Some Hawaii lawmakers are calling on the director of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) for answers to why former state congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard is included on a suspected terrorist watchlist.
Oct 2022 Former Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard announced she is leaving the Democratic Party, denouncing it as an "elitist cabal of warmongers," while calling upon other "common sense independent minded Democrats" to exit with her.
TEMUPDD 发表于 2024-08-13 12:19 Oct 2022 Former Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard announced she is leaving the Democratic Party, denouncing it as an "elitist cabal of warmongers," while calling upon other "common sense independent minded Democrats" to exit with her.
两人差别大了,Andrew Yang 主推他的UBI, ranked choice voting, term limits, then forward party, Andrew Yang 也并没有收到民主党打压,只不过收到民主党忽视。Andrew Yang 自己也把重点放到policy 上 不是打嘴仗。 tulsi 很明显就一直在和民主党对骂。 希拉里很早说Tulsi 可能是Russian assets. 结果最新的发现俄国的间谍 Elena Branson 还真是打入Tulsi 团队, 而Tulsi 攻击民主党的talking points 基本是俄国的宣传点
大家认真听主楼的辩论内容了吗?盖了这么高的楼居然没有人提到Gabbard指责Harris的一个案例:死刑犯Kevin Cooper,有可能DNA测试能够证明他无罪,但是Kamala Harris阻止这个测试。英美法系的基石之一是“宁可十人漏网,不可错杀一人”(Blackstone’s Ratio: It is better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer). 而做为一个州的Top Law Enforcement Officer, Attorney General, 从道德到职业操守都应该特别尊重任何无罪证据(exonerating evidence). 严打大麻轻罪属于有争议的政策偏差,但是这件事是草菅人命的渎职。 纽约时报社论: This is the story of a broken justice system. It appears that an innocent man was framed by sheriff’s deputies and is on death row in part because of dishonest cops, sensational media coverage and flawed political leaders — including Democrats like Brown and Kamala Harris, the state attorney general before becoming a U.S. senator, who refused to allow newly available DNA testing for a black man convicted of hacking to death a beautiful white family and young neighbor. This was a failure at every level, and it should prompt reflection not just about one man on death row but also about profound inequities in our entire system of justice. As state attorney general, Kamala Harris refused to allow this advanced DNA testing and showed no interest in the case (on Friday, after the online publication of this column, Senator Harris called me to say "I feel awful about this" and put out a statementsaying: "As a firm believer in DNA testing, I hope the governor and the state will allow for such testing in the case of Kevin Cooper."). Kevin Cooper的死刑在执刑前两天被叫停,差点儿就成为冤魂。现在依然在走法律程序。 Cooper was scheduled to be executed on February 10, 2004, but on February 8, 2004, a three judge panel consisting of Judges Pamela Rymer, Ronald Gould and James Browning heard Cooper''''''''''''''''s petition and rejected it by a vote of 2–1. Judge Browning, the lone dissenter, was able to assemble enough judges to get an en banc ruling blocking the execution to allow further DNA testing. Ultimately, the US Supreme Court unanimously upheld the stay, effectively making it impossible to carry out the death warrant.
Gabbard said Harris “put over 1,500 people in jail for marijuana violations and then laughed about it when she was asked if she ever smoked marijuana.” With the audience roaring, Gabbard further accused Harris of having “blocked evidence that would have freed an innocent man from death row until the courts forced her to do so.” 你的英文听力不过关还是理解能力有问题啊?这是在指责Harris不是一个合格的检察官啊。
Some Hawaii lawmakers are calling on the director of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) for answers to why former state congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard is included on a suspected terrorist watchlist.
川普都被列为重点调查对象了,通俄门时期就被FBI监听了。tulsi还没有fisa order呢。
现在tulsi突然被列为针对对象,这个是whisle blower爆料的,原因是什么,都不需要猜了。
最近没follow 她,但是凭以前出来代表民主党的观点,我会投她的票。
这段视频,当时还在争取党内提名。 比的是谁更左边。
对重刑犯和很多罪犯太松,却把吸大麻的黑人关进监狱。 能不能辩证看问题?
这个同意,两党其实对华人都不咋地,但是就冲老川整天China Virus的喊也不能选他。其实华人都是中间偏右,但是共和党变成了川党让人没法选。
Oct 2022 Former Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard announced she is leaving the Democratic Party, denouncing it as an "elitist cabal of warmongers," while calling upon other "common sense independent minded Democrats" to exit with her.
So?她也没加入共和党啊,何谈maga? 况且视频是2020年民主党的竞选,她那时候不是民主党吗,为什么要说maga自相矛盾
两人差别大了,Andrew Yang 主推他的UBI, ranked choice voting, term limits, then forward party, Andrew Yang 也并没有收到民主党打压,只不过收到民主党忽视。Andrew Yang 自己也把重点放到policy 上 不是打嘴仗。
tulsi 很明显就一直在和民主党对骂。 希拉里很早说Tulsi 可能是Russian assets. 结果最新的发现俄国的间谍 Elena Branson 还真是打入Tulsi 团队, 而Tulsi 攻击民主党的talking points 基本是俄国的宣传点
Elena 是正儿八经的俄国间谍。 貌似中国还没有这么大胆直接派人在明面上进入美国政坛做局
你说的对,Andrew yang那么卖力,也没有被睁眼瞧上,以至于自己退出民主党,建自己的党。对你来说就是轻飘飘的“只不过”。这待遇确实算不错了。
Tulsi 嫌 Harris 关了太多罪犯? Tulsi 去死
我对民主党内部宫斗、共和党内部宫斗统统不感兴趣(论精彩程序,绝对前者强多了,后者就是一个cult). 关键别没事整普通百姓,共和党想跟民主党斗,随便。别瞎整project 25,反堕胎、解散教育部、排华。
按民主党的逻辑:She has everything, gender, race, military service...只是因为不按大佬们的规矩出牌,所以一点机会也没有。
哈哈姐并不是“对罪犯严厉” , 而是“对特定的罪犯严厉” 一个生活在当今美国的政客,如果“对罪犯严厉” ,是不可能坚决反对对罪大恶极的罪犯处以死刑的 ---- 但是哈哈姐坚决反对死刑
在美国DA很多时候阻挠某些“嫌疑人” 获得自由,不过是为了keep自己的KPI --也就是胜诉率, 而不是对罪犯严厉 -- 当他们把无辜者关进监狱的时候她们为了胜诉率照样严厉!
左棍的一切逻辑就是这个世界必须按照我要的方式运转 -- 凡是反对我的, 那就是顺昌逆亡 --- 古今中外左派 从无例外! 从毛泽东到波尔布特,到加拿大的土豆君,再到美国左派的缩影 NYC
左派治下, 就是顺昌逆亡四个字。 看看胡适多讨厌蒋光头,但是坚决不留在大陆, 看看李敖这smart ass 如果换在大陆说国民党好会是啥下场
俺毫不带感情的说一点 --- 人这种动物,天性就想控制别人,这就跟食色性也一个道理。
了解细节再开骂 卡马拉把一堆抽大麻的黑人关进监狱,导致监狱人满为患,直接或间接导致prop 47出台通过,从此加州砸车零元购盛行。她后来自己承认自己吸大麻。。。这人还能更无能更恶劣吗
This is the story of a broken justice system. It appears that an innocent man was framed by sheriff’s deputies and is on death row in part because of dishonest cops, sensational media coverage and flawed political leaders — including Democrats like Brown and Kamala Harris, the state attorney general before becoming a U.S. senator, who refused to allow newly available DNA testing for a black man convicted of hacking to death a beautiful white family and young neighbor. This was a failure at every level, and it should prompt reflection not just about one man on death row but also about profound inequities in our entire system of justice.
As state attorney general, Kamala Harris refused to allow this advanced DNA testing and showed no interest in the case (on Friday, after the online publication of this column, Senator Harris called me to say "I feel awful about this" and put out a statementsaying: "As a firm believer in DNA testing, I hope the governor and the state will allow for such testing in the case of Kevin Cooper.").
Kevin Cooper的死刑在执刑前两天被叫停,差点儿就成为冤魂。现在依然在走法律程序。
Cooper was scheduled to be executed on February 10, 2004, but on February 8, 2004, a three judge panel consisting of Judges Pamela Rymer, Ronald Gould and James Browning heard Cooper''''''''''''''''s petition and rejected it by a vote of 2–1. Judge Browning, the lone dissenter, was able to assemble enough judges to get an en banc ruling blocking the execution to allow further DNA testing. Ultimately, the US Supreme Court unanimously upheld the stay, effectively making it impossible to carry out the death warrant.
Eric swalwell. 被美女间谍睡了。
Gabbard said Harris “put over 1,500 people in jail for marijuana violations and then laughed about it when she was asked if she ever smoked marijuana.” With the audience roaring, Gabbard further accused Harris of having “blocked evidence that would have freed an innocent man from death row until the courts forced her to do so.”
这个事情是air marshal 的吹哨人爆料给 共和党议员 Burchett的, 之前大家都不知道, 而Tulsi 在坐飞机的时候都有三五个air marshal 悄悄随行监视。而Tulsi 的通讯等已经被监听。。。。已经是准恐怖分子待遇。。。 现在(若干共和党)议员们已经质询TSA 的头子,为何Tulsi会被 放在这个名单上, TSA没有回应。
让人想起当初 Trump被放在监视名单上。。。。