,457票。非公民有可能注册投票吗?答案是如果不细查,确实有可能。而且数目能达到影响结果的程度。 官宣如下: https://www.sos.alabama.gov/index.php/newsroom/secretary-state-wes-allen-implements-process-remove-noncitizens-registered-vote-alabama “After being sworn into office on January 16, 2023, Alabama Secretary of State Wes Allen immediately initiated strategic efforts to ensure that Alabama has the cleanest and most accurate voter file in the country. As part of this effort, Secretary Allen has identified 3,251 individuals who are registered to vote in Alabama who have been issued noncitizen identification numbers by the Department of Homeland Security. The Secretary announced today that he is instructing the Boards of Registrars in all 67 counties to immediately inactivate and initiate steps necessary to remove all individuals who are not United States Citizens.”
大家都知道美国大选不是统一的联邦选举,而是五十个州独立的选举。而管理每个州选举的最高民选官员就是Secretary of State.
阿拉巴马州SecState刚刚宣布,经过一年多的认真审核,消除了3251名非美国公民的注册选民资格。3,251的影响有多大? 2020年大选Arizona最终结果Biden比Trump多10,457票。非公民有可能注册投票吗?答案是如果不细查,确实有可能。而且数目能达到影响结果的程度。
“After being sworn into office on January 16, 2023, Alabama Secretary of State Wes Allen immediately initiated strategic efforts to ensure that Alabama has the cleanest and most accurate voter file in the country. As part of this effort, Secretary Allen has identified 3,251 individuals who are registered to vote in Alabama who have been issued noncitizen identification numbers by the Department of Homeland Security. The Secretary announced today that he is instructing the Boards of Registrars in all 67 counties to immediately inactivate and initiate steps necessary to remove all individuals who are not United States Citizens.”
咋不齐全?就是voter suppression, 我美国公民也正常注册了选民信息,但是不能拿护照或者公民纸去投票,必须驾照,入籍前的驾照还不能用。这是我州新的操蛋法。当然我现在来回发信几轮被告知这条了,那肯定要去更新驾照了。但是没空这么折腾没那么上心的就被除名了或者不认你的选票了
我拿Arizona说什么事?当你在厨房看到一只蟑螂的时候,真的只有一只吗? Arizona是一个新移民(合法非法都算)很多的州,保守估计有五十万非法移民,Katie Hobbs (D) 2020年是 Arizona SecState. 在她任下认真排查了吗? 2020年Arizona 尤其是Maricopa County不正常的现象还少吗? 包括她后来及其微弱的优势(after recounting)赢得州长选举。还是那句话:你知道你的,我知道我的; 你信你的,我信我的。
楼主贴的link请往下读: Allen says it is possible that some of the individuals who were issued noncitizen identification numbers have, since receiving them, become naturalized citizens and are, therefore, eligible to vote. The process initiated by the Secretary of State’s Office will allow those naturalized citizens to update their information on a State of Alabama Voter Registration Form and, once verified, vote in the state’s elections.
嗯。就是你这种情况。 用a number筛人的假阳性和假阴性率都很高。如果这3251人最后发现都是入了籍的我也不吃惊。毕竟绿卡投票是felony,是入籍路上跟公民结婚也洗不掉的大雷。手里拿着a number的移民为了保持身份活的战战兢兢的,每搬次家还要通知USCIS,很难想象有人会心甘情愿地sabotage自己在美国生根发芽的机会,尤其还不是在battleground state。
你说的太对了。当年好几个voter fraud 的case都是共和党的,所以全部共和党人都在作弊。毕竟当你在厨房看到一只蟑螂的时候真的只有一只吗, 对吧?
不合你意就扣帽子? 本身制定了法律,为啥不执行?选举本身就是严肃的事情 再说,规定对所有人都是平等的,红脖子一样缺文件,难道洪州还怕红脖子投票?
所以共和党严肃管理有啥不对?为啥黄猪这么害怕选举严查ID? 红脖子不是一样可能没有ID?
Florida Man Who Voted for Decades Is Not a Citizen
对呀,身份文件有一个证明公民身份就行了其它东西不都是用这份基本文件去做的?还要求其它证件?不开车的人不需要驾照没钱办驾照的就不是公民了?把参加选举的难度层层加码就是voter suppression
我也是,老是强迫症非得回帖。真的move on, 水越搅越浑,费半天劲fact check,对方不在乎fact永远立于不败之地。
同意呢 蟑螂理论 不知道 到底多少藏在Florida 让共和党赢了这么多届。怕是要好好查查噢。是不是选票都是假的!
我觉得是因为美国没有中国这样全国联网的id系统。比如我入籍的时候拿了公民纸就顺便注册了。但是之前我拿绿卡时候的信息在county和州里很可能还没有update。如果州里用阿拉巴马这个方法去筛voter,我就会被筛出来。 其实很好奇讲voter fraud的时候为什么只讲总统选举。ballot上又不是只有一道单选题,从总统到地方一连好几页呢。要是假票的话那场选举里州里county里的结果也要作废。
二楼上来就一句 放屁。自己悄么蔫儿改回去了。
阿拉巴马州是经过一年多的认真审核。你绿卡时是不可能在county注册为选民的,谈不上county没有update。 保证公民选举对地方选举也是适用的。
阿拉巴马就是把有过alien number的都拎出来了。并没有查明这些人注册选民的时候不是公民。楼主po的link里原文写着呢。 我们拿到公民纸后是要去ssa去update ssn的。要投票的话并不要求归化公民必须update这个。但如果没有做,你在ssn那里的记录就可能还是alien。 Allen says it is possible that some of the individuals who were issued noncitizen identification numbers have, since receiving them, become naturalized citizens and are, therefore, eligible to vote. The process initiated by the Secretary of State’s Office will allow those naturalized citizens to update their information on a State of Alabama Voter Registration Form and, once verified, vote in the state’s elections.
是的,谎言说一百遍就成真的了,真正决定选情的就是low info voter,就是平时不太关心政治,对政治光谱了解不多的人,如果被谎言占据了舆论阵地,选情是可以被左右的
我还是老问题,为啥黄猪认为限制选举只会限制民主党人?红脖子不是一样被限制? 为啥黄猪认为跟它们观点不一样就是谎言?
阿拉巴马是铁杆深红州,楼主和对这种新闻引出无限遐想的人,是在说如果这3000人在2020年以前被清理出Voter Roll,那么阿拉巴马会转蓝吗?
alabama不是trump胜出?逻辑不是因为illegal voters? 拿Alabama的数据证明Arizona有问题? 逻辑跳过了grand canyon
要不你拿出数据来看看,被限制的穷人多还是被限制的虚假选票多? 打labor工没驾照?咋去办理入职的?咋办理银行开户的? 而且美国真正穷人都聚集在大城市,怎么会有交通困难问题?
只要制定任何一条规则,都会导致部分人应该符合要求而变得不符合要求,是不是意味着这个世界上就不应该有规则? 黄猪之所以反对,根本原因就是选票没法作假了,黄猪难道在乎有人没投上票吗? 只要任何规则不符合黄猪利益,黄猪都会将其扣上压制xxx 话又说回来,猪党一直拼命政治迫害特朗普是为啥?是真的为了维护法律还是选举压制?