以下是引用chynadoll20170在2007-4-15 22:50:00的发言: Saw this one earlier, but not enough "mei li" to view the pictures. Thanks for the change!! You are stunning, beautiful and HOT!! ENVY...ing 美女过奖了
It rained all day and cold as hell. After my Chinese lunch (yuck, nasty food!), I went to see an old movie "The Last King of Scotland" this afternoon with hubby. It was bloody, but well directed and acted. Forest Whitaker definitly deserves the Oscar award!! Love movies and popcorn! Any good new ones out there? ps. Again, you are sooooooooooo goodlooking!! [此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-16 0:37:47编辑过]
以下是引用chynadoll20170在2007-4-16 0:16:00的发言: It rained all day and cold as hell. After my Chinese lunch (yuck, nasty food!), I went to see an old movie "The Last King of Scotland" this afternoon with hubby. It was bloody, but well directed and acted. Forest Whitaker definitly deserves the Oscar award!! Love movies and popcorn! Any good new ones out there? ps. Again, you are sooooooooooo goodlooking!! 我都还没看过那电影还 事实上我好久没看电影了。错过了好几个恐怖片
楼上的仙女们 我不一一回了。谢谢你们啊。这莫NICE 问我BRA得,我用的是VS得那款无痕BRA.40多块钱的那种。我非常喜欢,买乐4个。有型又无痕
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-14 21:20:04编辑过]
觉得你的身材很ABC那种,很丰满,又不胖的那种,要什么有什么又不会五大三粗。皮肤颜色又很健康。真是尤物阿 好喜欢你这样的,走出去给华人mm长脸啊
我感觉ABC很少有LZ这样的,基本比较平一点,还常常眼睛小小,LUCYLIU那种。不过我页很喜欢LUCYLIU那型的. 我也喜欢她 觉的她越看越好看
哇塞 我来晚了 我来晚了
美女的脸型真漂亮,呵呵 谢谢美女
ms我想练得都没莲出来。比如格博 刚才ld还说让我从明天开始去gym玩器械
胳膊才好练呢。我 5年前练两个 4 lbs 的哑铃,也就断断续续练了两个月,那个肌肉啊。。。
娃,好美好美啊~~~ 以后不要再用hello kitty遮住眼睛啦,实在是太美了,可惜了的
可怜我魅力值太少了:( 算了我把ml取了 但是不要转阿。谢谢
我觉得正好呢 不要穿吊带了 其实老美都这么穿,咱们中国人不习惯而已 你好美啊,我HC了好久。。。 主要怕走动时会走光。
nod nod!! and lz looks like guan1 zhi1 lin2 mei nv!!
人件人爱的美女,这周末都买啥了? 啥都没买 没出去逛。
大美女啊!!!!!!! 我喜欢你那个新墨镜,虾米牌子的? 再流下口水~~~~~~~~~~
我又买了。我退了两件,买了3件。折腾阿。 你也没给我打电话。不过昨天我们也哪都没去。我跟bf单独吃的午饭
美就一个字。好羡慕啊。 我浑身无数缺点 我也很羡慕华人的好多美女
我昨天和今天也都有安排,但是我还是抽时间去买了。下周电影节我要去看电影,也不能去吃饭了。 我下周还有下下周都是1个人
不知道这么走题算不算违规,我先称颂几句主题吧,楼主本人比照片还漂亮,还hot欧。表听她谦虚。 下周六我去看电影,周日去hiking.周六你想去看电影么?我们可以先逛街再看电影 好啊。去看电影
Saw this one earlier, but not enough "mei li" to view the pictures. Thanks for the change!! You are stunning, beautiful and HOT!! ENVY...ing
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-16 0:37:47编辑过]
It rained all day and cold as hell. After my Chinese lunch (yuck, nasty food!), I went to see an old movie "The Last King of Scotland" this afternoon with hubby. It was bloody, but well directed and acted. Forest Whitaker definitly deserves the Oscar award!! Love movies and popcorn! Any good new ones out there? ps. Again, you are sooooooooooo goodlooking!!
我都还没看过那电影还 事实上我好久没看电影了。错过了好几个恐怖片