
楼主 (北美华人网)
再次特致秘书长古特雷斯先生的信:希望联合国能推动全人类走出意识丛林而走上人类高级文明康庄大道顺畅前行 ——此信亦致全人类所有精英高度关注并尽力予以推进 (The English translation from the online translation software is attached at the end of this letter) 尊敬的联合国秘书长古特雷斯(António Manuel de Oliveira Guterres)先生: 因全人类生死选择在即,且留给人类犹豫中探寻与选择时间已经不多了,不得不再给您写信。 在人类因茫然,而对宇宙能量运动程序有了编程合作之本质才能演绎幻化出来的物化幻象的贪婪追逐欲中,让每次人类努力中获得的文明成果都同时也会成为摧毁文明的魔鬼。现在连标榜为支撑文明利器的自由民主媒体,在全世界,也是越来越被操控而虚假信息泛滥。即使是在举世瞩目的美国,也不例外。所以世界风云日益浑浊诡谲中的人类,因真相越来越难于辨识,在沟通上更加鸡同鸭讲,达成协议实施起来也更加南辕北辙。人类越来越更加难于完成预想的合作,乃至现在全世界都感觉到了人类社会合作到处都不停发出脆断的撕裂声,人类文明呈现出逆宇宙能量运动程序有了合作之本质才能演绎编程出这个璀璨世界的本质规律而动的趋势。这对人类本体及其社会合作模式而言,就是从贯通人类本体与所有社会合作模式构架的底层生发的、不可阻挡的、彻底翻天覆地的前所未有的风暴,现在已经开始来袭。 这预示着人类社会将必须有颠覆性改变,否则整个人类就必将被颠覆性覆灭。所谓颠覆性改变,就是从人类社会合作结构最底层基础必然要生发的本质性改变。这里说的人类社会合作结构底层的宇宙能量合作模式,就是人类的思维模式。思维模式构建与运转的基础,就是建立在认知基础上的价值立场。这里的能量演绎层次关联真相,一直未被人类认知。我集几十年的思考确信,人类社会唯有尽快颠覆性改变现在不符合宇宙本质规律的思维模式的价值站立底线,从而构建夯实人类社会合作构架的底层基础,人类才能摆脱所有历史不幸的重复再现以及现在面临的被全部毁灭的危境。为此,我要将我确认的贯通宇宙全时空的本质演绎规律是程序定质规律,告诉全人类,请全人类尽快合作甄别、自醒,尽快推动全人类站在宇宙本质视角来简约化贯通审视自我价值体系,从灵魂深处及时颠覆性自我改造,人类才能彻底打开贯通审视所有面临对象真相的慧眼,来完成自我拯救,将现时茫然内斗互害的低级丛林文明,升级为科学可持续和谐合作的高级文明。 但因为能贯通宇宙全时空视角的程序定质规律科学体系,是颠覆现在整个人类社会合作底层构架,反转人类现有思维模式的价值视角运转惯性与逻辑体系的,故该程序定质规律科学体系的传播,最初必然因与现有思维模式运作价值习惯相反而遭到抵触,而使得这里承载着宇宙本质演绎规律的科学信息,在起步传递信息初期,不易于被人类现有思维模式接受。唯有通过一个能平和对话的科学讨论平台,对各种现实实例中予以解剖实证,才是最佳的打通人类思维模式内在梗阻而顺畅传送科学信息的渠道。 基于上述,为传递这科学信息,我托朋友在互联网先后发了两篇从自然哲学视角来阐述的文章《览要简说满灌人类所知觉的整个宇宙时空而主宰人类一切的宇宙本质底层构架之程序定质规律纲要要点》、《人类畅控万事的唯一科学缰绳是贯通宇宙能量全时空演绎的程序定质规律》。自然哲学思想从来都是人类科学理论生发而推动人类文明的引导,何况这是彻底颠覆性重塑文明底层构建的信息,是来自宇宙本质的第一信息。所以因未见有人能对接这个重大信息。就想请联合国提供帮助,让联合国大会成为一个能平和对话与科学讨论上述科学课题的平台,来推广这个决定全人类生死的信息。这事关及整个人类及其文明,要么毁灭,要么从底层颠覆性变革而夯实人类文明社会合作的底层构架从而升级人类文明,这也正是联合国正当时的勇担历史大任之所在。 2024年7月1日,我向联合国网站的“联系我们”栏目发送了我致联合国秘书长的信《特别致联合国秘书长古特雷斯先生的信:希望能给我机会在联合国大会宣讲一件人类能简约化掌控成败生死的大事》。在这信里,我表述了我的基本情况与想法。这是今年第二次给秘书长写信(此前亦多次发信)。 通过联合国大会来传递我坚信是关及全人类生死的宇宙第一信息的最大好处是,将这与现在全人类思维模式核心支撑的价值认知基础立场体系完全相反的宇宙本质规律演绎信息,以最迅速的速度通过各国政府精英与媒体传递给全世界各界精英,使之进入人类思维视野。在全人类精英合作下,使得该科学体系被迅速挖掘认知。或许真能在人类科技高速恶魔化而毁灭全人类之前,人类灵魂及时觉醒升级,从而合作铸就导致全人类毁灭的巨大灾难的防火墙。由此有效拯救全人类同时,让人类文明获取最佳途径,最轻松地越过人类灵魂生死之历史巨障,登上全宇宙最高科学巅峰。从此,让全人类每一个人都能简约化一眼就彻底看清整个宇宙与人类世界所有演绎真相,让所有事情的真相,对任何普通人来说,从此不再是难于获得的信息资源而成为阻碍人类合作链接的最大障碍,最快速升级整个人类文明。从而实现前所未有可持续的世界全面和平,成就人类文明历史最高丰碑。 如果能从程序定质规律的科学视角看,就能清晰而简明看清人类文明史演绎全部真相与人类社会所以总是乱象丛生的总根源。人类自走出物理丛林而改变了人类行走与舌部两个基因编程后,使得人类组合宇宙能量模式合作的能力,从时空纵横两个方面得到巨大扩展,使得人类远比其它动物更善于社会合作,从而创造了人类文明。但因人类认知世界是从宇宙能量运动程序合作编程本质演绎出的能量程序合作幻象模式——这种宇宙能量本质演绎的表象之表面开始的,所以人类价值判断的站立点,就只能先站在宇宙能量本质演绎幻化的物质外形的表象上,导致整个世界物欲横流。而作为宇宙能量本质幻化的物质外形,并不是这个宇宙各种存在与可持续的决定因素,因此也不是价值产生的真相与根基所在。人类价值立场基于表象产生的思维模式及其思维模式生产的产品,即思想与想法,也不过是建立在幻象基础上的意识逻辑组合之树,都漂浮在宇宙本质幻化的表象乱流上,自身极其不稳定而多变,这构成了现在人类文明社会的杂乱意识丛林。所以人类走出物理丛林后,又陷入了自己造就的意识丛林的阴霾中,让人类目光总是短浅而无法打开视野。因此,人类社会合作基础就一直只能是丛林规则。这就是人类不断茫然内斗,走不出历史轮回陷阱的原因。即使是现在已经有极少部分人,因领先全人类感知到能量产生源头而能紧握程序来构建新能量合作模式,由此使其掌握这个宇宙演绎本质核心展示的掌控世界的能量,现在实际已经能让国家行为都成为他们的提线木偶,且其掌控机制尚未被人类绝大多数人认知。但由于这些少部分人类价值基础立场,也还没有矗立在宇宙程序本质上,所以还是在不断穷追能量演绎幻象的物欲中,做着摧毁万象存在与可持续的基本本质的事,即不断破坏平衡制造乱象来寻求牟取物欲的机会。所以这些领先全人类的少部分人也不能悟透,他们对掌控欲的追逐,实质也是一种自杀行为。故此,这极少部分人极具对世局具有的干涉能量,本质上还只是目光短浅的掌控力。他们的思维模式,还是没有摆脱“机关算尽太聪明却反算了卿卿性命”的历史窠臼,不能彰显人类文明的未来而无能导引整个人类文明突破梗阻实现高级文明。人类至今有史以来,到处呈现的是,即使所有人都不希望发生的糟心事却必然无可奈何地会发生,明知不对的做法也不得不去做,明知该选择的正确道路,走起来就往往步履艰难,所有正事都不得不歪着办........。总之万事不畅而总是乱象丛生。现在整个人类仍然处在不断加速自我毁灭的危机中。故而现在大家也近乎绝望地眼睁睁等着第三次世界大战来临而毫无办法,只有祈祷天运不亡绝人类。而改变这一切的起点,就只能是从撬动与更新人类文明社会合作结构的底层思维模式之价值立场上开始,故而人类不得不必须尽快认知贯通宇宙全时空演绎的程序定质规律,否则人类将越来越快速自我毁灭。 当我有机会,才能通过无数实际实证的解剖,来向能平和对话对象,明晰程序定质规律无时不在左右每个人每时每刻命运的演绎机理及其与人类现在茫然时态的现实关联。但如上次给联合国秘书长的信所言,我自身的年老及还要为生活奔波等现实条件,都决定我没有直接发声告诉全世界关注此事的条件。而世局益危,所以,寄希望于联合国,将我发在网络上的文章,翻译并刊登在所有能刊登的媒体上,最好能召开专题商讨这个科学课题的联合国大会,来推广程序定质规律信息的传递。因为国家,是目前人类社会合作中最具推动能量的人类社会合作模式。我是谁,不重要。重要的是程序定质规律信息的传递。故不需要我再参与,只要联合国能推动这个科学课题讨论,使程序定质规律能进入人类关注的视野就行。人类智慧从来都从个体萌芽后生成于全人类合作模式中。这就是我给联合国再次呈信的原因。 来自宇宙能量运动程序能合作编程才产生的人类,及人类循此能循序定度而社会合作才产生的人类文明,应当尽早学会从宇宙程序本质立场为视野起点来审视宇宙与世界各种演绎现象的科学方法。只有当每一个人都有了科学的宇宙观,才能有科学的世界观与社会观,从而产生科学价值观与人生观,这样,人类才可能彻底摆脱动物性,文明便有了更美好的未来。 值此已临全人类必须抓紧选择的生死历史十字路口,希望联合国能不失时机抓住历史,及时推动全人类走出意识丛林而走上人类高级文明康庄大道,真正让全世界呈现永久可持续和平发展的美好蓝图。 因为我只能通过联合国网站的“联系我们”栏目发送信。但上次发信后没有收到任何回信,所以这次就会同时在网站上发表这信。希望所有能看到信的人能帮助传递给秘书长,并尽能力推动联合国重视此事。                           致信人:金谷雨                             2024年8月8日 Attachment: English translation of this letter from online translation software: Second special letter to Secretary-General Guterres:I hope the United Nations can help all of humanity get out of the jungle of consciousness and move forward smoothly on the road to advanced human civilization ——This letter is also for all the elites of the world to pay close attention to and do their best to promote   Dear UN Secretary-General Guterres: Because the choice of life and death for all mankind is right in front of us, and there is not much time left for mankind to hesitate, explore and choose, I have to write to you again. As humans are at a loss and greedily pursue the material illusions that can only be deduced from the essence of programmed cooperation in the movement of cosmic energy, every achievement of civilization gained through human efforts will also become a devil that destroys civilization.Today, even the liberal democratic media, which claim to be a weapon supporting civilization, are increasingly being manipulated and flooded with false information around the world.Even in the United States, which attracts worldwide attention, this is no exception.Therefore, as the world becomes increasingly muddy and treacherous, it is becoming increasingly difficult for humans to discern the truth, communication is becoming more and more incoherent, and the implementation of agreements reached is becoming increasingly inconsistent.It is becoming increasingly difficult for humans to achieve the expected cooperation.Even now, the whole world can feel the crackling sound of human social cooperation.Human civilization shows a trend of moving against the universe's energy movement program. Only with the essence of cooperation can it deduce and program the essential laws of this brilliant world.For human ontology and its social cooperation model, this is an unprecedented storm that is unstoppable, completely earth-shaking, and is arising from the bottom up that runs through the human ontology and all social cooperation models. It has now begun to hit. This indicates that human society will have to undergo disruptive changes, otherwise the entire human race will be disruptively destroyed.The so-called disruptive changes are the essential changes that are bound to arise from the most basic foundation of the cooperation structure of human society.The cosmic energy cooperation model underlying the cooperation structure of human society mentioned here is the human thinking model.The basis for constructing and operating thinking patterns is the value stance based on cognition.The truth about the relationship between the energy interpretation levels here has never been recognized by humans.Decades of reflection have convinced me that only by quickly overturning the current thinking patterns that are inconsistent with the essential laws of the universe and establishing a bottom line of values, thereby building a solid foundation for the cooperative framework of human society, can humankind escape the recurrence of all historical misfortunes and the current danger of being completely destroyed.For this reason, I want to tell all of humanity that the essential deductive law that I have confirmed to permeate the entire universe and time and space is The Programed Decide Qualitaty Laws .Please cooperate with all mankind to discern and awaken as soon as possible, and push all mankind to stand from the perspective of the essence of the universe to simplify and examine their own value system, and subvert themselves in a timely manner from the depths of their souls.Only when human beings completely open their eyes to see through the truth of all the objects they face can they achieve self-salvation and upgrade the current confused, infighting and mutual harming low-level jungle civilization into a scientific, sustainable and harmonious high-level civilization. However, because the scientific system of The Programed Decide Qualitaty Laws that can penetrate the entire space-time perspective of the universe is to subvert the underlying structure of the current human social cooperation, and reverse the value perspective of the existing human thinking mode. Inertia and logical system,therefore, the dissemination of the scientific system of program qualitative laws will inevitably encounter resistance at first because it is contrary to the existing thinking mode and operating value habits.As a result, the scientific information contained in this information, which contains the laws governing the nature of the universe, is not easily accepted by existing human thinking patterns in the early stages of information transmission.Only through a scientific discussion platform that allows for peaceful dialogue and the dissection and verification of various real-life examples can we best break through the inherent blockages in human thinking patterns and smoothly transmit scientific information. Based on the above, in order to convey this scientific information, I asked my friend to post two articles《A brief introduction to the outline of The Programed Decide Qualitaty Laws that fill the entire space-time of the universe perceived by human beings and dominate the underlying structure of the essence of the universe of all human beings》、《The only scientific rein for human beings to control everything is The Programed Decide Qualitaty Laws that runs through the interpretation of cosmic energy throughout time and space》 on the Internet that explain this from the perspective of natural philosophy(The Chinese titles of these two articles are used online《览要简说满灌人类所知觉的整个宇宙时空而主宰人类一切的宇宙本质底层构架之程序定质规律纲要要点》、《人类畅控万事的唯一科学缰绳是贯通宇宙能量全时空演绎的程序定质规律》You can get the Chinese article and the English translation at the end). Natural philosophy has always been the guiding principle for the development of human scientific theories and the promotion of human civilization.Moreover, this is information that completely and subversively reshapes the underlying structure of civilization and is the first information from the nature of the universe.So no one has been able to connect with this important information.In view of this, I would like to ask the United Nations for help to make the UN General Assembly a platform for peaceful dialogue and scientific discussion of the above scientific topics, so as to promote this information that determines the life and death of all mankind.This concerns the entire human race and its civilization. Either it will be destroyed, or it will undergo a subversive change from the bottom up to consolidate the underlying structure of human civilization and social cooperation, thereby upgrading human civilization.This is exactly where the United Nations should bravely shoulder its historic responsibility. On July 1, 2024, I sent my letter《Special letter to Mr. Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations:I hope to be given the opportunity to speak at the United Nations General Assembly about a major event that can simplify human control over success, failure, life and death》 to the Secretary-General of the United Nations to the Contact section of the United Nations website.In this letter, I stated my basic situation and ideas.This is the second time I have written to the Secretary-General this year (I have also written many times before). The greatest benefit of delivering what I firmly believe is the first information in the universe concerning the life and death of all mankind through the United Nations General Assembly is that this information on the deduction of the essential laws of the universe, which is completely opposite to the value cognition and basic position system that supports the core thinking mode of all mankind, can be delivered to the elites from all walks of life around the world through the elites of various governments and the media at the fastest speed, so that it can enter the vision of human thinking.With the cooperation of all the elites in the world, this scientific system was rapidly explored and understood.Perhaps before human technology rapidly demonizes and destroys all of humanity, human souls can awaken and upgrade in time, and thus work together to build a firewall that prevents the huge disaster that will lead to the destruction of all of humanity.This will effectively save all of humanity and at the same time allow human civilization to obtain the best way to most easily overcome the historical obstacles of life and death of the human soul and reach the highest scientific peak in the universe.From now on, every human being can see the truth of the entire universe and the human world at a glance,let the truth of all things no longer be a difficult-to-obtain information resource for any ordinary person, but the biggest obstacle to human cooperation and connection, and the fastest upgrade of the entire human civilization.This will achieve unprecedented, sustainable and comprehensive world peace and create the highest monument in the history of human civilization. If we can look at it from the scientific perspective of The Programed Decide Qualitaty Laws, we can clearly and concisely see the whole truth of the development of human civilization history and the root cause of the chaos in human society.Since humans walked out of the physical jungle and changed the two genetic programs of human walking and tongue, their ability to combine cosmic energy patterns and cooperate has been greatly expanded in both time and space, making humans far more adept at social cooperation than other animals, thus creating human civilization.However, because human beings' cognition of the world starts from the illusion model of energy program cooperation deduced from the essence of cooperative programming of the cosmic energy movement program - the surface of the appearance of the deduction of the essence of cosmic energy, so the starting point of human value judgment can only be based on the appearance of the illusory material appearance deduced from the essence of cosmic energy, which leads to the materialism in the whole world.However, the material form, which is the illusion of the essence of cosmic energy, is not the determining factor of the existence and sustainability of all things in the universe, and therefore is not the truth and foundation for the generation of value.The thinking patterns generated by human value stances based on appearances and the products of their thinking patterns, namely thoughts and ideas, are nothing more than a tree of logical combinations of consciousness based on illusions. They all float on the turbulent flow of appearances of the illusory nature of the universe and are extremely unstable and changeable. This constitutes the chaotic jungle of consciousness in today's human civilization.Therefore, after humans walked out of the physical jungle, they fell into the haze of the consciousness jungle they created, which made humans always short-sighted and unable to broaden their horizons.Therefore, the basis for cooperation in human society can only be the rules of the jungle. This is why humans continue to fight among themselves and cannot escape the trap of historical reincarnation.Even now there are a very small number of people who are ahead of the rest of humanity in sensing the source of energy and can grasp the program to build a new energy cooperation model.This allows them to control the world through the core of the universe's essence. Now they can actually make national behavior their puppets, and their control mechanism has not yet been recognized by the vast majority of humans.However, since these few basic human values ​​have not yet stood on the essence of the universe program,therefore, in the constant pursuit of material desires that interpret the illusion of energy, we are still doing things that destroy the basic essence of the existence and sustainability of all things, that is, constantly destroying the balance and creating chaos in order to seek opportunities to gain material desires.Therefore, these few people who are ahead of the entire human race cannot realize that their pursuit of the desire for control is actually an act of suicide.Therefore, this very small number of people have the power to interfere with world affairs, but in essence, their control is still short-sighted.Their thinking patterns still haven't gotten rid of the historical fate of "being too clever and calculating but ended up calculating the life of their loved ones".It cannot demonstrate the future of human civilization and cannot guide the entire human civilization to break through obstacles and achieve advanced civilization.Throughout human history, it has been shown that even bad things that no one wants to happen will inevitably happen,even though we know that something is wrong, we still have to do it. Even though we know that it is the right path to take, it is often difficult to walk on it. We have to do all the important things in a crooked way...In short, everything is not going smoothly and there are always chaos. Now the entire human race is still in the crisis of accelerating self-destruction.Therefore, everyone is now almost desperately waiting for the Third World War to come, with nothing they can do but pray that fate will not destroy humanity.The starting point for changing all this can only be to start from the value standpoint of leveraging and updating the underlying thinking mode of the cooperative structure of human civilization society. Therefore, human beings must recognize The Programed Decide Qualitaty Laws that run through the entire space-time deduction of the universe as soon as possible, otherwise human beings will self-destruct faster and faster. When I have the opportunity, I can use countless actual empirical dissections to peacefully communicate with the person I am talking to, and clarify the deductive mechanism of The Programed Decide Qualitaty Laws  that influence everyone's fate at all times, and its actual connection with the current state of confusion of human beings.However, as I said in my last letter to the UN Secretary-General, my own old age and the reality of having to make a living mean that I do not have the conditions to speak out directly and tell the world to pay attention to this matter.The world situation is becoming increasingly precarious, so I place my hope on the United Nations to translate and publish my article on the Internet in all media that can publish it. It would be best if a United Nations general meeting could be held to discuss this scientific topic in order to promote the dissemination of information on procedural qualitative laws.Because the country is currently the most powerful model of human social cooperation.It is not important who I am. What is important is the transmission of information about the program’s qualitative rules.Therefore, there is no need for me to participate anymore. It will be enough as long as the United Nations can promote the discussion of this scientific topic and make the laws of process quality determination come into the field of human attention.Human intelligence has always sprouted from the individual and then developed in a cooperative model among all mankind.That is why I am sending another letter to the United Nations. Human beings are created through cooperative programming of the energy movement program of the universe, and human civilization is created through social cooperation based on follow the procedure to determine the accuracy, should learn as soon as possible the scientific method of examining the various deductive phenomena of the universe and the world from the standpoint of the essence of the cosmic program as the starting point of vision.Only when everyone has a scientific view of the universe can they have a scientific view of the world and society, and thus produce scientific values ​​and outlook on life. In this way, human beings can completely get rid of animal nature and civilization will have a better future. At this crossroads of life and death where all mankind must make a choice, we hope that the United Nations can seize the opportunity and push all mankind out of the jungle of consciousness and onto the road to advanced human civilization, truly presenting the world with a beautiful blueprint for permanent, sustainable and peaceful development. Because I can only send letters through the "Contact Us" section of the United Nations website. But I didn't receive any reply after sending the letter last time, so this time I will also publish this letter on the website.I hope that everyone who sees this letter will help pass it on to the Secretary-General and do their best to urge the United Nations to pay attention to this matter. Letter from: Jin Guyu August 8, 2024