Fionabright 发表于 2024-08-24 20:19 Dem 的佩罗西也说: go back to China,怎么就不被认为是种族歧视了呢?你认为我女儿反对变性政策,就是种族歧视?这也太偏颇了吧
这位层主,佩洛西在六四学运后曾经到天安门广场protest。她其实称得上民主斗士,她访台湾的时候,国内媒体称她流寇窜访。 当她说go back to China的时候,她指得是独裁的人应该go back to China. 相反Trump明目张胆挑起民粹主义,白人至上,尤其拿中国人开刀,他和他代表的trump党如果真的当选,后果很可怕
回复 103楼 Fionabright 的帖子 层主,川普的嘴,为了赢什么都肯说,关键是看他做了什么,Roe vs Wade是怎么被推翻的?推翻以后美国那些深红州发生的事情,了解一下。 另外,你自己说不记得他说什么,还要我多注意,好,我注意了,他说他会”great for women and reproductive rights”, 还有比这更空更便于随便解读的话妈?不同人眼里,great for women可以是保护堕胎,保护避孕,保护fertility treatment, 也可以是禁止堕胎,禁止避孕,fertility treatment, 他想怎么spin 都可以。
alessa 发表于 2024-08-24 21:47 回复 103楼 Fionabright 的帖子 层主,川普的嘴,为了赢什么都肯说,关键是看他做了什么,Roe vs Wade是怎么被推翻的?推翻以后美国那些深红州发生的事情,了解一下。 另外,你自己说不记得他说什么,还要我多注意,好,我注意了,他说他会”great for women and reproductive rights”, 还有比这更空更便于随便解读的话妈?不同人眼里,great for women可以是保护堕胎,保护避孕,保护fertility treatment, 也可以是禁止堕胎,禁止避孕,fertility treatment, 他想怎么spin 都可以。
为啥你只盯着谣言看? Parental or guardian consent is required for patients 16 and 17 years of age. This is mandated by the state of California and a standard of care for gender affirming hormone therapy.
回复 150楼 ksun 的帖子 加州州长纽森通过法案,加州公立学校不允许向家长透露他们孩子的性取向。没有儿童的年龄限制。 California recently passed a law that prohibits schools from requiring staff to disclose a student's gender identity or sexual orientation to their parents without the student's explicit consent. This legislation, known as the SAFETY Act (Assembly Bill 1955), was signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsom in July 2024. The law was introduced to protect LGBTQ+ students from potential harm in unsupportive home environments. Supporters argue that forcing schools to reveal a student's gender identity could lead to rejection or even harm if parents are not accepting. On the other hand, critics of the law argue that it undermines parental rights and the ability of parents to be involved in important aspects of their children's lives. This law applies to all public schools in California and is part of a broader effort to ensure the privacy and safety of LGBTQ+ students [oai_citation:3,California law prohibits schools from requiring staff to reveal students’ gender identity | EdSource]( [oai_citation:2,California Enacts Law Barring Schools from Notifying Parents About Students’ Gender Identity Changes | Law Commentary]( [oai_citation:1,CA Banning Schools from Notifying Parents About Student Gender Identity – KSFO-AM](
回复 150楼 ksun 的帖子 加州州长纽森通过法案,加州公立学校不允许向家长透露他们孩子的性取向。没有儿童的年龄限制。 California recently passed a law that prohibits schools from requiring staff to disclose a student's gender identity or sexual orientation to their parents without the student's explicit consent. This legislation, known as the SAFETY Act (Assembly Bill 1955), was signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsom in July 2024. The law was introduced to protect LGBTQ+ students from potential harm in unsupportive home environments. Supporters argue that forcing schools to reveal a student's gender identity could lead to rejection or even harm if parents are not accepting. On the other hand, critics of the law argue that it undermines parental rights and the ability of parents to be involved in important aspects of their children's lives. This law applies to all public schools in California and is part of a broader effort to ensure the privacy and safety of LGBTQ+ students [oai_citation:3,California law prohibits schools from requiring staff to reveal students’ gender identity | EdSource]( [oai_citation:2,California Enacts Law Barring Schools from Notifying Parents About Students’ Gender Identity Changes | Law Commentary]( [oai_citation:1,CA Banning Schools from Notifying Parents About Student Gender Identity – KSFO-AM]( lily_lucy 发表于 2024-08-25 02:19
AB1955跟你讲隐私权,非要说变性权。就一个问题孩子有没有隐私?老师有没有权利代替孩子出柜? California law prohibits schools from requiring staff to reveal students’ gender identity,也就是说学校不得强制要求老师在学生不允许的情况下做这个事。目的是为了保护一些极端保守家庭对于孩子出柜可能出现的家暴。为什么孩子性取向不跟自己的父母说?或者父母无法识别? 整个AB1955法案里面哪里写到未成年人在没有父母或者监护人的同意下实施变性手术?没有,因为这是违法的。 对于未成年孩子有没有隐私权这件事大家可能有不同的看法。但是不要造谣3,5岁就可以变性,Minor 可以不经过父母变性。所以担心孩子对自己有隐瞒的家长请多关心孩子,多带出去运动,关注孩子的mentel health,以及行为方式。
你觉得说他孩子可能会自杀是恐吓他么?我不能替LGBT说话但是从数据看起来他们自我认知是非常痛苦的过程, 如果他儿子真的想不开他能承担这个risk么,这种事情为什么要别人来告知?Elon在这个父亲的职位上是称职的么?如果需要成年才可以做手术他自己不会跟他儿子谈么? 39 percent of LGBTQ+ teens seriously considered suicide during the past year—including 46 percent of transgender and nonbinary young people. 12 percent made a suicide attempt 49 percent of LGBTQ+ young people experienced bullying 60 percent felt discriminated against due to their sexual orientation or gender identity 66 percent of LGBTQ+ teens experienced symptoms of anxiety in the past year. 53 percent experienced symptoms of depression. 84 percent of LGBTQ+ youth wanted mental healthcare in the past year, but half of those youth were unable to access care.
lily_lucy 发表于 2024-08-25 02:19 回复 150楼 ksun 的帖子 加州州长纽森通过法案,加州公立学校不允许向家长透露他们孩子的性取向。没有儿童的年龄限制。 California recently passed a law that prohibits schools from requiring staff to disclose a student's gender identity or sexual orientation to their parents without the student's explicit consent. This legislation, known as the SAFETY Act (Assembly Bill 1955), was signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsom in July 2024. The law was introduced to protect LGBTQ+ students from potential harm in unsupportive home environments. Supporters argue that forcing schools to reveal a student's gender identity could lead to rejection or even harm if parents are not accepting. On the other hand, critics of the law argue that it undermines parental rights and the ability of parents to be involved in important aspects of their children's lives. This law applies to all public schools in California and is part of a broader effort to ensure the privacy and safety of LGBTQ+ students [oai_citation:3,California law prohibits schools from requiring staff to reveal students’ gender identity | EdSource]( [oai_citation:2,California Enacts Law Barring Schools from Notifying Parents About Students’ Gender Identity Changes | Law Commentary]( [oai_citation:1,CA Banning Schools from Notifying Parents About Student Gender Identity – KSFO-AM](
lily_lucy 发表于 2024-08-25 02:19 回复 150楼 ksun 的帖子 加州州长纽森通过法案,加州公立学校不允许向家长透露他们孩子的性取向。没有儿童的年龄限制。 California recently passed a law that prohibits schools from requiring staff to disclose a student's gender identity or sexual orientation to their parents without the student's explicit consent. This legislation, known as the SAFETY Act (Assembly Bill 1955), was signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsom in July 2024. The law was introduced to protect LGBTQ+ students from potential harm in unsupportive home environments. Supporters argue that forcing schools to reveal a student's gender identity could lead to rejection or even harm if parents are not accepting. On the other hand, critics of the law argue that it undermines parental rights and the ability of parents to be involved in important aspects of their children's lives. This law applies to all public schools in California and is part of a broader effort to ensure the privacy and safety of LGBTQ+ students [oai_citation:3,California law prohibits schools from requiring staff to reveal students’ gender identity | EdSource]( [oai_citation:2,California Enacts Law Barring Schools from Notifying Parents About Students’ Gender Identity Changes | Law Commentary]( [oai_citation:1,CA Banning Schools from Notifying Parents About Student Gender Identity – KSFO-AM](
passed a law that prohibits schools from requiring staff to disclose 原文就是说老师没有义务告知家长,但老师应该可以选择告诉或者不告诉 被你们翻译成中文,就是学校禁止老师告诉家长。你们这些人真的别有用心 一些川粉经常搞一些以小见大的剧本,根据别人的言谈来证明应该选疮破,比如自家小孩说了什么,偶遇的一个路人说了啥,这些例子只能说明你们的大脑被活摘了,基本没有逻辑判断,人云亦云
lily_lucy 发表于 2024-08-25 02:19 回复 150楼 ksun 的帖子 加州州长纽森通过法案,加州公立学校不允许向家长透露他们孩子的性取向。没有儿童的年龄限制。 California recently passed a law that prohibits schools from requiring staff to disclose a student's gender identity or sexual orientation to their parents without the student's explicit consent. This legislation, known as the SAFETY Act (Assembly Bill 1955), was signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsom in July 2024. The law was introduced to protect LGBTQ+ students from potential harm in unsupportive home environments. Supporters argue that forcing schools to reveal a student's gender identity could lead to rejection or even harm if parents are not accepting. On the other hand, critics of the law argue that it undermines parental rights and the ability of parents to be involved in important aspects of their children's lives. This law applies to all public schools in California and is part of a broader effort to ensure the privacy and safety of LGBTQ+ students [oai_citation:3,California law prohibits schools from requiring staff to reveal students’ gender identity | EdSource]( [oai_citation:2,California Enacts Law Barring Schools from Notifying Parents About Students’ Gender Identity Changes | Law Commentary]( [oai_citation:1,CA Banning Schools from Notifying Parents About Student Gender Identity – KSFO-AM](
看看下面两句的差别,1是原文,2就是川粉们谣言 1)passed a law that prohibits schools from requiring staff to disclose 2)passed a law that prohibits staff from disclosing
变性问题可能是最近版上或者maga大本营在讨论的事情(还是每到大选的月经题,从16年就开始说允许孩子不经家长同意变性,都8年了…),而不是现实中红州正在发生的。前面说过红州高中老师最近需要面对的是ban women in engineering、multicultural in engineering等带来的麻烦以及不用permit不用背调可以买枪携枪进学校。多关心现实问题少关心一个危言耸听的月经话题。何况作为基督徒,支持anti Christ可是非常严重的罪。
顶这个。我在俄亥俄州,去年为了把保护reproductive rights写进州宪法,我们这里的女性,包括很多共和党都出来投票,为了女性的权益,为了自己的女儿。极右不单要禁止堕胎,还要禁止避孕,fertility treatment, 那位层主自己是女人,还有女儿,觉得这和零元购,homeless比,不重要?没所谓?
太夸张了,虽然本人也不喜欢Trump, 但是说他上台后搞独裁,太阳西边出来。
对于GOP 这种极端政策,我也反对,但女儿是基督徒,她支持基督教义,再者,trump 不是在改变这个政策么?而且是第一次给GOP 施加压力,第一次改变了口号,具体我忘了怎么改的了,也许你们没注意,
这位层主,佩洛西在六四学运后曾经到天安门广场protest。她其实称得上民主斗士,她访台湾的时候,国内媒体称她流寇窜访。 当她说go back to China的时候,她指得是独裁的人应该go back to China. 相反Trump明目张胆挑起民粹主义,白人至上,尤其拿中国人开刀,他和他代表的trump党如果真的当选,后果很可怕
没有哪个红州出台了这个政策,蓝州最近也没有。所以你女儿为啥会突然为一个你们州并不存在的事情生气? 红州最近比较火的事情是各州纷纷出台DEI ban、阻止变性、阻止华人买房的政策和不需要permit携枪(有些甚至发展到不需要permit携枪进校园)。红州高中老师现在应该忙着头疼这些事情的影响。
这事我记得,疫情时black life matter 到处打砸抢烧,我住在非常安全的区,很多人都买枪,还成立互助组,这事你你说是trump 的责任, execuse me?!
基督徒,要去读读圣经原文。 川普最近的遇刺经历符合了圣经关于antichrist的描写。
层主,川普的嘴,为了赢什么都肯说,关键是看他做了什么,Roe vs Wade是怎么被推翻的?推翻以后美国那些深红州发生的事情,了解一下。
另外,你自己说不记得他说什么,还要我多注意,好,我注意了,他说他会”great for women and reproductive rights”, 还有比这更空更便于随便解读的话妈?不同人眼里,great for women可以是保护堕胎,保护避孕,保护fertility treatment, 也可以是禁止堕胎,禁止避孕,fertility treatment, 他想怎么spin 都可以。
“而且现在有各种手段可以防止意外,即使有意外,也有各种快速的检测方法检测出来。” 层主这两句话我看不懂,能解释一下吗?
未出生的孩子无辜,有生的权利,那么已经出生的孩子呢?极右想动Medicaid, 全美国有将近4000万孩子用Medicaid, 没了这层保护,他们的医疗费用靠什么支付?
最后再说一遍,reproductive rights不单单是堕胎权,还有避孕,fertility treatment,还有当miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy发生的时候,救女人的命。
不是我不记得trump 说些什么,是GOP 改变了策略针对女性的堕胎,我的意思是那篇文章具体说了那些改变,我不记得了
未出生的孩子无辜,有生的权利,那么已经出生的孩子呢?极右想动Medicaid, 全美国有将近4000万孩子用Medicaid, 没了这层保护,他们的医疗费用靠什么支付? 哪里有这一项?请给证据。
最后再说一遍,reproductive rights不单单是堕胎权,还有避孕,fertility treatment,还有当miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy发生的时候,救女人的命。 只反对对6周以上的abortion,并不包括其他的。
您知不知道,当年的罗马帝国还是雅典帝国的落败就是从讨论angle 到底是男的,还是女的开始的?明白我为啥这么在意变性了吗?而且,Dem 是把变性的年龄提前到3岁,还是5岁,这不是很可怕么?还有dis 的CEO 是 LGBT,他把玩具,女孩子都带生殖器的,这个样子,与当年的雅典(还是罗马)是不是似曾相识?
如果想要生命安全,必须有law and order. 意识形态再不认同,只要发展到对他人伤害攻击,就是commit a crime. 犯罪者不受惩罚,大家不可能有人身安全。 不管选谁,必须有law and order
我靠,你是不是从来不读历史的? 看不下去了,屏蔽了
非也,从不去·教会,我女儿是基督徒,我曾经是,但no more
虽然理论上发生性行为以后10天就能测出HCG, 但是这些早期测试假阴假阳的可能性很高。另外不知道层主所在州怎么样,我们州怀孕后找ob都要等到7-8周才能第一次产检,到那个时候再采取手段按你的说法就是太残忍了。
极右想对Medicaid下手,project 2025, pp. 466-472, 鉴于政客写东西爱绕弯子,建议找些医疗保险方面专门人士的解读一起看。
层主你是只反对6周以上的abortion, 但是极右还反对其他的。我们讨论的是他们,不是你。
实际情况是,经济不好,社会矛盾加剧,一定要转移。两党的区别在于怎么转移这个矛盾。DEM选择老路径,国际上打仗,国内政治正确、BLM、零元购;Trump选择国际上战略收缩,国内转移到反移民、asian hate。作为一个亚裔,从利益的角度,选哪个不一目了然么? 什么脑子才会选Trump啊?
这个问题我想过。 我无法忍受孩子的同学父母里面有比较高比例的川普支持者。 40% 能搬家
Dem把变性年龄提前到3岁五岁?好歹给一个出处。。未成年人的任何medical procedure 都是必须经过父母的同意,否则是违法, 包括Elon 都是自己签字的。。。Dem何德何能把一个3岁5岁的人拉去变性?
没有为川普下台做任何事? 我要是11月份还投川普,你再来说好了
我再强调一遍:罗马(or 雅典)帝国的衰败就是从 讨论angle 是男的还是女的开始的,,,
感觉层主表达的东西很多都是听来的,说GOP对reproductive rights有新说法,但是具体记不得了。说争论天使性别导致国家衰落,但是哪个国家记不得了。说民主党让孩子变性,3岁还是5岁也记不得了,对于这三个说法的出处更是只字不提。你女儿是做老师的,我觉得做一个好老师,很重要的是要教孩子们critical thinking, 不能人云亦云。你跟女儿说起过这些吗?她有没有问你这些话的出处,说的是不是事实呢?
未成年任何medical procedure 需要家长签字,否则是违法。所以是担心受家长蛊惑去变性?
请问Disney哪一个CEO是LGBT?Michael Eisner, Bob Iger, Bob Chapek?
"GOP对reproductive rights" 有所改变,是从文学城上看到的,前一段时间,“angle 是男的还是女的”,是当年厕所案的时候我的不记得在哪儿看到的这句话,在obama时期,时间久远,不记得在哪儿可以找到,不过,如果真是历史,应该迟早会查到的,至于变性,不通知父母不是最近大家都在讨论的议题吗?如果您认为我危言耸听,或者杜撰的话,第一,楼主在很严肃地谈论她的经历,我也是,我没有必要编故事,您们爱信不信,如果,是我编撰的,或者我撒谎,我下地狱,没问题
不是,是现在不用通知父母就可以变性,我女儿担心孩子们太小就去变性,变性是不可逆转的,身体要承受很大的折磨,所以看不惯Dem的政策,Gay 不gay的还是其次
OMG 通篇看你说的感觉脑子不清楚。分不清重点。
谁跟你说未成年不用通知父母就可以变性?把Bill发出来?hormon replacement and surgical procedure 在加州AB 1955没有overide父母的任何权益。再跟你说一遍没有父母concent的变性手术是illegal的。
這真的是很離譜 沒搞懂成年跟未成年的不同嗎 不然為何要有監護照顧者
那藝龍馬斯克到底在說什麼兒子變性 ???
为啥你只盯着谣言看? Parental or guardian consent is required for patients 16 and 17 years of age. This is mandated by the state of California and a standard of care for gender affirming hormone therapy.
所以他兒子是幾歲做的手術? 對於不是法律專業的人的確不一定能看出那些密密麻麻文字的陷阱 未成年就算是父母都不該決定孩子的性向 該等到已成年了在自己決定要當什麼人 否則萬一父母不良不智亂來 未成年人也會受到傷害
還有邏輯不對啊 如果一龍罵他兒子娘娘腔為何還要簽字讓他變性 就是一定有什麼原因不得不或被騙才會同意簽字啊
这里有Elon Musk 女儿的采访,你读一下就都知道了。这个孩子很令人心疼,也非常有勇气。
你看的是别人杜撰的中文, 建议你去把AB1955法案原文看明白再来 有心人故意把”gender identity”(性别认知) 用 sexual affirmative surgery (变性) 来翻译成中文, 川粉惯用的伎俩来煽动不懂英文的移民。 法案完全没有跟变形相关的规定。 这个法案其实就是要求是学校保护性别认知不同的未成年学生的隐私权。
他儿子16岁做的手术。 一龙马说不知道青春期阻断剂实际上就是绝育药物,但是他儿子(女儿)的访谈说一龙没有被骗,他最初犹豫了,但是他自己知道在做什么,只是后来他又后悔了。。。所以一龙马在他儿子成长过程中到底给予了多少关注,一龙有没有劝他儿子成年之后再做决定,还是完全都没沟通。。话说回来,我不相信爱孩子关注孩子的父母会不知道孩子的取向,我记得美国偶像的Adam谈到如何跟父母出柜的时候,他父母就说:我们很早就知道了,我们就在等你自己figure out来跟我们说的这一天。
加州州长纽森通过法案,加州公立学校不允许向家长透露他们孩子的性取向。没有儿童的年龄限制。 California recently passed a law that prohibits schools from requiring staff to disclose a student's gender identity or sexual orientation to their parents without the student's explicit consent. This legislation, known as the SAFETY Act (Assembly Bill 1955), was signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsom in July 2024.
The law was introduced to protect LGBTQ+ students from potential harm in unsupportive home environments. Supporters argue that forcing schools to reveal a student's gender identity could lead to rejection or even harm if parents are not accepting. On the other hand, critics of the law argue that it undermines parental rights and the ability of parents to be involved in important aspects of their children's lives.
This law applies to all public schools in California and is part of a broader effort to ensure the privacy and safety of LGBTQ+ students [oai_citation:3,California law prohibits schools from requiring staff to reveal students’ gender identity | EdSource]( [oai_citation:2,California Enacts Law Barring Schools from Notifying Parents About Students’ Gender Identity Changes | Law Commentary]( [oai_citation:1,CA Banning Schools from Notifying Parents About Student Gender Identity – KSFO-AM](
所以在加州16岁的孩子做荷尔蒙therapy 也是需要父母双方签字同意的,更别说做手术了。
AB1955跟你讲隐私权,非要说变性权。就一个问题孩子有没有隐私?老师有没有权利代替孩子出柜? California law prohibits schools from requiring staff to reveal students’ gender identity,也就是说学校不得强制要求老师在学生不允许的情况下做这个事。目的是为了保护一些极端保守家庭对于孩子出柜可能出现的家暴。为什么孩子性取向不跟自己的父母说?或者父母无法识别? 整个AB1955法案里面哪里写到未成年人在没有父母或者监护人的同意下实施变性手术?没有,因为这是违法的。 对于未成年孩子有没有隐私权这件事大家可能有不同的看法。但是不要造谣3,5岁就可以变性,Minor 可以不经过父母变性。所以担心孩子对自己有隐瞒的家长请多关心孩子,多带出去运动,关注孩子的mentel health,以及行为方式。
没看过这些都想不到人是可以愚昧到什么地步的. 跟听说过的中国偏远地区的那些可怕的事情大可一拼. 这还是在21 世纪的美国.
你觉得说他孩子可能会自杀是恐吓他么?我不能替LGBT说话但是从数据看起来他们自我认知是非常痛苦的过程, 如果他儿子真的想不开他能承担这个risk么,这种事情为什么要别人来告知?Elon在这个父亲的职位上是称职的么?如果需要成年才可以做手术他自己不会跟他儿子谈么? 39 percent of LGBTQ+ teens seriously considered suicide during the past year—including 46 percent of transgender and nonbinary young people. 12 percent made a suicide attempt 49 percent of LGBTQ+ young people experienced bullying 60 percent felt discriminated against due to their sexual orientation or gender identity 66 percent of LGBTQ+ teens experienced symptoms of anxiety in the past year. 53 percent experienced symptoms of depression. 84 percent of LGBTQ+ youth wanted mental healthcare in the past year, but half of those youth were unable to access care.
當然可能是父母之間就有問題 或者太忙異地等等因素 小孩性向隱私權保護是合理的
他絕對對這個孩子是陪伴少 但是一個人的時間花在那 哪裡就會較有機會茁壯開花結果 他兒子也享受著父親工作的勞動成果 我也能判斷出母親肯定對孩子講不少對父親不利的話 我是真有朋友有實際相同的經歷的 不見得都是父親的錯 父親去貧窮落後荒蕪的地方開工廠 母親不願一起去辛苦 但是母子都是有享受父親勞動金錢成果 所以並不能從單一個點來強化自己的委屈
这里面哪一句话说了未成年人变性不需要家长同意? 你是英语不好,还是偷换概念?
passed a law that prohibits schools from requiring staff to disclose
1)passed a law that prohibits schools from requiring staff to disclose
2)passed a law that prohibits staff from disclosing
变性问题可能是最近版上或者maga大本营在讨论的事情(还是每到大选的月经题,从16年就开始说允许孩子不经家长同意变性,都8年了…),而不是现实中红州正在发生的。前面说过红州高中老师最近需要面对的是ban women in engineering、multicultural in engineering等带来的麻烦以及不用permit不用背调可以买枪携枪进学校。多关心现实问题少关心一个危言耸听的月经话题。何况作为基督徒,支持anti Christ可是非常严重的罪。