社交媒体限制虚假信息的传播,是为了维护选举的公正性,而不是故意掩盖真相。 Mark Zuckerberg提到的内容涉及社交平台如何应对未经证实的信息,并非特意针对某一方。 关于“选举剽窃”的指控在多次法律审查中被驳回,各州的选举官员和法院都确认了2020年大选的合法性和公正性。 这些指控更多是阴谋论的延续,缺乏事实支持。
回复 1楼 uosff 的帖子 Preventing misinformation during a public health emergency is crucial for ensuring effective response and maintaining public trust. Here are some strategies that can help: Proactive Communication: Establish clear, consistent, and transparent communication from trusted sources. Regular updates can help preempt misinformation1. Education and Literacy: Promote health literacy by educating the public on how to identify credible sources and verify information2. Collaboration with Media: Work closely with media outlets to ensure accurate reporting and to quickly correct any misinformation3. Use of Technology: Leverage social media and other digital platforms to disseminate accurate information rapidly and counteract false narratives4. Community Engagement: Engage with community leaders and influencers who can help spread accurate information and build trust within their communities1. Monitoring and Response: Implement systems to monitor misinformation and respond swiftly to correct it5. By combining these approaches, public health authorities can better manage the spread of misinformation and ensure that the public receives accurate and reliable information during emergencies.
回复 118楼 Simpson2020 的帖子 Yes, there are several efforts and policies aimed at preventing misinformation during public health emergencies: Promoting Public Health Information Act: This legislation supports efforts across the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and with outside stakeholders to communicate effectively during public health emergencies and address health misinformation1. American Medical Association (AMA) Policy: The AMA has adopted policies to address health-related disinformation, particularly focusing on disinformation spread by health professionals. This policy outlines strategies to stop the spread of disinformation and protect public health2. National Security Council Strategy: The National Security Council is responsible for developing and overseeing a U.S. strategy for preventing and responding to health-related misinformation and disinformation during public health emergencies3. These laws and policies aim to ensure accurate information dissemination and to counteract the spread of false information during critical times.
第一个黑人女总统,凭啥让哈里斯捡漏? 就说古往今来,美国各级选举,但凡有黑人参选,有过黑人群体公开反对吗?还是一个极左黑人群体,反对极左的黑人+极左白人组合 还是用的莫须有的理由反对,黑人是那种看中什么程序的群体? 尤其是特朗普喷哈里斯不是黑人时候,有任何一个出名点的黑人群体站出来给哈里斯背书的? 要说背后没人捅刀子,谁会相信?
很有意思, Vivek 几个月前在一次访谈里提到过他在看MMA现场的时候正好坐在小札旁边, 俩人聊了几句, 都说很enjoy看格斗, 欣赏人在本能趋势下爆发出来的力量。 Vivek还和他聊了言论自由, 小札说其实他比大多数人想象的更加支持free speech. Vivek 就说, 有时候大方承认自己搞砸了, 犯了个错, 其实没什么大不了的, 反而会是一个非常healing 的举动。 说到这里他和主持人都笑了, 还开玩笑说不知道小扎心里会怎么想。
如果这个表态最后被证明影响了本次大选, 那也许又是一次历史被偶然世界所改变的例子。
2019大选那几个月: Biden知道是真的 Harris知道是真的 Obama,Pelosi,Clinton知道是真的。 FBI知道是真的 Rudi是被冤枉的。 poll显示如果这件事当时不被掩盖10% 的选民会改投trump。
Mark Zuckerberg提到的内容涉及社交平台如何应对未经证实的信息,并非特意针对某一方。
Preventing misinformation during a public health emergency is crucial for ensuring effective response and maintaining public trust. Here are some strategies that can help: Proactive Communication: Establish clear, consistent, and transparent communication from trusted sources. Regular updates can help preempt misinformation1. Education and Literacy: Promote health literacy by educating the public on how to identify credible sources and verify information2. Collaboration with Media: Work closely with media outlets to ensure accurate reporting and to quickly correct any misinformation3. Use of Technology: Leverage social media and other digital platforms to disseminate accurate information rapidly and counteract false narratives4. Community Engagement: Engage with community leaders and influencers who can help spread accurate information and build trust within their communities1. Monitoring and Response: Implement systems to monitor misinformation and respond swiftly to correct it5. By combining these approaches, public health authorities can better manage the spread of misinformation and ensure that the public receives accurate and reliable information during emergencies.
Yes, there are several efforts and policies aimed at preventing misinformation during public health emergencies: Promoting Public Health Information Act: This legislation supports efforts across the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and with outside stakeholders to communicate effectively during public health emergencies and address health misinformation1. American Medical Association (AMA) Policy: The AMA has adopted policies to address health-related disinformation, particularly focusing on disinformation spread by health professionals. This policy outlines strategies to stop the spread of disinformation and protect public health2. National Security Council Strategy: The National Security Council is responsible for developing and overseeing a U.S. strategy for preventing and responding to health-related misinformation and disinformation during public health emergencies3. These laws and policies aim to ensure accurate information dissemination and to counteract the spread of false information during critical times.
肯定是 不知道有啥瓜