民主党允许biologic male compete in woman''''s sports是进步还是退步,不要以为投民主党就是投进步。。。民主党已经不是以前的那个党了 RFK Jr 总结的很好,建议大家去听听,至少make informed decision on upcoming election,不管最后投哪一党
I believe the Democrat Party is an existential threat to the world. They are firing American missiles into Russia. Take a second to think about how crazy that is.
I believe the Democrat Party is an existential threat to the world.
this is how much democrats care about people and fallen soldiers https://thepostmillennial.com/kamala-biden-walz-invited-to-attend-arlington-memorial-for-fallen-soldiers-weeks-in-advance-none-of-them-showed-up?utm_campaign=64530
monofaye 发表于 2024-08-27 14:31 this is how much democrats care about people and fallen soldiers https://thepostmillennial.com/kamala-biden-walz-invited-to-attend-arlington-memorial-for-fallen-soldiers-weeks-in-advance-none-of-them-showed-up?utm_campaign=64530
没错,从来不“雇佣” 水军,水军都是 志愿者 看猴子屯的87岁猪党志愿者, 活到老干到老, 整65个手机和41台电脑给猪党灌水。。。。 Lidia Martinez, 87。 87岁的猪党志愿者老太太,要 65 cellphones and 41 computers and storage devices https://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/hou ... rcna168216 https://www.clickorlando.com/news/natio ... rch-homes/ Some volunteers whose homes were searched, including an 80-year-old woman who told her associates that agents were at her house for two hours and took medicine, along with her smartphone and watch, railed outside an attorney general's office in San Antonio against the searches. A copy of a wide-ranging search warrant left with one of the people targeted, LULAC volunteer Lidia Martinez, 87, of San Antonio, offered a window into the investigation’s interests. The warrant ordered the seizure of all electronic devices at her home, allowed for the opening of documents that were business-, organization- or election-related, and authorized swabbing for DNA. According to the warrant, the purpose of the search was to look for evidence of violations of the Texas election laws regarding vote harvesting and identity fraud. Medina’s home was also “forcibly entered” in the early morning of Aug. 20. According to a filing from his attorney, officers woke up Medina, his wife and two young daughters, and “rummaged through the residence” for seven hours, the attorney said, searching through the living spaces, closets, kitchen, bathrooms, garage and the family’s bedrooms. Officers seized 65 cellphones and 41 computers and storage devices, the filing said
singlemummy 发表于 2024-08-27 17:58 没错,从来不“雇佣” 水军,水军都是 志愿者 看猴子屯的87岁猪党志愿者, 活到老干到老, 整65个手机和41台电脑给猪党灌水。。。。 Lidia Martinez, 87。 87岁的猪党志愿者老太太,要 65 cellphones and 41 computers and storage devices https://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/hou ... rcna168216 https://www.clickorlando.com/news/natio ... rch-homes/ Some volunteers whose homes were searched, including an 80-year-old woman who told her associates that agents were at her house for two hours and took medicine, along with her smartphone and watch, railed outside an attorney general''s office in San Antonio against the searches. A copy of a wide-ranging search warrant left with one of the people targeted, LULAC volunteer Lidia Martinez, 87, of San Antonio, offered a window into the investigation’s interests. The warrant ordered the seizure of all electronic devices at her home, allowed for the opening of documents that were business-, organization- or election-related, and authorized swabbing for DNA. According to the warrant, the purpose of the search was to look for evidence of violations of the Texas election laws regarding vote harvesting and identity fraud. Medina’s home was also “forcibly entered” in the early morning of Aug. 20. According to a filing from his attorney, officers woke up Medina, his wife and two young daughters, and “rummaged through the residence” for seven hours, the attorney said, searching through the living spaces, closets, kitchen, bathrooms, garage and the family’s bedrooms. Officers seized 65 cellphones and 41 computers and storage devices, the filing said
singlemummy 发表于 2024-08-27 17:58 没错,从来不“雇佣” 水军,水军都是 志愿者 看猴子屯的87岁猪党志愿者, 活到老干到老, 整65个手机和41台电脑给猪党灌水。。。。 Lidia Martinez, 87。 87岁的猪党志愿者老太太,要 65 cellphones and 41 computers and storage devices https://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/hou ... rcna168216 https://www.clickorlando.com/news/natio ... rch-homes/ Some volunteers whose homes were searched, including an 80-year-old woman who told her associates that agents were at her house for two hours and took medicine, along with her smartphone and watch, railed outside an attorney general's office in San Antonio against the searches. A copy of a wide-ranging search warrant left with one of the people targeted, LULAC volunteer Lidia Martinez, 87, of San Antonio, offered a window into the investigation’s interests. The warrant ordered the seizure of all electronic devices at her home, allowed for the opening of documents that were business-, organization- or election-related, and authorized swabbing for DNA. According to the warrant, the purpose of the search was to look for evidence of violations of the Texas election laws regarding vote harvesting and identity fraud. Medina’s home was also “forcibly entered” in the early morning of Aug. 20. According to a filing from his attorney, officers woke up Medina, his wife and two young daughters, and “rummaged through the residence” for seven hours, the attorney said, searching through the living spaces, closets, kitchen, bathrooms, garage and the family’s bedrooms. Officers seized 65 cellphones and 41 computers and storage devices, the filing said
又在造谣了,65台手机的链接请贴全。 德州attorney general, Ken Paxton,曾经在2020年试图推翻选举结果的,最近又在传播选举注册者的谣言,借此突然袭击了很多负责帮助注册Latino的组织,试图阻挠他们继续帮助选举人注册。这个志愿者,就是美国最老的Latino 民权组织之一的人
singlemummy 发表于 2024-08-27 17:58 没错,从来不“雇佣” 水军,水军都是 志愿者 看猴子屯的87岁猪党志愿者, 活到老干到老, 整65个手机和41台电脑给猪党灌水。。。。 Lidia Martinez, 87。 87岁的猪党志愿者老太太,要 65 cellphones and 41 computers and storage devices https://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/hou ... rcna168216 https://www.clickorlando.com/news/natio ... rch-homes/ Some volunteers whose homes were searched, including an 80-year-old woman who told her associates that agents were at her house for two hours and took medicine, along with her smartphone and watch, railed outside an attorney general's office in San Antonio against the searches. A copy of a wide-ranging search warrant left with one of the people targeted, LULAC volunteer Lidia Martinez, 87, of San Antonio, offered a window into the investigation’s interests. The warrant ordered the seizure of all electronic devices at her home, allowed for the opening of documents that were business-, organization- or election-related, and authorized swabbing for DNA. According to the warrant, the purpose of the search was to look for evidence of violations of the Texas election laws regarding vote harvesting and identity fraud. Medina’s home was also “forcibly entered” in the early morning of Aug. 20. According to a filing from his attorney, officers woke up Medina, his wife and two young daughters, and “rummaged through the residence” for seven hours, the attorney said, searching through the living spaces, closets, kitchen, bathrooms, garage and the family’s bedrooms. Officers seized 65 cellphones and 41 computers and storage devices, the filing said
这个是德州的Ken Paxton针对Latino帮助选民注册选举的阻挠,前几天还在新闻上散布谣言的种子,说是发现有人注册非法移民,然后搞了很多突袭行动,包括突袭搜查这个LULAC (League of United Latin American Citizens)组织者、志愿者的家里。 德州的选民们好好检查下自己的注册状态 https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/aug/27/ken-paxton-texas-home-raids-lulac-members
花样失焦 发表于 2024-08-27 15:12 Trump说人家在战场上死亡的士兵 ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’,之前贬低这些为国捐躯或者上战场获战功的人,说他们的勋章Medal of Honor,还不如因为给他捐钱得到Medal of Freedom的荣誉高。现在又跑来作秀。
这个故事又有更新: https://www.npr.org/2024/08/27/nx-s1-5091154/trump-arlington-cemetery 简单地说,就是这是最新的一部分烈士公墓,按照国家规定,只有公墓的工作人员可以拍照摄影。而且联邦法律规定,不能利用公墓进行任何竞选有关活动,这是出于对烈士的尊敬吧?然而,谁昨天在那里造势了呢?而且和工作人员因为这个还发生了冲突 "Federal law prohibits political campaign or election-related activities within Army National Military Cemeteries, to include photographers, content creators or any other persons attending for purposes, or in direct support of a partisan political candidate's campaign," according to the statement. "Arlington National Cemetery reinforced and widely shared this law and its prohibitions with all participants."
加上在DNC上发言的,前川普白宫发言人格里珊(Stephanie Grisham),前伊州共和党国会众议员金辛格(Adam Kinzinger),亚利桑那州梅萨市的共和党市长贾尔斯(John Giles),前副总统彭斯的前国土安全助理特洛伊(Olivia Troye)和前乔治亚州副州长邓肯(Geoff Duncan),出来表示支持哈里斯的共和党人越来越多,佩服他们的勇气和魄力。
🔥 最新回帖
通货膨胀没控制住吗?是吃的还是用的? 用的有 TEMU ! 吃的还要我给你翻出来西瓜🍉理论吗?现在无论网上的还是店里的,都很便宜啊!
哈哈, 我就是其中一个。布什算是个正常人了吧。
我们活在一个宇宙的美国? 通货膨胀控制住了? 美元的通胀这才是刚刚开始,等着魏玛共和国的一天吧
🛋️ 沙发板凳
deep state target list杀人名单上面never trump的共和党不算少
先屠党内的never trump,再屠民主党自己当皇帝,然后以驱逐非法移民的名义把少数族裔屠干净,最后挨家挨户上门屠白左,直到把美国屠成一个基督教版本的塔利班阿富汗
2008 年,巴拉克·奥巴马获得了 26% 的白人重生福音派选票并获胜。 2016 年,希拉里·克林顿获得了 16% 的白人重生福音派选票,但失败了。 2020 年,乔·拜登获得了 24% 的白人重生福音派选票并获胜。 如果卡马拉·哈里斯获得 20% 或更多的白人重生福音派选票(并非不可能),特朗普可能会输。
https://www.youtube.com/embed/iGpBd_lqxG0?si=0nsT4jREKmPFCWTs https://www.evangelicalsforharris.com/
笑死个人了,bush自己一屁股屎都擦不干净呢 你知道911到底是怎么回事吗?真的是沙特几个圣战分子搞的吗?那几栋楼真是飞机撞塌的?911总共倒了几栋楼?媒体宣传飞机又撞了几栋楼? 这一切都是bush自己自编自导的!bush这家伙妥妥犯了叛国罪!最后要上军事法庭处死的
冷知识: 核按钮的操作人员一年要摁几次的,摁的时候谁也不知道是不是演习。 全美有20几人,专干这事。
RFK Jr 总结的很好,建议大家去听听,至少make informed decision on upcoming election,不管最后投哪一党
jon Stewart 说了 他们盗用patriotism
川普的MAGA 是用经济保障军事 民主党虽然不提MAGA 但是实际上也是要MAGA 方法是用军事保障经济
你呢,what kind of American are you?
还是尽量别让他上台给系统做stress test好。毕竟光靠民主党是不能hold him accountable 的,共和党已经不是Goldwater那个共和党。当然他要真上台,我们也只能hope for the best.
这就是那些deep state, 基本上是军火商,战争贩子,官二代,高级职业官僚。这些人早就被狗屁党基层抛弃,却被一群华人川黑粉上了,哈哈哈哈
是的,2016选川以为他只是个商人,那真是小看他了, Jan 6已经给颜色看了,他的杀气才是最可怕的
所以很多川粉第一句话都是,“我不是川粉” 跟着自己的偶像做粉丝不是件很自豪的事儿么,难不成,他们内心里觉得这个“偶像”拿不出手么?
They are firing American missiles into Russia.
Take a second to think about how crazy that is.
学习一下project 25, maga的目标就是为了回到史前社会,lol
去读一下project 2025吧,那是真的让人齿冷的
我发现这个版上被一堆大外宣组织的人马控制了,一说川普就是1)china virus;2)大屠杀亚裔还有异见人士。谢谢,我们有常识也读了书。川普之前的四年,天天被民主党和主流媒体炮轰,弹劾都搞了好几次,怎么可能干这些极端的事情呢?
Trump说人家在战场上死亡的士兵 ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’,之前贬低这些为国捐躯或者上战场获战功的人,说他们的勋章Medal of Honor,还不如因为给他捐钱得到Medal of Freedom的荣誉高。现在又跑来作秀。
川普就是说过China Virus,掀起社会上的Asian Hate,把一些民众以前还需要藏在体面下的种族歧视,变成可以大方的表现出来了,还不以为耻。 川普还是个Felon,陪审团判的34项定罪。 还经常给对手起外号,侮辱退伍军人,公开嘲笑残疾人,侮辱女人 他还在老婆怀孕期间睡艳星,在婚姻里面就开始约会下一任
他的极端事件简直数不胜数,这次选举之后会不会发动Coup 2.0,现在都不好说
虽然反对川普, 也没必要搞得世界末日似的。
😂😂😂 有跳河的没?
川普有这么疯, 我相信, 不过他下面那些极右也大多数是为了个人私利, 不会干这种严重犯罪的事情. 比如收了郭骗子100w美金的班农, 平时看起来一副大战略师的样子,居然和郭骗一起割华川粉,轮子韭菜.
民主党今年本来形势更好,但有两件事影响了:1: 拜登要退应该早点退,2)晚点退不要指定接班人,加州州长Or其他的州长上,机会更大
尽管如此,TRUMP已经是昨日黄花,出了JAN 6 这样严重的事情他竟然还可以竞选,他自己还有那些支持者还叫嚣着上次选举是被“窃取”了,他这样的人要能再次上台,真是天选“灭”美国繁荣之人
我在推特上看了两年新闻,我对特朗普的评价还算正面,要不然小肯尼迪,tucker, Elon, tulsi也不会支持他
特朗普再任期内,世界大体和平,也没有听说他censor 言论。这个搞censorship 的是民主党啊
川粉就像德州警察,平时牛皮哄哄, don’t mess with Texans, 到关键时刻,连小孩子被屠杀都不敢去营救
没错,从来不“雇佣” 水军,水军都是 志愿者 看猴子屯的87岁猪党志愿者, 活到老干到老, 整65个手机和41台电脑给猪党灌水。。。。 Lidia Martinez, 87。
87岁的猪党志愿者老太太,要 65 cellphones and 41 computers and storage devices
https://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/hou ... rcna168216 https://www.clickorlando.com/news/natio ... rch-homes/
Some volunteers whose homes were searched, including an 80-year-old woman who told her associates that agents were at her house for two hours and took medicine, along with her smartphone and watch, railed outside an attorney general's office in San Antonio against the searches.
A copy of a wide-ranging search warrant left with one of the people targeted, LULAC volunteer Lidia Martinez, 87, of San Antonio, offered a window into the investigation’s interests. The warrant ordered the seizure of all electronic devices at her home, allowed for the opening of documents that were business-, organization- or election-related, and authorized swabbing for DNA. According to the warrant, the purpose of the search was to look for evidence of violations of the Texas election laws regarding vote harvesting and identity fraud.
Medina’s home was also “forcibly entered” in the early morning of Aug. 20. According to a filing from his attorney, officers woke up Medina, his wife and two young daughters, and “rummaged through the residence” for seven hours, the attorney said, searching through the living spaces, closets, kitchen, bathrooms, garage and the family’s bedrooms. Officers seized 65 cellphones and 41 computers and storage devices, the filing said
China Virus 他没说吗? 最近的共和党大会上他还在说,难道是谁编出来的?
Jan 6 川粉攻打国会山,全美全世界人民都在电视上看到事件实时发生,难道是假的?
德州attorney general, Ken Paxton,曾经在2020年试图推翻选举结果的,最近又在传播选举注册者的谣言,借此突然袭击了很多负责帮助注册Latino的组织,试图阻挠他们继续帮助选举人注册。这个志愿者,就是美国最老的Latino 民权组织之一的人
这个是德州的Ken Paxton针对Latino帮助选民注册选举的阻挠,前几天还在新闻上散布谣言的种子,说是发现有人注册非法移民,然后搞了很多突袭行动,包括突袭搜查这个LULAC (League of United Latin American Citizens)组织者、志愿者的家里。
德州的选民们好好检查下自己的注册状态 https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/aug/27/ken-paxton-texas-home-raids-lulac-members
你这种情况讨厌川普坦坦荡荡,完全可以理解。不象有的人,其实有自己小算盘,或是政府工靠大政府混吃等死,或是大学教授和国内有联系,却嘴上不说,只是高喊China Virus希望别人一起来反川,给民主党抬轿子。
Sure. 印尼屠杀也不是世界末日对不对,远远不是。
这个问题可以送回给你,你到底是有什么小算盘,竟然可以无视Trump高喊China Virus给华人带来的伤害,继续支持他?
华人网友本人被白垃圾故意冲撞,孩子在学校里被叫做China Virus, 白人同事在公司里恶意嘲笑中国人,都被你无视了。
我是trump4年胡搞,在加上China virus的,开始never trump. 我自己trump和拜登期间工作投资都行,没有啥差别。
半个人说: 自己是 US person. (所以和白人是自己人) 1个人说: trump是富翁,想他带领致富。 1个人说:来美国就是来白人是一等人的国家,自己可以是二等人,如果Harris上台了,黑人和印度人就是2,3等人,自己就是4等人了。
有人提到了AA,不现在大法官都是trump的人吗,至于非法移民,trump4年也没建个啥墙,还有,这个不是很遥远的事吗,别人都叫你回家了还管那么多? 所以不理解。
这个故事又有更新: https://www.npr.org/2024/08/27/nx-s1-5091154/trump-arlington-cemetery
"Federal law prohibits political campaign or election-related activities within Army National Military Cemeteries, to include photographers, content creators or any other persons attending for purposes, or in direct support of a partisan political candidate's campaign," according to the statement. "Arlington National Cemetery reinforced and widely shared this law and its prohibitions with all participants."