还是不要了,我觉得说不定会催生出来一个更右的, you never know ....至少我觉得biden在枪击事件后还是蛮decent的,攻击的竞选广告全部撤下来了,说白了大家就是想要一个正常的人。最后还是看选民吧,如果没有选择川普就说明这条路走不通,那共和党就要换人再战,如果选上了那也就只能这样呗。又不能跑国会山LOL
Walz国民警卫队服役二十四年,炮兵军官。 03年为支持美军阿富汗战争,在增兵是随军部署到欧洲,驻防意大利。 官方记录,05年二月他提出退休报告 05年七月,他所在炮兵单位接到可能被部署到伊拉克的alert, 八月接到正式部署命令,十月部队出发。 Vance的swiftboat low blow是非常不要脸的 https://www.cbsnews.com/news/tim-walz-military-record/ Walz first enlisted in the Nebraska Army National Guard in April 1981, serving as an infantry senior sergeant and administrative specialist. In 1996, Walz transferred to the Minnesota Army National Guard, where he first worked as a cannon crewmember and field artillery senior sergeant. An undated photo of Tim Walz in uniform, released by the Harris-Walz campaign. Minnesota National Guard spokesperson Lt. Col. Kristen Augé told CBS News that Walz "held multiple positions within field artillery such as firing battery chief, operations sergeant, first sergeant, and culminated his career serving as the command sergeant major for the battalion." Walz earned several Army commendation and achievement medals during his more than 24 years of service. Walz deployed in August 2003 in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. The Minnesota National Guard told CBS News the battalion supported security missions at various locations in Europe and Turkey. Walz was stationed at Vicenza, Italy, at the time and returned to Minnesota in April 2004. Controversy over a 2005 Iraq deployment On Wednesday, Vance resurfaced claims that Walz retired from the National Guard to avoid deploying to Iraq. "When the United States Marine Corps, when the United States of America, asked me to go to Iraq to serve my country I did it. I did what they asked me to do, and I did it honorably and I'm very proud of that service," said Vance. He added: "When Tim Walz was asked by his country to go to Iraq, you know what he did? He dropped out of the Army and allowed his unit to go without him — a fact that he's been criticized for aggressively by a lot of the people he served with." The Harris-Walz campaign responded with a statement saying: "After 24 years of military service, Governor Walz retired in 2005 and ran for Congress, where he [served as the ranking member] of Veterans Affairs and was a tireless advocate for our men and women in uniform — and as Vice President of the United States he will continue to be a relentless champion for our veterans and military families." The statement incorrectly stated Walz chaired the Veterans Affairs committee. The campaign also said, "In his 24 years of service, the Governor carried, fired and trained others to use weapons of war innumerable times. Governor Walz would never insult or undermine any American's service to this country -- in fact, he thanks Senator Vance for putting his life on the line for our country. It's the American way." The claims raised by Vance first gained prominence when Walz ran for governor of Minnesota in 2018. At the time, retired Army veterans Thomas Behrends and Paul Herr, who both served as command sergeant majors, posted on Facebook a lengthy letter accusing Walz of "embellishing" his military career and abandoning his Army National Guard battalion ahead of a 2005 deployment to Iraq. In the letter, Behrends and Herr write that in early 2005, Walz's unit — 1st Battalion, 125th Field Artillery — was slated to deploy to Iraq. At the time, Walz was serving as the unit's command sergeant major. Behrends and Herr claimed that from the time the unit was told to prepare for an Iraq deployment and when Walz retired, he told other Army leaders he would be going to Iraq but later resigned his position before the deployment to avoid going to a combat zone. Walz has said he left the guard to run for Congress, according to the Star Tribune. In 2006, Walz won his election to Congress against a six-term Republican incumbent. Records show Walz officially filed paperwork with the Federal Election Commission on Feb. 10, 2005. In March 2005, the National Guard announced a possible partial mobilization of roughly 2,000 troops from the Minnesota National Guard, according to an archived press release from Tim Walz for U.S. Congress. "I do not yet know if my artillery unit will be part of this mobilization and I am unable to comment further on the specifics of the deployment," said Walz in the March 2005 statement. The statement continued: "As Command Sergeant Major I have a responsibility not only to ready my battalion for Iraq, but also to serve if called on. I am dedicated to serving my country to the best of my ability, whether that is in Washington DC or Iraq," said Walz, who indicated at the time he had no plans to drop out of the race. "I am fortunate to have a strong group of enthusiastic support and a very dedicated and intelligent wife. Both will be a major part of my campaign, whether I am in Minnesota or Iraq." The Minnesota Army National Guard told CBS News that Walz retired on May 16, 2005. CBS News has asked Walz to clarify when he submitted his retirement papers. The Minnesota National Guard told CBS News that Walz's unit — 1st Battalion, 125th Field Artillery — received an alert order for mobilization to Iraq on July 14, 2005 – two months after Walz retired, according to Lt. Col. Ryan Rossman, who serves as the Minnesota National Guard's director of operations. The official mobilization order was received on August 14 of the same year, and the unit mobilized in October. CBS News reviewed the deployment history for the Minnesota Army National Guard which shows that in the fall of 2005, 1st Battalion, 125th Field Artillery was mobilized in preparation for a deployment in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. The battalion trained at Camp Shelby in Mississippi and deployed to Iraq as a motorized security task force.
Bridgette 发表于 2024-08-10 22:39 国民自卫队服役是part time, 时间上只需要一个月训一天,每年几个星期的社会服务。这跟全职军人服役还是很不一样的。不要上来就说什么二十四年。
有些人不懂装懂,要不就是误导他人。我不知道你每月训练一天的说法是从哪里来的。。 不deploy的话,训练是每月一个周末,annual training是两周。但是national guard是会被deploy的,比如说state level的救灾或帮助社区,或者domestic law enforcement,或者federal level的被派到国外比如说中东跟现役军人一样执行任务。在deployment的时候,national guard都被视为现役军人的。我不信他24年里没有被deploy过。 deployment 时间长度的话: The length of time for deployments will vary, depending on the situation. State active duty missions usually run from 15-60 days, while federal deployments are usually a minimum of 12 months. Guard Soldiers may also choose to volunteer for active duty assignments (for example, Border Patrol), and again, the length of deployment will vary.
🔥 最新回帖
NY Post? 上次trump被枪击时第一时间说凶手是Chinese man的那个NY post?还有在美华人信这个报纸吗?
National guard,定期训练,有事征招,无事该干啥干啥,不是full time job。不是24年天天在军队里full time服役
你是坏装傻还是真傻?就算床铺第一次说 China Virus 时没官方说法,后来都统一用COVID-19 了,他还继续说。特别是在川党拉力会上,还故意拉长声音说,然后歪着他的橘子头等下面白川粉们欢呼,这不是故意的是什么???
好么,我是想听trump原话。可是这老头子哪是讲话啊,整个一个rambling。听他讲话太痛苦了,抑制不住的走神儿。好奇什么样的人有闲工夫听这么一个老头子rambling 。
🛋️ 沙发板凳
拿钱呗 到中国教口语的混子 老美到中国教口语的有几个正经人 不都是在美国找不到啥好工作
嗯,然而人家当上了明州州长。当然州长在你眼里不是啥好工作,找不到其他工作的人才去干, lol
我还嫌这两个人不够low 毕竟魔法才能打败魔法,川普可是开启政坛比谁更low的先驱。
床铺至少在选不赢时候没敢暗杀拜登 近现代世界,有几个搞政治暗杀搞失败了还舔着脸出来竞选的人?委内瑞拉都不敢
拜托!暗杀川普的是个registered republican 你怎么不说他是low穿地心连共和党也受不了他了呢?
我早就贴过,类似的肯尼迪遇刺,50%以上人都认定有阴谋。 这次大选,最终结果只能是深蓝翻红,还是只有浅蓝翻红 最愚蠢的黄左还跟着叫weird。实际上,黄左每喊一句,就等于提醒美国选民,拜登哈里斯重大嫌疑搞暗杀。黄左自己都没留意,民主党控制媒体都不敢提这件事情,黄左还跟着叫唤。
靠撒谎当的呗 人家被蒙骗了呗 这社会不就是骗子混得好吗 猪党不就靠坑蒙拐骗吗 服军役这么重要的事都能撒谎 对了 他不光这个撒谎哟
光明会是一个很古老的传说,现代更加是一个不存在的故事: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illuminati
帮你加一个定语: 多次逃兵役的felon的粉丝跑来嘲笑为国效力24年的退役军人
因此看到川粉发言,什么找到新证据新大陆blah blahblah,先认定是假的,有空高兴了再去查证都不迟,不查其实都无所谓,反正都是在胡扯
失言 谁会在这个上面失言? 失言是指不得体 但是是基本事实 这就是明晃晃地撒谎 你问那些揭露他的 老兵同不同意是失言 看着遮不住了 用失言来解释 你去应聘的时候 Lol trump 说China virus , 最起码病毒明明解释得清清楚楚 你这个无党派人士 好好挣你狗粮吧 大家眼睛雪亮着呢
所以我说我还觉得这两个人不够low 应该跟川普学习,人家一口一个crooked joe, 咋就不能叫orange clown 呢?
太邪恶了。没有底线 不能理解还有人继续支持这种政党
如果枪手是democratic 那肯定说这个暗杀实锤了, 枪手是republican, 那也是民主党借刀杀人纵容暗杀 总之左右都被你说完了呗。
我的妈啊,还在洗 预备役跟兵役混为一谈 预备役只需一个月训练两天,还有工资benefit退休金,混混就是冲这些去的,真要上战场就溜了。最可耻的是还自称退伍军人捞政治资本
你是不是第一天来美国? 有色人种尤其是黑人群体,最反感的是什么?就是发达以后跟白人结婚。哈里斯往上爬时候睡的是黑人,想争取选票时候也要靠黑人身份,结果发达以后一转身就跟个白人结婚了。当年奥巴马要是娶个白人当老婆,根本拿不到那么大比例黑人的选票。 最后回答一下,她当然算黑人,但是在偏左的黑人眼里,她只是一个黑奸
你是把Army National Guard 和ROTC 搞混了?
这么弱的人他们干嘛要死心塌地跟随啊? LOL
肯尼迪遇刺,官方调查结果是独狼行动,但是从发生到今天,50%-65%美国民众都认定背后有阴谋 拜登哈里斯暗杀特朗普,这件事,他俩是永远洗不清,大多数民众都会认定暗杀最大受益者(拜登哈里斯)干的 你就说特朗普自己导演的,你看看左棍媒体有谁敢公开这么说?左棍媒体根本不敢提,提就是自己找死
我倒是觉得如果川普真的被刺杀了, Republican 再换个正常的candidate 赢面还大一些。 周围好多投Harris 的并不是因为Harris 这个人怎么样,而是因为太过讨厌Trump…
最大受益人就是最大嫌疑人。最恨特朗普,不断用各种方式阻止其参选的人是谁? 还是建议你自己看看肯尼迪遇刺案件,嫌疑人列表里面甚至有副总统,因为副总统从中受益匪浅
是说trump自导自演吧,真子弹捎带到,别说现在痊愈了怕是半个耳朵都没了。 打的子弹谁知道飞到哪里去了,可怜那位消防员被trump借刀杀人给牺牲掉了。
还是不要了,我觉得说不定会催生出来一个更右的, you never know ....至少我觉得biden在枪击事件后还是蛮decent的,攻击的竞选广告全部撤下来了,说白了大家就是想要一个正常的人。最后还是看选民吧,如果没有选择川普就说明这条路走不通,那共和党就要换人再战,如果选上了那也就只能这样呗。又不能跑国会山LOL
排除精神状态堪忧,还有一个可能性就是trump团队一直的策略就是到处撒谎啊,能骗一个算一个,管他三七二十一先在大众眼睛耳朵里占个位儿再说,只要谎言散布的足厚广,自然有人将信将疑,也自然有脑子不好使的完全买账。 这是一个挺有意思的社会心理学现象呢
05年七月,他所在炮兵单位接到可能被部署到伊拉克的alert, 八月接到正式部署命令,十月部队出发。
Vance的swiftboat low blow是非常不要脸的
Walz first enlisted in the Nebraska Army National Guard in April 1981, serving as an infantry senior sergeant and administrative specialist. In 1996, Walz transferred to the Minnesota Army National Guard, where he first worked as a cannon crewmember and field artillery senior sergeant.
An undated photo of Tim Walz in uniform, released by the Harris-Walz campaign. Minnesota National Guard spokesperson Lt. Col. Kristen Augé told CBS News that Walz "held multiple positions within field artillery such as firing battery chief, operations sergeant, first sergeant, and culminated his career serving as the command sergeant major for the battalion."
Walz earned several Army commendation and achievement medals during his more than 24 years of service.
Walz deployed in August 2003 in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. The Minnesota National Guard told CBS News the battalion supported security missions at various locations in Europe and Turkey. Walz was stationed at Vicenza, Italy, at the time and returned to Minnesota in April 2004.
Controversy over a 2005 Iraq deployment On Wednesday, Vance resurfaced claims that Walz retired from the National Guard to avoid deploying to Iraq. "When the United States Marine Corps, when the United States of America, asked me to go to Iraq to serve my country I did it. I did what they asked me to do, and I did it honorably and I'm very proud of that service," said Vance. He added: "When Tim Walz was asked by his country to go to Iraq, you know what he did? He dropped out of the Army and allowed his unit to go without him — a fact that he's been criticized for aggressively by a lot of the people he served with."
The Harris-Walz campaign responded with a statement saying: "After 24 years of military service, Governor Walz retired in 2005 and ran for Congress, where he [served as the ranking member] of Veterans Affairs and was a tireless advocate for our men and women in uniform — and as Vice President of the United States he will continue to be a relentless champion for our veterans and military families." The statement incorrectly stated Walz chaired the Veterans Affairs committee. The campaign also said, "In his 24 years of service, the Governor carried, fired and trained others to use weapons of war innumerable times. Governor Walz would never insult or undermine any American's service to this country -- in fact, he thanks Senator Vance for putting his life on the line for our country. It's the American way." The claims raised by Vance first gained prominence when Walz ran for governor of Minnesota in 2018. At the time, retired Army veterans Thomas Behrends and Paul Herr, who both served as command sergeant majors, posted on Facebook a lengthy letter accusing Walz of "embellishing" his military career and abandoning his Army National Guard battalion ahead of a 2005 deployment to Iraq. In the letter, Behrends and Herr write that in early 2005, Walz's unit — 1st Battalion, 125th Field Artillery — was slated to deploy to Iraq. At the time, Walz was serving as the unit's command sergeant major. Behrends and Herr claimed that from the time the unit was told to prepare for an Iraq deployment and when Walz retired, he told other Army leaders he would be going to Iraq but later resigned his position before the deployment to avoid going to a combat zone. Walz has said he left the guard to run for Congress, according to the Star Tribune. In 2006, Walz won his election to Congress against a six-term Republican incumbent. Records show Walz officially filed paperwork with the Federal Election Commission on Feb. 10, 2005. In March 2005, the National Guard announced a possible partial mobilization of roughly 2,000 troops from the Minnesota National Guard, according to an archived press release from Tim Walz for U.S. Congress. "I do not yet know if my artillery unit will be part of this mobilization and I am unable to comment further on the specifics of the deployment," said Walz in the March 2005 statement. The statement continued: "As Command Sergeant Major I have a responsibility not only to ready my battalion for Iraq, but also to serve if called on. I am dedicated to serving my country to the best of my ability, whether that is in Washington DC or Iraq," said Walz, who indicated at the time he had no plans to drop out of the race. "I am fortunate to have a strong group of enthusiastic support and a very dedicated and intelligent wife. Both will be a major part of my campaign, whether I am in Minnesota or Iraq." The Minnesota Army National Guard told CBS News that Walz retired on May 16, 2005. CBS News has asked Walz to clarify when he submitted his retirement papers. The Minnesota National Guard told CBS News that Walz's unit — 1st Battalion, 125th Field Artillery — received an alert order for mobilization to Iraq on July 14, 2005 – two months after Walz retired, according to Lt. Col. Ryan Rossman, who serves as the Minnesota National Guard's director of operations. The official mobilization order was received on August 14 of the same year, and the unit mobilized in October. CBS News reviewed the deployment history for the Minnesota Army National Guard which shows that in the fall of 2005, 1st Battalion, 125th Field Artillery was mobilized in preparation for a deployment in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. The battalion trained at Camp Shelby in Mississippi and deployed to Iraq as a motorized security task force.
现在哪里有左媒,各大媒体的头都是trump supporters当家。 你有证据是Biden搞的么? CNN's owner: Trump supporter Republican John Malone.
CNN's parent company: Warner Brothers Discovery
Warner Brothers Discovery's CEO: Trump supporter Republican David Zaslav.
不过就我看过的一些川粉RALLY 视频,可能像楼上这些一样的,也是客观存在的。
不deploy的话,训练是每月一个周末,annual training是两周。但是national guard是会被deploy的,比如说state level的救灾或帮助社区,或者domestic law enforcement,或者federal level的被派到国外比如说中东跟现役军人一样执行任务。在deployment的时候,national guard都被视为现役军人的。我不信他24年里没有被deploy过。
deployment 时间长度的话: The length of time for deployments will vary, depending on the situation. State active duty missions usually run from 15-60 days, while federal deployments are usually a minimum of 12 months. Guard Soldiers may also choose to volunteer for active duty assignments (for example, Border Patrol), and again, the length of deployment will vary.
我说了,建议你去参考肯尼迪遇刺。官方FBI结果是独狼,很大比例民众(40%)也相信这个官方结果 但是,超过50%以上人的观点没有被这个调查结果左右的。也就是我一直说的,拜登哈里斯作为做大受益者(嫌疑人),无论官方调查结果是什么,都洗不干净。这个就是为啥民主党根本不敢公开质疑特朗普自导自演的原因,因为只要往大闹,最后吃亏的就是拜登哈里斯
事实: Walz做的是National Guard. 从来没有上过战场。Enlist是为了福利。当他知道可能要被派上战场,立即申请退休。即使要被降级也不要拼著那有可能上战场的可能性。
然后从头到尾就说怎样都不能选个说Chinese Virus的人做总统。 这不是0.5就是被洗脑洗的彻底的粉红。多少病毒是用了当初爆发的地点做名称。Spanish Virus, MERS,West Nile, Ebola, Zika等等的... 怎么不见你们去抗议说这些病毒也必须改名?
要不是TG觉得这有损面子,死活的让WHO用Covid19当名称。才延伸了这个叫WH病毒或Chinese Virus是歧视的想法?! 这得对自己跟国家多没有自信?不过一个业界常用的习惯,就觉得会影响到国家?!
然后在Harris还没宣布要参选前,怎样说拜登多好多好,然后Harris还不行。结果现在她是民主党代表了,就突然变成她像是神仙下来普渡世人一样。 有没有搞错?今天是要选总统。要的是总统的能力以及成绩。
民主党就是一直花钱做表面工夫。对经济完全没有直接的政策。哈姐被访问关于如何解决通膨,就花了30秒弄了一堆名词沙拉,然后转去讲LGBT,abortion跟Gun control.
通膨只有国家可以产生。因为只有国家才可以创造钱来花。当钱产生的速度,跟生产力成长的速度是一致时,不会有通膨。生产力成长比钱快,会有通缩,而钱成长比生产力快,就造成通膨。 事实就是通膨就是哈姐一手造成的。她投了当初那预算的Tie breaker... 造成政府花钱的速度远比美国生产力来的快的多,才造成了这几年的通膨。
川胖在台上时,一堆做的傻事不说,是这么多年来,唯一一个任内没有掀起打仗的总统。通膨也一直很低。虽说一直没有达到FED想要的2%... 但也是很稳定。 民主党最近还在传要利用executive order冻结物价。哈哈哈,这不就是Venezuela跟阿根廷这些地方当初做的吗?!结果呢?
我对政治跟我对投资时保持同样观点:Don't listen what they say, look what they do.
民主党会的就是会说一堆好听的口号,结果呢?做的事情永远都是治标不治本。拜登花420亿说要给rural US带来宽频,结果呢?!什么都没有做成。当初开始时Starlink就说他们的方案可以做到提供高速上网给美国郊区,然后拜登一群人还特别的加入了条款(基本上要求一定要用光纤),让Starlink不能参加。说的好听要做光纤,他们团队有去实际了解铺全国光纤要多少钱吗?
你根本不明白这件事情意味着什么 特朗普如果指责拜登哈里斯,等于整个美国价值观体系崩溃,现代西方民主还没有人敢搞暗杀候选人。当初事情刚发生,就有人公开说拜登干的,结果很快就被删帖了。 再说明白一点,特朗普死活跟美国民主价值观比起来真的不算什么,他要是公开质疑拜登,很快就会有下次暗杀。所以你可以看到为啥特朗普只敢包着一只耳朵。 当然,我要重复的是黄左最愚蠢的就是跟着四处叫weird,等于公开提醒广大选民,拜登哈里斯是最大嫌疑人。
你牛。 你应该申请进川普智囊团。
确实不值得。。。 尤其是到这种帖子里来给他们的又一个谎言增加流量,并让路过的人觉得“华人上左派右派又扭打到一起了,都是一帮精神不正常的极端分子”,尤其不值得。 不过,我不像2016年那样对选举那么认真/天真,就当华人上聊天呗,聊啥不是聊
他自己都承认是为了免费学费 lol 好不容易考个社区大学 这么烂 我们娃哪有这么差
请问,你从来没有怀疑过为啥没人敢提这个事情? 民主党有任何人敢抨击特朗普自导自演? 特朗普敢抨击是拜登主使? 两党竞选啥时候不是先扣s盆子,然后看你能不能洗干净,洗不干净就继续扣。洗干净了,就扣另外一个。要啥证据?特朗普遇刺这个事情,真的有证据(即使特朗普自导自演证据),能上的了台面? 根本原因就是背后大佬不让,刺杀导致整个美国民主价值观体系崩塌。你美国还向外推行一人一票?真撕成这样,欧洲可以不说什么,朝鲜哈马斯叙利亚这些国家四处宣扬,你受得了?就这民主制度,你美国还想推销去和平演变中国?就这美国还想颜色革命?