没有 他的老下属说他们deploy到欧洲回来他就想从政了。压根没等到什么临战。而且他退役是降了一级的E9 CSM 到E8 MSG,因为没时间完成sergeant major的一些paperwork。 Al Bonnifield served under Walz, as did his younger brother… Bonnifield said they also bonded during a deployment to Italy connected to post-Sept. 11 Operation Enduring Freedom. After seven months abroad, the unit returned to Minnesota. But Walz had already begun thinking about an exit and bounced it off others, including Bonnifield. "Would the soldier look down on him because he didn't go with us? Would the common soldier say, 'Hey, he didn't go with us, he's trying to skip out on a deployment?' And he wasn't," Bonnifield said. "He talked with us for quite a while on that subject. He weighed that decision to run for Congress very heavy. He loved the military, he loved the guard, he loved the soldiers he worked with." Walz said it was merely time to leave and he saw a chance to make a difference in the public policy arena.
Walz 2005退伍,他退伍以后,他部队才收到有可能部署的通知,他的部队是2006部署伊拉克。 那会Walz早就退伍了,这也能说成他是逃兵? - May 2005, Tim Walz retires from the National Guard - July 2005, his unit receives alert orders for deployment - September 2005, unit goes to Camp Shelby to prepare for deployment - March 2006, unit deploys
Walz 17岁参军,在军队服役24年,41岁的时候退役。当了这么多年兵,这么大年纪了,还好意思说人家逃兵?就算不想上前线也是他的权利,Vance 最好还是 Mind your own damn business 比较好。 再说了,他2005年退役,伊拉克战争从 2003年一直到2011年,在这之间任何时候退役,按Vance的逻辑都可以说是逃兵,除非他再服役6年,满30年47岁时退役才能不算逃兵,这他妈也太混账逻辑了。
CSM Thomas Behrends, who took the intended place of of MSG Walz as the BN CSM. Thomas Behrends took the intended place of of MSG Walz as the BN CSM. CSM Behrends is one authors of the letter outlining his understanding of the events surrounding MSG Walz, pre-deployment.
知道的是trump是当逃兵了,for sure.
他的老下属说他们deploy到欧洲回来他就想从政了。压根没等到什么临战。而且他退役是降了一级的E9 CSM 到E8 MSG,因为没时间完成sergeant major的一些paperwork。
Al Bonnifield served under Walz, as did his younger brother… Bonnifield said they also bonded during a deployment to Italy connected to post-Sept. 11 Operation Enduring Freedom. After seven months abroad, the unit returned to Minnesota. But Walz had already begun thinking about an exit and bounced it off others, including Bonnifield. "Would the soldier look down on him because he didn't go with us? Would the common soldier say, 'Hey, he didn't go with us, he's trying to skip out on a deployment?' And he wasn't," Bonnifield said. "He talked with us for quite a while on that subject. He weighed that decision to run for Congress very heavy. He loved the military, he loved the guard, he loved the soldiers he worked with." Walz said it was merely time to leave and he saw a chance to make a difference in the public policy arena.
Walz 当选对华人有利。。
而且Walz 退伍时已经41岁了
再说了,他2005年退役,伊拉克战争从 2003年一直到2011年,在这之间任何时候退役,按Vance的逻辑都可以说是逃兵,除非他再服役6年,满30年47岁时退役才能不算逃兵,这他妈也太混账逻辑了。
Trump是不是准备像sleepy Joe那样天天待地下室了、只放万斯出来乱喷了?真还不如他亲自上呢。
他的退役时间点就是很有争议性呀。 油管上和X 上有很多退伍军人或家属很不满意。
几个月? 是年初就接到通知呀 人家质疑的一堆 并且大多数是美国有当兵经历的人 不比你空口白牙地说更有信用?
你们支持他的 有儿子的要来月经了 lol