这个话题争论了好几天了,争论的焦点是卫生棉能不能放到男生卫生间,放那里是不是就把男生变女生了,原来,我们都错了。 明州那个Walz签署的法律根本没提卫生棉具体放在什么地方,这个是法规原文: A school district or charter school must provide students with access to menstrual products at no charge. The products must be available to all menstruating students in restrooms regularly used by students in grades 4 to 12 according to a plan developed by the school district. For purposes of this section, "menstrual products" means pads, tampons, or other similar products used in connection with the menstrual cycle. https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/cite/121A.212 明州最大的学区,Anoka-Hennepin,男生的卫生间就没有卫生巾卫生棉。看起来具体放在什么地方是由学区决定的。 这个争论可以平息了。 资料来源:https://www.mediaite.com/news/megyn-kellys-claim-tim-walz-forced-tampons-into-boys-bathrooms-debunked-by-minnesota-journalist/amp/
westlake 发表于 2024-08-10 18:59 这个话题争论了好几天了,争论的焦点是卫生棉能不能放到男生卫生间,放那里是不是就把男生变女生了,原来,我们都错了。 明州那个Walz签署的法律根本没提卫生棉具体放在什么地方,这个是法规原文: A school district or charter school must provide students with access to menstrual products at no charge. The products must be available to all menstruating students in restrooms regularly used by students in grades 4 to 12 according to a plan developed by the school district. For purposes of this section, "menstrual products" means pads, tampons, or other similar products used in connection with the menstrual cycle. https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/cite/121A.212 明州最大的学区,Anoka-Hennepin,男生的卫生间就没有卫生巾卫生棉。看起来具体放在什么地方是由学区决定的。 这个争论可以平息了。 资料来源:https://www.mediaite.com/news/megyn-kellys-claim-tim-walz-forced-tampons-into-boys-bathrooms-debunked-by-minnesota-journalist/amp/
回复 1楼 westlake 的帖子 你又来挣狗粮了 你咋忘了这一句 That would include both boys, girls and gender-neutral bathrooms. 另外你不知道吧 共和党试图只放女孩卫生间 但是失败了 Some Republican lawmakers in Minnesota pushed back against the legislation and attempted to amend the bill to apply only to girls’ bathrooms, but the amendment failed. The final billpassed 35-32 before Walz signed it into law on May 24, 2023. 洗地也洗不好 他被广为人知这个昵称 绝不是浪得虚名 你为你家主子洗地 可真是兢兢业业 不眠不休 理解 挣口粮呗
lanacustom 发表于 2024-08-10 21:46 回复 1楼 westlake 的帖子 你又来挣狗粮了 你咋忘了这一句 That would include both boys, girls and gender-neutral bathrooms. 另外你不知道吧 共和党试图只放女孩卫生间 但是失败了 Some Republican lawmakers in Minnesota pushed back against the legislation and attempted to amend the bill to apply only to girls’ bathrooms, but the amendment failed. The final billpassed 35-32 before Walz signed it into law on May 24, 2023. 洗地也洗不好 他被广为人知这个昵称 绝不是浪得虚名 你为你家主子洗地 可真是兢兢业业 不眠不休 理解 挣口粮呗
lanacustom 发表于 2024-08-10 21:46 回复 1楼 westlake 的帖子 你又来挣狗粮了 你咋忘了这一句 That would include both boys, girls and gender-neutral bathrooms. 另外你不知道吧 共和党试图只放女孩卫生间 但是失败了 Some Republican lawmakers in Minnesota pushed back against the legislation and attempted to amend the bill to apply only to girls’ bathrooms, but the amendment failed. The final billpassed 35-32 before Walz signed it into law on May 24, 2023. 洗地也洗不好 他被广为人知这个昵称 绝不是浪得虚名 你为你家主子洗地 可真是兢兢业业 不眠不休 理解 挣口粮呗
哈哈,就知道你要拿这个做文章,所以我把原文链接都发出来了,里面是这么说的: At the time the law was being written some Minnesota Republicans tried to restrict the initiative to female-assigned and gender-neutral bathrooms but failed. Even the amendment’s author eventually supported the final bill, citing family members who felt it was important to back. 就是说,共和党议员的确试图修改法案,明确只有女生厕所可以放(男生厕所不许放),但是后来也承认,没有这点修改,这也是造福学生和社会的好法律。 没有这样修改的法律,也不是说必须在男生卫生间放卫生巾,而是说,有需要的女生的地方就要放。那么,男生卫生间放,还是不放,由学校,学区根据时间决定。宣传小政府的GOP,出来走两步?
明尼苏达共和党试图把提案改成只放在”女厕所,被否决了。“all menstruating students” 包括女变男,或天生女自认男的学生。 Republican state lawmakers in Minnesota had tried — and failed — to amend that bill so that it would apply only to “female restrooms,”
westlake 发表于 2024-08-10 18:59 这个话题争论了好几天了,争论的焦点是卫生棉能不能放到男生卫生间,放那里是不是就把男生变女生了,原来,我们都错了。 明州那个Walz签署的法律根本没提卫生棉具体放在什么地方,这个是法规原文: A school district or charter school must provide students with access to menstrual products at no charge. The products must be available to all menstruating students in restrooms regularly used by students in grades 4 to 12 according to a plan developed by the school district. For purposes of this section, "menstrual products" means pads, tampons, or other similar products used in connection with the menstrual cycle. https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/cite/121A.212 明州最大的学区,Anoka-Hennepin,男生的卫生间就没有卫生巾卫生棉。看起来具体放在什么地方是由学区决定的。 这个争论可以平息了。 资料来源:https://www.mediaite.com/news/megyn-kellys-claim-tim-walz-forced-tampons-into-boys-bathrooms-debunked-by-minnesota-journalist/amp/
明州那个Walz签署的法律根本没提卫生棉具体放在什么地方,这个是法规原文: A school district or charter school must provide students with access to menstrual products at no charge. The products must be available to all menstruating students in restrooms regularly used by students in grades 4 to 12 according to a plan developed by the school district. For purposes of this section, "menstrual products" means pads, tampons, or other similar products used in connection with the menstrual cycle.
我一般来讲还是尊重Trump supporter的,政见不同可以讨论。但是天天造谣传谣的只能叫川粉啦,没法儿对话。
你又来挣狗粮了 你咋忘了这一句 That would include both boys, girls and gender-neutral bathrooms. 另外你不知道吧 共和党试图只放女孩卫生间 但是失败了 Some Republican lawmakers in Minnesota pushed back against the legislation and attempted to amend the bill to apply only to girls’ bathrooms, but the amendment failed. The final billpassed 35-32 before Walz signed it into law on May 24, 2023. 洗地也洗不好 他被广为人知这个昵称 绝不是浪得虚名 你为你家主子洗地 可真是兢兢业业 不眠不休 理解 挣口粮呗
原来是would不是should must will啊。多谢澄清。
这智商 你没看到共和党试图只放女生卫生间 失败了呗 那不变成should 了吗 用would 不是一贯地掩人耳目吗
Harris私生活的谣言也是这个女的传的。 她离开狐狸台曾一度想改过自新想投靠左派,后来在NBC news混不下去好像就变态了。她在狐狸台的时候还没有这么变态,被trump骂七窍流血的时候好多左派还同情她
At the time the law was being written some Minnesota Republicans tried to restrict the initiative to female-assigned and gender-neutral bathrooms but failed. Even the amendment’s author eventually supported the final bill, citing family members who felt it was important to back.
trump是个强奸犯,27个女的指控,还骂China virus, 为什么粉们还要跪舔和深喉? 给一个理由啊?
你可真是会洗 只放女生卫生间没通过 意思是不是男卫生间必须放? 你之前不是信誓旦旦地说 他没有吗 不必争论了吗 他签署的没涉汲到男生吗 他亲自签署了男生卫生间也必须放的bill 尼玛 通都通过了 无力回天 从finally 这个词看出了失败抗争后的无奈和心酸 结果还往脸上贴金了 猪党的变态法律只有变态赞成
老实说,昨天看到这个,我的第一反应是,不可能!那么大的竞选组织,在大会上放这么不吉利的歌,怎么可能?编电影都不敢怎么编哪! 哪晓得居然是真的,连原创义正词严地声明版权的时候都忍俊不禁要最后问一句,简直了!
你几岁?是不是拧药瓶盖子有困难? 一般成年人脑子可以同时process两件事: 右派媒体又在散布谎言,以及男厕放棉条完全合情合理