你这个450哪儿来的,能提供一下出处吗?这是我google到的数据。 In fact, asthma is the most common chronic condition among Olympic athletes. One study found that about 8.3% of U.S. Olympians between 2002 and 2010 had asthma, yet they were able to compete at the highest levels. A more recent study, reports that about 16.5% of all Olympic athletes have asthma.Jul 26, 2024
yeon 发表于 2024-08-08 11:44 你这个450哪儿来的,能提供一下出处吗?这是我google到的数据。 In fact, asthma is the most common chronic condition among Olympic athletes. One study found that about 8.3% of U.S. Olympians between 2002 and 2010 had asthma, yet they were able to compete at the highest levels. A more recent study, reports that about 16.5% of all Olympic athletes have asthma.Jul 26, 2024
你这个450哪儿来的,能提供一下出处吗?这是我google到的数据。 In fact, asthma is the most common chronic condition among Olympic athletes. One study found that about 8.3% of U.S. Olympians between 2002 and 2010 had asthma, yet they were able to compete at the highest levels. A more recent study, reports that about 16.5% of all Olympic athletes have asthma.Jul 26, 2024 yeon 发表于 2024-08-08 11:44
天哪我昨天还看到美国在讲这个呢,菲尔普斯发起的,Some of the athletes who tested positive went on to medal in Tokyo and Paris. The swimmers were allowed to compete in the Olympics after the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) accepted China’s findings that suggested the Chinese swimmers unwittingly ingested the substance from food they ate at a hotel. Other swimming stars, including U.S. Olympian Katie Ledecky and Great Britain swimmer Adam Peaty, have weighed in on the subject and expressed their support for stringent anti-doping policies.
yeon 发表于 2024-08-08 11:44 你这个450哪儿来的,能提供一下出处吗?这是我google到的数据。 In fact, asthma is the most common chronic condition among Olympic athletes. One study found that about 8.3% of U.S. Olympians between 2002 and 2010 had asthma, yet they were able to compete at the highest levels. A more recent study, reports that about 16.5% of all Olympic athletes have asthma.Jul 26, 2024
应该是之前俄罗斯黑客潜入了WADA网址拿到的资料。 In 2016, the Russian hacker group "Magic Bear" hacked into the WADA database and found that in 2015 alone, 653 American athletes applied for "immunity," of which 402 were granted, an approval rate of over 60%. In contrast, the number of Russian athletes is similar to that of the United States, but only 54 people applied for immunity, and the approval rate was only 37%. As for Chinese athletes, only a single digit number of them were granted immunity. An American athlete can dope with whatever drug he fancies, he only needs to obtain a permit from WADA who usually grants to American athletes. Russia published on its official website the correspondence between US sports officials and Dr. Matthew Fedoruk, head of the US Anti-Doping Agency (USADA), showing that USADA had helped US athletes use banned drugs with the pretext of medical exemptions. A total of more than 200 US athletes received medical exemptions through USADA. In 2015 alone, the anti-doping agency issued 583 doping permits, and many athletes used more than one drug. Among them, synthetic steroids that promote muscle growth, diuretics commonly used for rapid weight loss and to cover up traces of other drugs. The above are all drugs that are strictly prohibited on the WADA's Anti-Doping List. Cycling, athletics, triathlon, swimming and skiing are the five sports which received the most medical exemption applications. Not surprisingly, these sports are the hardest hit by doping in competitions. According to confidential files released by Russian hackers, WADA allowed American tennis players the Williams sisters to take banned drugs for the purpose of medical treatment at multiple different times. Former world No. 1 tennis player Serena Williams was allowed to take drugs containing oxycodone, hydromorphone, prednisone, and methylprednisolone in 2010, 2014, and 2015, while her sister Venus Williams was allowed to take drugs containing prednisolone, triamcinolone, and formoterol in 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013. However, the documents did not reveal the medical certificates which justified their taking of the banned drugs.
应该是之前俄罗斯黑客潜入了WADA网址拿到的资料。 In 2016, the Russian hacker group "Magic Bear" hacked into the WADA database and found that in 2015 alone, 653 American athletes applied for "immunity," of which 402 were granted, an approval rate of over 60%. In contrast, the number of Russian athletes is similar to that of the United States, but only 54 people applied for immunity, and the approval rate was only 37%. As for Chinese athletes, only a single digit number of them were granted immunity. An American athlete can dope with whatever drug he fancies, he only needs to obtain a permit from WADA who usually grants to American athletes. Russia published on its official website the correspondence between US sports officials and Dr. Matthew Fedoruk, head of the US Anti-Doping Agency (USADA), showing that USADA had helped US athletes use banned drugs with the pretext of medical exemptions. A total of more than 200 US athletes received medical exemptions through USADA. In 2015 alone, the anti-doping agency issued 583 doping permits, and many athletes used more than one drug. Among them, synthetic steroids that promote muscle growth, diuretics commonly used for rapid weight loss and to cover up traces of other drugs. The above are all drugs that are strictly prohibited on the WADA's Anti-Doping List. Cycling, athletics, triathlon, swimming and skiing are the five sports which received the most medical exemption applications. Not surprisingly, these sports are the hardest hit by doping in competitions. According to confidential files released by Russian hackers, WADA allowed American tennis players the Williams sisters to take banned drugs for the purpose of medical treatment at multiple different times. Former world No. 1 tennis player Serena Williams was allowed to take drugs containing oxycodone, hydromorphone, prednisone, and methylprednisolone in 2010, 2014, and 2015, while her sister Venus Williams was allowed to take drugs containing prednisolone, triamcinolone, and formoterol in 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013. However, the documents did not reveal the medical certificates which justified their taking of the banned drugs.
世界反兴奋剂机构(WADA)对路透社 2024 年 8 月 7 日的一则报道做出回应,该报道揭露了美国反兴奋剂机构(USADA)允许使用兴奋剂的运动员参加多年的比赛,这直接违反了《世界反兴奋剂条例》和 USADA 自身的规定。当 WADA 在2021年最终发现这种不合规做法时(在它开始多年之后),立即指示 USADA 停止。
在一个案例中,一名在美国参加奥运会预选赛和国际赛事的精英级运动员承认服用类固醇和 EPO,但却被允许继续参加比赛直至退役。他们的案件从未被公布,成绩从未被取消,奖金从未被退还,也从未被停赛。该运动员被允许与不知情的竞争对手对阵,就好像他们从未作弊一样。在这种情况下,当 USADA 最终向世界反兴奋剂机构承认发生了什么事时,它建议说,公布任何后果或取消比赛成绩都会危及运动员的安全,并要求世界反兴奋剂机构同意不公布。在这种不可能的情况下,世界反兴奋剂机构别无选择,只能同意(在与其情报和调查部门核实安全威胁是可信的之后)。因此,该运动员使用兴奋剂的情况从未公之于众。
在另一个高水平运动员的案例中,USADA 从未通知 WADA 其决定解除一名运动员临时禁赛的决定,如果 WADA 被通知,它绝不会允许这种情况发生。其他运动员知道自己是在真诚地与那些 USADA 知道有作弊行为的运动员竞争,他们会作何感想?
当 USADA 怀疑其他反兴奋剂组织没有严格遵守规定时,它却大喊犯规,而多年来它却不公布兴奋剂案件,允许作弊者继续参加比赛,这真是既讽刺又虚伪。世界反兴奋剂机构不禁要问,管理USADA 的美国反兴奋剂机构董事会或为其提供资金的美国国会是否知道这种不合规的做法,这种做法不仅破坏了体育竞赛的公正性,而且还危及合作运动员的安全。
🔥 最新回帖
是的 即使告不赢 也直接点名告他诽谤。
🛋️ 沙发板凳
当地时间8月7日晚,总部位于蒙特利尔的世界反兴奋剂机构(WADA)发表声明,就当天早些时候路透社的一篇报道做出回应,这篇报道揭露了美国反兴奋剂机构(USADA)多年来允许服用兴奋剂的运动员参赛,至少有一起案例从未公布或没有制裁反兴奋剂规则违规行为,这直接违反了《世界反兴奋剂规则》和美国反兴奋剂机构自己的规则。美机构多次违反世界反兴奋剂条例世界反兴奋剂机构的声明表示,美国反兴奋剂机构允许服用兴奋剂的运动员参赛的做法明显违反了世界反兴奋剂机构旨在保护体育竞赛完整性的规则。国际反兴奋剂机构没有批准过美国反兴奋剂机构多年来允许服用兴奋剂的运动员参赛的做法。 美国九枚奥运金牌得主卡尔·刘易斯曾承认,尽管在1988年汉城奥运会前三次检测均呈阳性,但最终还是被“网开一面”。雅典奥运会百米冠军贾斯汀·加特林两度被查出阳性,按规定应当受到终身禁赛的处罚,但USADA却为其“极力开脱”,最终把禁赛期缩短为4年。
如果说美国反兴奋剂机构谴责中国运动员检测到曲美他嗪是大麻,美国运动员注射的类固醇是可卡因海洛因。 相关研究表明,群勃龙是一种蛋白同化制剂,具有极强的提升力量和爆发力的作用。
世界反兴奋剂机构的声明提及了一个案例,一名参加过美国奥运会预选赛和国际赛事的运动员承认服用类固醇和红细胞生成素(EPO),但仍被允许继续比赛直到退役。这些案件从未公布,相关运动员的成绩从未被取消,奖金从未退还,也从未被禁赛。运动员被允许与不知情的运动员比赛,就好像他们从未服用兴奋剂一样。事后,当美国反兴奋剂机构向世界反兴奋剂机构承认了这些做法,但声称任何后果的公布或结果的取消都会危及运动员的安全,并要求世界反兴奋剂机构同意不公布该案件。处于这种无奈的境地,世界反兴奋剂机构别无选择,只能同意。因此,该运动员的兴奋剂问题从未公开。运动员与作弊者同场竞技破坏公平 危及安全 吉尔·罗伯茨曾获里约奥运会4x400米接力金牌,2017年他以和女友接吻所致兴奋剂阳性为由,得到了USADA的“赦免”。然而,罗伯茨在2022年再次被查出服用违禁药物,2023年复出仅仅8个月,罗伯茨又因兴奋剂阳性。多次违规的运动员屡次重返赛场,与其他运动员同场竞技,体育比赛的公平性遭到严重破坏。
美国不但反兴奋剂机构包庇自己运动员,兴奋剂泛滥,特朗普美国政府和一些议员公然威胁逮捕其他国家人员,美国政府2020年签署通过《罗琴科夫反兴奋剂法》把司法长臂延伸到全球,今年又通过《恢复对世界反兴奋剂机构信心法案》攻击国际奥委会(IOC)和世界反兴奋剂机构(WADA )是敲诈勒索。
这个数据出处在哪里?不太可信。 虽然相信有人接哮喘用药,但是超过70%也太夸张了
因为WADA里面的人估计白人也是居多 受不了美国这种气
美国的文化就是这样,尤其职场 自己一身屎,指责别人身上有灰,那是头头是道
今天央视发大字报也直接撕了 点了好几个美国吃药运动员的名字 要求彻查田径比赛。 思路太正确了。就是不要陷入自证的陷阱 直接出击 要求增加田径药检频率次数, 只要查出一次就终身禁赛(附和菲尔普斯的说法
btw, 瘦肉精也是beta- agonist
现在你不是哮喘病人你都不好意思从事高强度运动! 现在你不是哮喘病人你都不好意思加入美国奥运队! 美国队不此地无银三百两地集体吸食兴奋剂都不好意思参加奥运比赛! 美国奥委会不指鹿为马、颠倒黑白都不好意思主办2028年洛杉矶奥运会!
In fact, asthma is the most common chronic condition among Olympic athletes. One study found that about 8.3% of U.S. Olympians between 2002 and 2010 had asthma, yet they were able to compete at the highest levels. A more recent study, reports that about 16.5% of all Olympic athletes have asthma.Jul 26, 2024
100米冠军说是asthma. https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/olympics/2024/08/04/noah-lyles-asthma-olympics-100m-time-final-2024-paris/74667639007/
不光哮喘,还一堆ADHD呢 支持WADA彻查美国队,假装哮喘和ADHD的终身禁赛
不光哮喘,ADHD,还有先天心脏病 特么美国奥运会的成员全都身残志坚.. 不知道的还以为是残奥会
作为85后,我现在虽然有点老有点柴,看着像50后,但是我的身体是无污染,全自然,organic, MSG free
好像叫Castilla Liu
这是在美国呆久了降智 了吗?他爸爸床上铺的防水布,可以保留眼药水或残存底?
一个个歪瓜裂枣长得奇丑无比,真是群魔乱舞!关键还嗑药和吸食兴奋剂,shame on you!
从第六分钟的地方开始,谈美国队合法用药的问题(我才知道,原来是2016年俄罗斯hacker hacked WADA Database 才世人皆知的)
哈哈哈,笑不活了 这和新冠期间某州议员提议用电吹风对着鼻孔吹能杀死新冠病毒有的一拼啊
感觉基本上你只要是运动员,都可以申请豁免 当时最有名的是威廉姆斯姐妹和那个跳体操的黑人
In 2016, the Russian hacker group "Magic Bear" hacked into the WADA database and found that in 2015 alone, 653 American athletes applied for "immunity," of which 402 were granted, an approval rate of over 60%. In contrast, the number of Russian athletes is similar to that of the United States, but only 54 people applied for immunity, and the approval rate was only 37%. As for Chinese athletes, only a single digit number of them were granted immunity.
An American athlete can dope with whatever drug he fancies, he only needs to obtain a permit from WADA who usually grants to American athletes.
Russia published on its official website the correspondence between US sports officials and Dr. Matthew Fedoruk, head of the US Anti-Doping Agency (USADA), showing that USADA had helped US athletes use banned drugs with the pretext of medical exemptions. A total of more than 200 US athletes received medical exemptions through USADA. In 2015 alone, the anti-doping agency issued 583 doping permits, and many athletes used more than one drug. Among them, synthetic steroids that promote muscle growth, diuretics commonly used for rapid weight loss and to cover up traces of other drugs. The above are all drugs that are strictly prohibited on the WADA's Anti-Doping List. Cycling, athletics, triathlon, swimming and skiing are the five sports which received the most medical exemption applications. Not surprisingly, these sports are the hardest hit by doping in competitions.
According to confidential files released by Russian hackers, WADA allowed American tennis players the Williams sisters to take banned drugs for the purpose of medical treatment at multiple different times.
Former world No. 1 tennis player Serena Williams was allowed to take drugs containing oxycodone, hydromorphone, prednisone, and methylprednisolone in 2010, 2014, and 2015, while her sister Venus Williams was allowed to take drugs containing prednisolone, triamcinolone, and formoterol in 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013. However, the documents did not reveal the medical certificates which justified their taking of the banned drugs.
若干年前的大事 全世界都知道了啊。
I其实你会用活用网络的话还是能看到, 但是2016年之后被全网删了而已,Biles在东京药被拦截,算是佐证
( ̄▽ ̄)", 合法用药说的就是,ADHD,哮喘等疾病,服用一些管制药或者毒品。 日本航空和海关限制的就是类似于毒品的东西。而Biles就是用ADHD服用类似于对于普通人来说是毒品的东西。奥运会和海关是两码事。因为Biles有豁免,所以在奥运会里她是可以合法嗑药的。
奇葩 运动员哮喘比例这么高 太奇葩了