Obama: Here is a 78-year-old billionaire who has not stopped whining about his problems since he rode down his golden escalator nine years ago. There's the childish nicknames, the crazy conspiracy theories, this weird obsession with crowd sizes pic.twitter.com/WGwNOFinHK — Acyn (@Acyn) August 21, 2024
是的,她可以在DNC上演讲,相比之前在DNC上只有介绍其他人出场的短暂时间,是民主党的变化,也是她的成长,很前途无量的感觉 “We know Trump would sell this country for a dollar if it meant lining his own pockets and greasing palms of his Wall Street friends." "I, for one, am tired of hearing about how a two-bit union buster thinks of himself as more of a patriot than the woman who fights every single day to lift working people out from under the boots of greed trampling on our way of life," she added.
花样失焦 发表于 2024-08-21 20:47 小布什没有出席,Pence没有出席,Trump之前内阁的很多人都没出席,比如他的Chief of Staff John Kelly, Defense Secretary Mark Esper, National Security Adviser John Bolton都没有。
小布什没有出席,Pence没有出席,Trump之前内阁的很多人都没出席,比如他的Chief of Staff John Kelly, Defense Secretary Mark Esper, National Security Adviser John Bolton都没有。 花样失焦 发表于 2024-08-21 20:47
花样失焦 发表于 2024-08-21 20:47 小布什没有出席,Pence没有出席,Trump之前内阁的很多人都没出席,比如他的Chief of Staff John Kelly, Defense Secretary Mark Esper, National Security Adviser John Bolton都没有。
这几天天天看,以前从没看过,感觉很boring, 这次非常不同,主要是太反感Trump 了。2016年我本来想选他,结果看他和Hilary辩论时,骂Hilary”nasty woman”,我当时就觉得这个人太low了,后来证明这个无赖是only deserve in prison, a true career criminal.
littlecat08 发表于 2024-08-21 21:15 这几天天天看,以前从没看过,感觉很boring, 这次非常不同,主要是太反感Trump 了。2016年我本来想选他,结果看他和Hilary辩论时,骂Hilary”nasty woman”,我当时就觉得这个人太low了,后来证明这个无赖是only deserve in prison, a true career criminal.
littlecat08 发表于 2024-08-21 21:15 这几天天天看,以前从没看过,感觉很boring, 这次非常不同,主要是太反感Trump 了。2016年我本来想选他,结果看他和Hilary辩论时,骂Hilary”nasty woman”,我当时就觉得这个人太low了,后来证明这个无赖是only deserve in prison, a true career criminal.
Silong06 发表于 2024-08-21 22:45 奥普拉的演讲也是非常的震耳欲聋。let us choose loyalty to the constitution, optimism, inclusion, common sense over nonsense…
嗯,她还提到了childless cat lady “当一个房子着火的时候,我们不问房主的宗教或者人种。我们不会考虑他们的伴侣是谁,或者他们投票选了谁。我们只是尽我们的全力去救他们。如果这个房主恰巧是个无娃养猫女士 -- 那我们也会救她的猫” "When a house is on fire, we don't ask about the homeowner's race or religion. We don't wonder who their partner is or how they voted. No, we just try to do the best we can to save them. And if the place happens to belong to a childless cat lady — well, we try to get that cat out too."
Obama: Here is a 78-year-old billionaire who has not stopped whining about his problems since he rode down his golden escalator nine years ago. There's the childish nicknames, the crazy conspiracy theories, this weird obsession with crowd sizes pic.twitter.com/WGwNOFinHK — Acyn (@Acyn) August 21, 2024
挺感人的,他说两个孩子来之不易,就是他的世界,孩子激动的一边流眼泪一边站起来说“That is my dad”
“That’s My Dad!”
Tim and Gwen Walz’ son Gus, in tears, stands up when his dad acknowledges how much his family means to him. pic.twitter.com/iSXsrGzgeS — Yashar Ali 🐘 (@yashar) August 22, 2024
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S._economic_performance_by_presidential_party 我也是纳闷为什么选民一直认为共和党比民主党更能搞经济。看来川普说得有道理:只管重复谎言,大家会信的。 From April 1945 to August 2023, of the 115 million net jobs added, 83 million (72%) were under Democrats, and 32 million (28%) were under Republicans. CNN reported in September 2020 that GDP grew 4.1% on average under Democrats, versus 2.5% under Republicans, from 1945 through the second quarter of 2020, a difference of 1.6 percentage points.[3] The New York Times reported in February 2021 that: "Since 1933, the economy has grown at an annual average rate of 4.6 percent under Democratic presidents and 2.4 percent under Republicans...The average income of Americans would be more than double its current level if the economy had somehow grown at the Democratic rate for all of the past nine decades
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S._economic_performance_by_presidential_party 我也是纳闷为什么选民一直认为共和党比民主党更能搞经济。看来川普说得有道理:只管重复谎言,大家会信的。 From April 1945 to August 2023, of the 115 million net jobs added, 83 million (72%) were under Democrats, and 32 million (28%) were under Republicans. CNN reported in September 2020 that GDP grew 4.1% on average under Democrats, versus 2.5% under Republicans, from 1945 through the second quarter of 2020, a difference of 1.6 percentage points.[3] The New York Times reported in February 2021 that: "Since 1933, the economy has grown at an annual average rate of 4.6 percent under Democratic presidents and 2.4 percent under Republicans...The average income of Americans would be more than double its current level if the economy had somehow grown at the Democratic rate for all of the past nine decades Mediterranean 发表于 2024-08-22 07:42
没时间看DNC, 有谁能讲讲Harris 的policy 吗?只说"we are not going back, we are going forward " is not sufficient. Where are we going, please? We don't want inflation, sending money to the wars but not secure our own border....
monofaye 发表于 2024-08-22 10:26 没时间看DNC, 有谁能讲讲Harris 的policy 吗?只说"we are not going back, we are going forward " is not sufficient. Where are we going, please? We don't want inflation, sending money to the wars but not secure our own border....
不说别的。1月6号暴动,泄露出她和几个其他congress people 在safe room 里和Governor 打电话镇定的语气,和措词修养,就让人佩服。(虽然我个人不喜欢她, 但我佩服她的领导魅力). 反观TRUMP , 另一场RIOT, 躲到地下室,哪管那几天街上平民是怎么混乱一个字了得。也没有做什么说什么deescalate , being more sense and peace back to people . 这点O8, (虽然那次被嘲笑死), 就做的好多了。即使被大骂无能,至少他让警察和遇事的有关黑人一起握手,表面和平时维护了。 有些人就是有领导魅力,有些人就是只会发疯。
Mediterranean 发表于 2024-08-22 07:42 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S._economic_performance_by_presidential_party 我也是纳闷为什么选民一直认为共和党比民主党更能搞经济。看来川普说得有道理:只管重复谎言,大家会信的。 From April 1945 to August 2023, of the 115 million net jobs added, 83 million (72%) were under Democrats, and 32 million (28%) were under Republicans. CNN reported in September 2020 that GDP grew 4.1% on average under Democrats, versus 2.5% under Republicans, from 1945 through the second quarter of 2020, a difference of 1.6 percentage points.[3] The New York Times reported in February 2021 that: "Since 1933, the economy has grown at an annual average rate of 4.6 percent under Democratic presidents and 2.4 percent under Republicans...The average income of Americans would be more than double its current level if the economy had somehow grown at the Democratic rate for all of the past nine decades
选总统是看具体的候选人,克林顿经济搞得好,不代表哈里斯就搞得好。目前来看哈里斯对付通胀没有什么办法。你不是最信专家的吗?请看这里: Kamala Harris’s cost-of-living plan will end in failure https://www.economist.com/finance-and-economics/2024/08/20/kamala-harriss-cost-of-living-plan-will-end-in-failure Kamala Harris’s cost-of-living plan will end in failure She is the latest presidential candidate to embrace self-defeating economics
还有John Legend今晚会表演,介绍Tim Walz出场。
是啊,昨天晚上,trump的前press secretary就发言了。她说,Trump关上门就嘲讽他的支持者,称他们为“地下室居民”。在一次医院探访中,当病人在ICU濒临死亡时,Trump很生气,因为摄像机没有对准他。
没看 RNC , 小布什没出席,不愿给川普捧臭脚?
“We know Trump would sell this country for a dollar if it meant lining his own pockets and greasing palms of his Wall Street friends."
"I, for one, am tired of hearing about how a two-bit union buster thinks of himself as more of a patriot than the woman who fights every single day to lift working people out from under the boots of greed trampling on our way of life," she added.
小布什没有出席,Pence没有出席,Trump之前内阁的很多人都没出席,比如他的Chief of Staff John Kelly, Defense Secretary Mark Esper, National Security Adviser John Bolton都没有。
是的。虽然前段时间好像有种RNC空前团结在懂王身边的幻影。但看这,也要看谁没有来,没有讲话。感觉R党还是有希望的,运势运势不是一成不变的。现在曾经的R党主力在微式,那就低调,暗地等待机会。 这很政治真正确。 我们走着瞧。
又另: 有人主动pelosi 是如何走到今天这个power positions 的? 还有O8. 竟然影响力还那么大。怎么做到的? 有懂的说说吗
好像是Jon Stewart 说的,Harris对员工tough?川普最喜欢说的是you are fired, 副总统还差点被吊死
“We the people vs me, myself and I”, Clinton says.👍
嗯,她还提到了childless cat lady
“当一个房子着火的时候,我们不问房主的宗教或者人种。我们不会考虑他们的伴侣是谁,或者他们投票选了谁。我们只是尽我们的全力去救他们。如果这个房主恰巧是个无娃养猫女士 -- 那我们也会救她的猫” "When a house is on fire, we don't ask about the homeowner's race or religion. We don't wonder who their partner is or how they voted. No, we just try to do the best we can to save them. And if the place happens to belong to a childless cat lady — well, we try to get that cat out too."
挺感人的,他说两个孩子来之不易,就是他的世界,孩子激动的一边流眼泪一边站起来说“That is my dad”
哈哈,开会强国。那你去看朝鲜开大会好了,更团结,更伟大,前途一片光明。事实是什么呢? 1.拜登哈里斯四年通胀20%,为过去四十年最高 2.美国国债三十五万亿美元,相当于每个美国人负国债10.4万,史上最高。 3.个人信用卡债务1.14万亿美元,史上最高。 你把民主党的滤镜摘下来,认真对比一下过去四十年包括民主党和共和党总统时期就知道今天的美国不是你所想象的岁月静好的。
最后一句是川粉常见句式,没有任何实际意义。 你不知道你们rnc的邪教大会更像朝鲜吗?毕竟都是order, order嘛。
From April 1945 to August 2023, of the 115 million net jobs added, 83 million (72%) were under Democrats, and 32 million (28%) were under Republicans.
CNN reported in September 2020 that GDP grew 4.1% on average under Democrats, versus 2.5% under Republicans, from 1945 through the second quarter of 2020, a difference of 1.6 percentage points.[3] The New York Times reported in February 2021 that: "Since 1933, the economy has grown at an annual average rate of 4.6 percent under Democratic presidents and 2.4 percent under Republicans...The average income of Americans would be more than double its current level if the economy had somehow grown at the Democratic rate for all of the past nine decades
民主党领导层都发财,群众就是他们的工具人, 唉,还被他们感动。 看看奥巴马夫妇,住在富豪岛,而不是发扬大爱精神,住黑人社区
可不是吗,搞经济,还是川普行,破产六次还是 billionaire
说实话我这是第一次看RNC and DNC, RNC时我刚好在外面,后来回到家后看了回放,的确感觉像北朝鲜的风格,好像每过一段时间,川皇就岀来巡视一圈,一副高高在上的样子,就他那表情和姿势真的就想皇帝陛下巡视草民,只差大家跪地谢恩的环节了,不知道2016年和2020年的RNC是不是这样的,难道是因为他儿媳当了RNC主席所以弄成这样了。
而这两天看了DNC, 不管是前总统还是现总统,还是候选人,还有各个代表,大家都一个挨着一个上去发言,可以看岀来大家都很平等。
不知道川粉真的看不出来他们的川总最羡慕的就是普京三胖习,因为他们都有total power 可以修改宪法。他上一次就说总统有total power。
John legend 和他的碧池老婆就是两坨💩. 人要脸皮多厚才给自吹自擂取艺名Legend.
不说别的。1月6号暴动,泄露出她和几个其他congress people 在safe room 里和Governor 打电话镇定的语气,和措词修养,就让人佩服。(虽然我个人不喜欢她, 但我佩服她的领导魅力).
反观TRUMP , 另一场RIOT, 躲到地下室,哪管那几天街上平民是怎么混乱一个字了得。也没有做什么说什么deescalate , being more sense and peace back to people . 这点O8, (虽然那次被嘲笑死), 就做的好多了。即使被大骂无能,至少他让警察和遇事的有关黑人一起握手,表面和平时维护了。 有些人就是有领导魅力,有些人就是只会发疯。
Kamala Harris’s cost-of-living plan will end in failure https://www.economist.com/finance-and-economics/2024/08/20/kamala-harriss-cost-of-living-plan-will-end-in-failure Kamala Harris’s cost-of-living plan will end in failure She is the latest presidential candidate to embrace self-defeating economics
dnc 这帮人里头肯定有暗杀trump的知情人甚至策划者,他们的恶意已经最大化发泄给trump了,确实也剩不下什么了