问的好。 “A few recent U.S. presidents have successfully raised taxes on the rich, but those efforts didn’t pay off politically. Under Bill Clinton’s administration the top marginal tax rate rose very slightly in 1993, but it did not help Clinton in the 1994 midterms. Under Barack Obama tax rates for the wealthy went up in 2013 — and then the 2014 midterm elections produced the largest gains for Republicans” https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2021/11/02/hard-tax-rich-518383
xlx 发表于 2024-08-25 18:34 问的好。 “A few recent U.S. presidents have successfully raised taxes on the rich, but those efforts didn’t pay off politically. Under Bill Clinton’s administration the top marginal tax rate rose very slightly in 1993, but it did not help Clinton in the 1994 midterms. Under Barack Obama tax rates for the wealthy went up in 2013 — and then the 2014 midterm elections produced the largest gains for Republicans” https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2021/11/02/hard-tax-rich-518383
您没搞清楚,啥叫有钱人。 Clinton Obama 加税都是提高40万以上ordinary income 的tax rate. 请问有钱人有ordinary income吗?巴菲特有吗?比尔盖茨有吗?你要说40万马公是有钱人。那我只好说,您说的对。
xlx 发表于 2024-08-25 18:34 问的好。 “A few recent U.S. presidents have successfully raised taxes on the rich, but those efforts didn’t pay off politically. Under Bill Clinton’s administration the top marginal tax rate rose very slightly in 1993, but it did not help Clinton in the 1994 midterms. Under Barack Obama tax rates for the wealthy went up in 2013 — and then the 2014 midterm elections produced the largest gains for Republicans” https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2021/11/02/hard-tax-rich-518383
Well said Look at who controls the congress The boomers The tax code and tax law designed by these people are nothing more than a vehicle for wealth transfer rather than the reallocation of resources
联储在纸币时代的inflation targeting的政策,虽然一直让工资在稳步增长,但是这个社会的财富总量在过去30年的增长幅度远超普通人工资的增长。然而拥有财富的人,找到了各种方法来反复延迟甚至逃避财富增长所需要缴纳的税金。这里的方法很多,dynasty trust, charity trust, living trust cost basis step up, mega backdoor, 1031 exchange, deprecation on real estate, deprecation on private yacht/airplane for rental,等等很多法子。
基于income tax的税法体制,没有办法去capture这个社会的财富总量增长,尽管财富远比工资增长的快。结果是,在重新分配社会财富的这个方面,这样的税制已然彻底失效。长期如此,这样的社会会阶层固化,社会活力难以为继。
民主党的政策是给有钱人和中产加税,而共和党是给有钱人减税,但不给中产减多少。如此反复,结果的本质是working class被吸血。而且因为这样的历史,甚至有很多中产反对给有钱人加税,因为害怕下一步就轮到自己。
“A few recent U.S. presidents have successfully raised taxes on the rich, but those efforts didn’t pay off politically. Under Bill Clinton’s administration the top marginal tax rate rose very slightly in 1993, but it did not help Clinton in the 1994 midterms. Under Barack Obama tax rates for the wealthy went up in 2013 — and then the 2014 midterm elections produced the largest gains for Republicans”
您没搞清楚,啥叫有钱人。 Clinton Obama 加税都是提高40万以上ordinary income 的tax rate. 请问有钱人有ordinary income吗?巴菲特有吗?比尔盖茨有吗?你要说40万马公是有钱人。那我只好说,您说的对。
好吧,tax top 1%不算tax rich,你赢了。
是的,这就是问题所在。可是wealth tax怎么收嘛?
跟百分比没什么关系,只要你去tax ordinary income,那就一万辈子也tax不到rich头上。而且这个线不变的话,用不了多久这个增加的税率就跑到普通中产头上,参见自住房和遗产税的免税额度。
你很我观点差不多嘛,我说tax 1%是回复上面那位贵妇对有钱人的定义。
哈哈哈哈。40万马公是rich.你赢啦!你已经成功tax the rich啦!90% of your rich is paying over 40% effective tax rate! 美国的第一政治难题已经被你解开啦🎉
怎么样实现也不难,Bill Ackman在twitter上提了一个建议(他现在虽然叛变川普了但是在economic上面并没有完全变成gop). 他的proposal是如果用资产抵押借款,那就在借的钱上交税,然后交的税拿来增加basis。非常可行,也公平,不会搞成double tax
我们还是抓重点吧,你的point我get了, 不就是两党都收不到巨富阶层的税呗。这其实正是我想讨论的问题。
重点就是谁是富啊。 你一定要说40万马公是富不是已经收上了吗?你还有啥问题的。 连definition都是错的,有啥讨论的意义啊?
还有2020的救市, 和2021的Inflation reduction act, BBB, 继续没必要的给市场注水, 给boomers 这些人赚退休金.
Fed和这些政客就是play with fire, 根本不管future generation 的死活
这个提议不错。这个equity-based loan真的是一言难尽,虽然我也准备搞这套。
我的主要问题是是财富的指数增长无法被相应收税,这和马公啥关系。马公有几个人有dynasty trust。
Trump一上台就把estate tax exemption double 了 叹为观止 史无前例
很简单啊。 不允许dynasty trust. 不允许charitable donation deduction. 想多收一点儿还可以取消step up basis. 非常简单,人总是要死的。税总是能收的。只不过民主党共和党都不想收,只想唱唱高歌。
对的 这些人根本就是不想解决问题 想解决housing problem 取消加州的prop 13啊 取消1031 exchange啊 DNC看着就像cult event selling vibes就可以了 这些政客的嘴脸看着就烦
charitable donation deduction有正面意义。step up basis给配偶没有问题,给子女是有问题,但是如果彻底取消,又会和estate tax形成double tax。
哈哈哈哈。 你到底是想收税还是不想收税啊? 你想收税难道不该double tax triple tax 吗? 啥事没有正面意义啊?每个tax loophole都是有正面意义的啊。要不然能通过吗?
Trump倒是对税法有些想法,cut salt还是收了点有钱人的税的。
妈呀,原来有这么多避税手段,真是【粗鄙之语】才pay full taxes
我想知道联邦怎么取消一个公投出来的prop 13
其实是个囚徒困境。Local optimization only leads to global loss.
你想多了。 纽约的ptet 了解一下。 两党只搞中产,不搞富人。区别就是程度。